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peculiar actions of which-contraction, sensation, and secretion-appear to be connected in no direct manner with the nuclei. But that, whilst fulfilling all its functions, the element remains an element, that it is not annihilated nor destroyed by its continual activity-this seems essentially to depend upon the action of the nucleus. All those cellular formations which lose their nucleus, have a more transitory existence; they perish, they disappear, they die away or break up. A human blood-corpuscle, for example, is a cell without a nucleus; it possesses an external membrane and red contents; but herewith the tale of its constituents, so far as we can make them out, is told, and whatever has been recounted concerning a nucleus in blood-cells, has had its foundation in delusive appearances, which certainly very easily can be, and frequently are, occasioned by the production of little irregularities upon the surface (Fig. 52). We should not be able to say, therefore, that blood-corpuscles were cells, if we did not know that there is a certain period during which human bloodcorpuscles also have nuclei; the period, namely, embraced by the first months of intra-uterine life. Then circulate also in the human body nucleated blood-cells, like those which we see in frogs, birds, and fish throughout the whole of their lives. In mammalia, however, this is restricted to a certain period of their development, so that at a later stage the red blood-cells no longer exhibit all the characteristics of a cell, but have lost an important constituent in their composition. But we are also all agreed upon this point, that the blood is one of those changeable constituents of the body, whose cellular elements possess no durability, and with regard to which everybody assumes that they perish, and are replaced by new ones, which in their turn are doomedto annihilation, and everywhere (like the uppermost cells in the cuticle, in which we also can discover no nuclei, as soon as they begin to desquamate) have already reached a

stage in their development, when they no longer require that durability in their more intimate composition for which we must regard the nucleus as the guarantee.

On the other hand, notwithstanding the manifold investigations to which the tissues are at present subjected, we are acquainted with no part which grows or multiplies, either in a physiological or pathological manner, in which nucleated elements cannot invariably be demonstrated as the starting-points of the change, and in which the first decisive. alterations which display themselves, do not involve the nucleus itself, so that we often can determine from its condition what would possibly have become of the elements.

FIG. 5.

You see from this description that, at least, two different things are of necessity required for the composition of a cellular element; the membrane, whether round, jagged, or stellate, and the nucleus, which from the outset differs in chemical constitution from the membrane. Herewith, however, we are far from having enumerated all the essential constituents of the cell, for, in addition to the nucleus, it is filled with a relatively greater or less quantity of contents, as is likewise commonly, it seems, the nucleus itself, the contents of which are also wont to differ from those of the cell. Within the cell, for example, we see pigment, without the nucleus' containing any. Within a smooth muscular fibre-cell, the contractile substance is deposited, which appears to be the seat of the contractile force of muscle; the nucleus, however, remains a nucleus. The cell may develop itself into a nerve-fibre, but the nucleus remains, lying

Fig. 5. a. Pigment-cell from the choroid membrane of the eye. b. Smooth muscular fibre-cell from the intestines. c. Portion of a nerve-fibre with a double contour, axis-cylinder, medullary sheath and parietal, nucleolated nucleus.


on the outside of the medullary [white'] substance, a constant constituent. Hence it follows, that the special peculiarities which individual cells exhibit in particular places, under particular circumstances, are in general dependent upon the varying properties of the cell-contents, and that it is not the constituents which we have hitherto considered (membrane and nucleus), but the contents (or else the masses of matter deposited without the cell, intercellular), which give rise to the functional (physiological) differences of tissues. For us it is essential to know that in the most various tissues these constituents, which, in some measure, represent the cell in its abstract form, the nucleus and membrane, recur with great constancy, and that by their combination a simple element is obtained, which, throughout the whole series of living vegetable and animal forms, however different they may be externally, however much their internal composition may be subjected to change, presents us with a structure of quite a peculiar conformation, as a definite basis for all the phenomena of life.

According to my ideas, this is the only possible startingpoint for all biological doctrines. If a definite correspondence in elementary form pervades the whole series of all living things, and if in this series something else which might be placed in the stead of the cell be in vain sought for, then must every more highly developed organism, whether vegetable or animal, necessarily, above all, be regarded as a progressive total, made up of larger or smaller number of similar or dissimilar cells. Just as a tree constitutes a mass arranged in a definite manner, in which, in every single part, in the leaves as in the root, in the trunk as in the blossom, cells are discovered to be the ultimate elements, so is it also with the forms of animal life. Every animal presents itself as a sum of vital unities, every one of


1 All words included in square brackets have been inserted by the Translator, and are intended to be explanatory.

which manifests all the characteristics of life. The characteristics and unity of life cannot be limited to any one particular spot in a highly developed organism (for example, to the brain of man), but are to be found only in the definite, constantly recurring structure, which every individual element displays. Hence it follows that the structural composition of a body of considerable size, a so-called individual, always represents a kind of social arrangement of parts, an arrangement of a social kind, in which a number of individual existences are mutually dependent, but in such a way, that every element has its own special action, and, even though it derive its stimulus to activity from other parts, yet alone effects the actual performance of its duties.

I have therefore considered it necessary, and I believe you will derive benefit from the conception, to portion out the body into cell-territories (Zellenterritorien). I say territories, because we find in the organization of animals a peculiarity which in vegetables is scarcely at all to be witnessed, namely, the development of large masses of so-called intercellular substance. Whilst vegetable cells are usually in immediate contact with one another by their

[merged small][graphic][subsumed]

Fig. 6. Cartilage from the epiphysis of the lower end of the humerus of a child. The object was treated first with chromate of potash, and then with acetic acid. In the homogeneous mass (intercellular substance) are seen, at a, cartilage-cavities (Knorpelhöhlen) with walls still thin (capsules), from which the cartilage-cells, provided with a nucleus and nucleolus, are separated by a distinct limiting membrane. b. Capsules (cavities) with two cells, produced by the division of previously simple ones. c. Division of the capsules following the division of the cells. d. Separation of the divided capsules by the deposition between them of intercellular substance-Growth of cartilage.


external secreted layers, although in such a manner that the old boundaries can still always be distinguished, we find in animal tissues that this species of arrangement is the more rare one. In the often very abundant mass of matter which lies between the cells (intermediate, intercellular substance), we are seldom able to perceive at a glance, how far a given part of it belongs to one or another cell; it presents the aspect of a homogeneous intermediate substance.

According to Schwann, the intercellular substance was the cytoblastema, destined for the development of new cells. This I do not consider to be correct, but, on the contrary, I have, by means of a series of pathological observations, arrived at the conclusion that the intercellular substance is dependent in a certain definite manner upon the cells, and that it is necessary to draw boundaries in it also, so that certain districts belong to one cell, and certain others to another. You will see how sharply these boundaries are defined by pathological processes (Fig. 129), and how direct evidence is afforded, that any given district of intercellular substance is ruled over by the cell, which lies in the middle of it and exercises influence upon the neighbouring parts.

It must now be evident to you, I think, what I understand by the territories of cells. But there are simple tissues which are composed entirely of cells, cell lying close to cell. In these there can be no difficulty with regard to the boundaries of the individual cells, yet it is necessary that I should call your attention to the fact that, in this case, too, every individual cell may run its own peculiar course, may undergo its own peculiar changes, without the fate of the cell lying next it being necessarily linked with its own. In other tissues, on the contrary, in which we find intermediate substance, every cell, in addition to its own contents, has the superintendence of a certain quantity of matter external to it, and this shares in its changes, nay, is frequently affected even earlier than the interior of the

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