NATUS SEPT.NL 1709 Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. 15 DECEM 1784. SAMUEL JOHNSON LLD. Engraved by John Hall Engraver to his. Sto Publish'd as the Act directs, by the Proprietors, Jau 1 1787. WORKS OF Samuel Johnson, LL.D. A NEW EDITION, IN TWELVE VOLUMES. WITH AN ESSAY ON HIS LIFE AND GENIUS, BY ARTHUR MURPHY, Esq. VOLUME THE FIRST. LONDON: Printed for T. Longman, B. White and Son, B. Law, J. Dodsley, H. Baldwin, J. Robfon, J Johnfon. C. Dilly. T. Vernor, G. G. J. and J. Robinfon, T. Cadell, J. Nichols, R. Baldwin, N. Conant, P. Elmfly, F. and C. Rivington, T. Payne, W. Goldfmith, R. Faulder, Leigh and Sotheby, G. Nicol, J. Murray, A. Strahan, W. Lowndes, T. Evans, W. Bent, S. Hayes, G. and T. Wilkie, T. and J. Egerton, W. Fox, P. M'Queen, Ogilvie and Speare, Darton and Harvey, G and C. Kearsley, W. Millar, B. C. Collins, and E. Newbery. To Lyce, an elderly Lady On the Death of Mr. Robert Levet Epitaph on Claude Phillips Horace, Lib. IV. Ode VII. translated Burlesque of some Lines of Lopez de Vega AN |