Imagens das páginas

I seldom miss my man; but he was not worth the only defence that was left me, as I had no second charge for any weapons. The female had fallen to the bottom of the carriage, dismayed by the firing. I hastily opened the door, and the full, beautiful eyes of Julia met my earnest gaze. She knew me at once. Save me, Henri !-save me!' she exclaimed, throwing her finely-moulded arm round my neck, and resting her head upon my shoulder.

"I will do all that man can do to protect you,' replied I, pressing her closely to me; but you must alight, and follow me; not a moment must be lost.'

"She quitted the carriage; and though straggling shots were whistling about us, yet we reached the building unharmed, and I was enabled to place her in comparative safety. The hostile parties continued warmly engaged, manifesting more resolution and courage than I had given them credit for possessing, but without the smallest demonstration of military evolutions: it was merely load and fire as fast as they could. At last the negroes began to give way, and one of them made for the house; he rolled in at the window, but was not permitted to rise, for I grappled and disarmed him, and the astonished black, terrified at the suddenness of my attack, escaped out of the door in the rear of the premises, and got safe off. Only a few minutes elasped, and a second negro made his appearance in my inclosure; but I was not so successful in mastering him. He was a powerful, athletic man, and I was compelled to fire in my own defence: he fell, never to rise again. I had now two muskets, two bayonets, and a good stock of ammunition, and I de-' termined to defend the place whilst life endured. The parties closed, and a hand-to-hand fight took place, both sides displaying the most sanguinary ferocity. The officers met, and I have seldom seen more perfect science displayed; both were masters of the sword, but the negro had the longest reach, whilst the Frenchman's guards were admirable. The negro was the most powerful of the two, but the activity of his antagonist evaded the desperate lunges he made, and not unfrequently receiving a slight wound in recovering his position. No one attempted to interfere with them, and as the personal contest continued for some time, both parties suspended hostilities to watch the result; in fact, I myself became at last so much interested and excited that I jumped out of the window, and advanced towards them. The negro had his back towards me, the Frenchman nearly faced my approach it bewildered him; his opponent took advantage of it, and his weapon passed through the white man's body. I saw the mischief I had done, but could not remedy it. The Frenchmen again rushed upon their foes. I hastened forward for the purpose of assisting them; but the attack was so impetuous that the negroes gave way and fled, and were closely pursued by the French, dealing death at every blow.


"I returned to the house, and released the terrified Julia, whose gratitude was exceedingly expressive. But, yourself, Henri ?-yourself,' said she, will they not take you?'

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"That circumstance had never once entered my mind, but now it recurred to me in full force that I was a prisoner of war, on my parole d'honneur, yet was wandering about the country. Another thought also crossed me; the colour I had assumed might bring me under imputation as a spy, and it was probable that on the return

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of the victorious party I might be led out and shot off-hand either in that character, or as a negro. I saw that Julia would be perfectly safe with her countrymen, and the consequent inutility of my risking life without any adequate advantage. You are right, Julia,' said I, with emotion; self-preservation urges me not to remain: but, can I leave you unprotected? You, who have indeed been my guardian angel ?'


"Hush! hush, Henri !' uttered she, interrupting me. • Consider the debt of gratitude I owe to you. But Henri, let me implore you to attend to your own safety. The danger to me has passed away. Go-go! I will never cease to remember you in my prayers.'

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"Am I then to be banished from all on earth my soul can worship?' said I with emphasis. Oh, Julia-Julia, cannot you think of me with one gratifying feeling of affection?'

"There was evidently a struggle going on in her heart as she averted her look from me; but, when my complexion met her eyes I saw she shuddered. I am grateful, Henri,' said she, truly grateful. What more would you desire?'

"Your love, dearest Julia,' replied I with warmth and tenderness, that which would be to me the soul of existence, the sunlight of happiness.'

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"Forbear, Henri-forbear!' remonstrated she with energy as she covered those beautiful eyes with her delicate white hands. spect, I esteem you; but love-oh, no-no-it is impossible !'

"Her refusal afforded me much satisfaction. A thrill of pleasure passed through my whole frame, and yet there was a feeling of pique with it. You have decided my destiny, Julia,' said I sorrowfully, and yet I cannot blame you. Once again, farewell! but, think not that it shall be for ever. Where the treasure is, there will

the heart be also.'

"To God and the Virgin I commend you, Henri,' said she, vainly endeavouring to suppress the heavy sobs that struggled in her bo'Here is a small token of my esteem. Wear it, and if my slender services can at any time avail you, it shall be the passport to my best exertions.'


"It was a ring of no great pecuniary value, but to me it was inestimable. I took it placed it on my finger, pressed her hand to my lips, and after waiting a few minutes to see her join the few who surrounded the wounded officer, I passed out the back way into the bush, and at length, about dusk, after encountering many strange adventures, I reached the garden of Monsieur Leffler's house, and got to the outbuilding, where I had overheard the plot of the negroes, and had stowed away my Turkish dress. My first effort was to get rid of my black colour, which I found no very easy task, nor could I tell how far I had accomplished it. In some parts the skin had come entirely away, and the whole felt very sore. As soon as it was dark I ascended to the balcony of the house, arrayed myself in the fantastic habit I had made, and went quietly to my chamber. A diminutive gong had been my usual signal for summoning Susette, and I struck it loud enough to be heard all over the building. A confused noise instantly followed, busy feet were heard near the door, but no one durst en ter, till Susette, bolder than the rest, and possibly far more interested, pushed in, and saw me sitting very

tranquilly on the floor. I have had a dreadful dream, Susette,' said I; how came I here, and in this costume?'

"Grace à Dieu!' shrieked the animated girl, it is the English prisoner! Are you really alive, and not his spirit?'


Ah, Lef.

"I am really and actually alive, Susette,' returned I; at least I think so; though I hardly know what has happened to me. fler!'-he had just entered, can you explain?'

"Monsieur has been ill,' replied he considerately; 'mal à la tête,' touching his head 'significantly, too much fever; but thank God! you seem to be recovering. Your mind has been wandering. Mais, I cannot tell all. Mon Dieu! it has been unfortunate for me!'


"I felt something like remorse at having been the cause of distress to so worthy a man, and was about to express myself to that effect, when I observed he was not alone. An officer attended him, who looked earnestly at me for a few seconds, and then politely informed me that my parole was at an end, and that I must prepare to return with him to the common gaol. I firmly remonstrated; pleaded my illness, (and my face bore me out in that respect); but the only mitigation I could obtain was permission to remain guarded in my apartment till the following morning. Poor Susette was in despair, and I drew from her an exaggerated statement of what had occurred relative to myself, but not one word did she utter about her young mistress, or the meditated robbery at Bellevue; and of course I could put no questions upon the subject, lest I should betray myself. I was soon unrig. ged and in bed, [having previously, however, by dint of water and soap got rid of all remains of dinginess from my complexion,] and there I laid, reposing my really aching limbs, and enjoying sweet rest. The man appointed to watch my proceedings was a civil, communicative fellow, full of the esprit of his countrymen; and, as from motives of policy I humoured him, so I readily obtained information that Julia was then under the same roof with me, and heard a very marvellous account of the attempt of the negroes to carry her off, which they would most certainly have effected but for the bravery of a few Frenchmen, who gallantly came to the rescue. The negroes were five hun dred strong [there might have been about thirty,] the French had on. ly twenty, yet they drove the black rascals like chaff before the wind, and Ma'mselle Julia was saved.'"


WITHIN my fondly-beating heart

That smile divine, that smile divine

Shall sleep, until the life depart

From this warm breast of mine;

For ever shining, ever gleaming

Through the soft love scene we are dreaming.

Nursed in the life-blood of my brow

I feel the kiss, I feel the kiss,

Throbbing with honey-sweets e'en now,
And deathless in its bliss;

True as the bright fall of the torrent,

Wild as the madness of its current !




Continued from page 401.


A PARISIAN Soubrette, or waiting-woman, is usually an exaggerated edition of the lady she serves. Once installed in an advantageous place, she is apt to remain a fixture for years, taking annual toll or tithe of her mistress's tradespeople, and adopting with her cast-off caps and ribbons the tone and opinions of her superior. The abigail of a dèvote is usually double-dyed in bigotry. In a cold winter's afternoon. you are sure to find monsieur le curè warming his nose over her fire, and his heart over a goblet of her spiced wine. The abigail of a coquette is equally devoted to the fopperies of the world;-nay, as these people are certain to advance a step beyond their ladies, just as, in refurbishing, they raise the bows and enlarge the borders of the cast of caps, the soubrette of a femme légère such as Madame la Baronne de Gimbecque, is most likely a femme de chambre galante.

Not but that the reputation of Mademoiselle Aglaè was irreproachable. She was as careful over its conservation as over that of her lady's point-lace; and if a curious eye presumed to detect a darn or fissure in either, "it was but a pin hole; the article was not an atom the worse for wear." It was surprising with what majesty of virtue Mademoiselle Aglaè swept past poor little Claire de Courson; or if she chanced to encounter the deputy-double general-utility juene-première of the back attic, raised her chin to just such an angle of elevation as might have enabled her to shoot peas down her neighbour's kitchen chimney. There was a marry-come-up air about the soubrette of the entresol, which Madame Gregoire Guguste, and others, decided to be decidedly mauvais ton, and beneath the dignity of an aristocratic household.

For Guguste, who had access of toleration to all the nooks and corners of the house, was already deep in the secrets of Mademoiselle Aglaé; had been the bearer of her billets-doux, and sharer of her untimely exits and entrances; had called hackney coaches and dismissed duns at her bidding; and it was perhaps owing to the gamin's warnings and instructions that Monsieur Jules of the twenty-third regiment of the line, who, eschewing idleness, had undertaken the duties of frotteur to the hotel during his residence with the portress his mother, displayed such provoking symptoms of insensibility to the delicate attentions of the soubrette.

"I became old Baptiste's substitute, you see, to save the poor fellow having a deputy to pay during his sojourn at the hospital," said Jules to the gamin, one confidential morning, in the dark recesses of the porter's lodge. "But sacre-bleu! when I undertook the office gratis, there was no especial clause concerning the petits verres and biscuits de Rheims I was to receive every morning from Ma'mselle Aglaé."

"Take my advice, Monsieur Jules," whispered Guguste, in reply, "and don't take petits verres before breakfast; least of all from

Ma'mselle Aglaé, who, if they were missed from the liqueur-case by Monsieur Simon, the maître-d'hôtel, is as likely as not to accuse you of helping yourself."



Guguste!" said the young soldier, in a severe tone, twisting his moustachios with an air of magnanimity pas deça! ever respect the sex! Beware of allowing yourself to slander unnecessarily the fairer moiety of the creation. Such is the rule of his Majesty's twentythird regiment of the line!


Ay, ay? I see how it is! the woman tempts you, and you do drink!" quoth Guguste, with a knowing smile. "But just let Monsieur Simon (who is one of the jade's half-a-hundred lovers) catch you, and one step will take you before the commissaire de police, and the next into a cell at La Force."

"You forget that I have the honour to belong to his Majesty's twenty-third regiment of the line?" replied Jules, with ineffable contempt. "Learn that I snap my fingers at your commissaires and your civil tribunals."

"By all accounts, you wouldn't be much better off before the Council of War, or at l'Abbaye," observed the gamin. "But forewarned is forearmed! I hope I have set wolf-traps and spring-guns between you and the cajolements of pretty Ma'mselle Aglaé!"

From that moment Jules accepted with more caution the smiles, eatables, and drinkables lavished upon him by the soubrette. His office, as deputy to Baptiste the frotteur, was to ensconse every morning at daybreak, the well-waxed foot-brush with which the French dry-rubber supersedes the long-handled scrubber in use in England; and by a movement between skating and dancing the tarantella, conveys to the floors of the house a degree of polish worthy so polite a quarter of the town. The first floor claimed precedence and daily care; and next to Monsieur de Boncœur, Madame la Baronne de Gimbecque was to be attended to. But the Courson family, on pretext of the indisposition of Madame, declined the present service of the frotteur; and the single rooms of the single ladies and gentlemen constituted his sole remaining charge, Monsieur Georges choosing to keep down his car. pets all the year round, in order to secure his mysterious sanctum against menial instruction.

It was impossible to fancy a handsomer figure than Jules, in his half-military costume, with his crimson foraging-cap set jauntily on his head, and his open throat displaying a tremendous growth of favoris, balancing himself on his brush, and beguiling his labours by an inward murmuring of one of Bérenger's songs, (such as the "Vieux cassoral," or "La Grandmère,") not loud enough to infringe upon the slumbers of the Baron, Baroness, or whoever might be sleeping within reach of the apartment under the polishing foot of the frotteur. Not a female in the house, from the lumbering housekeeper of Monsieur de Boncœur to the aerial sylph of the back attic, but had taken occasion to compliment the portress on the zeal, activity, and bons-façons of her son; eagerly assuring Madame Grégoire that there was not the least occasion for the infirm Baptiste to hasten his return from the hospital, previous to the expiration of the furlough granted to Monsieur Jules, of the twentythird regiment of the line At the expiration of three weeks dry-rubbing, Jules had come to be regarded as a strictly confidential personage, having free egress and ingress to every apartment in the house.

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