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MATLOCK-BATH, in Derbyshire-Resembling the Saxon Switzerland-Singularly

Restorative in Convalescence from protracted Fevers .

MARGATE-Atmosphere cool, dry, and bracing

RAMSGATE-Somewhat more sheltered and soothing-Adapted in Summer to
Persons affected with Bronchial Irritation

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NEUENAHR-225′ high-Very useful in Chronic Laryngeal Irritation and first stage
of incipient Tuberculosis--Its Action compared with that of Ems
NORDERNEY-Climate extremely equable-Bathing Establishment protected by
a Mountain-ridge-Bathing-time to be selected according to the desirability of
stronger or weaker Wave-strokes

OFEN-Warm Alkaline Saline Springs, highly efficacious through their Tempera-


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GRIESBACH-1,500′ high in the narrowest portion of the Rench-valley

PUTBUS-The situation on the southern declivity of the Coast imparts mildness

and shelter to the Climate, but the Wave-strokes are weakened through the

opposite Island.

PAU-Wild romantic Scenery-Climate extremely mild and sedative-Recom-
mended to Persons suffering from a dry tickling Cough
PLOMBIÈRES-1,310′ high-Air bracing and pure, but subject to frequent
Vicissitudes-Great range of the Temperature of the Springs-Especially
celebrated for the Cure of Chronic Rheumatism, Sciatica-Prolonged Dura-
tion of the Baths-Professor Hebra's Ingenious Bed for keeping Patients
in Water during a whole Course of Treatment
RECOARO-1,465' high-Bracing Summer Residence-Chalybeate Springs
REICHENHALL-1,470′ high-Very mild and bracing Climate-Extremely
grateful to Persons affected with Bronchial Irritation-Charming Contrasts
of Scenery-Concentrated Saline Springs

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SULZBRUNN-2,671′ high-Ioduretted Spring-Climate peculiarly favourable

SWINEMÜNDE The Plantage' enclosing the Establishment for Warm Baths

SYLT-Thorough maritime Climate with strong Wave-strokes

Saint-Sauveur—4,620′ high—Climate bracing without being bleak—Soothing
Effects of the Sulphurous-baths on the Nervous System-Action different from
that of Barèges-Recommended in Uterine Infiltrations
Salzbrunn—1,215′ high — Extending in a charming wide Valley along the Salzach
-Excellent Effects of Whey

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TIEFENAU-1,800' high-Hydropathic Establishment resorted to after a Course of
Mercury to Strengthen the Reactive Power of the Organism.

TOPLITZ-With its Warm Sulphurous Springs in the midst of a Park

TRAVEMÜNDE -Bathing Ground firm and gently sloping-Baths of Pine-


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TRIEST-Excellent Arrangement for Warm and Cold Sea-baths-Suitable to
vigorous Constitutions only-Weather mutable and subject to abrupt
Transitions-Social Charms and Advantages
VENICE-Excellent Arrangement for Sea-bathing
TEIGNMOUTH-Picturesque Position-Highly recommended for Sea-bathing in
Summer-Not steady enough for a Winter Residence .

TORQUAY-The City of Villas-Atmosphere less moist and more equable than
the Devonshire Climate in general, through its western Projection into the
Atlantic Highest mean annual Temperature in Great Britain-Comparison
with Clifton-Advantage in Convalescence from Pneumonia-Comparison of
Temperature with other Health-resorts-Increasing Accommodation-

Mutability of the English Climate useful in hardening the Constitution-Distant
Climes sought after by advanced Pulmonary Invalids-Consequences.
TUNBRIDGE-WELLS-289′ high-Varying Attraction of picturesque and wild
Scenery-Chalybeate Water-When to be Employed-Sound Sleep a Pecu-
liarity of the Effect of the Climate


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VERNET-With a Climate so mild and equable as to admit Bathing through the

whole Year-Vaporarium

VICHY-733' high-Enclosed by a mountainous Amphitheatre-King of Alka-
line Spas-Comparison with Carlsbad-Indications and Contra-indications
WARMBRUNN-1,100′ high-Pleasant Appearance produced by the Gardens and
Fields surrounding the Houses-Formerly reckoned amongst the Sulphur Spas
-Rooms for Inhalations, for Electrial Therapeutics-Greatly reputed for the
Cure of Articular Stiffness and of Herpetic Diseases
WÄGGIS-1,350′ high—Encompassed by the most magnificent Scenery and com-
pletely protected against severe Winds-Climate moderately moist and ex-

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WEISSENRURG-2,759′ high-Atmosphere distinguished by its Humidity-Tem-
perature changeable-Warm Spring at the Foot of a Rock
WEISSENSTEIN —3,949′ high—With most magnificent Alpine Views—Cabinets
for Whey-drinking and Whey-bathing


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GENTLEMEN,-The subject I have to bring before you claims to be a very important part of Materia Medica; for it treats of remedies, prepared in the womb of the earth by the power of nature alone, and in many instances indispensable to effect a cure.

The mineral springs, though standing on the same ground they occupied years or centuries ago, have come considerably nearer to us through the blessing of the great world-reformers, the railroads. A place, which would formerly have been reached only after a long journey and at a great expense, becomes every year more accessible to sufferers of the middle class; and often in your afterlife will you thank the gentlemen at the head of this Institution for having afforded you an opportunity to learn that which many of your fellow-students are unable to acquire.

The spas are not unknown here, for a great many English are found at almost every continental watering-place. The only regret to be felt is, that they do not resort to these fountains of Hygeia by the advice of their medical attendants, but mostly on the recommendation of some lay acquaintance, who has found relief from his ailment at a certain spa, and by merely judging from appearance, of course thinks every analogous morbid affection must be combated by the same means. How often disappointment must follow such advice you may easily imagine, for the spas are at no time indifferent remedies; the patient will either improve or get decidedly worse; nay, his health is sometimes jeopardised if he uses baths or springs on his own account, and without proper discrimination.


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