KING John. Prince Henry, Son to the King. Arthur, Duke of Bretagne, and Nephew to the King. Pembroke, Bigot, Faulconbridge, Baftard-Son to Richard the Firft. Robert Faulconbridge, fuppos'd Brother to the Baflard. James Gurney, Servant to the Lady Faulconbridge. Peter of Pomfret, a Prophet. Philip, King of France. Lewis, the Dauphin. Arch-Duke of Auftria. Card. Pandulpho, the Pope's Legate. Melun, a French Lord. Chatillon, Ambaffador from France to King John. Elinor, Queen-Mother of England. Blanch, Daughter to Alphonfo King of Caftile, and Lady Faulconbridge, Mother to the Baftard, and Robert Faulconbridge. Citizens of Angiers, Heralds, Executioners, Meffengers, Soldiers, and other Attendants. The SCENE, fometimes in England; and fometimes in France. Of this Play there are three editions in Quarto preceding the firft folio. I. 1 1591, for Sampson Clarke. II. 1611, Valentine Simmer for John Helme. III. 1622, Aug. Mathews for Thimas Dewe. THE KING 70H N ACT I. SCENE I. The Court of England. Enter King John, Queen Elinor, Pembroke, Effex, and Salisbury, with Chatillon. King JOHN. OW, fay, Chatillon, what would France with us? In my behaviour, (2) to the Majefty, The borrow'd Majefty of England here. (1) The trouble fome Reign of King Job was written in two parts, by W. Shakespeare and W. Rowly, and printed 1611 But the prefent Play is intirely different, and infinitely fuperior to it. POPE. The edition of 1611 has no mention of Rowley, nor, in the account of Rowley's works is any mention made of his conjunction with Shakespeare in any play. King John was reprinted in two parts in 1622. The first edition that I have found of this play, in its prefent form, is that of 1623 in fol. The edition of 1591 have not feen. The Life and Deacb.] Though this play have this Title, yet the Action of it begins at the thirty-fourth Year of his Life; and takes in only fome tranfactions of his reign to the time of his Demife, being an Interval of about feventeen Years. THEOBALD. (2) In my behaviour,] The word behaviour feems here to have a fignification that I have never found in any other authour. The King of France, fays the Envoy, thus fpeaks in my behaviour, to the Majefty of England: That is, the king of France fpeaks in the cha racter which I here affume. I once thought that these two lines, in my behaviour,&c. had been uttered by the ambaffador as part of his mafter's meffage, and that bebaviour had meant the conduct of the king of France towards the king of England; but the ambassador's fpeech, as continued after the interruption, will not admit this meaning. Eli. A ftrange beginning. Borrow'd Majesty! Which fways ufurpingly these several titles; K. John. What follows, if we difallow of this? K. John. Here have we war for war, and blood for blood, Controulment for controulment; fo anfwer France. Chat. Then take my King's defiance from my mouth, The fartheft limit of my embaffy. K. Jobn. Bear mine to him, and fo depart in peace. (4) Be thou as lightning in the eyes of France. For ere thou can'ft report, I will be there, The thunder of my cannon fhall be heard. So, hence! be thou the trumpet of our wrath, And (5) fullen prefage of your own decay. An honourable condu&t let him have, Pembroke, look to't; farewel, Chatillon. [Exeunt Chat and Pem. Eli. What now, my fon? Have I not ever said,. This might have been prevented, and made whole (3) Controul Oppofition, from controller. (4) Be thou as lightning-] The fimile does not fuit well: the lightning ind ed appears before the thunder is heard, but the lightning is deftructive, and the thunder innocent. (5) Sullen prefage-] By the epithet fullen, which cannot be applied to a trumpet, it is plain, that our authour's imagination had now fuggested a new idea. It is, as if he had faid, be a trumpet to alarm with our invafion; be a bird of ill omen to croak out the prognoftick of your own ruin. Which now the manage of two kingdoms must K. John. Our strong poffeffion, and our right for us Eli. Your ftrong poffeffion much more than your right, Or else it must go wrong with you and me; So much my confcience whispers in your ear, Which none but heav'n, and you, and I fhall hear. Enter Effex. Effex. My Liege, here is the strangest controverfie, Come from the country to be judg'd by you, That e'er I heard. Shall I produce the men? [Exit Effex. K. John. Let them approach. Our abbies and our priories fhall pay This expedition's charge Enter Robert Faulconbridge, and Philip, his Brother. What men are you? Phil. Your faithful fubject, I, a gentleman Born in Northamptonshire, and eldest fon, Robert. The fon and heir to that fame Faulconbridge. K. John. Is that the elder, and art thou the heir? You came not of one mother then, it seems? Phil. Moft certain of one mother, mighty King, ; Eli. Out on thee, rude man! Thou doft shame thy mother, And wound her honour with this diffidence. ; Phil. I, Madam? No, I have no reason for it; That is my brother's plea, and none of mine The which if he can prove, he pops me out At leaft from fair five hundred pound a year: Heav'n guard my mother's honour, and my land! K. John. A good blunt fellow; why, being younger born, Doth |