Los judíos en el reino de Galicia

Editora Nacional, 1981 - 722 páginas
Traces Jewish life in Galicia from pre-Roman times, discussing its origin as well as economic, social, and cultural aspects. Reports on expressions of hostility toward the Jews in the Middle Ages, including the application in Galicia in 1223 of the mandates of the Council of Letrán, the anti-Jewish council of Santiago in 1312, and subsequent anti-Jewish dispositions. In Pt. 2, "Los Judíos Gallegos en la Edad Media", ch. 23 (p. 411-432), "La salida", describes the expulsion of the Jews from Galicia in 1492. In pt. 3, "Los Judeoconversos y la Inquisición", pp. 441-524 describe the persecution of Portuguese Conversos living in Galicia and of judaizing Galician Conversos. The Inquisition in Galicia was established in 1562 and, according to available documents, the last mention of a trial against a Converso was in the year 1737. Pt. 5 (p. 635-649), "La política semítica de Franco", praises what is considered to be the open-door policy of the Franco regime for Jewish refugees during World War II.

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