Imagens das páginas
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By what authority. Page.

When expected to be

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1836, May 92
1842, Aug. 26S
1842, Aug. 26 The names of the clerks and all other persons employed
in the service of their respective Houses during the
year 1848, or any part thereof, with the time each per
son was actually employed, and the sum paid each;
and whether they have been usefully employed; wheth-
er the services of any can be dispensed with, without
detriment to the public service; and whether the re-
moval of any, and the appointment of others in their
stead, is required for the better despatch of business.

A full and detailed statement of the expenditure of the
contingent fund of their Houses, respectively, showing
to whom payments were made, for what made, &c.

[blocks in formation]

1842, March 7

A report showing distinctly the quantity and cost of all House Journal.




the stationery used by the House and the Clerk's of

[blocks in formation]

of the session.

1832, May 31

A statement of the cost of the Washington canal, with Laws U. S. vol. 8 the anuual expenditures and receipts from the canal.


In January.

[blocks in formation]

1829, March 3

The application of the appropriations for 1848, the number of public lots sold, &c., and the state of the buildings and grounds.

Laws U. S. vol. 8


In December.

At commencem't of the year.

1838, April 16 Copies of all contracts made in his office for materials House Journal. furnished, or to be furnished, or for labor performed, or to be performed, &c.

[blocks in formation]

1840, July 21

The manner in which all appropriations for the public Laws U. S. 1st buildings and grounds have been applied. sess. 26th Cong.



1842, August 4 The name of every person who shall have made a settle. ment in the Territory of Florida, under the 1st section of the act for the armed occupation of that Territory, with all the particulars of such settlement.

Laws U. S. 2d sess. 27th Cong.

83 On or before 1st

of Feb. 1844.


If a transfer of the appropriations made for any of the departments or branches of the government shall have been made, by order of the President of the United States, during the recess of Congress, it is made the duty of the head of the department in which such transfer shall have been made, to report to Congress, during the first week of the session, a special account of the moneys thus transferred, with their application.

See act 3d March, 1809, vol. 4, p. 221.
See act 3d March, 1817, vol. 6, p. 235,
See act 1st May, 1820, vol. 6, p. 489.

See act 30th June, 1834, 3d Congress, 1st session, p. 126.

If any State refuse to cede to the United States jurisdiction over lands purchased by the United States for public pur-
poses, the head of the executive department making the application is directed immediately to report the same to Con-
See joint resolution September 11, 1841, Laws U. S., vol. 10, p. 175.

The several heads of departments, in communicating estimates of appropriations and expenditures to Congress, or to
committees of Congress, are required to specify the sources from which the estimates are derived, with the calculations
upon which founded, and to discriminate between such as are conjectural and such as are framed upon specific infor-
mation; also, to specify the laws, treaties, or other authority for the expenditure.

If the head of a department consolidate appropriations "for the contingencies of his department and its several bu-
reaus," he shall, in his annual report to be made to Congress, state the portion of it expended for the department proper,
and for each bureau.

See Laws U. S., vol 10, p. 591.

If, in submitting to Congress the annual estimates from the several executive departments of the government,
it shall be found that the usual items of such estimates vary materially in amount from the appropriations ordina-
rily asked for the object named, and especially from the appropriation granted for the same objects for the year next pre-
ceding, and whenever new items not theretofore usual shall be introduced into such estimates for any year, the estimates

shall be accompanied by minute and full explanations, from the head of the appropriate department, of all such variations
and new items, setting forth the reasons and grounds upon which the amounts are required, and the different items added;
and whenever any such estimate, whether annual or special, shall ask an appropriation for any new specific expenditure,
such as the construction of a fort, the erection of a custom-house or other public building, or the construction of any
other public work requiring a plan before the building or work can be properly completed, every such estimate shall be
accompanied by a full plan and detailed estimates of the cost of the whole work; and all subsequent estimates for every such
work shall give the original estimated cost, the aggregate amount theretofore appropriated for the same, and the amount
actually expended thereupon, as well as the amount asked for the current year for which such estimates shall be made;
and whenever any such subsequent estimate shall ask for an appropriation for any such work beyond the original esti-
mate of the cost, the full reasons for the excess, and the extent of the anticipated excess, shall be also stated.

See Laws U. S., vol. 10, p. 601.

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