That shakes the rotten carcafs of old Death Out of his rags. Here's a large mouth, indeed, As maids of thirteen do of puppy-dogs. He fpeaks plain cannon-fire, and fmoak and bounce, Eli. Son, lift to this conjunction, make this match, Mark, how they whisper; urge them, while their fouls Left zeal now melted (9) by the windy breath Cool and congeal again to what it was. Cit. Why anfwer not the double Majefties This friendly Treaty of our threaten'd town? K. Philip. Speak, England, firft, that hath been forward firft To speak unto this City: what fay you ? K. John. If that the Dauphin there, thy Princely fon, may fignify an bindrance, or min that binders, is yet very improper to introduce the next-line. I read, Here's a flaw, That fbakes the rotten carcass of old Death. That is, here is a guft of bravery, a blast of menace. This fuits well with the fpirit of the fpeech. Stay and fw, in a careless hand, are not easily diftinguished; and if the writing was obfcure, flaw, being a word lefs ufual, was easily miffed. (9) Left zeal now melted] We have here a very unusual, and, I think, not very juft image of zeal, which in its highest degree is represented by others as a flame, but by Shakespeare as a froft. To reprefs zeal, in the language of others, is to cool, in Shakespeare's to melt it; when it exerts its utmoft power it is commonly, said tɔ fame, but by Shakespeare to be congeaked. Can Can in this book of beauty read, I love; As fhe in beauty, education, blood, Holds hand with any Princefs of the world. K. Philip. What fay'ft thou, boy? Look in the lady's face. Lewis. I do, my Lord, and in her eye I find A wonder, or a wondrous miracle; The fhadow of myfelf form'd in her eye; [Whispering with Blanch.. That hang'd, and drawn, and quarter'd, there should be,. Blanch. My uncle's will in this refpect is mine. Or, if you will, to fpeak more properly, 1 will enforce it easily to my love. (1) In old editions, Fr ANGIERS and fair Touraine, Maine, Poitiers, Except this City now by us befieg'd, But Find liable, &c.] What was the City befieged, but Angiers? King John agrees to give up all he held in France, except the City of Angiers, which he now befieg'd and laid claim to. could he give up all except Angie's, and give up That too? Anjou was one of the Provinces which the English held in France. THEOBALD. Further I will not flatter you, my lord, (Though churlish thoughts themselves fhould be your judge) That I can find fhould merit any hate. K. John. What fay thefe young Ones? What fay you, my Niece? Blanch. That the is bound in honour still to do What you in wisdom ftill vouchsafe to say. K. John. Speak then, Prince Dauphin, can you love this lady? Leavis. Nay, afk me, if I can refrain from love? For I do love her most unfeignedly. K. John. Then do I give Volqueffen, Touraine, Maine, Poitiers, and Anjou, thefe five Provinces, With her to thee; and this addition more, Full thirty thoufand Marks of English coin. Philip of France, if thou be pleas'd withal, Command thy Son and Daughter to join hands. K. Poip. It likes us well; young Princes close your hands. Auft. And your lips to; for I am well affur'd, That I did fo, when I was firft affur'd. K. Philip. Now, Citizens of Angiers, ope your gates, I know, fhe is not; for this Match made up K. Philip. And, by my faith, this league, that we have Will give her fadnefs very little Cure. Brother of England, how may we content This widow lady? In her Right we came ; Which we, God knows, have turn'd another way To our own vantage. K. John. We will heal up all, For For we'll create young Arthur Duke of Bretagne, [Exeunt all but Faulconbridge. SCENE VI. Faule. Mad world, mad Kings, mad compofition t And France, whofe armour Confcience buckled on, But the word Maid, cheats the poor maid of that; The world, which of itfelf is poised well; This bawd, this broker, this all-changing word,, my hand, When When his fair angels would falute my palm ACT III. SCENE I. {Exit. The French King's Pavilion. Enter Conftance, Arthur, and Salisbury. CONSTANCE. ONE to be marry'd! gone to fwear a peace! GFalfe blood to falfe blood join'd! Gone to be friends! Shall Lewis have Blanch, and Blanch thofe provinces, Oppreft with wrongs, and therefore full of fears: And, tho' thou now confefs thou didst but jeft, What |