But mantled in your own. Mar. O, let me clip ye In arms as sound as when I woo'd; in heart As merry as when our nuptial day was done, And tapers burn'd to bedward! Com. How is't with Titus Lartius? Flower of warriors, Mar. As with a man busied about decrees: Even like a fawning greyhound in the leash, Which told me they had beat you to your trenches? Where is he? call him hither. Let him alone; Mar. Com. But how prevail'd you? Mar. Will the time serve to tell? I do not think so. Where is the enemy? are you lords o' the field? If not, why cease you till you are so? Com. Marcius, We have at disadvantage fought, and did Retire, to win our purpose. Mar. How lies their battle ?4 know you on which side 3 Taking ransom of one, or letting him go for pity; treating with some of the captives for the price of their freedom, or mercifully discharging them without pay. 4 Battle was often used for army; especially of an army drawn up in battle-array, or an embattled army. They've placed their men of trust? Com. As I guess, Marcius, Their bands i' the vaward are the Antiates,5 Of their best trust; o'er them Aufidius, Their very heart of hope. Mar. I do beseech you, By all the battles wherein we have fought, By th' blood we've shed together, by the vows And that you not delay the present, but, Com. Though I could wish You were conducted to a gentle bath, And balms applied to you, yet dare I never Deny your asking: take your choice of those That best can aid your action. Mar. That most are willing. Those are they If any such be here As it were sin to doubt - that love this painting Wherein you see me smear'd; if any fear And follow Marcius. [They all shout, and wave their swords; take him up in their arms, and cast up their caps. 5 The vaward is the vanguard, that is, the front, where the best soldiers would naturally be placed.-Shakespeare uses Antiates as a trisyllable, as if it had been written Antiats. 6 Meaning the present business; that which craves instant dispatch. 7 That is, fear less for his person. Often so. See vol. ix. page 147, note 21. Go we along; make you a sword of me. If these shows be not outward, which of you you but is Able to bear against the great Aufidius Com. March on, my fellows : [Exeunt. Make good this ostentation,10 and you shall SCENE VII. The Gates of Corioli. TITUS LARTIUS, having set a guard upon Corioli, going with drum and trumpet toward COMINIUS and CAIUS MARCIUS, enters with a Lieutenant, a party of Soldiers, and a Scout. Lart. So, let the ports be guarded: keep your dutie As I have set them down. If I do send, dispatch Those centuries 2 to our aid; the rest will serve For a short holding: if we lose the field, We cannot keep the town. Lieu. Fear not our care, sir. 8 As occasion shall require. Cause and occasion readily interchange their senses; and the usage is common in all sorts of speech. 9 The order is, apparently, for the army to march along by him; he the while selecting such as seem fittest for the enterprise. 10 This showing or display of courage. See vol. iv. page 225, note 9. 1 The ports are the gates. Like the Latin porta. 2 Centuries are companies of a hundred men each. Lart. Hence, and shut your gates upon's. Our guider, come; to th' Roman camp conduct us. [Exeunt. SCENE VIII. —A Field of Battle between the Roman and the Volscian Camps. Alarum. Enter, from opposite sides, MARCIUS and AUFIDIUS. Mar. I'll fight with none but thee; for I do hate thee Worse than a promise-breaker. Auf. We hate alike: Not Afric owns a serpent I abhor More than thy fame I envy. Fix thy foot. Mar. Let the first budger die the other's slave, And the gods doom him after ! Auf. Halloo me like a hare. Mar. If I fly, Marcius, Within these three hours, Tullus, Alone I fought in your Corioli walls, And made what work I pleased: 'tis not my blood Wert thou the Hector Auf. [They fight, and certain Volsces come to Officious, and not valiant, you have shamed me [Exeunt fighting, driven in by MARCIUS. 3 The whip or scourge that your boasted progenitors were possessed of This use of progeny for progenitors is, I believe, singular. 4 Condemned seconds is help condemned as worthless or unavailing. The use of to second for to help is very common. Alarum. SCENE IX.- The Roman Camp. A retreat is sounded. Flourish. Enter, from one side, COMINIUS and Romans; from the other side, MARCIUS, with his arm in a scarf, and other Romans. Com. If I should tell thee o'er this thy day's work, I' the end admire; where ladies shall be frighted, Shall say, against their hearts, We thank the gods Our Rome hath such a soldier! Yet camest thou to a morsel of this feast,3 Having fully dined before. Enter TITUS LARTIUS, with his power, from the pursuit. Lart. O general, Here is the steed, we the caparison: Hadst thou beheld Mar. Pray now, no more: my mother, Who has a charter 4 to extol her blood, When she does praise me grieves me. I have done As you have done, As you have been, - that's what I can; induced - that's for my country: 1 " Gladly quaked" is gladly made to tremble, or to shake, with fright. 2 Shakespeare repeatedly uses piebeians with the first syllable accented, as if it were spelt plebeans. 3 We should say "this morsel of a feast." The meaning is, that what the hero has done here is but as a morsel, compared to the full meal of fighting which he had before gone through at Corioli. 4 Charter is special privilege or admitted right. |