The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, Volume 12T. Tegg, 1812 |
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71 páginas correspondentes ao termo Andronicus neste livro
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Palavras e frases frequentes
Aaron Andronicus Antipholus art thou Bassianus Bawd BENVOLIO Boult brother CAPULET CHIRON CLEON COMEDY OF ERRORS daughter dead dear death Dionyza doth Dromio Duke ears emperor empress Enter Ephesus Exeunt Exit eyes fair father friar Friar LAURENCE gentleman give gods Goths grief hand hath hear heart heaven Helicanus hither honour husband JOHNSON Juliet king lady Lavinia Line live look lord Lucius LYSIMACHUS madam MALONE Mantua Marcus Marina Marry master means Mercutio mistress Mitylene Montague musick ne'er never night noble Nurse Pericles play pray prince Prince of Tyre Rome Romeo SATURNINUS SCENE Simonides sorrow speak STEEVENS sweet Tamora tears tell Thaisa Tharsus thee there's thine thou art thou hast Titus Titus Andronicus tongue Tybalt Tyre unto villain weep wife word