Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Tennessee


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Página 92 - The Legislature shall have no power to suspend any general law for the benefit of any particular individual, nor to pass any law for the benefit of individuals inconsistent with the general laws of the land; nor to pass any law granting to any individual or individuals rights, privileges, immunities Or exemptions, other than such as may be, by the same law, extended to any member of the community who may be able to bring himself within the provisions of such law.
Página 425 - No person or persons, or their heirs, shall have, sue or maintain any action or suit, either in law or equity, for any lands, tenements or hereditaments but' within seven years next after his, her or their right to commence, have or maintain such suit, shall have come, fallen or accrued...
Página 300 - Act to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another person, being in writing and signed by the party to be charged therewith, or some other person by him thereunto lawfully authorized...
Página 206 - To lose is not to place or put anything carefully and voluntarily in the place you intend and then forget it, it is casually and involuntarily to part from the possession ; and the thing is then usually found in a place or under circumstances to prove to the finder that the owner's will was not employed in placing it there.
Página 206 - I place my watch or pocketbook under my pillow in a bed chamber, or upon a table or bureau, I may leave them behind me indeed, but if that be all, I cannot be said with propriety to have lost them. To lose is not to place or put anything carefully and voluntarily in the place you intend and then forget it, it is casually and involuntarily to part from the possession...
Página 245 - Unless the promise or agreement upon which such action shall be brought, or some note or memorandum thereof, shall be in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith, or by some other person by him thereunto lawfully authorized.
Página 214 - All property shall be taxed according to its value, that value to be ascertained in such manner as the Legislature shall direct, so that taxes shall be equal and uniform throughout the State. No one species of property from which a tax may be collected shall be taxed higher than any other species of property of the same value.
Página 210 - All lands liable to taxation in this State held by deed, grant, or entry, shall be taxed equal and uniform, in such manner that no one hundred acres shall be taxed higher than another, except town lots, which shall not be taxed higher than two hundred acres of land each. No freeman shall be taxed higher than one hundred acres, and no slave higher than two hundred acres on each poll.
Página 178 - ... defectively or imperfectly stated or omitted, and without which it is not to be presumed that either the judge would direct the jury to give or the jury would have given the verdict, such defect, imperfection, or omission is cured by the verdict...
Página 485 - What! after a verdict, shall the court be guessing and inventing a mode, in which it might be barely possible for these words to have been spoken by the defendant, without meaning to charge the plaintiff with being guilty of murder ? Certainly not. Where it is clear that words are defectively laid, a verdict will not cure them. But where, from their general import, they appear to have been spoken with a view to defame a party, the court ought not to be industrious in putting a construction upon them...

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