Imagens das páginas
[blocks in formation]

Sidney, Algernon,


Philip, 73, 78, 79.
Skelton, John, 61, 64.
Smart, Christopher, 373.
Smith, Adam, 342; Albert,
458; Horace, 432; James,
432; Mrs. Charlotte, 441,
442: Sydney, 468.
Smollett, Tobias George,

Somerville, William, 359.
Sotheby, William, 433.
South, Robert, 257.
Southerne, Thomas, 244.
Southey, Robert, 427; Mrs.,

Southwell, Robert, 84, 85.
Speed, John, 89.
Spelman, Sir Henry, 107.
Spenser, Edmund, 73-78.
Sprat, Thomas, 257.
Stanley, Thomas, 176.
Staunton, Sir George, 349.
Steele, Sir Richard, 291.
Steevens, George, 349.
Sterne, Laurence, 319.
Stewart, Dugald, 347.
Still, John, 115.
Stillingfleet, Edward, 257.
Stirling, Earl of, 87.
St. Jolin, Henry.


See Bo-

St. Maur, Benoit de, 31.

Storer, Thomas, 85.

Stow, John, 88.

Strype, John, 304.

Stuart, Dr. Gilbert, 348.
Suckling, Sir John, 169.
Surrey, Earl of, 66, 67.
Swift, Jonathan, 272-281.
Sydenham, Thomas, 259.
Sylvester, Joshua, 85.


Taillefer, 31.
Talfourd, Thomas Noon,

Taylor, dramatist, 164;
Jeremy, 181; William,433.
Temple, Sir William, 296.
Teutonic race, parentage of

English nation traced to,


Thackeray, William Make-
peace, 444.


Theodore of Tarsus, 26.
Thirlwall, Bishop, 460.
Thomas Lermont, 55;
Kent, 32.
Thomson, James, 351.
Thornton, Bonnell, 336.
Thorold, 32.
Thrale, Mrs., 373.
Tickell, Thomas, 285.
Tighe, Mrs., 434.
Tillotson, Archbishop, 256.
Tindal, Dr. Matthew, 316;
Nicholas, 316.

Tottel's Miscellany, 67, 70.
Tourneur, 164.

Traveller's Song, the, 26.
Travers, Walter, 91.
Trelawny, Mr., 456.
Trollope, Mrs., 453.
Troubadours, 22.
Trouvères, 22, 31.
Tucker, Abraham, 346.
Turbervile, George, 72.
Turner, Sharon, 475.
Tusser, Thomas, 70.
Tyndale, William, 58, 62.
Tytler, Alexander Fraser,
475; Patrick Fraser, 475;
William, 347.


Udall, Nicholas, 115.
Universities, foundation of
the English, 29.
Ussher, James, 186.


Vanbrugh, Sir John, 235.
Vaughan, Henry, 176.
Vaux, Lord Thomas, 70, 85.
Vere, Edward, Earl of Ox-
ford, 85.

Verse, Leonine, 31.
Vitalis, Ordericus, 30.


Wace, 31, 32.
Wakefield, Gilbert, 348.
Waller, Edmund, 171.
Walpole, Ilorace, 437.
Walsh, William, 231.

Walsingham, 30.
Walton, Izaak, 227.
Warburton, Bishop, 345.
Ward, R. Plumer, 451.
Warner, William, 85; Dr.

Warton,Joseph,357; Thom
as, 357.

Watson, Dr. Richard, 345,
Robert, 348; Thomas, 85.
Watts, Dr. Isaac, 288.
Webster, John, 163.
Werfred, Bishop, 28.
Wesley, John, 346.
West, Gilbert, 374.
Whately, Archbishop, 466,
Whetstone, George, 115.
Whiston, William, 345.
Whitaker, John, 348.
White, Gilbert, 344; Henry
Kirke, 372.

Whitehead, William, 374.

Whitelocke, Bulstrode, 264.

Whitefield, George, 346.
Wicliffe, 36, 39, 53, 57.
Wilberforce, William, 474.
Wilfred, 27.

Wilkins, Dr. John, 259.
William of Malmesbury,
30; of Occam, 29, 53; of
Poitiers, 30; Rishanger,
Williams, Sir Charles Han-
bury, 372.
Willoughby, Francis, 259.
Wilson, Professor John,
450, 457, 469; Thomas, 63.
Winchelsea, Countess of,
Witan, the, 28.
Witanagemote, 21.
Wither, George, 167.
Wolcot, John, 370.
Wolfe, Rev. Charles, 432.
Wolstan, 27.

Wood, Anthony, 264.
Wordsworth, Wm., 420-424.
Wotton, Sir Henry, 86;
William, 302.

Wrangham, Francis, 432.
Wulfstan, 28.

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 61, 66

Wycherley, William, 233,
Wynkyn de Worde, 55.
Wyntoun, Andrew, 55.


Young, Edward, 285,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Hart, J. S., 501.
Hawks, Dr., 480.

Hawthorne, N., 505, 508.

Headley, 505.

Hedge, 480, 503.

Henry, Patrick, 484.

Henry, Prof., 504.

Hewitt, Mrs., 523.

Higginson, 531.

Hildreth, 493.

Hill, 523.
Hillard, 487.
Hillhouse, 487.
Hirst, 523.
Hitchcock, S., 531.

Hoffman, 478, 502, 505, 519.
Holmes, 490.

Holmes, O. W., 478, 520.
Honeywood, 512.
Hooker, 480.

Hooper, Lucy, 524.
Hopkins, 479, 480.

Hopkinson, Judge, 523.
Hosmer, 523.

Howe, Julia W., 484.
Howell, 531.

[blocks in formation]

Lanman, 505.

Lascom, Mrs., 524.
Lawrence, 523.
Lee, Miss E., 524.
Lec, Miss M. E., 524.
Lee, Mrs., 484, 490.
Legare, Hugh S., 487.
Leggett, 486, 523.

Leslie, Miss, 484.

Lewis and Clark, 504.

Lewis, Mrs., 524.

Little, Mrs., 524.

Livingston, 486.

Long, 505.

Longfellow, 503, 505, 01a

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Paine, R. T., 512.
Paine, S., 486.

Palfrey, J. G., 504, 532.
Palmer, 521.
Parker, Theo., 531.
Parkman, 496, 505.
Parsons, Dr., 503, 521.
Parton, 490, 532.
Paulding, 510.
Payson, 480.

Peabody, 480.

Percival, J. G., 515.
Phillips, Miss, 524.
Pickering, 504.
Pickett, 490.
Pierpont, J., 513.

Pierson, Mrs., 524.

Pike, A., 523.
Pinckney, 484, 521.
Pindar, Miss S., 524.
Pinkney, 520.
Pise, 531.

Poe, E. A., 510.

Potter, 480.

Prentiss, 487.
Prescott, Miss, 484.

Prescott, W. H., 494.
Preston, 487.
Proud, 490.


Quincy, 486.


Raguet, 504.

Ralph, 512.

Ramsay, David, 491,

Rand Ed. S., 532.

[blocks in formation]

Randolph, 487.

Thompson, 490.

Rawle, 486.

Thoreau, 532.

Raymond, 504.

Thorpe, 503.

Read, 523.

Thurston, Mrs., 524.

Reed, 501.

Ticknor, G., 502.


Ripley, G., 503.

Todd, 480.

Robbins, Eliza, 484.

[blocks in formation]
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