Lewis. A noble boy! who would not do thee right? Auft. Upon thy cheek lay I this zealous kifs, A feal to this indenture of my love ; That to my home I will no more return, Till Angiers and the right thou haft in France, (9) Together with that pale, that white-fac'd fhore, Whofe foot fpurns back the ocean's roaring tides, And coops from other lands her islanders ; Ev'n till that England, hedg'd in with the main, That water-walled bulwark, ftill secure And confident from foreign purposes, Ev'n till that utmost corner of the weft, Salute thee for her King. Till then, fair boy, Will I not think of home, but follow arms. Conft. O, take his mother's thanks, a widow's thanks, Till your ftrong hand fhall help to give him strength, Auft. The peace of heav'n is theirs, who lift their fwords In fuch a juft and chatitable war. K. Philip. Well then, to work, our engines shall be bent Against the brows of this refifting town; Conf. Stay for an answer to your Embafie, Enter Chatillon... K. Philip. A wonder, lady!-Lo, upon thy with Our (9) That pale, that white fae'd fer,] England is supposed to be called Albion from the white rocks facing France. * A wonder, lady!] The wonder is only that Chatillon bappened to arrive at the moment when Conftance mentioned him, Our meffenger Chatillon is arrived. -What England fays, fay briefly, gentle lord, We coldly paufe for thee. Chatillon, speak. Chat. Then turn your forces from this paultry fiege, And stir them up against a mightier task. England, impatient of your juft demands, His marches are (1) expedient to this town, To do offence and (3) feathe in christendom. thali T Drums beat. Cuts off more circumstance; they are at hand. To parly, or to fight, therefore prepared K. Philip. How much unlook'd for is this expedi tion! 2 ho pode tert Auft. By how much unexpected, by fo much se For courage mounteth with occafion: moi which the French king, according to a fuperftition which prevails more or lefs in every mind agitated by great affairs, turns into a miraculous interpofition, or omen of good. (1) Expedient-] Immediate, expeditious, (2) Bearing their birth-rights, &c.] So in Herry VIII. Many broke their backs With bearing manors on them. (3) Statbe- Destruction: wafte. N 2 SCENE SCENE II. Enter King of England, Faulconbridge, Elinor, Blanch, pung Pembroke, and others." K. John. Peace be to France, if France in peace permit Our juft and lineal entrance to our own; If not, bleed France, and peace afcend to heav'n. peace to heav'n. Out-faced infant ftate; and done a rape Upon the maiden virtue of the crown. These eyes, thefe brows, were moulded out of his s To draw my answer to thy articles? K. Philip. From that fupernal judge, that ftirs good thoughts In any breast of strong authority, (4) To look into the blots and ftains of right. K. John. Alack, thou döft ufurp authority. As thine was to thy husband; and this boy, Than thou and John, in manners being as like It cannot be, an' if thou wert his mother. Eli. There's a good mother, boy, that blots thy father. Conft. There's a good grandam, boy, that would blot thee. Auft. Peace. Faulc. Hear the crier. Auft. What the devil art thou? Faule. One that will play the devil, Sir, with you, An' a' may catch your hide and you alone. You are the hare, of whom the proverb goes, Whofe valour plucks dead Lions by the beard; I'll fmoak your skin-coat, an' I catch you right;. Sirrah, look to't; i'faith, I will, i'faith. Blanch. O, well did he become that Lion's robe, That did difrobe the Lion of that robe... (4) To look into the blots and flains of right.] Mr. Theobald reads, with the first folio, blots, which being fo early authorised, and fo much better understood, needed not to have been changed by Dr. Warburton to bolts, tho' bolts might be used in that time for Spots: So Shakespeare calls Banquo fpotted with blood, the blood-bolter'd Banquo. The verb to bola is ufed figuratively for to disgrace, a few lines lower. And, perhaps, after all, bolts was only a typographical mistake, N 3 Faulc Faule. It lies as fightly on the back of him (5), But, afs, I'll take that burden from your back, K. Philip. Women and fools, break off your confe rence. King John, this is the very fum of all. England, and Ireland, Anjou, Touraine, Maine, Wilt thou refign them, and lay down thy arms?. Eli. Come to thy grandam, child. Conft. Do, child, go to it' grandam, child. Arth. Good my mother, peace; I would, that I were low laid in my grave; Eli. His mother fhames him fo, poor boy, he weeps. (5) It lies as lightly on the back of him; As great Alcides' Shoes upon an Af,] But why his Shoes, in the Name of Propriety? For let Hercules and his Sboes have been really as big as they were ever fuppofed to be, yet they (I mean the Shoes would not have been an Overload for an Afs. 1 an perfuaded, I have retrieved the true reading; and let us obferve the juftnefs of the Comparifon now. Faulconbridge in his Refentment would fay this to Auftria, "That Lion's Skin, which my "great Father King Richard once wore, looks as uncoothly on "thy back, as that other noble Hide, which was borne by Hercules, would look on the Back of an Afs." A double Allufion was intended; firft, to the Fable of the Afs in the Lion's Skin; then Richard 1. is finely fet in Competition with Alcides; as Auftria is fatirically coupled with the Afs. THEOBALD. Mr. Theobald had the art of making the most of his difcove ries. Cont |