Imagens das páginas

Haut ton, high life.

Honi soit qui mal y pense, evil be to him who evil


Hors de combat, out of condition.

Ich dien (Welch), I serve.

Je ne sais quoi, I know not what.

Jeu de mots, a quibble, a play upon words.
Jeu d'esprit, a witticism.

L'argent, money, or silver.

L'empire des lettres, the republic of letters.

Le roi et l'état, the king and the state.
Lettres de cachet, a writ of arrest.

Lieutenant de vaisseau, the lieutenant of a ship.

Maître d'hôtel, master of the house.

Mal à propos, unseasonably.

Mauvaise honte, bashfulness.

Mots d'usage, common phrases.

Nom de guerre, assumed name.
Nonchalance, indifference.

On dit, they say, or it is said,
Outré, strange, preposterous.

Par hazard, accidentally, by chance.
Penchant, inclination.

Perdu, concealed or lost.

Petit maître, a beau, a fop.
Point d'appui, basis, support.

Protégé, one protected and patronised.

Qui vive, upon the alert.-Who is there?

Rouge, red, or red paint.

Ruse de guerre, a stratagem of war.

Sang froid, coolness, indifference.
Sans, without.

Sauve qui peut, save himself who can.

Savant, a learned man.

Savoir faire, wit or skill.

Savoir vivre, good manners.

Soi disant, pretended.

Table d'hôte, an ordinary.

Tant mieux, so much the better.

Tant pis, so much the worse.

Tapis, carpet.

Tel maître tel valet, like master like man.

Tête-à-tête, face to face, a conversation of two

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Valet de chambre, a gentleman's servant.

Vérité sans peur, truth without fear.

Vis-à-vis, opposite.

Vive la bagatelle, success to trifles.
Vive le roi, long live the king.

Unique, singular.



Ab initio, from the beginning.

Ab'sit invi'dia, all envy apart.

Ab u'no dis'ce om'nes, from one learn all.
Ad absurdum, showing the absurdity.
Ad arbitrium, at pleasure.

Ad captan'dum vulgus, to catch the rabble.
Adden'da, to be added.

Ad eun'dem, to the same.

Ad honores, for decency's sake.

Ad infinitum, to infinity.

Ad libitum, at pleasure.

Ad referendum, for further consideration.

Ad valorem, according to value.

Affirma'tim, in the affirmative.

A fortiori, with stronger reason.
Agen'da, things to be done.
A'lias, otherwise.

Al'ibi, elsewhere..

Alter'nis ho'ris, every other hour.

Alma mater, a benign mother; a university.
A'mor patriæ, the love of our country.

A men'sá et tho'ro, from bed and board.
An'glice, in English.

Arca'na, secrets.

Arcana imperii, state secrets.

A posterio'ri, from the effect to the cause.
A priori, from the cause to the effect.

Argumentum ad hominem, personal argument; to the man.

Argumentum ad ignorantiam, a foolish argument. Argumentum ad judicium, argument to the judg


Assump'sit, it is assumed, or taken for granted.


Au'di alteram partem, hear the other side.

Bel'la, hor'rida bella, wars, horrid wars.
Bel'lum interneci'num, war of mutual destruction.
Bona fide, actually, in reality, or good faith.
Bonus, a benefit or advantage.

Cacoethes scriben'di, great fondness for writing. Cæteris paribus, other things being alike.

Ca'put mor'tuum, the thick matter that remains after distillation.

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Certiora'ri, to be made more certain.

Commu'nibus an'nis, one year with another.
Compos men'tis, of sound mind, or in one's senses.
Contra bo'nos mores, against good morals.
Copia fandi, liberty to speak.

Co'pia verbo'rum, a variety of words; eloquence.
Corrigen'da, to be corrected.

Cui bo'no, to what good will it tend?

Cui malo, what harm will it do?
Cum multis aliis, with many others.
Cum privilegio, with privilege.
Curren'te. calamo, with a running pen.
Custos mo'rum, the guardian of morals.
Cus'tos rotulo'rum, keeper of the records.

Da'ta, settled or determined points.
De facto, matter of fact.

Dei gratia, by the grace of God.

De jure, from the law, of right.

De'le, erase, or blot out.

Delen'da, to be erased.
De novo, anew.

Deo faven'te, by God's favour.

Deo juvan'te, by God's assistance.

Deo volente, God willing.

Desidera'tum, a thing to be desired.
De'sunt cæt'era, the rest is wanting.
Div'ide et im'pera, divide and govern.
Dom'inus provide bit, the Lord will provide.
Dra'matis perso'ne, characters represented.
Dum viv'imus viva'mus, while we live let us live.
Duran'te bene pla'cito, during pleasure.
Duran'te vi'ta, during life.

Ec'ce sig'num, behold a sign; see here an example.
Ergo, therefore.

Errata, errors.

Erra'tum, an error.

Ex, late; out of-(as ex-consul, late a consul).

Excerp'ta, extracts.

Ex conces'so, from what has been granted.

Ex curia, out of court.

Ex-offi'cio, by virtue of office; officially.
Ex-parte, on one side.

Fac sim'ile, an exact copy.

Fello de se, a suicide; self-murderer.

Fi'at, let it be done.

Fi'nis, the end.

Fieri fa'cias, cause it to be done.

Flagrante bello, while the war is raging.


gam fecit, he has taken to flight.

Gratis, free of cost.

Gratis dictum, said for nothing.

Habeas corpus, have the body; an act of parlia

ment for removing from one prison to another.

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