Some degree of goodness must be previously supposed : this always implies the love of itself, an affection to goodness : the highest, the adequate object of this affection, is perfect goodness; which, therefore, we are to " love with all our heart, with... Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Página 3661842Visualização integral - Acerca deste livro
![]( | James Ussher - 1654 - 640 páginas
...which we owe unto man in the second. Q. What is the sum of the first table ? A. That weu love the Lord our God, with all our heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind. Q. How many commandments belong to this table ? A. Four1. Q. Which is the first commandment ? A. I... | |
![]( | Matthew Hole - 1716 - 540 páginas
...Gofpel for this Day, from , whence we may learn fome weighty and important LefIbns. As, (i.) Let us love God with all our Heart, with all our Soul, and With all our Strength, and with all our Mind j that iSj with all the Powers and Faculties of Soul and Body, and... | |
![]( | John Killingbeck - 1730 - 406 páginas
...fufliciently appears what the juft Meaning and Importance of it is, how we may be (aid to love the Lord our God with all our Heart, with all our Soul, and with all our Mind : That it is fairly practicable in it felf, and very confiftent with the moderate Love, Defire, and... | |
![]( | Matthew Hole - 1732 - 382 páginas
...are to be exercis'd and employ'd in his Service. Our bleffed Saviour requires us, To love the Lord our God, with all our Heart, with all our Soul, and with all our Mind ; meaning, that thofe noble Faculties of our Understanding, Will, and Affeftions, Jhould be all principally... | |
![]( | Seed J. - 1747 - 468 páginas
...treacherous half Oppojition ; whereas did we fet ourfelves againft Vice, as we ought to cleave unto God, with all our HEART, with all our SOUL and with all our STRENGTH -, we fhould foon find, that we thought that impojfibte, which to a determined Mind is fcarce... | |
![]( | Jeremiah Seed - 1747 - 472 páginas
...treacherous half Oppofition ; whereas did we fet ourfelves againft Vice, as we ought to cleave unto God, with all our HEART, with all our SOUL and 'with all our STRENGTH ; we fhould foon find, that we thought that impqflible, which to a determined Mind is fcarce... | |
![]( | Joseph Butler - 1749 - 536 páginas
...higheft, the adequate Objecl of this Affection, is perfed Goodnefs ; which therefore we are to love with all our Heart, with all our Soul, and with all our Strength. " Muft we then, forgetting our own Intereft, " as it were go out of ourfelves, and love God... | |
![]( | Stephen Clarke (rector of Burythorpe.) - 1750 - 424 páginas
...and Reverence and Obey him, without Exception of Reserve. This will be to love him with all our Mindy with all our Heart, -with all our Soul, and with all our Strength. And if we love him in this Manner, we ffiall "be fure to anfwer the Defigns of his Fatherly... | |
![]( | Thomas Darling - 1757 - 156 páginas
...- comprehended in the ten Commandments.--- A. The Sum of the ten Commandments, is to Jove the LORD our GOD, with all our Heart, with all our Soul, and with all our Strength, and with all our Mind, and our Neighbour as Ourfelves." If the Bible may be taken in the... | |
![]( | Augustine (st.) - 1770 - 470 páginas
...prohibited, is eternal and unchangeable. i. TS it then at any Time, or in any Place JL unjufl to love God with all our Heart with all our Soul, and with all our Mind, am to love our Neighbour as ourfelves? No. Am therefore thofe vicious A&ions that are again! Nature,... | |
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