Imagens das páginas


Cazenovia, town of, act to authorize, to raise money to build
bridges in....
.....182, 735, 774, 789
Cazenovia and Canastota railroad. (See "Canastota.")
Cazenovia and Chittenango railroad. (See "Chittenango.")
Cemeteries, bill to authorize trusts for improvement of public and

private .....


act to enable rural, to acquire title to lands....511, 817, 911
956, 992, 1108

act to authorize trustees of incorporated rural, to impose
tax on lot owners....
........... 698, 736, 774, 791
Cemeteries in Saratoga county. (See "Saratoga county.")
in Schoharie county. (See "Schoharie county.")
Central Park commissioners. (See "New York city.")

Central Plankroad in Oswego county, act for relief of... 885, 916, 924
Central road or avenue in Westchester county. (See "Westches-
ter county.")

Central Virginia Copper and Gold Mining and Smelting Company,
bill to incorporate.....
....121, 236, 337, 388,
Chadwick, Catharine, act to release interest of State in lands to..
70, 143, 176, 191, 202,
Chamberlin, Benjamin, bill relating to last will and testament of..
Chambers' creek, act to amend act to authorize construction of
bridge over, in towns of Newburgh and New Windsor, &c.....
262, 366, 376, 387, 406, 700, 719,
Champlain canal, communication from Whitehall Transportation
Company, relative to condition of .....

act to authorize lease of surplus waters at Fort Edward.

534, 841,

act to provide for payment of claims for improvement of,











666, 734, 770, 792

Charitable institutions, act making appropriations for certain

Charity bill,...

.1002, 1058, 1059, 1083, 1103
...1002, 1058, 1059, 1083, 1103

Charlotte, town of, act to authorize levying additional highway
tax on, for highways and bridges..334, 355, 459, 470, 498, 502, 748
Chateaugay Water Works Company, act to incorporate..647, 671,

741, 756, 812
Chattels, act for better protection of persons letting, loaning or
hiring out......
.....303, 458. 670, 683, 726
Charities, bill to amend act to provide for appointment of State

commissioners of......



annual report of board of...
Chautauqua county, act to fix compensation of treasurer of..1001, 1011

1013, 1020

Chenango canal, petitions for appropriation for extension of..119,

133, 167, 407

act to provide for extension of.......647, 666, 734, 770, 792
Chenango county, bill to amend act to provide against illegal taxa-
tion in. (See "Taxation.")
Chenango Valley Savings Bank, act to amend act to incorporate..
60, 87, 99, 101, 102,

Cherry Valley and Mohawk Railroad Company, bill to amend act
relating to ....

Children's Aid Society, of New York, petition for building fund for
Newsboys' Lodging House

(See "New York city, Children's Aid Society.")






Chili, town of, act to provide for draining lands in. .231, 290, 418, 421
439, 497

Chittenango and Cazenovia railroad, act to facilitate construction
....666, 953, 1009, 1016
Christian Biblical Institute, of Eddytown. (See "Eddytown.")
Churchville, village of, act to confirm election of officers of..231, 342

418, 422,

Cicero Methodist Episcopal Church, to authorize trustees of, to sell

Cities, counties, towns and villages, bill requiring indebtedness of,
to be filed in Comptroller's office..

Citizens' Association, of New York city. (See "New York city.")
Citizens of the United States, concurrent resolutions relative to,




while traveling abroad.....

Civil List, resolution for purchase of.....
Claim committee, resolution for clerk to..

Clark, Brackett H., resolution relative to papers of .....
Clergymen of Albany, resolution that Clerk invite, to open session

of Senate with prayer........

Clerk of Senate, election of ...

[blocks in formation]







to invite clergymen of Albany to open Senate with


appointments of......

to pay postage on papers and documents...

to furnish Red Books....40, 212, 348, 492, 493, 680, 976, 1059
to take measures for ventilation of Senate chamber .. 1080
resolution of thanks to.....

[ocr errors]

Clerks of Senate committees, resolution for appointment of..49, 62,



resolution to furnish manuals to....
Clerks and deputies in departments of State government, act giv
ing additional compensation to ........231, 485, 514, 723, 754, 762
Clifton Iron Company, act to authorize, to transport passengers..
230, 284, 302, 307,
Clifton Park, town of, act to enable electors of, to vote by districts
for town officers.....


.....652, 660, 726

act to authorize construction of swing bridge over canal
near Rexford's Flats in ...
....859, 917, 948, 981

Clifton Springs Female Seminary, act to incorporate.... 648, 742, 948

984, 1107

Clinton Liberal Institute, act to amend act to incorporate....333, 550
629, 653, 661

Clinton to Rome, bill to authorize towns to issue bonds to aid in
construction of railroad from.....


Clyde Savings bank, act to incorporate..
Coal, concurrent resolution relative to tolls on


.698, 738, 773, 788
..47, 76

act to regulate sale of..........305, 342, 910, 951, 985, 1089
Cobleskill, village of, act to incorporate.. 332, 342, 370, 375, 401,
Code of Procedure, bill to amend sections 366 and 371 of.

[blocks in formation]

bill to amend act to simplify and abridge practice, &c...
161, 576, 833, 920, 929, 1072, 1073

bill to regulate proceedings in certain cases under.
to amend section 271 of.......

to amend section 391 of....

[blocks in formation]

Cohoes Savings bank, act to amend act to incorporate...511, 574,

Cohoes, village of, to repeal law authorizing establishment of
lock-up in. (See "West Troy.")

act to authorize, to raise money to repair and build
bridges in..


... 1012


act to amend act to supply water to..647, 671, 741, 761, 859
Colchester, town of, act to enable treasurer of Delaware county to
make return of non-resident taxes in........318, 328, 478, 497,
Cold Spring, act to amend act in relation to police officers in vil-
lage of..
....766, 775, 807, 816
College Point, to enable Conrad Poppenhusen to found institution
at. (See "Poppenhusen, Conrad.")
College Point, village of, bill to incorporate...725, 870, 911, 934, 965
Collins, Charles, and others, act to authorize Canal Appraisers to
hear claims of......
Colorado, bill to amend charter of Union Gold Mining Company of,

586, 732, 842,


Columbia county, bill to provide for taxing dogs in, &c......783,
Columbia, town of, petition of soldiers of, for additional bounties.
Columbia Yacht Club, bill to incorporate....
Commissioners of Emigration. (See "Emigration Commissioners.")
Commissioners of Excise, bill to increase powers of......

bill to require, to execute bonds.....

Commissioners of Land Office, act to authorize, to sell certain
lands in town of Jerusalem. (See "Jerusalem.")
bill to more particularly define powers and duties of....

832, 841, 844,
Commissioners of Public Charities, bill to amend act to provide for

appointment of.......

annual report of State Board of.
(See "New York city.")


Commissioners of United States Courts, bill to authorize, to take
affidavits and acknowledgements ....











...44, 52, 392

Commissioners of United States Deposit Fund, to authorize dis-
charge of mortgages to. (See "Mortgages.")
Committee clerks, resolutions for.....

Committees to wait upon Governor.

to wait upon Assembly...

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

select, to inquire as to number of officers, &c...5, 6, 71,




select, on safety of railway travel ....
select, to inquire into Erie railway matters.... 220, 229,

378, 450, 451, 452

select, on matter of alleged corruption by Erie Railway
... 532, 556, 576, 968, 1082
of conference. (See "Conference committee.")
Common schools, act making appropriations for support of. (See

[blocks in formation]

resolution requesting, to report amount received for sale
of unclaimed railroad baggage.

reply of.......




Comptroller, resolution requesting, to report as to taxation of capi-
tal stock of corporations

reply of .....





...318, 328

act to renew appropriation for payment of certain bonds
issued by, for temporary loans....
resolution requesting, to furnish Senate with copy of
printing contract...



Concurrent resolutions, for committee to report as to what offices
of the Senate and Assembly, and State and Executive
Departments are necessary................ .............6, 71, 88, 150
for adjournment of Legislature....30, 36, 132, 140, 150, 155
629, 935, 1026, 1074, 1081, 1109






.47, 71,


[blocks in formation]

relative to Rouse's Point bridge.....
for distribution of Convention Manual
relative to American citizens abroad.
relative to canal tolls on coal
relative to Federal judiciary...
for adoption of joint rules....
directing Attorney General to institute proceedings to
declare void certain canal contracts.....
directing Capitol commissioners not to take down State
Library or Congress Hall block ............122, 174, 192
requesting Congress to pass some law providing for em-
ployment of disabled soldiers....


requesting Congress to pass an appropriation for improve-
ment of Buffalo harbor.....

[blocks in formation]

passage of bill for construction of ship canal around
Falls of Niagara.....

[blocks in formation]

to print Transactions of State Agricultural Society and
American Institute
.....604, 974, 975
to appoint Theodore Dwight and others, commission to
inquire into management of prisons...
that all United States bonds ought to be paid in legal

.744, 839

tender notes.....
Coney Island and Brooklyn Railroad Company, act for relief of.. 1100
Coney Island plankroad, act to provide for widening....567, 808, 877

remonstrances against

901, 1089
...668, 727

Conference committees, on act to repeal canal contracting bill... 568
569, 585, 834, 935, 939, 947, 1061

on bill relative to recorder, &c., of Troy....
on act for appointment of additional notaries public....

on act relative to Metropolitan Police Life Insurance

on militia bill...




....885, 923
.892, 932, 1088


Conference committees, on canal appropriation bill.....905, 1071, 1082

on appropriation bill.....

on supply bill.....

on New York county tax levy.
on New York city tax levy
on charity bill....

.905, 989, 1029, 1035

.947, 1036, 1048, 1070, 1085

.1077, 1090, 1097
1080, 1090, 1093
1083, 1103

Conley, James, act to legalize acts of, as justice of the peace....

198, 234, 238,
Conover, John T., bill to vest in, powers and duties as trustee of
the will of Gustavus A. Conover......
Consolidated Express Company, bill to incorporate....
Constitution, to amend act to provide Convention to revise... 47,
act to provide revenue under, to increase sinking fund..
569, 734, 770, 787, 792,










bill to provide for submitting amended, to electors of
724, 957, 962, 963, 1072, 1073
act explanatory of chapter 194, Laws of 1867, in relation
to revision of....
..765, 778, 827, 846, 855, 921


Constitutional Convention, communication from, asking State to
make provision for disabled soldiers
resolution that they ought to provide for submitting.
amended Constitution to the people...
resolution to furnish documents of, to Legislature...196, 217
251, 1084


.... 209, 252


resolution requesting Secretary of, to report all resolu-
tions adopted by the Convention as to expenditures of
communication from Convention as to question of sub-
mitting amended Constitution to the people......
communication from, relative to privileges of Legislature,
Contracting Board, resolution requesting clerk of, to transmit
copy of correspondence between board and Attorney
....112, 119


bill to repeal act to enlarge powers and duties of, and to
define method in which repairs of canals shall hereafter
be conducted, and to abolish Canal Department...142, 156
175, 219, 247, 256, 258, 259, 284, 309, 315, 322, 323, 346
568, 585, 589, 834, 935, 939, 947, 1061

Contracting system on canals, bill to abolish. (See "Canals.")
Convention to revise the Constitution, resolution of Senate offering

use of Senate Library....

resolution for furnishing Manual of...

communication from, relative to privileges of, to mem-
bers of Legislature....

bill to amend act to provide for....

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Convict labor in State prisons. (See "State prisons.")
Cook, Hon. James M., resolutions on death of......
Cooperstown, village of, act to authorize construction of iron bridge
across Susquehanna river... . . .
Cooperstown Young Men's Association, act to incorporate ...666, 734

773, 787

....47, 54, 145

Copake, town of, bill to authorize, to borrow money to reimburse
drafted men who have paid commutation .....
Copartnership names, to allow continued use of, in certain cases
(See "Partnerships.")

Copenhagen and Turin railroad, petition relative to...........




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