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327: All the lands ceded, to Bryan Obanian, the younger
be a common fund for the
members of the federal alli-
ance, and for no other 328:-
Three members at least to ex-
ecute the trust 328. Papers
relating to the cession of the
north western territory, shew-
ing the origin of the mistake,
as to the reservation of lands,
for the officers and soldiers on
the state establishment 566.—
Deed of cession 571.

Notaries public, how appointed
411. Bond and oath 411:-
Tax on notarial seals 440.

Notice to take depositions may
be given to non-resident par-
ties, by publication 343.--
Printer's fee 343.

Certain persons appointed to
convey land to Edwin Gray,
which he purchased at a sale
of the lands of the Nottoway
Indians 157. Additional trus-
tees appointed to lease out
their lands 158.


Oath of examiners of land tax
141. Of inspectors of tobac-
co 220: Of pickers of tobacco
224: Of naval officers 259:-
Of officers of Hampden Syd-
ney college 274: Of trustees
of Transylvania seminary 284
Of notaries public 411: Of
clerks of county courts and
their deputies 464. Of offi
cers of militia 477.

Certain escheated lands vested in

Act providing more effectual
funds for redemption of certi-
ficates granted the officers and
soldiers 81. Injunctions to stay
sale of escheated property to
be expedited 81. Fraudulent
conveyances by British sub-
jects 82. Payment of British
debts into the treasury revived
82. Creditors may attach 82.
Sales of forfeited estates 82.
Officers and soldiers how to
pass their accounts 83. Guard
against further depreciation
83. Officers and soldiers to
give in their land claims 83.
How their warrants are to be
obtained 83. Certificate from
commissioner of war 84, 133.
Land bounty for three years
service 84. Additional boun-
ty for six years 84. No loca-
tions within their bounds 84.
Their certificates to be recei-
ved for public patent fees 84.
Officers in Lee's legion and
others credited to this state, in-
cluded in pay and bounty 84.
Navy officers, sailors, and ma-
rines entitled to same land
bounty and emoluments as in
land service 85, 162. Certain
and adequate funds established
for redemption of certificates
granted to officers and soldiers
196. Deputation of officers to
appoint superintendants for lo-
cating and surveying lands
given to officers and soldiers
on continental and state estab-
lishments 309. Priority of lo-

cation to be determined by lot
311. All the good lands on
the Cumberland and Tenessee
to be first surveyed, then on
the north-west of Ohio, be-
tween the Scioto and Little
Miami 312. Funds for pay-
ment of certificates and inter-
est warrants apportioned a-
mong the holders 380. Pro-
clamation suspending the sur-
veying of their lands 447.-
Officers of militia, how ap-
pointed 481.

Court of hustings of Winchester
to have exclusive power of li-
censing ordinances and regu-
lating them 34. Clerks to set
up lists 34. Ordinary keepers
incapable of acting as judges
of hustings court of Winches-
ter 34. So of Richmond 50.
So of Alexandria 51. Tax on
ordinary licences 93, 112, 418,
Court cf hustings of Peters-
burg, to have exclusive privi-
lege of licensing ordinaries, &
regulating them 385. Ordi-
nary keepers ineligible as
mayor, recorder, &c. of Pe-
tersburg 386.

Liable for tobacco refused or
burnt 225.

To be elected in several counties
on the dissolution of the ves-
tries 62, 432. Their duty 63.
Penalty on sheriffs 63. Suits
by or against vestries or church
wardens saved 63. Vestries to
account 63,

Further time allowed for return-
ing and funding paper money
133 State or continental
per money to be received for
land warrants 133. Warrants
in paper money, for property
impressed, may be re-audited
in specie 184. Act for calling
in and funding paper money
further continued 193, 397,
501. Except as to purchasing
land warrants 397.

Granted to James Hughes, and
Robert Smith, under sentence
of death for treason 21. Par-
don granted to Albridgton
Holland, Henry Norfleet,John
Caton and Levi Moore, con-
victed of treason, on condition
that they serve as soldiers du-
ring the war 129. James
Lamb and Joshua Hopkins,
pardoned on condition that
they leave the state 129. Par-
don granted to Demsey Butler,
convicted of treason 152. To
John Holland convicted of
treason 253.

Allowance to wives, parents, and
families of poor soldiers 11.

Vestries of parish of Antrim in
Halifax and of Westover in
Charles city dissolved, and
new vestries to be elected 73.
Further time allowed to elect
vestries 112. Vestry of parish
of St. Anne in Essex dissolved
130. Vestry of parish of
Lynnhaven in Princess Anne
county dissolved, and new ves-

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try elected 279. Their pow-
ers 279. Vestry of parish of
Antrim, in Halifax, authorized
to sell their glebe and pur-
chase a new one 404. Boun-
dary line between glebe land of
Manchester parish in Chester-
field, and lands of William
Logwood altered 431. Vestry
of parish of Southfarnham dis-
solved and a new vestry to be
elected 538.

Duty of commissioners of land
tax in cases of alienations or
partitions 143. List to be fur-
nished 143.

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vice 487.


Resolutions of Virginia, and of
Congress declaring any pro-
position from the enemy for a
separate peace, insiduous and
inadmissible 545, 546. Letter
from the secretary of foreign
affairs, announcing the cessa-
tion of hostilities 548. Procla-
mation of congress declaring
the cessation of arms 549 —
Proclamation of the governor
of Virginia, on the same sub-
ject 551.

Estate of Robert Williams vest-
ed in Mace Freeland, Spice
Pendleton and Elizabeth
Jones 65.

Report of commissioners ap-
pointed to extend Mason's &
Dixon's line, and fix the south
west corner of Pennsylvania

Pensioners to be examined by
county courts, and state of
their condition transmitted to
general assembly 146. Act
continued 316, 362, 446. Ex-
ecutive authorized to place
persons on the pension list
446. County courts to certify
condition of pensioners to ex-
ecutive instead of assembly

How granted by naval officers
259. Bond and security 260.
Towns of Petersburg, Bland-
ford, Pocahuntas, and Ra-

venscroft united and stiled
Town of Petersburg 382.
Boundaries 382. Annual elec-
tions 382. Mayor, recorder,
aldermen, and common coun-
cil how elected 383. Term of
service 383. Vacancies how
supplied 383. Qath of office
383. Incorporated 383. Style
of corporation 383. Corporate
powers 384.
Power to erect
public buildings, market house
&c. 384. To provide against
fire, regulate internal police,
&c. 384. To impose taxes
384, Fairs 384. Fines on bil-
liard tables, tippling houses
&e. 385. Tax on ordinary li-
cences 385. Common hall how
constituted and convened, its
powers 385. Court of hustings
jurisdiction 385. Criminal ca-
ses 385. Exclusive power of
licensing tavern keepers and
fixing their rates, appointing
clerk of market, establishing
assize of bread &c. and ap-
pointing constables, serjeants,
surveyors of streets &c. 385,
386. Fees of officers 386.
Oath of office 386. Bond by
serjeant 386. Mayor, record-
er, and aldermen, same pow-
ers as justices of peace 386
How removable from office
386. Court of hustings a court
of record 286. Rules in probats
of wills and granting adminis-
trations 386. Restrictions as
to deeds 356. Ordinary keep-
ers ineligible as mayor, recor-
der, &c. 386.

Of tobacco, how appointed, their i
Voz. XT.

oath and duty 224. Their com-
pensation 228. Penalty for be-
ing concerned in interest with
inspectors 528.

Act establishing pilots and reg-
ulating their fees 185. Certain
persons appointed to examine
pilots, and grant branches 185
Pilots to keep sufficient boats,
under a penalty 186. No
more than two persons to be in
partnership 186. Rules for
masters of ships and pilots 186
Pilots incapacitated and liable
to damage for losing ships
187. Rates of pilotage 187.
Allowance for disappointment
188. Pilot to have one white
apprentice at least 188 Pilots
to carry with them and pro-
duce a copy of this act 189-
Branch pilots exempted from
milita duty 189 Rates of pi-
lotage increased 320. Four pi-
lots may be in partnership 320
Additional fees allowed to pi-

6 4

lots 507.


See Pork, Berf. &c.
Act for inspection of, continued
71.509. Inspectors' fees 71,
195,510. Penalties and their
appropriation 71.

Court day of, altered 315.

Further time to return to land
office 92,291,376. All plats in
Kentucky to be first lodged
with the deputy register 292.
When plats and certificates of
survey to be returned 355.-

When and to whom plats to
be delivered 356.


Additional poll-tax 93,113,418.

Overseers of the poor to be elec-
ted in several counties, on the
dissolution of the vestries 62,
432. Their duty 63. Penalty
on sheriff 63. Suits by or a-
gainst vestries or churchwar-
dens saved 63. Vestries to ac-
count 63.

Pork, Beef, Tar, Pitch, and

Act for inspection of, continued
71,509. Inspectors' fees, 71,
195,510. Penalties and their
appropriation 71.

Town of Port Conway, in King
Geo. county established 363.
Foreign vessels restricted to cer-
tain ports 403. Ports desig-
nated 403. Duties payable at
those ports only 403. Penalty
for loading or unloading else-
where 403. Suspension of act

Potowmack company incorpo-
rated 510. Books to be open-
ed for subscriptions 510.
Meeting of the subscribers 511
Amount of capital 511. In
case of an overplus subscrip-
tion, mode of reducing it 511.
Capital to be divided into 500
shares 512. Unless one half
of capital subscribed the whole
to be void 512. To be incor-
porated as a company 512-
Style of corporation 512.-

Rules for electing officers 512.
Authority of president and di-
rectors to make contracts 513
To appoint officers, and fix
their compensation 513. Bond
and security by treasurer 513.
Limitation of compensation
513. Mode of collecting a-
mount of shares, subscribed
for 514. May sell shares of
delinquent subscribers 514.-
May sue for deficiences aris-
ing on sales 514. Election of
officers 514. Vacancies sup-
plied 514: Officers how re-
moved 515: Oath of office
515: Meetings of the compa-
ny 515: Property vested in
the holders of shares, as ten-
ants in common 515: Declar-
ed real estate 516: Exempt
from taxation 516: Tolls 517:
In case of refusal to pay toll,
of vessel may be re-
fused 519: Or, vessel seized
and sold 519: River and works
deemed a public highway 519:
Company may purchase lands
520: Or have them condemn-
ed by a jury 520:

ings thereon 520: Further da-
mages, how estimated 520:-
Land whereon to erect build-
ings, how acquired 521: No
water to be used from canal,
but for navigation, without
consent of proprietors 521:-
Shares transferrable, in what
manner 522: Restriction 522:
Capital of company may be
encreased 523: Conditions on
which tolls payable 522:-
Charter how forfeitable 524:
Treasurer to subscribe for fif-

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