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In this edition of Dr. Russell's very popular and interesting work, some important errors have been corrected; but the editor has been scrupulously cautious in making no unnecessary alterations in a work of such established character as the History of Modern Europe. The work has been continued to the commencement of the present year; and the author of the continuation has laboured to be as impartial as is possible for the writer of contemporary history. It is probable that the consequences of the French Revolution and the English Reform are not yet so fully developed as to enable us to judge accurately of their tendency; the writer has therefore passed no judgment on the moral effects of those great events. The characters of the agents are, however, fair subjects of discussion, and he has therefore not scrupled to examine how far the conduct of public men has resulted from purity of motive and rectitude of principle. As


he lays no claim to infallibility, he may in some instances be mistaken, and, doubtlessly, some of his readers will dissent from the view he has taken of modern politics. He trusts, however, that, even those who differ from him will give him credit for a sincere desire to discover the truth, and for a sincere expression of his deliberate opinions.




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To be ascribed more immediately to the too great extent of the Roman do-
minion, and to the debasing influence of a despotic government

Causes of the ruin of the Roman republic

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The Visigoths plant themselves in Spain; the Franks in Gaul; the Saxons
in South Britain; the Huns in Pannonia; the Ostrogoths in Italy and
the adjacent provinces, in the course of the fifth century


That change not to be lamented


Contempt of the Barbarians for the Roman improvements, and its cause.


Sketch of the primitive government of the barbarous invaders

They considered their conquests as common property


After settling in the provinces of the Roman empire, they established a new
species of government, known by the name of the Feudal System

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Introductory reflections on Historic Composition

Comparative insignificance of modern history before the time of Charlemagne ibid.
The French monarchy first claims our attention

481 Clovis establishes the kingdom of France

496 He defeats the Allemanni at Tolbiac, and is baptized with almost the
whole French nation.

507 Vanquishes Alaric, king of the Visigoths.

Disgraces the latter part of his reign by cruelty and perfidy

511 His death

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613 Clotaire II. becomes sole king of France

628 Dagobert, by his vices and imprudence, greatly weakens the royal authority ibid.
Sigebert II. and Clovis II. are only the founders of monasteries.
Several succeeding kings are equally insignificant

686 Pepin, duke of Austrasia, usurps the administration, under the name of

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714 After his death, Charles Martel, his natural son, assumes the government
of the kingdom


680 Wamba is excluded from the throne, because he had been clothed in the
habit of a penitent by priestly artifice, whilst labouring under the in-
fluence of poison

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717 Pelagius, a prince of the royal blood, retires to the mountains of Austurias,
and forms a Christian kingdom


733 The Moors are defeated by Charles Martel, in attempting to penetrate into


Miseries of Spain under its Moorish governors


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