Imagens das páginas

Kebbuck, 70, cheese.
Kempenfelt, Rear-Admiral
R., 28, 29.
Ken, 59, 65, know.
Ken, 196, view.
Kenn'd, 86, 156, Kenned,
286, knew.
Kens, 68, knows.
Keswick, Cumberland, 268.
Kiaugh, 67, carking anxiety.
Kilwick Wood, 30, 31.
The King, 12, King George III.
Kirk, 74, 119, 222, 242, 261,
266, Church.
Kitty (W. Blake), 142.
Knorren Moor, 288.
Know, 118, knoll, hillock.
Knowes, 85, knolls, hillocks.
Kurtch [curch], 199,
woman's cap, a kerchief.
Kye, 69, cows, kine.


Labor(s), 67, 68, labour(s).
Laddie, 62-65, 122, 123, a
young lad; used as a term
of endearment.
Lade, 163, load.
Lag, 263, remain behind.
Laigh, 222, low.

Laila (R. Southey, P.L.), 186-

Laird, 58, 64, 86, 123, 221, 222,
landed proprietor, squire.
Lairdship, 81, property, lord-
Laith, 54, loth.
Laithfu' [-loathful], 69, shy.
Lamb, C., 223.
The Lammie, 118, 119, the
little lamb.
Lammies, 110, little lambs.
Land o' the leal, 218, 219,
land of the faithful or bless-
ed, heaven.

Lane-see Thy lane.

[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]


Lesley, 82, Miss Lesley Baillie.
Lewis, M. G., 200-202.
Thou lies, 78, thou liest.
Lifts, 78, liftest.
Lightly, 74, make light of.
Like of, 256, like that of.
Lilting, 110, singing.
Ling'ring, 235, lingering.
Lint was i' the bell, 70,
flax was in flower.
Lisetta (Rev. J. Wolcot), 126,

List'ning, 121, listening.
Liv'd, 83, lived.
Llanwellyn, 197.
Lloyd, C., 190.
Loan [ loaning], 86,
narrow way between hedges,
Lock'd, 75, locked.


[blocks in formation]

252, farm.

mailen], 64, 86,

Main, 29, 103, 104, 252, ocean.
Mair, 85, 121, 123, more.
Maist, 64, most.

Mak, Mak', 58, 61, 119, 121.
122, make.

Lo'e, 59, 75, 80, 110, &c., love. Makin', 222, making.
Lo'es, 64, loves.
London, 1, 138.

He, who lone in Patmos
banished, 71, St. John, the
Apostle and Evangelist.
Loo, 121, 123, love.

Lang, 63, 86, 111, 156, 221, Loo'd, 122, loved.


Langdale Pike, 282.

Langdale Hall, 288.

Langer, 65, 85, longer.
Langest, 157, longest.
Langest-winded, 111, long-
Langs, 218, longs.
Auld lang syne [= old long-
since], 76, 77, old long-ago.



Lank, 250, lean, slender.

Look'st, 245, lookest.

The Mall, London, 43. Mammon (W. Blake), 144, 145.

Mammy [= Mama], 118, 119, mother.

’Mang, 78, 121, among. Manuel (R. Southey, P.L.),


Loon, 242, a stupid fellow, a Maria (Prof. W. Smyth), 228.


The loopèd clothes, 41.
Loot on, 86, let on.
Lordling, 73, a little lord.
Lothbury, London, 181.
Lov'd, 54, 66, 72, loved.
Love, the affection between
individuals of the opposite
sexes that are capable of
In love.

[blocks in formation]

Mary (W. Blake), 147.
Mary (R. Gall), 163.
Mary (J. Lowe), 102, 103.
Mary Ann, Lady (R. Burns),
Mary! Mother, 271, Mary,
Queen, 253, the Virgin

Mast, 232, acorns.
Matin song, 47, morning

Matthew (W. Wordsworth, P.L.), 178.

Maun, 55, 58, 75, &c., must. Mauna, 58, 61, &c., must


Mavis, 162, the song-thrush. Meg[= Margaret] (R. Burns), 64.

Meg (H. Macneill), 120.
Melodie, 89, melody.
Mem'ry, 18, 90, memory.
'Mid, 164, 190, 217, Mid, 173,
179, amid.

Might na been, 163, might
not have been.
Miltiades, 41.
Milton, 169.

Minds me [= reminds], 59,
remindest; 80, reminds.
My Minnie, 58, mother.
Minstrelsy, 243, minstrels or

Minuet, 225, a dance.

Mutch, 222, a linen or muslin | O', 53, 55, 56-59, 61, 63, 68, 78,

[blocks in formation]

Na, 53-55, 57, 74, 120, &c., not.
Na, Nae, 163, 222, no.
Nae, 68, 70, 74, 119, &c., not.
Naebody, 74, nobody.
Naething, 55, 86, 122, Nai-
thing, 121, 123, nothing.
Nairne, Baroness Nairne;
C., 218-222.
Nancy (R. Burns), 64.
Nane, 82, 120, none.
Neck or nought, 5, neck or
nothing, at all or any risks.
Ned (W. Blake), 146.
Neebor, 67, neighbouring; 78,

A neebor Lad, 68, neighbouring Lad.

Miskens her, 156, does not Neebour(s), 87, 220, neigh

know herself. Mis'ry's, 79, Misery's. Mistress, always, in this Series, in a good sense; with its many equivalents, such as, sweet Heart! &c. Mither(s), 220, 121, mother(s). Moat, 194, a deep ditch or trench, generally filled with


Moil, 67, toil, labour.
Monie, Mony, 56, 76, 80, 88,
119, 154, &c., many.
Moore, Bart.; Sir J. H., 158,


Morison, M. (R. Burns),

[blocks in formation]


Needle, 107, of a compass. Ne'er, 18, 32, 53, 63, 68, 82, 97, 110, 138, &c., never. Neighb'ring, 30, neighbouring.

Ne more mote, 232, no more might.

Neptune, 214, 216.
Neuk, 63, nook.

Too nice, 116, too particular.
Nicè (Lieut.-Col. J. Dal-
rymple), 109.
Niest, 87, next.

No, 56, 69, 78, 120, 219, 220,

[blocks in formation]

&c., of. Och! 56, Oh!

Octavos and Twelves, 36. O'er, 20, 65, 68, 70, 90, 107, 133, 134, 136, &c., over. O'erjoyed, 3, overjoyed. O'ertap, 162, overtop. O'erwhelmed,


234, over

[blocks in formation]

Paidl'd, 77, paddled. Pain'd, 83, pained. Palfreys, 288, saddle-horses. Paine, T., 212. Palmer, 194, a pilgrim who carried a branch of palmtree in token of his having been to the Holy Land. The Park, London, 43, Hyde Park, &c.

Parker, Lord Chief Baron; -,161.

Parterre, 27, flower bed. Passion, predilection, habitude. The ruling Passion strong in death.' Passion, emotion, not neces

sarily of love. It might also be of anger, grief, zeal, &c. Passion,Passions, anxieties of mind and agonies of soul through love for one of the opposite sex.

Past'ral House, 18, the Rectory at Berkhampstead. Pate (S. Blamire), 156. Patmos, 71.

Pattle, 54, a plough-staff. Peace (Hon. W. R. Spencer),


Peak and pine, 276, languish and waste away.

Pearce, W., 99.

Pedant, 116, a pretender to Porter, A. M., 210, 211.

superior knowledge.
Pelisses, 220, cloaks.
Penny-fee, 67, wages.
Pent-house, 233, a projection
over a door, &c., for pro-
tection against the weather.
Perennial, 100, perpetual.
Perforce, 262, of necessity.
Periwig, 32, 36, 46, a kind
of wig
Perjur'd, 69, perjured.
Pert, 126, pertly, saucily.
Petted, 87, fretted.
Into phalanx, 31, close array.
Phillida (Rev. J. Wolcot),
130, 131.
Phillis (R. Burns), 63.
Phillis (Rev. J. Wolcot), 134.
Phrase, 156, flattery.
Merry pin, 9, mood, humour.
Pindar, Peter-see Wolcot,
Rev. J.
Pindus, 40.

Pint stowp, 76, a measure
of two quarts.
Pipe, 229, bagpipes.
Pittance, 24, allowance of

cloth of

Plaidy, 120, a garment of checked woollen various colours. Play'dst, 38, didst play. Pleasure (Hon. W. R. Spencer), 207. Pledg'd, 157, pledged. Plenishen, 119, furniture,


Pleugh(s), 67, 69, plough(s). A Plumb, 125, a fortune; in commercialslang, £100,000.


Iliad, of Homer, 36.
Lyrical Ballads, by W.
Wordsworth and S. T.
Coleridge, 241.
Macbeth, by W. Shake-
speare, 295.
Odyssey, of Homer, 36.
Poems, by W. Cowper, 36.
Rights of Man, by Tom
Paine, 212.

Sibylline Leaves, by S. T.
Coleridge, 241.
Windsor Forest, by A.
Pope, 71.

Poll (C. Dibdin), 91.
Polly (C. Dibdin), 90.
Polly (C. Smart), 42.
Poortith, 58, poverty.
Pope, A., 71.
Porringer, 167, a porridge-
dish, a small basin.
Porritch, 70, porridge.

Posies, III, bunches
flowers, nosegays.
Pouch, 81, purse.
Pour'd, 73, poured.
Pouther'd, 221, powdered.
Pow, 88, head.

Ribban, 65, ribbon.

of Ribband, 61, the ribbon of the Order of the Garter, the Thistle, &c.

Pray'st, 144, prayest.
Pree'd, 118, tasted.
Prentice, 54, apprentice.
Prest, 70, pressed to take.
Pris'ner, 240, prisoner.
Promis'd, 56, 110, promised.
Prosp'rous, 20, prosperous.
Prov'st, 39, provest.
Prudence (Hon. W. R. Spen-
cer), 206.

Pu'd, 59, Pou'd, 76, pulled.
Puir, 219, poor.
Pullen, 47, poultry.
Puss, 24, 25, one of Cowper's
tame hares.

Pye, M.P., P.L.; H. J., 100,


Quean, 96, a worthless


Queans (Scotch) [= young women], 162, 163, Beauties. Queen of the silver bow, 92, the moon.

Radcliffe, A., 214-217.
Rade, 221, rode.
Rake, 68, a dissolute fellow.
Ranger (Anon.), 124.
Raphael, S., 40.
Rashes, 53, 54, rushes.
Raven hair, 194, black as the


Rear'd, 78, reared.
Recover'd, 87, recovered.
Reef (C. Dibdin), 90.
Reek, 252, to give off vapour,

Reeking head, 6, steaming, perspiring.

Reel, 155, a frame upon which yarn is wound into skeins from the spindle. Reel, 110, à lively dance, in which the couples swing or whirl round, and sometimes pass, forming the figure 8. In reel and rout, 247. Refin'd, 73, refined. Rever'd, 72, revered. Rev'rently, 79, reverently. Reynard, 31, 34, the fox."

Richardson, Prof. W., 152,

153. Richmond hill, in Yorkshire,

203. Running such a rig, 5, playing

such a strange trick or frolic. Rime of the Ancyent Mari. nere, 241.

Rin, 54, 67, run.
Rind, 233, bark.
Ringdove, 108, a kind of

Robert (W. Roscoe), 224, 225.
Robin (Anon.), 160.

Robin, the Gardener at Berkhampstead Rectory, 18. Rock, 155, a distaff; the staff or frame about which flax, wool, &c. is arranged, from which the thread is drawn in spinning. Rocklay[roquelaure], 122, a short cloak. Rogers, S., 106-108. Roscoe, W., 224, 225. Did rot, 246, became foul. Roun', 67, Roun, 155, round about.

Roundelay, 108, a song in which the first strain is repeated.

Rov'd, 59, roved.
Row, 80, roll.

'Royal George,' The, 28, 29. Ruin'd, 69, 79, ruined.

Rung, 111, a cudgel.

Russet [ a reddish-brown colour] gown, 106, 181, a coarse homespun gown.

Thou's (Scotch) [is], 56, art. 'S (Scotch), 68, 110, as. Joy's been (Scotch), 63, 64, has. He's (Scotch), 110, has. Thou 's (Scotch) [has], 77, hast.

'S (Scotch), 78, his.

'S, 2, 7, 41, 42, 53-55, 63, &c.,


'S (Scotch), 77, us. A' thing's, 220, all things are. Sack, a dry Spanish wine = sherry.

Sacristan [= sexton], 282, the officer who has charge of the sacristy or vestry of a church, the keeper of the vestments, &c.

Saddletree, 3, the frame | Shepherd, 104, 105, Lover. Sheridan, Rt. Hon. R. B. B., 96-98.

forming the support of a saddle.

Sae, 54, 58, 59, 62, 64, 82, 111, &c., so. Saft, 162, soft. Saftly, 110, softly. Sail, 50, war-ships; 231, 248, a ship.

Sair [=sore], 63, 86, 163, 218, sorely.

Sair-won, 67, sore-won, hard


Sandy [ Alexander] (W.
Dudgeon), 110, 111.
Sandy (J. Lowe), 102, 103.
Sang(s), 81, 111, 162, song(s).
Sangster, III, songster,

Sapphics, 184, 212.
Sara (S. T. Coleridge), 240.
Sark-sleeve, 59, shirt-sleeve.
Saul, 162, 218, soul.
Savage, 127, savagely.
Thou saw (Scotch), 55, sawest.
Sawney (J. Ewen), 199.
Scalps, 94, the skin of the
head with the hair belonging
to it.

Scamp'ring, 11, scampering.
Scotia, 70, 72, 73, 163, 288,

Scotland, 84, 229. Screamin', 121, screaming. Scrip, 47, wallet, a small bag. Scritch, 274, screech. Sea, 21. Notice that this word rhymes with survey, and must have been pronounced like say: a remarkable persistence of the original A. S. sound of see, through nearly a thousand years. Seem'd, 156, seemed. Sel', 64, 218, self. Selkirk, A., 21-23, the sailor upon whose marooning experiences it has been thought that Defoe wrote his Robinson Crusoe. Sellin', 220, selling. Sev'ral, 72, several. Shachi't, 87, ill-shaped. Sha'na, 82, shall not. The share, 78, ploughshare. Shaw, 80, a small wood, a

thicket or grove. Shaw, 163, show. She, the emphatic feminine Personal Pronoun, used where the poetical name of the Lady does not occur. She, 182, the Poet's wife. She'd, 118, she would. Sheen, 244, brightness; 254, bright, glittering. She'll, 96, 105, she will.

[blocks in formation]

Sigh'd, 57, sighed. Silent light, 261, steady, undisturbed.

Siller[=silver], 58, 64, money, wealth.

Siller, 157, silver.
Silly, 55, frail.
Silly buckets,

253, frail,

Sin', 70, Sin, 76, since.
Sinfu', 218, sinful.
Skaith, 162, an injury.
Skaithe, 82, injure.
A skelp, 81, slap, stroke.
Skiff-boat, 263, a small light

Slae, 64, the sloe.
Slee, 162, sly.
Sleeket, 54, sleek.
Sleepin', 219, sleeping.
Slipp'ry, 230, slippery.
Slumber (Hon. W. R. Spen-
cer), 207.
Sma', 55, 121, small,
Smart, C., 42, 43.
Smith, C., 92.
Guides him smooth, or grim,
259, whether calm or stormy.
Smyth, Prof. W., 226-228.
Snap, 49, closing the fan

Snapper, 81, stagger.
Snaw, 64, 88, 120, snow.
Snawie, 78, snowy.
Snell, 55, biting, bitter.
Soupe, 70, soup.
Southey, P.L.; R., 184-188.
Sowthers, 81, solders.
Spak, 86, spake.
Spen, 63, spend.
Spencer, Hon. W. R., 206-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

'T, 55, 63, 81, 138, 143, 154, it. T', 20, to.

T., J., 21.

Ta'en, 60, 221, taken.

in Tak, 76, Tak', 86, 119, take. Talk'd, 156, talked.


Tammy Tommy] (H. Macneill), 118, 119, Thomas.




topsy-Tocher, 85, 121, dowry, marriage portion.

Tarn, 280, a small mountain Toddlan [= toddling], 67,

lake or pool.

Tars, 91, sailors.
Tauld, 121, told.

Tauntin', 220, taunting.
Teach, 266, tell.
Tellin', 220, telling.
Temperance (R. Lovell), 189.
Tend, 121, attend.

The tender tale, 69, their love.

Tent, 74, 220, take heed. Tent my tellin', 220, listen

to me.

Tent thee, 82, guard thee.
Tentie, 67, heedful.

Th', 64, 67, 234, 240, 286, 293, the.

The gither, 88, together. Themsels, 82, themselves. They'll, 82, 97, 121, 199, they will.

They'll few, 121, few will. They're, 81, 85, 117, &c., they


Thick and thin, 3, whatever

is in the way. Tho', 53, 56, 57, 62, 63, 66, 74, &c., though. Thole, 56, suffer, endure. Thompson, W., 44. Thorough, 244, through. Thou thought (Scotch), 55, thoughtest. Thou'll, 59, thou wilt. Thou'lt, 154, thou wilt. Thou'rt, 82, 132, 134, thou art. Thowless, 121, sluggish, inactive (of mind); heedless. Thrang, 156, throng. Thrave, 55, twenty-four sheaves of grain. Threats, 149, threatens. A threesome reel, 156, a reel in which three take part together. Thretty, 121, thirty. Thro', 57, 110, 219, through. Throckmorton, J., 31. Throstle, 180, the songthrush.

Thy lane, 56, thyself alone.
Tickl'd, 70, tickled.
Tightlie, 220, tightly.
Till, 64, to.

Tine, 110, Tyne, 123, lose.
Tiney, 24, 25, one of Cowper's

tame hares.

[blocks in formation]


Tom (Anon.), 160. Tom, Thomas (W. Blake), 148, 149.

Tom (W. Hayley), 148, 149. Topers, 137, hard drinkers. T'other, 48, 209, 283, the other. Tourney Court, 286, a Court for the display of skill in arms, a tournament. To Town, 12, London. A towmond, 70, 81, a twelvemonth. Townshend,

Marquis Townshend; G., 161. Train, 66, company; 112, followers.

Train-Band, 1, the Militia. Tricks, 283, adorns, dresses. Trig, 120, neat, handsome. Such a trim, 8, state, condition.

Trip the spring, 220, dance a reel.

Tripp'st, 189, trippest.
Tritons, 215, sea-deities.
Trudg'd, 156, trudged.
True, 118, 199, trow.
True Love (Hon. W. R.
Spencer), 206, 207.
Truth (Hon. W. R. Spencer),

Try'd, 54, tried.

Tryermaine, 285, 288, 289. Tryste, 87, rendezvous. The trysted, 57, the appointed. Tuck, Friar, 47. Tunefu', 80, tuneful. Turn'd, 156, turned. Turnpike Gates, 11, tollgates. Turnpike-men, 6, the men who collect the tolls. Twa, 76, 77, 120, 121, two. 'Twas, 32, 48, 70, &c., it was. 'Twere, 48, 53, 89, &c., it


Twill, 164, it will. Twitt'ring, 191, twittering. "Twixt, 48, betwixt.

Unaware, 253, without previous thought.

The uncos, 68, the news. Unfeign'd, 68, unfeigned. Unnotic'd, 68, unnoticed. Unpractis'd, 123, unpractised.

Unweeting, 240, unwitting,
Unwin, M., 13, 37-39.
He up, 86, went up.
Upo', 199, upon.
Uprist, 245, uprose.
Upton, W., 203.
Us'd, 154, used.
Utter, 247, 248, extreme.

This melancholy Vale, 69, human life.

The Valentines' dealing, 58, the drawing on the eve of the 14th of February, by young people, for lovers or valentines.

Vaux, Lord Roland de (S. T. Coleridge), 284, 285, 288-290, 295.

Venus, 42, 44, 109, 112, 114,
206, 226, 240.
Vespers nine, 244, nine even-

Vi'let, 42, violet.
Virtue (R. Lovell), 189.
Vot'ry, 109, votary.
Vow'd, 86, 87, vowed.

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