Imagens das páginas

These rumors reached not the ears of his mother and sister; and the first intimation they received, was from the following letter:

"This letter comes from your wretched son, Charles-an exile from his country for ever, and a fugitive from justice, as a defaulter and a forger. This, mother, is the effect of the work you have wrought upon me! Recall your endeavors to excite your children to the lust of gain, and remember your address to Edward and myself, when in front of Mr. Delville's mansion. It was then that you first stimulated me to the acquisition of wealth, and left the impression upon my youthful mind that in successful dishonesty there is neither crime nor disgrace. It was this impression that has been my ruin! Oh, what might I have been, had you directed my energies and ambition to a nobler aim than to the debasing and accursed thirst for gold! And my poor Edward, too he was your victim! Had you not driven him from his home, he might have been at this hour living amidst honors and distinctions, the pride of his country. But where is he now? Lying in a grave, among strangers, without a stone to mark his place of burial! Farewell, mother! This is the last you will ever hear of your miserable son!'


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Liverpool, England.

'Give me thy heart.'

WHAT shall we offer thee, thou God of love!

Thou who didst build the heavens and mould the earth;
Thou, who didst hang the sparkling stars above,

And call'dst from darkness light and beauty forth!

From all the treasures of the earth and sea,

What shall we offer thee?

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M. A. B.





TO-DAY I have visited the Tower and the House of Commons. The first is situated on the banks of the Thames, and is surrounded by a broad, deep ditch, over which there is a draw-bridge. The island thus formed, contains several acres, and is crowded with a motley pile of buildings, high and low, dwelling-houses and storehouses, palaces and huts, which almost entirely obscure the view of the Tower; and this itself is composed of three or four distinct structures. At the gate there are always several warders,' in scarlet-laced habiliments, who make a business of conducting visiters to the curiosities, and expect a shilling from each person for so doing. One of them was just entering 'Queen Elizabeth's Armory' with a party of four, which I joined. The matters and things which they show, and tell the history of, are too numerous to mention,' but are described at large in the guide-book. I lifted the axe which struck off the head of poor Anne Boleyn, and despatched also him of Essex.' The hall is filled with specimens of armor, weapons, etc., of all sorts, which have been preserved from the days of Edward I., downward. The Train of Artillery,' is in another building, and comprises a quantity of big guns, mortars, etc., which John Bull has at different times captured from his enemies. But the most curious and splendid sight is the New Horse Armory,' where are arranged, as if in battle array, effigies of all the kings and several nobles, in chronological order, from Edward I. to James II., in complete armor, and on horseback, thus showing the style of armor, etc., of the different periods at a glance. The horses are in spirited positions, and it seems as if you might really shake hands with bluff old Harry,' or him of Richmond, as he appeared at Bosworth field, or my lord of Liecester, and so on.' There is an immense collection of curious affairs in this hall, arranged so as to present the most romantic and brilliant display imaginable. The Small Armory' is a vast hall, three hundred and forty-five feet in length, and very high, filled to the very ceiling with stacks of muskets and pistols, closely piled, comprising two hundred thousand, and all kept brightened and flinted ready for immediate use. Melancholy reflection! That such a wilderness of deadly instruments should ever be used by man against his fellow! Not feeling half a crown's worth of curiosity to see the crown itself, I departed by the 'Traitor's Gate,' thinking of the tragedies which had been acted within those once dreaded portals.

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The apartment at present occupied by the House of Commons

*THE reader may anticipate, we think, much entertainment and valuable information from these 'Random Leaves,' wherein the author-writing only for the eyes of familiar friends, and avoiding the diffuseness of the journeying letter-writer- has recorded fresh impressions in a manner at once vivid and unstudied. EDS. KNICKERBOCKER.

is arranged much like Mrs. Willard's school-room, and is quite as plain, only on a little larger scale. Strangers, by paying half a crown, are admitted to the gallery, from which it is easier to hear than to see the speakers. The house was 'in committee' on the bill for the commutation of tithes. Lord John Russell, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Howick, (a very gifted young man,) and two or three others, spoke on the question. I was struck with their singularly calm and unpretending manner of speaking. It seemed more like a familiar drawing-room conversation, than the stormy debate which might be expected on such a question, which, as was remarked, was a very important one. Lord John, in particular, who has been the leader of the house, and long conspicuous in the political world, is as plain, straight-forward a man as one could wish to see. It would seem impossible to get him excited or violent in debate. Every speaker was listened to civilly, if not attentively, and the only interruption, or rather cheering, was the cry of Hear! hear!' which was often heard from twenty voices at once; and occasionally there was a hearty laugh. The gallery over the speaker's chair is filled with reporters for the different papers, who will take down a long speech in short hand, at twelve o'clock at night, and the next morning at daylight you will see it in print. The houses of parliament are opposite Westminster Abbey, and the new buildings are to be erected on the old site. The ruins of the old houses are adjoining the halls now temporarily occupied.

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SUNDAY, APRIL 16.- Taking my usual walk of two miles or more down Fleet-street, I found the door of St. Paul's cathedral open, and so ventured in, with my hand in my pocket, expecting some civil, obliging person would tip his beaver, as usual, for a shilling : but, strange to say, I was suffered to pass unmolested. The greater part of the interior is one vast open space, extending into the four wings, and up to the very highest dome. As you stand in the centre and look up, it seems almost like looking into heaven. phisticated mind cannot grasp the magnitude of the scene: it is incomprehensible. On the walls, and in the nitches and corners, are groups of statuary and monuments, some exceedingly beautiful, and most of them to military and naval personages. Public worship is held only in a chapel in one of the wings, forming a mere item of the whole structure. I was guided to it by the sound of the organ, echoing back from the vast arches, and impressively grand in its effect. Men in robes, with poles, stood at the door'beadles,' I believe they are called. The chapel was of much the same size and style as those at Oxford, and there were not more than one hundred persons in it-the larger part of them apparently strangers, attracted merely from curiosity, like myself. In fact, as I afterward learned, there are few or no regular attendants in this far-famed St. Paul's. Why, I cannot imagine. The chanting was done by boys. The preacher was a short, thick man, and read his sermon off like a book.' It became so dark — being a rainy day—that he could not see to read, and he had to stop once or

twice. Poor man! But they say the officiates here are unbeneficed gownsmen, and perhaps they cannot afford to study. His sermon was dull and common-place, but delivered in a pompous, affected style, as if to pass it off for genuine eloquence.

DINED with Rev. T. HARTWELL HORNE-a name well known throughout the theological world. This extraordinary man was a book-seller's clerk, at a small salary. He distinguished himself by his industry, won the notice of a reverend Bishop, and was employed to make some indexes to a large work, which were done so well, that he was handsomely paid, and went to Cambridge and completed his education with the fruits of his labors. His celebrated Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures,' in four large volumes, was the work of twenty years, and was all done in the night, after the business of the day was over. It is acknowledged to be the most accurate, comprehensive, and valuable work of the kind in the language. Fifteen thousand copies have been sold in England, and as many more in the United States, and yet the three first editions scarcely cleared expenses: the third produced him about one hundred and fifty pounds for the labor of twenty years! Mr. Horne is now engaged at the British Museum in preparing a catalogue of that immense collection. He is a living monument of industry and perseverance. He is rather small in stature, remarkably neat in his personal appearance, and quite active and robust, though now somewhat advanced, and gray-headed. His manner is free, cordial, and business-like. The moment he speaks, you are at once relieved of all embarrassment, and feel that you are talking to a friend - a plain, kind-hearted, unassuming friend. His wife and daughter are just like him. They spoke of the many Americans who had called on them Bishops Chase, M'Ilvaine, Hobart, Dr. Wheaton, E. D. Griffin, Dr. Jarvis, and Rev. Mr. Potter, formerly of Boston. In fact, they knew more about some of the states than I did. Mrs. H. said she could always detect an American by the word possible and possibly. They (the English) say instead, perhaps, or indeed. I was pleased to find many American books in the library, and seated myself there with Mr. H. after dinner, while he wrote his sermon for the same afternoon. He completed it in about an hour, besides talking to me the while and a good little sermon it was too, for I went with them to hear it. The parsonage-pew is close to the desk. The clerk drawled out the service in a most monotonous and pompous tone, which was really ludicrous. There was also a curate to read prayers, beside Mr. Horne. It seems, that in England each church must have a rector, curate, and clerk. Mr. Horne's manner in the pulpit is meek, persuasive, and engaging. He uses the best words, and no more than are necessary. Yet he would never be called a great preacher. His talents are more useful than showy.

THURSDAY. Having an hour or two of leisure, after running about town for a week on business matters, I took a stroll into St.

James' Park, through Waterloo-Place, where is a big monument to somebody, but it was so high I could not tell who. Walked through the park by the pond to the old Palace, where the king was holding a levee. As I had no court dress, and no introduction, I concluded to defer paying my respects to his majesty, and turned off to Westminster Abbey.

Mercy! what a place! Every thing of this kind must and will far exceed the expectations of the uninitiated. I gazed with as much wonder on the gigantic and venerable pile, as if I had never heard of it before. The natural feeling of awe with which one is impressed on approaching the entrance, is not much increased, however, when he sees the sign over the door, ‘Admittance three pence.' John Bull must have his fees, it seems, for every thing, and does not scruple to fill his pockets by exhibiting the sepulchres of the mighty dead. thought of the man who was awakened from his solemn reverie after public worship in the Abbey, by the beadle's announcement: 'Sarvice is done it's two-pence now For them as wants to stop!'

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I entered by the Poet's Corner, which, and indeed the whole of the abbey, has been described so often, that nothing more need be said. Having done' the poets, I paid an additional shilling to proceed, and was then at liberty to go where I pleased; and it is no very short walk, that one may take through those long, lofty arches and chapels. Monuments of all sorts, and to all sorts, are as thick as blackberries, in every part of the edifice. Many of them comprise three or four emblematic figures in a group some most exquisitely designed and chiselled. I saw so many to admire, that I can scarcely remember one. There are little enclosures against the walls of the abbey, filled with tombs and monuments, principally of kings, queens, and knights of old. It was curious indeed to see those effigies of knights in complete armor, cut in stone or wrought in iron, laid out on the tombs, as if they were the very bodies of those renowned heroes of chivalry, preserved there to frighten or enlighten their degenerate descendants. Many of these tombs are four, five, and six centuries old, Mary Queen of Scots has a beautiful one. There is a marble effigy of her, too, laid out on the tomb, and you can easily imagine you are seeing the lovely and ill-fated queen herself, as she appeared in her death-robes. The haughty Elizabeth sleeps in an adjoining apartment. I noticed, also, monuments and sculptures of the two princes murdered in the Tower by the bloody Richard, of Henry Eighth, and indeed of all the kings and queens since Edward First. The monuments to public individuals, and those who have distinguished themselves, are in the more open part of the abbey. Folios and quartos in abundance have been filled with their history and description; and to these I must refer you for 'farther particulars.'

FRIDAY. To-day I procured a nice little saddle-horse, and took a ride round the parks - going up going up the gay and splendid Regent-street and Portland Place, by the Colosseum, the Crescent, and the range of



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