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Oh chain me! whip me! let me be the scorn WHIPLASH. 1.5. The lash or small end Of sordid rabbles and insulting crowds !

of a whip. Give me but life.


Have' whiplash wel knotted and cartrope Heirs to cities and large estates have a weak


T#sset. ness in their eyes, and are not able to bear the Whipper.n. s. [from whip.] One who

pain and indignity of whipping. Swifi. s. To lash with sarcasm.

punishes with whipping. They would whip me with their fine wits, till

Love is merely a madness, and deserves as well I was as crest-fallen as a dried


a dark-house and a whip as madmen do; and

the reason why they are not so punished is, that 6. To inwrap: Its string is firmly sehipt about with small gut, WHI'PPINGPOST. n. s. [whip and posti]

the whippers are in love too. Shakse. that it may the easier move in the edge of the rowler.


A pillar to which criminals are bound TO WHIP. v. a. To take anything

when they are lashed. nimbly: always with a particle ascer

Could not the whippingpost prevail,

With all its rhet'rick, nor the jail, taining the sense; as, out, on, up, a way, To keep from fiaying scourge thy skin, A ludicrous ise.

And ancle free from iron gin? Hudibras. In his lawless fit,

Whi'Psaw. n. s. [whip and satv.] Behind the arras hearing something stir,

The mbipsaw is used by joiners to saw such He wbipt his rapier out, and cries, a rat!

great pieces of stuff that the handsaw will not And in this brainish apprehension kills

easily reach through.

Moxon. The unseen good old man. Shakspeare.

WHI'PSTAFF. n. s. [On shipboard.) A She in a hurry whips up her darling under her


piece of wood fastened to the helin, Raise yourself upon your hinder legs, and then which the steersman holds in his hand to stretch out your head: I can casily whip up to move the helm and turn the ship. Bail. your horns, and so out of the well. L'Estrange. War'PSTER. 1. s. (from whip.] Anime

Brisk Susan whips her liner, f; on the rope, bie fellow. Whilst the first drizz'ling shon 'i is born aslope.

I am not valiant neither;

Svift. Thus disposed, it lics ready for you to whip it

But ev'ry puny whipster gets my sword. Shaks.

Give that tubipster but his errand, out in a moment.

To Whi?. V. .
To move nimbly: A WHIPT, for whipped.

He takes my inid chief justice' warrant. Prior." ludicrous word.

In Bridewel a number be stript, Two friends travelling together, met a bear Lesse worthie than these to be whipt. Tusser, upon the way: the one whips up a tree, and the

TO WHIRL. V. a. [hipynfan, Saxon ; other throws himself fiat upon the ground.


whirbilen, Dutch.] To turn round raThe simple 'squire made a sudden start to pidly. follow; but the justice of the quorum whipped

My thoughts are whirled like a potter's wheel: between.

Tatler. I know not where I am, nor what I do. Sbaksp. WHIP. n. s. [hpecp, Saxon.) An instru

He wbie's his sword around without delay, ment of correction tough and pliant.

And hews through adverse foes an ample way. There sat infernal Pain,

With his full force he whirld it first around And fast beside him sat tumultuous Strife; Tie one in and an iron abip did strail,

But the soft yielding air receiv'd the wound. The other brandished a bloody knife. Senser.

Dryden. Put in ev'ry honest hand a sobip,

The Stygian food, To lash the rascal naked through the world.

Falling from on high, with bellowing sound

W birls the black waves and rattling stones ao Sbakspcare. round.

Addison, Love is merely a madness, and deserves as well a dark-house and a wbip as madmen do.

With impetuous motion whirld apace,

This magick wheel still moves, yet keeps its High on her head she rears two twisted snakes;



They have ever heen taught by their senses, Her chain she rattles, and her abip she shakes.


that the sun, with all the planets and the fixed In his right hand he holds the whip, with

stars, are wirled round this little globe. Watts. which he is supposed to drive the horses of the To WHIRL. V. .

Adilison. 1. To run round rapidly. Whip and spur. With the utmost haste. He, wrapt with whirling wheels, inflames the Each staunch polemick

skyen Come whip and spur, and dash'd throʻthin and With fire not made to burn, but fairly for to thick.


Spenser. Whi'PCORD. n. s. [whip and corit.) Cord

Five moons were seeu to-night, of which lashes are made.

Four fixed, and the fifth did whirl about In Raphael's first works are many small fold

The other four in wond'rous motion. Shaksp. ings, often repeated, which look like so many

As young striplings whip the top for sport

On the smooth pavement of an empty court, whipcords.

Do ydin. Whi'PGRAFTING. n. s. [In gardening.)

The wooden engine flies and wbirls about, A kind of grafting.

Admir'd with clamours of the beardless route

Dryden. WHIPH A'ND. n. s. I whip and hand.) Ad- Wild and distracted with their fears, vantage over.

They justling plunge amidst the sounding deepx; The archangel, when Discord was restive, and

The Hood away the struggling squadron sweeps, would not be drawn from her beloved monastery And men, and arms, and horses whirling bears. with fair words, has the wbipband of her, and

Smith drags her out with many stripes.

Drgilen, z. To inove hastily.





She what he swears regards no more

by the atoms must be thrust and crowded to be Than the deaf rocks when the loud billows roar; middle of those whirlpools, and there constipate But whirld away to shun his hateful sight, one another into great solid bodies.

Bentlege Hid in the forest.

Dryden. Whi'RLWIND. n. s. (Wèrbelwind, Germ.] WHRL. n. s. from the verb.]

A stormy wind moving circularly, 1. Gyration ; quick rotation ; circular In the very torrent and whirlwind of your motion ; rapid circumvolution.

passion, beget a temperance that may give it 'Twere well your judgments but in plays did smoothness.


With whirlwinds from beneath she tosu'd the range; But ev'n your foilies and debauches change

ship, With such a wbirl, the poets of your age

And bare expos’d the bosom of the deep. Dr. Are tir'd, and cannot score them on the stage. WHÍRRING. adj. A word formed in imi.

Dryden, tation of the sound expressed by it. Wings raise my feet; I'm pleas'd to mount From the brake the whirring pheasant springs, on high,

And mounts exulting on triumphant wings.
Trace all the mazes of the liquid sky;

Their various turnings and their wbirls declare, WHISK. n. s. [wischen, to wipe, Germ.]
And live in the vast regions of the air. Creech.
Nor whirl of time, nor flight of years, can

1. A small besom, or brush,

The white of an egg, though in part trans-
I have been watching what thoughts came up

parent, yet being long agitated with a wbisk or
spoon, loses its transparency.

in the whirl of fancy, that were worth commu.


If you break any china with the top of the How the car rattles, how its kindling wheels

whisk on the maotle-tree, gather up the frage Smoke in the whirl : the circling sand ascends,

Ssrift, And in the noble dust the chariot's lost. Smith,

2. A part of a woman's dress. 4. Any thing moved with rapid rotation. An easy means to prevent being one farthing For though in dreadful whirls we hung

the worse for the abatement of interest, is wear High on the broken wave,

ing a lawn whisk instead of a point de Venice.

I knew thou wert not slow to hear,
Nor impotent to save.


To Whisk. v.a. [wiscber, to wipe, Germ.) WHI'RLBAT. n. s. [wbirl and bat.] Any

1. To sweep with a small besoin. thing moved rapidly round to give a

2. To move nimbly, as when one sweeps,

Cardan believ'd great states depend blow. It is frequently used by the poets

Upon che tip o'th' hear's tail's end; for the ancient cestus.

That, as she whisk'd it t'wards the sun,
At whirlbat he had slain many, and was now Strow'd mighty empires up and down. Hudibrasa
himselt slain by Pollux.

The whirlbat's ialling blow they nimbly shun; WHISKER. n. s. (from wbisk.] The bair
And win the race ere they begin to run. "Creech. growing on the upper lip unslaven; the

The guardian angels of kingdoms he rejected, mustachio.
as Dares did the whirlbats of Eryx, when they A sacrifice to fall of state,
were thrown before him by Entellus. Dryden. Whose thread of life the fatal sisters

The wbirlbat and the rapid race shall he Did twist together with its whiskers. Hadibras. Reserv'd for Cæsar, and ordain'd by me. Dryd, Behold four kings, in majesty rever'd, WHIRLBONE. n.s. The patella ; the cap With hoary whiskers and a forky beard. Popie of the knee.

Ainsworth. A painter added a pair of whiskers to the face. WHIRLIGIG. n. s. [whirl and gig.) A

Radissa toy which children spin round. To WHI'SPER. v. n. [whisperen, Dutch.)

He found that marbles taught him percussion, To speak with a low voice, so as not to and whirligigs the axis in peritrochio.

be heard but by the ear close to the Arbuthnot and Pope. speaker; to speak with suspicion or That since they gave things their beginning,

timorous caution, And set this wbirlig g a-spinning. Prior.

He sometime with fearful counterance would WHIRLPIT. 7 n. S. (bpynfpole, Sax.) desire the king to look to himself; for that all WHIRLPOOL. A place where the wa

the court and city were full of whisperings, and ter moves circularly, and draws what- expectation of some sudden change.


All that hate me wbisper together against me. ever comes within the circle toward its

Psalms centre į a vortex.

In speech of man, the whispering or susurrus, Poor Tom ! whom the foul fiend hath led whether louder or softer is an interior sound; through ford and whirlpool, o'er bog and quaga but the speaking out is an exieriour sound; and mire.

Shakspeare there ore you can never make a tone, nor sing,
In the fathomless profound

in 'whispering, but in speech you may. Bacona Down sunk they, like a falling stone,

The king Acestis calls;
By raging whirldits overthrown. Sandys. Then softly whisper'd in her faithful ear,

This calm of heaven, this mermaid's melody, And bade his daughters at the rites appear.
Into an unseen wbirlpool draws you fast,

And in a moment sinks you. Dry.len. It is as offensive to speak wit in a fool's coin-
Send forth, ye wise ! send forth your lab'ring pany, as it would be ill manners to wbisper in it:
thought :

he is displeased at both, because he is ignorant Let it return with enipty notions fraught

of what is said.

Petri Of airy columns every moment broke,

The hollow whisp'ring breeze, the pliant rills Of circling whirlpools, and of spheres of smoke. Purle down amid the twisted roots. Thessene

Prior. There might arise some vertiginous motions To Whi'sper. v.a. er wbirlpools in the matter of the chaos, where 1. To address in a low voice.

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WHI When they talk of him, they shake their 1. To form a kind of musical sound by an heads,

inarticulate modulation of the breath. And whisper one another in the ear. Shaksp.

I've watch'd and travellid hard:
Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak

Some time I shali sleep out, the rest I'll wbistle.
W bispers the o'erfraught heart, and bids it break.

Sbakspeare. Sbakspeare. Let one whistle at the one end of a trunk, He first whispers the man in the ear, that such

and hold your ear at the other, and the sound a man should think such a card.


shall strike sa sharp as you can scarce endure it. The steward whispered the young Templar,

Bacon that's true to my knowledge.


While the plowman near at hand @. To utter in a low voice.

Whistles o'er the furrow'd land.

Milton, You have heard of the news abroad, I mean Should Bertran sound his trumpets, the whispered ones; for they are yet but ear- And Torrismond but whistle through his fingers, kissing arguments. Sbakspeare. He draws his army oft.

Drydena Sit and eat your bread,

He whistled as he went for want of thought, Nor wbisper more a word; or get ye gone,

And weepe without doors.

Chapman. The ploughman leaves the task of day,
They might buzz and whisper it one to an-

And trudging homeward wbistles on the way: other, and, cacitly withdrawing from the apostles,

Gaya noise it about the city.

Bentley 2. To make a sound with a small wind 3. To prompt secretly.

Charles the emperor,
Under pretence to see the queen his aunt,

3. To sound shrill.
For 'cwas indeed his colour, but he came

His big manly voice
To wbisper Wolsey, here makes visitation.

Changing again toward childish treble pipes,
He whistles in his sound.


Soft whispers run along the leafy woods,
Whisper. n. s. [from the verb.) A

And mountains wbistle to the murm'ring foods.
Jow soft voice ; cautious and timorous

Dryden. speech.

Rhætus from the hearth a burning brand The extension is more in tones than in Selects, and whirling waves; till from his hand speech; therefore the inward voice or whisper The fire took fame, then dash'd it from the right cannot give a tone.

Bacon. On fair Charaxus' temples, near the sight Strictly observe the first hints and whispers of Then whistling past came on. Dryden. good and evil that pass in the heart, and this When winged deaths in whistling, arrows fly, will keep conscience quick and vigilant. Soutb. Wilt thou, though wounded, yet undaunted stay, Soft whispers through th' assembly went. Perform thy part, and share the dangerous day? Dryden.

Prior. He uncall’d, his patron to controul,

The wild winds whistle, and the billows roar, Divulg'd the secret whispers of his soul. Dryd. The splitring raft the furious tempest tore. With such like false whispers, in former

Pope. reigns, the ears of princes have been poisoned. To Whi'stle. v. a. To call by a whistie.

Davenant. Let him whistle them backwards and forwards, Whi'sperer. n. s. [from whisper.]

till he is weary.

Soutb.. 1. One that speaks low.

He chanced to miss his dog: we stood still till a teller of secrets ; a

he had wbistled him up. 2. A private talker;

Addison. conveyer of intelligence,

When simple pride for fatt’ry makes demands,

May dunce by dunce be wbistled oft my hands! Kings trust in eunuchs hath rather been as

Popes to good spials and good whisperers than good

WHI'STLE. n, s. (hpistle, Saxon.) magistrates.

Bacon. WHIST. [This word is called by Skinner,

1. Sound made oy the modulation of the who seldom errs, an interjection com

breath in the inolith.

My sire in caves constrains the wind, manding silence, and so it is commonly Can with a breath their clam'rous rage appease; used ;- but Shakspeare uses it as a verb,

'They fear his whistle, and forsake the seas. and Milton as an adjective or a partici

Dryden. ple.)

2. A sound made by a small wind instru. 1. Are silent.

ment. Come unto these yellow sands,

3. The mouth; the organ of whistling, And then take hands;

Let's drink the other cup to wet our whistles, Cure'sied when you have, and kist,

and so sing away all sad thoughts. Walton. The wild waves whist.

Sbaksp. 4. A small wind instrument. 2. Still; silent ; put to silence.

The masters and pilots were so astonished, that
The winds, with wonder wbist,

they knew not how to direct; and if they knew, Smoothly the waters kiss'd,

they could scarcely, when they directed, hear Whispering new joys to the mild ocean. Milt. their own whistle.

Sidney 3. Be still.

A game at cards, requiring

Upon the hempen tackle shipboys climbing; close attention and silence : vuigarly

Hear the shrill whistle, which doch order give
To sounds confus'd.

Sbakspeare. pronounced whisk.

Small whistles, or shepherds oaten pipes, give The clergyman used to play at whist and a sound because of their extreme slenderness, swobbers.

Swift. whereby the air is more pent than in a wider
W bist awhile

Walks his grave round, beneath a cloud of smoke Her infant grandame's whistle next it grew,
Wreath'd fragrant from the pipe. Thomson. The bells she gingled, and the whistle blew.
fo WII'STLE, V.n. [hpisela, Saxon ;

- Pope fistulo, Latin.)

5. The noise of winds.

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6. A call, such as sportsmen use to their Past over, to the end they were created, dogs.

Would bring wbite hairs unto a quiet grave. Madam, here comes my lord..

Sleksar. I have been worth the whistle. Shaksp. 5. Pure; unblemished. The knight, perusing this epistle,

Unhappy Dryden! in all Charles's days, Believ'd he'd brought her to his whistle. Hudib. Roscommon only boasts unspotted lays: Whi'sTLER. n. s. [from whistle.] One And in our own, excuse some courtly stains, who whistles.

No whiler page than Addison's remains. Pipes

WHITE. n. s. The prize was a guinea, to be conferred upon the ablest wbistler, who could whistle clearest, 1. Whiteness; any thing white; white

and go through his tune without laughing. Addis. colour. Whit. n. s. (piht, a thing; apılıt, any My Nan shall be the queen of all the fairies, thing, Saxon.] A point; a jot.

Finely attired in a robe of wbite. Stadi. We love, and are no whit regarded. Sidrey.

A friend coming to visit me, I stopped him at Her sacred book with blood vwrit,

the door, and before I told him what the colours That none could read except she did him teach,

were, or what I was doing, I asked him which of She unto him disclosed every whit,

the two arbites were the best, and wherein they

differed? and after he had at that distance riese And heavenly documents thereout did preach.


ed them well, he answered, that they were both The motive cause of doing it is not in our

good u biles, and that he could not say which selves, but carrieth us as if the wind should drive was best, nor wherein their colours differed.

Nese 2 feather in the air; we no wbit furthering that whereby we are driven.

Hesker. 2. The mark at which an arrow is shot, Although the lord became the king's tenant, which used to be painted white. bis country was no whit reformed thereby, but If a mark be set up for an archer at a great remained in the former barbarism. Davies. distance, let him aim as exactly as he can, the

Nature's full blessings would be well dispens'd least wind shall take his arrow, and divertit In unsuperfluous, even proportion,

from the ubite.

Dr. And she no wbit encumber'd with her store. Remove him, then, and all your plots fiy sure,

Milton. Point blank, and level to the very wbite
It does not me a wbit displease,

Of your designs.
That the rich all honours seize. Cowley. 3. The albugineous part of an egg.
In accounts of ancient cimes, it ought to sa-

I'll fetch some flax and whites of eggs tisfy any eliquirer, if they can be brought any

T'apply to 's bleeding face.

Shams. wbit near one another.


The strongest repellents are the arbitar a It is every wbit as honourable to assist a good

new-laid eggs beaten to a froth with alum. minister, as to oppose a bad one. Addison. White. adj. [hpit, Saxon; wit, Dutch.] When fates among the stars do grow, J. Having such an appearance as arises Thou into the close nests of time dost peep; from the mixture of all colours ; snowy.

And there, with piercing eye, When the paper was held nearer to any co

Through the firm shell and the thick bite Jour than to the rest, it appeared of that colour

dost spy to which it approached nearest ; but when it was

Years to come a forming lie, equally, or almost equally, distant from all the

Close in their sacred securdine asleep. Cor.. colours, so that it might be equally illuminated What principle manages the wbite and yoik cí by them all, it appeared wbite. Newton. an egg into such a variety of textures, as is reWhy round our coaches crowd the white quisite to fashion a chick?

Beve. glov'd beaus?


The two in most regions represent the yoik 2. Having the colour of fear; pale.

and the membrane that lies next above it; so

the exterior region of the earth is as the shell of My hands are of your colour, but I shame To wear a heart so 'white.


the egg, and the abyss under it as the tire that lies under the shell.

Barna 3. Having the colour appropriated to

4. The white part of the eye. happiness and innocence.

Our general himself Welcome, pure-eyed faith, white-handed hope;

Sanctifies himself with 's hands, Thou hovering angel girt with golden wings,

And turns up th' wbite o'th' eye to his discourse. And thou unblemish'd form of chastity. Milt.

Statspeare Wert thou that sweet-smiling youth?

The horny or pellucid coat of the eve doit not Or that crown'd matron sage, wbite-rohed

lie in the same superficies with the lite of the Truth?


eye, but riseth up, as a hillock, above its c.Let this auspicious morning be exprest


Pas. With a white stone distinguish'd from the rest,

To White. v. a. [from the adjective.] W bite as thy fame, and as thy honour clear; And let new joys attend on thy new-added year.

To make white; to dealbate ; to whiteDryden.

wash. To feastful mirth be this wbite hour assign'd, His raiment became shining, exceeding white And sweet discourse, the banquet of the mind. as snow; so as no fuller on earth can cobite them, Pope.

Mark. Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend, Like unto wbited sepulchres, which appear And wbite-rob'd innocence from heav'n descend. beautiful outward, but are within full of dead

men's bones.

Mastbet. 4. Gray with age.

I call you servile ministers,

Wbite lead is made by taking sheet-lead, and That have with two pernicious daughters join'd having cut it into long and narrow slips, they Your high-engender'd battles 'gainst a head make it up into rolls, but so that a small distané So old and white as this.

Shakspeare. may remain between every spiral revolution. So minutes, hours, and days, weeks, months, These rols are put into earthen pots, so ordered

that the lead may not sink down above halfway,

and years,

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WHI or some small matter more, in them: these have, like that ermine, forsaken the common pots have each of them very sharp vinegar in track of business, which is not always clean. the bottom, so full as almost to touch the lead.

Drydena When the vinegar and lead have both been put WHITEPOT. n. s. A kind of food. into the pot, it is covered up close, and so left Cornwall squab-pye, and Devon whitepot for a certain time; in which space the corrosive brings.

King. fumes of the vinegar will reduce the surface of WHITES. n. s. (fluor albus.] It arises from the lead into a mere white calx, which they se

a laxness of the glands of the uterus, parate by knocking it with a hammer. There are two sorts of this sold at the colour shops;

and a cold pituitous blood. Quincy. the one called ceruse, which is the most pure WhiteTHORN. n. s. [spina alba, Latin.] part, and the other is called white lead. Quincy. A species of thorn.

As little as a whileiborn and a pear-tree seem WhiteLIVERED. adj. [froin white and

of kin, a cion of the latter will sometimes prosper liver.] Envious ; malicious; cowardly. well, being grafted upon a stock of the former. Whi'tely. adj. (from white.] Coming

Boyle. near to white.

WHITEWASH. n. s. [white and wash.]
A whitely wanton, with a velvet brow, 1. A wash to make the skin seem fair.
With two pitch balls stuck in her face for eyes, The clergy, during Cromwell's usurpation,

Sbakspeare. were very much taken up in reforming the few
Now, governor, I see that I must blush

male world; I have heard a whole sermon against Quite through this veil of night a wbitely shame, a whitewasb.

Addisora To think I could design to make those free

2. A kind of liquid plaster with which Who were by nature slaves.


walls are whitened. WH'TEMEAT. n. s. [white and meat. ) Four rooms above, below, this mansion grac'd, Food made of milk.

With whitewash deckt, and river-sand o'er-cast. Much saltness in wbitemeat is ill for the stone.

Harte. Tusser. Whi'TEWINE.n. s. [white and wine.) A The Irish banished into the mountains, lived species of wine produced from the white only upon wbitemeats.


grapes. To Whi'ten. v. a. [from white.] To The seeds and roots are, to be cut, beaten, and make white.

infused in white-wine.

Wisemano The smoke of sulphur will not black a paper, Whither. adv. [hpyder, Saxon.} and is commonly used by women to whiten tiffa

1. To what place? interrogatively. nies.

Flax the soil and climate are proper for white

Sister, well met; wbitber away so fast?

-No farther than the Tower. ening, by the frequency of brooks, and also of

Sbakspo winds.


The common people swarm like summer flies; Women of my complexion ought to be more

And whither fly the gnats but to the sun?

Shakspeare modest, especially since our faces debar us from

Ah! whither am I hurried ? ah! forgive, all artificial whitenings.

Striking her cliff, the storm confirms her

Ye shades, and let your sister's issue live. Drych

2. To what place : absolutely. pow'r; The waves but whiten her triumphant shore.

I stray'd I knew not wbither. Milton

Prior. 3. To which place : relatively. Whether the darken'd room to muse invite, W bither when as they came, they fell at words, Or whiten'd wall provoke the skewer to write; Whether of them should be the lord of lords. In durance, exile, Bedlam, or the mint,

Spenser. Like Lee or Budgell, I will rhyme and print. Ac Canterbury, whither some voice was run

Pope. on befure, the mayor seized on thein, as they
To grow white. were taking fresh horses.

The bark expects its freight;

That lord advanced to Winchester, whither
The loosen'd canvas trembles with the wind,

sir John Berkley brought himn two regiments And the sea whitens with auspicious gales.

more of foot.

Smith. 4. To what degree? Obsolete : perhaps

never in use. Whitener. n. s. [froin whiten.] One

Il bither at length wilt thou abuse our patience? who makes any thing white.

Still shall thy fury mock us? Ben Jonsor. WHITENESS. n. s. [from white.]

WHITHERSOE'VER. adv. [whilber and 1. The state of being white; freedom

soever.] To whatsoever place. from colour.

For whatever end faith is designed, and whic This doch lead me to her hand,

thers over the nature and intention of the grace Of my first love the fatal band,

does drive us, thither we must go, and to that Where wbiteness doth for ever sit;

end we must direct all our actions. Taylor. Nature herself enamellid it.

Sidney. Wbiteness is a mean between all colours, hav

WHITING. n. s. [wittingh, Dutch; albur. ing disposed itselt indifferently to them all, so as nus, Latin.] with equal facility to be tinged with any of them. I. A small sea fish.

Newton. Some fish are gutted, split, and kept in pickle, Paleness.

as zobiting and mackerel.

Carew. Thou tremblest, and the whiteness of thy The muscular fibres of fishes are more tender cheek

than those of terrestrial animals, and their Is apter than thy tongue to tell thy errand. whole substance more watery. Some fishes, as

Sbakspeare, wbitings, can be almost entirely dissolved into 3. Purity ; cleanness.

Arbuthnot. The least spot is visible on ermine; but to 2. (from white.] A soft chalk. preserve this wbiteness in its original purity, you That this impregnated liquor may be im



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