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have been on the desks of the members three calendar legislative days it be made a special order on second and third reading immediately after the consideration of the special orders on third reading theretofore reported, which report was agreed to, and said bill ordered reprinted, as amended, and that when it shall have been on the desks of the members three calendar legislative days it be made a special order on second and third reading immediately after the consideration of the special orders on third reading theretofore reported.

Mr. Speaker, from the committee on rules, to which was referred Assembly bill introduced by Mr. A. E. Smith (No. 1580, Int. No. 1358), entitled "An act to amend chapter sixty-two of the Laws of nineteen hundred and nine, entitled 'An act in relation to taxation, constituting chapter sixty of the Consolidated Laws,' in relation to the tax imposed on transfers of stock," reported in favor of the passage of the same, with the following amendments.

Page 2, line 6, change "bank" to "blank".

Page 2, line 10, italicize the comma after the word "stock".
Page 2, line 19, italicize the second comma.

Page 2, line 24, italicize the second comma.

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Page 2, lines 25 and 26, strike out "and it shall be the duty of such association, company or corporation so to affix the same and insert in place thereof " and it shall be the duty of the person making or effectuating such sale or transfer to procure and furnish to the association, company or corporation the requisite stamps, and of such association, company or corporation to affix and cancel the same.”

Page 3, line 1, italicize the comma.
Page 3, line 4, change "bank " to
Page 3, line 5, italicize the comma.


Page 3, line 6, insert after the word " provided" the word "for".

Page 3, line 6, insert a period after the bracket and before the word "Every".

Page 3, line 10, insert within the bracket after the word " refers"

a comma.

Page 3, line 10, insert and italicize the comma after the word "relates "

Page 3, line 26, insert a comma in brackets after the word "transfer ".


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[ocr errors]

Page 3, line 26, insert a comma in brackets after the word "stock".

Page 3, line 26, insert the word "of" in brackets after the word "sale".

Page 4, line 1, italicize the comma.

Page 4, line 4, italicize the first comma.

Page 4, line 10, insert a comma after the word "months
Page 4, line 10, italicize the word "by ".


Page 5, line 26, last line, insert a comma after the word "York".

Page 6, line 2, insert a comma after the word "columns ". Page 6, lines 8 and 9, strike out the words "the serial number of each certificate ".


Page 6, line 19, substitute the word "thereby" for the word hereby "

Page 7, line 1, strike out the brackets.

Page 7, line 3, insert and italicize a comma after the word (6 "York".

Page 7, line 4, insert within the bracket after the word "book’

a comma.

Page 7, line 5, insert after the word "comptroller" and italicize a comma.

Page 7, line 22, insert a comma after the bracket.

Page 8, line 11, insert and italicize a semicolon after the word "transfer ".

Page 8, line 16, insert after the word "jurisdiction" within a bracket a comma.

Page 8, line 20, insert after the word "account" within a bracket a comma.

[ocr errors]

Page 9, line 1, insert a comma within a bracket after the word papers".

Page 9, line 1, insert within a bracket after the word "above" the word "provided" and a comma.

Page 9, line 3, insert the word "on" in place of the word upon "

Page 9, line 7, insert after the word "than" the word "two " in place of the word "three ".

Page 9, line 7, after the word "both" insert a comma. Page 10, line 1, insert and italicize a semicolon after the word "penalty".

[ocr errors]


Page 10, line 6, insert and italicize a comma after the word agent'

Page 10, line 7, insert and italicize a comma after the word representative".

Page 10, line 9, insert and italicize a comma after the word "attached".

[ocr errors]

and that the same be reprinted, as amended, and when it shall have been on the desks of the members three calendar legislative days it be made a special order on second and third reading immediately after the consideration of the special orders on third reading theretofore reported, which report was agreed to, and said bill ordered reprinted, as amended, and that when it shall have been on the desks of the members three calendar legislative days it be made a special order on second and third reading immediately after the consideration of the special orders on third reading theretofore reported.

Mr. Speaker announced the special order, being the bill (No. 1374, Int. No. 1204), entitled “An act to amend the Public Service Commissions Law, by extending the provisions of article four thereof to waterworks corporations.'

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Said bill having been announced for a second reading,

On motion of Mr. Yale, said bill was recommitted to the committee on rules.

Mr. Speaker announced the special order, being the bill (No. 1527, Int. No. 1313), entitled "An act to amend the Public Service Commissions Law."

On motion of Mr. Young, and by unanimous consent, said bill was ordered placed on the second and third reading calendar for Friday next.

Mr. Speaker announced the special order, being the Senate bill (No. 1024, Rec. No. 193), entitled "An act to amend the Public Service Commissions Law, in relation to the power of the commission to suspend rate schedules."

On motion of Mr. Young, and by unanimous consent, said bill was ordered placed on the second and third reading calendar for Friday next.

Mr. Speaker announced the special order, being the bill (No. 1558, Int. No. 1336), entitled "An act to amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to a custodian of works of art, defining his powers and duties and providing for the maintenance of his office."

On motion of Mr. Hoff said bill was read the second time and ordered to a third reading.

On motion of Mr. Hoff, and by unanimous consent, said bill

was ordered placed on the third reading calendar for Monday


Mr. Speaker announced the special order, being the bill (No. 1481, Int. No. 1279), entitled "An act to amend the Tax Law. in relation to the exemption and reduction in assessment of lands which shall be maintained as wood lots and to encourage the growth of trees for such purposes.

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On motion of Mr. Jones, said bill was read the second time and ordered to a third reading.

Said bill was then read the third time, having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form at least three calendar legislative days prior to its final passage.

Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was determined in the affirmative, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present.

[blocks in formation]

Ordered, That the Clerk engross said bill and deliver the same to the Senate and request their concurrence therein.

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Mr. Speaker announced the special order, being the bill (No. 1480, Int. No. 1278), entitled "An act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to the exemption and reduction in assessment of lands which have been planted with trees for forestry purposes."

On motion of Mr. Jones, said bill was read the second time and ordered to a third reading.

Said bill was then read the third time, having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form at least three calendar legislative days prior to its final passage.

Mr. Speaker put the question whether the House would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was determined in the affirmative, a majority of all the members elected to the Assembly voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present.

[blocks in formation]

Ordered, That the Clerk engross said bill and deliver the same to the Senate and request their concurrence therein.

Mr. Speaker announced the special order, being the bill (No.

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