Grant's Hill defended by Scotch troops, Greenville, Wayne's head-quarters, 426 explores Upper Mississippi, Great Britain, difficulties with, after treaty 1784, 414 Henry, Fort, besieged, Green, Thomas, his propositions in 1786, Greathouse murders Indians, Great Meadows, Green Briar Land Company, attacked by George Girty, 450 60 152 60 257 405 967 167 99 917 918 638 Griffin built by La Salle, 726 decision of Supreme Court in suit of, 727 removal of suit to U. S. Court, and decision, 728 Holston river, 208 Hamilton, Governor, takes Vincennes, 281 Hopkins, Gen., expedition under, 878 insubordination of his troops, 880 883 cruelty of Indians to, 404 Hardin, Col. John, 548, 550, 551 Harmar, Gen., his Scioto expedition, 537 his campaign against Maumee towns, 545 destruction of Indian town, 548 Howard, Lord, with Iroquois at Albany, 96 defeat of division under Col. Hardin, 548 Howard, Gen., expedition under, 909 discord among the troops, 549 Hospitality in the West, 347 Indian account of expedition, 552 Hull, Wm., made governor of Michigan, 795 Harmony, Society of, settle in Butler co., Pa., 790 purchases land from Indians, 817, 822 791 commands army of the N. W., 857 792 blunders of government toward, 858 792 his progress and conduct, 860 862 793 Huguenot settlement in Carolana massacred, 48 |