PAGE. 183 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to elevators, equipment with locking device (Int. No. 607)... Business Law, General, to amend, relative to employment agencies, relicensing (Int. No. 114)......50, 384, 426, 453 536, 617, 638, 2330 838 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to explosives, manufacturing, keeping and selling (Int. No. 1323)... Business Law, General, to amend, relative to hay and straw, selling and pressing (Int. No. 823).. Business Law, General, to amend, relative to hay and straw, selling and pressing (Rec. No. 262)......1612, 1893, 1911 367 1966, 2032 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to hotel keepers, liability (Int. No. 1225).... Business Law, General, to amend, relative to hotel keepers, 725 2128 701 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to mattresses, branding and labeling (Int. No. 615)... 205, 423, 853 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to moving picture apparatus, booths (Int. 1188).. 701 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to moving picture apparatus, booths (Rec. No. 149).. 1099 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to moving picture apparatus, booths (Rec. No. 491).... 2134 232 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to moving picture apparatus, uninflammable films (Int. No. 662). . Business Law, General, to amend, relative to moving picture booths, construction (Int. No. 1089)....596, 956, 1038, 1117 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to motor vehicle tires, date of manufacture (Int. No. 652)....231, 528, 635, 655, 785, 826, 858 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to pawnbrokers, daily report to police (Int. No. 206) 584 68, 528, 661, 721 782, 966, 1063 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to pawnbrokers, interest charges (Int. No. 300).. 89, 1244, 1482 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to pawnbrokers, memorandum on ticket (Int. No. 1148).. PAGE. 696 1182, 1272, 1296 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to pawnbrokers' sale, surplus to State treasury (Int. No. 298)..88, 707, 787 . 968, 1034, 1263 1903 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to private bankers (Rec. No. 381).. Business Law, General, to amend, relative to private bankers, cancellation of license (Int. No. 999) Business Law, General, to amend, relative to private bankers, transmission agents of corporations (Rec. No. 201).. 1292 2127, 2142, 2183, 2293 · Business Law, General, to amend, relative to regulation of trade-marks (Int. No. 1285). 519 ...810, 957, 1158, 1187, 1352, 1380, 1436, 1567 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to sealers of weights and measures (Int. No. 724)....259, 712, 857, 87+ 1153, 1219 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to supervisor of small loans (Int. No. 508)..147, 708, 857, 969, 1033, 1199 1278, 1328 1242 2133 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to telephones, time computing device (Int. No. 1549). Business Law, General, to amend, relative to ticket agents, cancellation of bonds (Rec. No. 486). Business Law, General, to amend, relative to warehousemen's liens (Int. No. 255)......80, 134, 143, 150, 151, 179 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to weights and measures (Int. No. 1260)....749, 813, 839, 965, 1078, 2317 2346 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to weighing and measuring devices (Int. No. 732)...281, 529, 661, 721, 781 821, 921, 974, 1058 Business Law, General, to amend, relative to weights, measures and containers (Int. No. 138)..56, 387, 498, 538 739 580, 658, C. Call of the House, moved by: Mr. Jackson .. PAGE. 2302 992 Mr. Young....222, 247, 658, 720, 723, 854, 870, 940, Canals: ..698, 958, 1044, 1201, 2328 Albany post road, grant to abutting owners (Int. No. 939 barge canal operation, relative to creation of commis- 1414).. barge canal terminal facilities, appropriation (Rec. No. 319) 1662 Black river and Chemung improvement, referendum Black river, north of Boonville, relative to improvement 985 ..93, 259, 296, 303, 307, 337 bonds, payment of interest and principal (Rec. No. ..1093, 1795, 1804, 1861 Boonville, bridge at Main street, appropriation (Int. No. 239).. .78, 569, 608, 630, 634, 683, 736 1293, 1637, 1670, 1708, 2115 1565)... 1566).... 1993 Canals Continued: PAGE. canal terminal debt, interest, appropriation (Int. No. Chemung canal, feeder and river, relative to reopen ing (Int. No. 992). 518 Cohoes, bridge at Vliet street, relative to appropriation 1599). contracts, unavoidable delays, allowances (Int. No. 1798 .1464, 2002, 2013, 2039 contracts, unavoidable delays, allowances (Rec. No. 504). Delaware and Hudson canal, reopening (Int. No. 1222) 2211 725 984 Erie, Champlain and Oswego, improvements (Int. No. .1139, 2091 basin (Rec. No. 171).. lands appropriated, relative to compensation (Int. No. 214)..72, 219, 286, 308, 328, 390, 393, 439, 484, 500 556, 664, 729, 967, 1071 1450).. locktenders, increase wages, appropriation (Int. No. .1662, 1780 318). mechanical structures, repair, relative to appropriation (Int. No. 930)......407, 569, 611, 630, 634, 685, 864 Oswego canal, suspension of navigation (Int. No. 1046) .: ..564, 812, 858, 873, 965, 1081, 2321 Canals Concluded: Oswego canal, suspension of navigation (Rec. No. Palmyra, barge canal terminal (Int. No. 1143). PAGE. 990 655 996, 1270, 1883, 1905, 1914, 1925, 2328 Rome, bridge at Stanwix st., relative to appropriation (Int. No. 691) ......236, 1362, 1385, 1423, 1502, 2337 Rome, wall from E. Thomas to Garden st., relative to appropriation (Int. No. 692).. 236 82 surveys, field notes and maps, relative to appropriation (Int. No. 1061)......566, 752, 825, 841, 847, 914, 2332 Tonawanda, Erie county, bridge over Erie canal, relative to appropriation (Int. No. 276)... Tonawanda, Erie county, bridge over Erie canal, relative to appropriation (Rec. No. 8).364, 1888, 1909, 1949 Canandaigua lake, relative to harbor improvement (Int. No. .93, 569, 614, 629, 635, 689 339)... Canandaigua lake, relative to harbor improvements (Rec. 1096 299 Canandaigua lake, retaining wall, relative to appropriation (Int. No. 765).. Canandaigua, relative to police department (Int. No. 1354) 869 1472, 1493, 1531, 1624, 2328 Canterbury fire company, relative to engine (Int. No. 1526) 1239 1788, 1800, 1809, 1829, 2114 Canterbury fire company, relative to engine (Rec. No. 367) 1901 Carlson, Andrew, relative to release of land by Kings county 30, 94, 106, 111, 112, 120, 1631 Cedar Mountain, Va., monument, relative to appropriation (Int. No. 33). (Int. No. 1489) 1105 Chamberlain, Roy H., relative to admission to practice as at torney (Int. No. 599).... 182 Charitable institutions, relative to exemption from assessments (Int. No. 1343).. 868 Charities Law, to amend, generally (Int. No. 1510).. 1176, 1789 1801, 1809, 1841 |