Imagens das páginas

the early artists were inspired—which gained for its predecessors, the Legends of Saints and Martyrs, and Legends of the Monastic Orders, so favourable a reception. In treating of Her of whom Wordsworth sang "Woman, above all women glorified,"


which is nearly allied to the palms, or, according to Endlicher, to the Pundanea. Ruiz and Pavon call it Phytelephas. Willdenow terms it Elephantusia. It grows, according to Humboldt, in the interior of S. America, and not on the Mascara Islands, as stated by Morren. It (the nut) consists externally of four envelopes of differently-formed parenchyma; then fol- in a manner to avoid giving offence to some religious lows the albumen, the proper so-called vegetable ivory, feeling, Mrs. Jameson has had a task of no ordinary which is externally dense and white, and of a remark- difficulty; for, as she well observes, it is impossible able structure. We find, namely, towards the circum-"to treat of the representations of the Blessed Virgin ference, cavities of irregular form; they then become six-sided, and, when seen in section, short straight canals run out from each angle. The cavities have a quincunxial arrangement. All the rest appears, when strongly magnified, a dense substance. But when a drop of Canada balsam is added, we see distinctly that the dense substance consists of parenchyma, and that the cavities communicate by the broader extremities of

their branches.

The internal structure resembles that of water plants; and the different density and firmness might probably arise from the delicacy of the compressed parenchyma."— Reports and Papers on Botany, Ray Society, 1845, pp. 396-7.

R. W. F. Misprint in Prayer-Books (Vol. vi., p. 520.).— In the accurate reprint of the authorised version, according to the edition of 1611, given in Bagster's Critical Greek and English New Testament, the words "of GOD" are omitted in 1 St. John, v. 12. It would appear, therefore, that the Prayer-Books that leave them out in the "Epistle for the First Sunday after Easter" are in one sense the more correct, though merely following an oversight of A. A. D. The Fern Osmunda (Vol. ii., p. 199.; Vol. vi., p. 272.). As the propounder of the Query concerning this beautiful fern, allow me to quote a choice passage from Wordsworth's Poems on the Naming of Places, in which the name is derived from a 66 Queen Osmunda," a poetical fancy perhaps :

the translators.

"Many such there are,
Fair ferns and flowers, and chiefly that tall fern,
So stately, of the queen Osmunda named;
Plant lovelier, in its own retired abode
On Grasmere's beach, than Naiad by the side
Of Grecian brook, or Lady of the Mere,
Sole-sitting by the shores of old romance."



without touching on doctrines such as constitute the
principal differences between the creeds of Christen-
dom." "Not for worlds," she continues, "would
I be guilty of a scoffing allusion to any belief, or any
objects held sacred by sincere and earnest hearts;
but neither has it been possible for me to write in a
tone of acquiescence, where I altogether differ in feel-
ing and opinion. On this point I shall need and feel
sure that I shall obtain the generous construction of
readers of all persuasions." Of this we have no doubt;
as little have we that though those, who pore over her
deeply interesting and profusely illustrated pages, may
regret, on Mrs. Jameson's account, the cause which led
her to relinquish the etchings upon copper, will acknow-
ledge that the volume is altogether embellished in a
manner in the highest degree satisfactory.

John Evelyn has just been completed by the publica-
The new edition of the Diary and Correspondence of

The great his

tion of the third and fourth volumes.
sally recognised, that it may seem unnecessary to direct
torical value of this work has already been so univer-
attention to its republication. But this is not only a
new, but by far the best edition, for it contains up-
wards of one hundred and thirty letters hitherto in-
edited, besides the private correspondence between
Charles I. and his Secretary Sir E. Nicholas, &c.; and
an Index which has been so carefully and completely
made, as to be alone capable of giving value to the

by W. Sandys, F.S. A., is certainly published at a most appropriate period. Its editor has long been favourably known by his Specimens of Macaronic Poetry, and his admirable Collection of Christmas Carols: a book now, we believe, entirely out of print, and very rarely to be met with. The present volume has many claims to attention and commendation. In the first place, it traces and illustrates, by much original research, the history of Christmas, its observances and festivities : and many a query started in the family circle during J. M. B. the ensuing twelve days may find a pleasant solution in Mr. Sandys' pages; while, as Carols are perhaps the most striking and touching remains of the Christmas of old times, Mr. Sandys has given us a selection of no fewer than forty-two of various character, and twelve of the most favourite Tunes to which they were formerly sung.

Christmas-tide; its History, Festivities, and Carols,

The lovers of Pictorial Art, and more especially those who view with delight its application to sacred subjects, will hear with satisfaction that Mrs. Jameson's long-promised third series of Sacred and Legendary Art is at length published. It is entitled Legends of the Madonna as represented in the Fine Arts, and is distinguished by the same excellencies and characteristics— the same sound critical taste and loving appreciation of the feeling of reverence for their subjects by which

We beg to remind our Photographic Readers that an Exhibition of Works in the various branches of this interesting Art, is now opened at the rooms of the Society of Arts in the Adelphi. We shall endeavour to preserve some record of it in our columns.

BOOKS RECEIVED. The Emigrant, by Francis I Head, Bart. This, the sixth edition of these grap

Canadian sketches, forms the new volume of Murray's MULLER'S NOTES ON THE EUMINIDES OF ESCHYLUS.
Railway Reading.

The History of the Origin of Representative Government in Europe, by M. Guizot, translated by Andrew B. Scoble, just added to Bohn's Standard Library, derives painful interest from the changes which have been wrought in France since it was composed in that country, which no longer enjoys the advantages of such Representative System.

Sallust, Florus, und Velleius Paterculus, literally translated, with Copious Notes and a General Index, by the Rev. J. S. Watson, is, in our opinion, one of the most useful volumes which have yet appeared in Bohn's Classical Library.

The Art of Change Ringing, by Benjamin Thackrah, containing, in addition to the Author's own Works, the latest Discoveries in the Art of Ringing communicated by the most celebrated Composers in the Kingdom. We will not expose our ignorance by criticising a work on a subject of which we know nothing.



DONNE, Babávaros, 4to. First Edition, 1644.

Second Edition, 1648.





Vol. IX. 1797. In boards.

Svo. Bentley.

SMITH'S COLLECTANEA ANTIQUA. 2 vols. 8vo.; or Vol. I.
Newcastle Grammar School.

RELIGIO MILITIS; or Christianity for the Camp. Longmans, 1826.
MILTON'S WORKS. The First Edition.

CRAFT AND POSSESSIONS. Preface by Baxter. Date about 1691.
GIBBON'S ROMAN EMPIRE. Vols. I. and II. of the twelve volume
8vo. edition.


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ENVELOPE PAPER. - To identify the contents with the address and postmark, important in all business communications; it admits of three clear pages (each measuring 5) by 8 inches), for correspondence, it saves time and is more economical. Price 99. 6d. per ream.

F. W. RALPHI, Manufacturing Stationer, 36. Throgmorton Street, Bank.





OF THE OFFICE OF A DEACON. 4to. London, 1699.
EDWIN AND EMMA. Taylor. London, 1776.

Correspondents sending Lists of Books Wanted are requented
to send their names.

Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, carriage fee to be sent to MR. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street.

Notices to Correspondents.

[ocr errors]

GENTLE READERS ALL! A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU! have endeavoured to give this week's Number something of the character of the season, by the insertion of some Legendary Men, Folk Lore, and Old Ballads. Though the doing so has competed us to omit many articles intended for insertion, and many hepat to Correspondents, we trust to stand excused by our Readers; and so we bid them heartily FAREWELL and a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

A. C. (Liverpool), who writes respecting the Ruthven Family, is informed that his Note has been forwarded to the gentleman tə whom he refers.

JAYDEE. Received duly; intended for insertion; but thrust aside by more pressing matter.

B. H. COWPER is thanked. The plan suggested has been triad, but was not found to work so well as was expected. Sec out 4th Volume.

PHOTOGRAPHY. The large amount of interesting minor Cerrespondence upon this subject has compelled us to postpone Dr. DIAMOND'S account of the PROCESSES ON PAPER until next Satur day, when we shall publish the First No. of our New Folume; and that we may find room for that, and many interesting conSmunications which are waiting for insertion, we shall give our Readers an extra eight pages.

BACK NUMBERS OF NOTES AND QUERIES. Full Price will be given for clean copies of Nos. 27, 28, 29, 30. 59, 60, and 61.

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcel and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday.

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CALS of absolute Purity, especially prepared for this Art, may be procured from R. W. THOMAS, Operative Chemist, 10. Pall Mall, whose well-known Preparation of XyloIodide of Silver is pronounced by the most eminent scientific men of the day to excel every other Photographic Compound in sensitive ness, and in the marvellous vigour uniformly preserved in the middle tints of pictures produced by it. MR. R. W. THOMAS cautions Photographers against unprincipled persons who (from the fact of Xyloidin and Collodion being synonymous terms) would lead them to imagine that the inferior compound sold by them at half the price is identical with his preparation. In some cases, even the name of MR. T.'s Xylo-Iodide of Silver has been assumed. In order to prevent such dishonourable practice, each bottle sent from his Establishment is stamped with a red label bearing his signature, to counterfeit which is felony. Prepared solely by R. W. THOMAS, Chemist, &c., 10. Pall Mall.


Collodion (price 9d. per oz.), prepared by DELATOUCHE & CO., Photographists and Operative Chemists, 147. Oxford Street, has now stood the test of Twelvemonth's use; and for taking Portraits or Views on Glass, cannot be surpassed in the beautiful results it produces. Specimens, either Negative or Positive, can be seen on application. MESSES. DELATOUCHE & CO. supply Apparatus with the most recent Improvements, PURE CHEMICALS, PREPARED SENSITIVE PAPERS, and every Article connected with Photography on Paper or Glass. Paintings, Engravings, Etchings, and Works of Art copied in their Glass Room at Moderate Charges. Instruction given in the Art.


TRAITS and VIEWS by the Collodion and Waxed Paper Process. Apparatus, Materials, and Pure Chemical Preparation for the above processes, Superior Iodized Collodion, known by the name of Collodio-iodide or Xyloiodide of Silver, 94, per oz. Pyro-gallic Acid, 4s. perdrachm. Acetic Acid, suited for Collodion Pictures, 8d. per oz. Crystallizable and perfectly pure, on which the success of the Calotypist so much depends, 18. per oz. Canson Frère's Negative Paper, 3s.; Positive do., 48, 6d. ; La Croix, 38.; Turner, 3s. Whatman's Negative and Positive, 3. per quire. Iodized Waxed Paper, 10s, 6d. per quire. Sensitive Paper ready for the Camera, and warranted to keep from fourteen to twenty days, with directions for use, 11x9, 9s. per doz.; Iodized, only 68. per doz.

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AND LANDSCAPE LENSES.-These lenses give correct definition at the centre and margin of the picture, and have their visual and chemical acting foci coincident.

Great Exhibition Jurors' Reports, p. 274.

* Mr. Ross prepares lenses for Portraiture having the greatest intensity yet produced, by procuring the coincidence of the chemical actinic and visual rays. The spherical aberration is also very carefully corrected, both in the central and oblique pencils."

"Mr. Ross has exhibited the best Camera in the Exhibition. It is furnished with a double achromatic object-lens. about three inches aperture. There is no stop, the field is flat, and the image very perfect up to the edge."

A. R. invites those interested in the art to inspect the large Photographs of Vienna, produced by his Lenses and Apparatus.

Catalogues sent upon Application. A. ROSS, 2. Featherstone Buildings, High Holborn.



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Now ready, small 4to.. handsomely bound in cloth, 21. 28. ; morocco, 21. 12s. 6d.

Gratis: he offers Schiller's Sammtliche Werke, POETRY OF THE YEAR,

best Library Edition, 10 vols. Svo., 218.; Gothe's Sammtliche Werke, best Library Edition, 30 vols. 8vo., 658.; Gothe's Faust, 12mo., 1852, 28. 6d. Kaulbach's splendidly illustrated Edition of Reineke der Fuchs, ito., Stuttgart, 1846, only 288.; Flugel's German Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo., half bd. russia, 36s.; Kinderlieder, beautifully illustrated, 4to., 5s. ; Grimm's Deutsche Graininatik, 4 vols. 8vo., 1822-37, 428.

BERNARD QUARITCH, 16. Castle Street, Leicester Square.

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W. Whateley, Esq., Q.C.
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George Drew, Esq.

Consulting Counsel. Sir Wm. P. Wood, M.P.
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Bankers.Messrs. Cocks. Biddulph, and Co..
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[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

"Christmas has seldom produced a gift-book more creditable to all concerned in it than this beautiful volume. The poetry is well chosen ; the passages being for the most part bits of real description, excellent in their kind, from the writings of our poets, from the time of Lord Surrey to that of Tennyson, with two or three beautiful bits from American authors. Now and then a poem is inserted, which, if not descriptive, is in spirit and feeling akin to the season to which it is referred: and this gives variety to what might otherwise be too great a mass of description. As a book of extracts merely, it would be an intelligent and creditable selection, made upon a distinct and coherent plan. But the drawings of Messrs. Foster, Davidson, Weir, Creswick, Cox, Duncan, and Branwhite, are a great addition to the volume; and the coloured engravings have been happy in catching the spirit and character of the artists themselves..

Though on a small scale, the feeling of some of the designs is admirable, specially those devoted to the illustration of spring and summer the seasons which, both in poetry and painting, have the greatest amount of honour in this volume. The publisher is entitled to the praise of great care and attention to the appearance of the book; the colour and texture of the paper, the type, and the binding are unexceptionable. It is a book to do credit to any publisher."-Guardian.

"Trying the volume before us by its own pretensions, it may be pronounced as excellent on the whole, a welcome secimen of the progress made in coloured book-illustration, and a tasteful evidence of what our English designers can do in illustration of Themson, Bloomfield, Cowper, Clare, Hemans, Tennyson, and other of our poets.

"Enough has been said to justify our expectation of future volumes of this gift-book with more than usual interest, and to recommend the present, as one which the proudest collection of illustrated works need not bɔ too proud to include."- 4 theneum.

GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street.

KERR & STRANG, Perfumers

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Sold in Cases at 78. 6d., 158., and 20s. Samples, 38. 6., sent to all parts on receipt of Post-office Order or Stamps.



RYLAND. Vol. II. Post 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d.
HENRY G. BOHN, 4, 5, & 6. York Street,
Covent Garden.


H. T. RILEY, B.A. Post 8vo. cloth, 58. HENRY G. BOHN, 4, 5, & 6. York Street, Covent Garden.

[blocks in formation]

CHANGE RINGING. Just published, price 48.; free by post, 48. 6d.,


the Art of CHANGE RINGING; with Contributions by some of the best Composers of the Day: including H. JOHNSON, Birmingham: T. THURSTANS, Birmingham; W. HUDSON, Sheffield; W. SOTTENSTALL, Sowerby; C. FIRTH, Wakefield; and others.

The above is the first work ever published containing the full extent of Changes on the Treble Peal Method.

The work will be punctually supplied to Order, by B. THACKRAH, Eight Ringers Inn, Dewsbury, Yorkshire.

[blocks in formation]

On Saturday next, December 31, 182, will published, prie 6d., or sent by post on receipt of seven postage stamps,


SITORY, edited by JAMES H. FENNELL.. No. L., containing interesting Article on the True Orthography and Etymology ef Shakspeare's Name; Remarks on his Bequest to his Wife; Shakspeare considered as a Comie Writer; Curious Account of a Great Flood at Stratford-on-Avon in his Time; Remarks en Shakspeare's Gallantry; Notes on his Pedigree: on Shakspearian Manuscripts: Old London Theatres; some Account of his Mulberry Tre and Wainscot Chair: Ancient Verses written on his coming to London, &c. &c.

Published by JAMES H. FENNELL No. 1. Warwick Court, Holborn, London.

[blocks in formation]

Nearly ready, Third Edition. with consi derable Additions, fep. 8vo.,

N OUTLINE OF THE NEA Treatise on Pure and Applied Logic. By the REV. WILLIAM THOMSON, Felios and Tutor of Queen's College, Oxford. Was an Appendix on Indian Logic, by Profesor MAX MULLER.....

WILLIAM PICKERING, 177. Piccadilly.



Just published, New Editions of DRYDEN. With Memoir by

REV. J. MITFORD. Five Vols., 25.

KIRKE WHITE. With Memoir by SIR H. NICOLAS. 58.


moir by REV. A. DYCE. 58.

With Me

SPENSER. With Memoir by REV. J. MITFORD. Five Vols., 25.

*** Fifty-three Volumes are published in this Series. Each Author may be purchased separately, price 5s. each Volume, in cloth boards.

WILLIAM PICKERING, 177. Piccadilly.

By Post for Two Stamps.


HAND BOOKS for Sale by JOHN TUPLING, 320. Strand, with Notes, set down here and there, making it very pleasant to read. JOHN TUPLING, 320. Strand.

1 by THOMAS CLARK SHAW, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and hed by GEORGE BELL, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. I Street aforesaid.- Saturday, December 25. 1852.




A. on collodion negatives, 514.
Mrs. Duff, 281.

longevity at Minshead, 497.
muffs worn by gentlemen, 981.
A. (A.) on colonial newspapers, 425.
mummies of ecclesiastics, 53.

A. (A. S.) on Arabella Stuart's marriage,

battle of Kerbester, 549.

bishops deprived by Queen Elizabeth,
100.; by William III., b.

Catherine Grey's marriage, 578.
constables of France, 128.
Count Adda, 128.

Eva, princess of Leinster, 588.
Frances, duchess of Suffolk, 128.
Gobat (S.), bishop of Jerusalem, 130.
Grey (Lady Mary) and T. Keyes, 128.
Hugh Lupus, earl of Chester, 100.
Inglis (C.), bishop of Nova Scotia, 151.
Marie de Conci, 128.

Mary Queen of Scots' daughter, 150.
Stanley (Thomas), bishop of Man, 130.
Stanser (Robert), bishop of Nova Sco-
tia, 149.


Turner (J. M.), bishop of Calcutta,

vicars-apostolic in England, 125.
Watson (Thomas), bishop of St.
David's, 130.

William, titular earl of Gowrie, 555.
Yolante de Dreux, 150.
Abbies, French, history of, 293.
Abbotsford, and other publishing clubs, 580.
Abdy (Dr. J. T.) on Pope Joan, 483.
Aber and Inver, their etymology, 290. 366.

Aberdoniensis on publishing clubs, 580.

locality of Falahall, 532.

stipends of Scottish clergy, 530.
A. (B. H.) on the Irvingites, 271.
A. (B. M.) on Tophams of Craven, 604.
Ackey trade, 314.

Adams (G. R) on Wellesley pedigree, 585.
Adamson (John) on Waller's handwriting,


Adda (Count), notices of, 128.

Adsum on electrical phenomena, 555.

magnetic force at the equator, 578.
Ægrotus on Moroni's portrait of Mary
Queen of Scots, 100.

odyllic light, 75.

volume of French poetry, 127.

A. (E. H.) on Adamson's England's De-
fence, 580.

biographical queries, 413.


chronogram from Fuller's Worthies,

episcopal sees in France, 329.
Furye family, 473.

lines on the Earl of Crawford, 4.
marriage of ecclesiastics, 530.
notice of Algernon Sidney, 21.
scorning the church, 432.

spiritual persons in lay offices, 557.
vicars-apostolic, 297.

A. (E. H.) on Wellington title, 462.
wen cure, 144.

A. (F.) on Lady-day in harvest, 471.
Locke's Essay, quotation supplied, 471.
misprint in Prayer-Book, 520.
Pickigni, its meaning, 75.
surnames, 106.

"world without end," 434.

A. (F. R.) on Alain Chartier, 230.
Cheshire cure for hooping cough, 71.
Descartes' Voyage du Monde, 230.
Histoire du Prince Titi, 220.
African house in Leadenhall Street, 391.
A. (F. S.) on black boys sold in London,

Aghindle, its etymology, 9. 184.
Agmond on age of trees, 18. 328.

burials in unconsecrated ground, 229.
customs duties, 334.

Mahomet's celebrated fly, 10.
mummies in Germany, 328
Shakspeare's "We three," 18.
wells and springs, 301.
Ague, cure for the, 5.

Ai, diphthong, its pronunciation, 18.
Aitch on Dr. Henniker, 603.

A. (J.) on legend of King Alfred, 341.
A. (J. D.) on bells on horses' necks, 135.
A. (John H.) on bare cross, 245.

burying alive as a punishment, 245.
coins placed in foundations, 270.
Foubert family, 136.
reverence to the altar, 257.

A. (J. M.) on martial law, 553.
A. (J. T.) on Shakspeare folios, 226.
A. J. van der Aa on Dutch pottery, 253.
Alcohol, its meaning, 54. 228.

Alexander (Sir J. E.) on charm of clan, 461.
Alfred on royal arms in churches, 517.
exterior stoups, 497.

paring nails on Sundays, 432.
Quexpark in Kent, 517.

smothering hydrophobic patients, 438.
Alfred, king, legend of, 341.

Alfred's battle with the Danes, 10. 110.
Boethius, passage in, 219.

Algor (John) on Wickliffe's birthplace, 254.

harvest moon, 400.

Alioquin, or otherwise, 389. 516.
Aliquis on the domiciliary clause, 8.
"All alive and merry," a newspaper, 413.
Allen (Robert J.) on Bede's works, 472.
charm for warts, 409.
customs duties, 473.
harvesting on Sundays, 446.
Hob, its meaning, 446.

Kyrie's tankard at Balliol, 542.
Milton in prose, 340.

mitigation of capital punishment, 276.
muffs worn by gentlemen, 374.
remarkable trees, 281.

Sir Phelim O'Neile, 457.
springs and wells, 96.
superstition in Scotland, 409.
passage in Religio Medici, 415.
sheets, a Kentish word, 497.
Spinoza's death place, 614.
All-fours, its origin, 137.

Altar, on reverence to the, 33. 109. 182. 257.
Altron on genealogies of Drake and Bowes,

mistranslation in Stuart's Active and
Moral Powers, 481.

misprint in Prayer-Book, 520.

A. (M.) on Alioquin, 389,

derivation of Huguenot, 317.

"Per viam expedientiæ," 584.

the saying "In nomine Domini," 487.
Amateur (an) on Mrs. Philarmonica's trios,

Amber witch, 82.

American degrees, 45.

flag, stars and stripes on, 41.
languages, 60.

loyalists, 44. 592.

Americanisms, so called, 411. 543. 554.

Americanus on the Falls of Niagara, 555.
Ames family, 292.

Amicus on tapestry of Richmond Palace, 54.
Anatol on formyl, 361.

Arabic inscription, 373.

Andrews the astronomer, 136.

A-n. (W.) on Washington and Tate, 602.
Anon, on coins placed in foundations,470.
print of the head of Christ, 521.
similes founded the magnetic

needle, 369.


Anonymous works, Bombastes Furioso,287.


De Sancta Cruce, 9. 61. 87. 109.
Dictionnaire Bibliographique, 35.

Gradus ad Parnassum, 128. 233. 329.
Mémoires d'une Contemporaine, 75.

Anonymous writers, a Dictionary of, sug-
gested, 219.

Anti-Jacobite song, 314. 395.

Antiquaries' Society, subscription to, 473.


Antiquary on Monk Wearmouth monas-
tery, 534.

Antiquities, continental writers on, 35.
Apple-pie order, 109.

Apple-sauce with pork, 64.
Apron, its etymology, 146.
A. (R.) on Veronica plant, 199.
Arch, origin of the pointed arch, 388.
Archer (F. S.) on collodion process, 612.
Areley-Kings, memorial on the church-
yard of, 406.

A. (R. J.) on Aber and Inver, 366.

battle of Alfred, 110.

haberdasher, its derivation, 111.
Lady-day in harvest, 350.

"Music hath charms," &c., 388.
reverence to the altar, 109.

Armorial bearings of cities and towns, 54.

Armorials, national, 512.

Arms of royalty in churches, 62, 108. 178.
227. 248. 517.

'Aviov, &c. as used in the Apocalypse, 509.
Arnold family, particulars of, 555.
Arrowsmith (Dr. John) noticed, 413.
Arterus on Works of the Learned, 327.

Arthur (King), second exhumation, 568.

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