Imagens das páginas

upon. It is indeed amongst the most Miss Schauroth, whom we menspirited of his works, though want- tioned in our last report, has had a ing the originality of some of his concert, and the display of her taearlier compositions, because he has lents did not belie the reputation she taken his accustomed liberties with has gained abroad. She played some what he still considers to be his own, of the most difficult pieces of our though he may have previously given masters, as well as her own, in a it to the public. The concerted manner to satisfy the ablest propieces are polished and effective, and fessors. the whole was rendered exceedingly

The most considerable work that has attractive, by the way 'in which it was got up. Signor and Madame de lately appeared is “ An Essay on the HisBegnis were particularly happy. In- tory and Theory of Music, and on the deed the characters seemed to be the Human Voice, by Mr. Nathan.” We

Qualities, Capability, and Management of on purpose for them. The lady im- ought not, perhaps, in the honeymoon of proves every time we hear her, hay- Literature and Music in this country, to ing changed her manner, and attain- measure such a book by the same standard ed much nearer to the great style of as we should a work on any other science. singing since she came to England. Musicians should be encouraged to literary Madame Vestris also, and Garcia, attainment, which they have too long ne. sung eminently well.

glected; for nothing is so likely to advance Since our last, the concerts have the character, both of the art and its proslackened considerably. There has fessors. Mr. Nathan's chief defect is, want been one upon a grand scale for the contains a great deal of sensible matter, but

of arrangement and of selection. His book Royal Metropolitan Infirmary, on the this is dissolved in a menstruum of com25th of June, at the Hanover-square mon-place remark and anecdote, which Rooms, which we mention merely to greatly reduces the efficacy of the ingredi. prove the extensive application of ents that are really valuable; and will, we art to the purposes of charity. fear, impede the circulation of the pub

His Majesty, it was announced in lication, as the expence is so much in the court circular on the 11th of July, creased by their introduction. The sol. “ had a numerous evening party of feggi exercises are, however, very complete, distinguished personages at half if not the most perfect that have ever been past nine o'clock, who were gratified printed ; and the observations respecting with a performance of most choice singing are, upon the whole, pertinent

and able. and chaste English music only, under the direction of Mr. Hawes.” Perd. Ries. The subjects taken by Mr.

Eighth Fantasia for the pianoforte, by We are glad to see the taste setting Ries, as the groundwork, are Ciel pictoso, this way, for English music has late- an Aria, and Perchè mi guardi e piangi, ly incurred the danger of disappear- a duet, from Rossini's Opera of Elmira ; ing altogether. There has, however, and he has employed the most striking parts now clearly been raised a disposi- with much effect. While the contrast protion to make a stand for British art. duced by the manner in which the themes Let British artists have a care lest succeed each other, and the variety occathe effect of their talents be still kept sioned by their difference of character, bein shadow by want

of concord

among speak imagination and judgment in the themselves. Now that the King

him-composer, he gives the player all the maself manifests so decided a desire as the manner in which he has performed his

terials for expression and execution ; and he has of late, to encourage national own part of the task, is highly creditable effort, it is their part to second by to his taste and science. every endeavour so important a Mr. Kiallmark's Capriccio Ecossois can movement in their behalf.

hardly be allowed to claim so exalted a The Royal Academy has had a title, but it may fairly be termed a light concert of the pupils, who exhibited lesson. The arrangement of Should he considerable and creditable ability. upbraid, for a divertisement, by the same Prince Leopold distributed the prizes. composer, will be found a good substitute One of the young ladies showed such for the song. The air and accompaniments strong symptoms of mortification at the deviations necessary to the character of

are well connected, and preserved amidst being second in the contest, that his an incidental piece. Royal Highness was not obdurate

Les Belles Fleurs, consisting of select enough to resist her tears, and there- pieces, from the works of the most celefore bestowed a second medal. brated Authors, selected, and most of them newly arranged, for the pianoforte, by Bru. credi, E tu quando tornerai, and Di tanti guier, and for the flute, by Sola. No. I. palpite, arranged with as little difficulty as is a composition of Bochsa, and the selec- the nature of the subjects permits. tion and arrangement promise well for the The arrangements recently published are succeeding numbers. The flute part is the fourth books of Mr. Latour's selections rather difficult, but both the instruments from La Donna del Lago, for the pianohave an equal share in the performance. forte and flute; the first book of Airs from

The New Zealander's Dance, by Mo- the same opera, for the harp and flute, by ralt, is a lesson of the easiest description Mr. Bochsa ; and Himmel's Overture to for the pianoforte.

Fanchon, with accompaniments for the flute Mr. Bruguier's Fourth Dramatic Di. and violoncello, by Mr. Coggins.' vertimento, contains two airs, from Tan- July 21, 1823.


il Italy. One of the most remark- lers and navigators. Thus, bet able literary phenomena of the pre- sides the announced publication of sent times, is the great number of hitherto inedited documents, relative new editions of Dante's works, and to Columbus, we have a History of of writings of which that poet is the the Three Maritime States of Italy, subject. Only in the years 1821 and (Venice, Genoa, and Pisa) and of 1822, there have appeared, the Di- their commerce and navigation, by vina Commedia, with Lombardi's G. B. Fanucci, 4 vols. 8vo.; and, esCommentary; a Rimario, or Rhym- pecially, Zurla's Dissertations on Mar. ing Dictionary of Dante ; and a Trea- co Polo, and the other most illustise on Homer and Dante: all three trious Venetian travellers, 2 vols. published at Padua. Illustrations of 4to. The learned author, who has the Divina Commedia, by Colelli, at lately been raised to the dignity of Rome; farther, an edition of this Cardinal, having been several years work, forming part of the Parnasso at the head of the Propaganda, dediItaliano, publishing Florence, cated himself entirely to these stuwhich contains Dante, Petrarch, Po- dies, which, while their main object litian, Ariosto, and Tasso. Lastly, is religion, equally promote civilizathe Atlante Dantesco, by Thomas tion and geography. In the course of Flaxman, which contains 120 Copper last year, he printed a discourse, on the Plates, adapted to all the editions of advantages which the sciences, and esthe Inferno, the Purgatorio, and the pecially geography,owe to the ChristiParadiso. They begin now in Italy to an religion. Among the early voyages, give to the friends of Dante, whose those of the brothers Zeni in the numbers are constantly increasing, northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the name of Dantists, as the ad- afford a subject of research equally herents of Petrarch were, in the 17th difficult and interesting; they prove century, called Petrarchists. This that these Venetians visited Newmight pass, but it affords matter for foundland, and collected information serious reflection, when we learn, respecting many other parts of Amethat these admirers of Dante are de- rica, a hundred years before Columcried as Sectaries and Ghibellines, or bus; and we see from them that the as enemies to social order, and that Scandinavian nations continued, in writings against them, containing ac- 1380, the intercourse which they

had cusations of that kind, are in circu- opened with the New World, in 980 lation. If calumnies of this kind to 1000. A Collection of the most should succeed, we may expect to remarkable Sepulchral Monuments of hear of similar accusations against Venice, and its Islands, is in the the Petrarchists; for, if Dante joined course of publication. It will be in the Ghibellines, Petrarch, on the twenty-four numbers, each containother hand, was a constant adhe- ing five plates, in 8vo. Three numrent of the Guelphs, and an intimate bers are published. friend of Cola Rienzi. The Italian Netherlands. The widow of the literati appear to have become ani- celebrated Professor Wyttenbach, of mated with a laudable zeal to assert Leyden, has just published an interthe merits of their ancient travels esting volume, in 12mo.. under the title of Symposiaques ou Propos de Thus the English public know litTable; it is printed by J. Didot, and tle more than the works of Gesmer, the profits are to be applied to the A. Lafontaine, Kotzebue, Klopstock, aid of the Greeks. This is not the Goethe, Wieland, Schiller, Schlegel, first time Madame Wyttenbach ap- and a few more ; and the library of pears before the public; she has al- the German student is, in general, ready made herself honourably known confined to a few celebrated names. in the republic of letters, by three Hence it happens that German works other very pleasing works, Thèagène, of the greatest merit and importance le Banquet de Leontis, and l'His- are neither translated for the benefit toire de ma petite Chienne Hermione. of those who do not understand the Sweden. The Journal

of the cele language, nor imported for the use brated Field Marshal Count Dahl- of those who do. We have thrown berg, written by himself, is now pub- out these remarks, not only from a lished; it is very interesting. A new desire of drawing attention to this and complete edition is advertised of subject, but also as accounting for Rudbeck's Atlantica, several parts of the insufficiency of the information which have long been out of print. respecting the progress of German

Denmark. Professor Molbeck, Se- literature, which it is possible to ob cretary in the great Royal Library, tain here; though our literary corintends to publish the Letters and respondence with that country frePolitical Writings of the great King, quently puts us in early possession of Christian IV., so far as they can be intelligence which it might not otherproved to have been his own com- wise be easy, or even possible, to position ; and, from the various sources procure. The travels of Drs. Spix to which he has access, has already and Martius, in Brazil, which have collected nearly 2000.

been so long expected, have not yet Germany. Notwithstanding the been published, and will probably great value and importance of the be delayed till the Michaelmas Leipliterature of Germany, and the jus- sig fair. Some numbers of the Natutice that is done to the merits of the ral History which, as in M. Humbolt's German literati, by those who are travels, is published apart, have, able to appreciate their works, it is however, already appeared. Raucertain that the knowledge of Ger- mer's work on the middle ages is man literature is very confined in likewise delayed. We do not hear England. Numerous translations of any novels or dramatic works that have, it is true, been made; but the have attracted much attention. All choice of the translators has not the novel-reading world is fully þeen always so judicious as might employed with Sir Walter Scott's, have been wished, and the execution whose works are published in Gerhas been, with a few splendid excep- many in multifarious editions, as well tions, in general indifferent; the ca- in English as translated. Some other talogue of German authors, of whom English novels, as the Cavalier, the the English reader knows a little, is, Lollards, and a few others, are likein truth, very scanty, and includes wise esteemed. It must be observed, but few works besides poems, plays, that these novels, besides their in and novels. One cause of this ne- trinsic merit, are peculiarly adapted glect of important works is, un- to please the prevailing taste in Gerdoubtedly, the enormous expense of many, which has for some years past printing in this country, which deters taken a decided turn toward republishers from risking their capital. searches into antiquities, especially While the Germans publish reprints those of Germany. Hence the atand translations of the best English tempts to revive the old German works at a fourth part of the price costume, to extirpate from the lanthat we pay for the originals, we guage every foreign word, especially cannot afford to do the same with French, &c.; but though this Gertheirs; and even those who under manomania has been carried to a stand the German language are not laughable excess, it has produced able to purchase, as they would glad many valuable works, and led to ly do, on account of the high prices very important researches and in

arged by the London booksellers, teresting discoveries. We owe to it ich are partly to be ascribed to the formation of a society for the

heavy duty on importation. printing of ancient chronicles relative

to the affairs of the middle ages, which being patronized by the Sovereigns, and all the most distinguished characters, will certainly be the means of throwing new light on that important period of modern his tory. Among other subjects the ancient German school of painting has excited great interest, which has been the fortunate occasion of rescuing from the dust of centuries numerous valuable and extraordinary specimens of the old German mas ters. Two brothers, of the name of Boisserée, have formed a noble collection of nearly 300 old pictures, which are placed in a gallery at Stutt gart. A work of engravings of the finest of these pictures is to be pub. lished in numbers; we believe, that one or more numbers have been already published, but we have not seen them. Messrs. Boisserée are also publishing a very fine series of engravings of the celebrated cathedral of Cologne. A lady, Mrs. Schopenhaner, has published two small and interesting volumes, under the title of John Von Eyck and his successors; which, though chiefly compiled from Carl Mander, contain in a small compass much information. This has been succeeded by a treatise on "Hubert and John Von Eyck," by Mr. Waagen, himself a good artist, and possessing a fine collection. A good life of Lucas Cranach has also been published; and one of Albert Durer is preparing for the press.

France. The literary world will, at length, have the pleasure of seeing the several parts of M. de Humboldt's Travels, which are not yet complete, regularly published, the work having fallen into the hands of a new editor. These parts are the Melastoma, and the other Genera of the same Order, in folio; the Mimosas, and other legu minous plants, in folio; Nova Genera et Species Plantarum, in folio; the Zoology, in 4to.; and the Personal Narrative, in 4to. and 8vo. with an Atlas. As the botanical works of M. Humboldt, published by M. Kunth, in 6 vols. folio, are too expensive for the generality of amateurs, Mr. Kunth is now publishing a Synopsis of the work, which will be only 4 vols. 8vo.: besides new observations suggested by the Progress of the Science, M. Kunth has added the

Cryptogamia, which is entirely new, and in which he has been assisted by two distinguished botanists, Professor Agardt, of the University of Lund, and Mr. Hooker, of the Royal Society of London. M. Raoul Rochette has published, in an 8vo. volume, the History of the Revolution in Switzerland, from 1797 to 1803. The first two volumes of the Memoirs relative to the English Revolution have now appeared; they contain the Memoirs of Hollis, Huntingdon, and Fairfax, and the first volume of those of Ludlow. Of the Collection of Historical Memoirs of French Ladies, in 26 vols. 18mo., four more volumes have just been published, being the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th, of the Memoirs of Made moiselle de Montpensier. Among the continuations are Vols. IV. and V. of Dissertations and Memoirs, relative to National and Foreign Antiquities; and No. 115 to 120 of the Description of Egypt. A complete translation of the Works of Machiavel, in 12 vols. 8vo. is advertised; it is the first translation of all the works. An edition of the Works of Rotrou in 5. large volumes, 8vo. is an agreeable present to the lovers of the drama; it is, we believe, the first complete edition of this author, whom Corneille called his father; but who is hardly known even to the French themselves, except by his tragedy of Wenceslaus. An important and interesting work, at the present moment, is a Statistical Essay on the Kingdom of Portugal and Algarve, compared with the other States of Europe, followed by a view of the present state of Science, Literature, and the Fine Arts, among the Portuguese of the two hemispheres, by M. Balbi, 2 vols. 8vo. To this we may add a Guide for Travellers in Spain, by M. Bory de Saint Vincent, 2 vols. 8vo. The theatres have not brought for ward any thing remarkable: the "Innocence of the Country" at the second theatre, seems to have failed in what might be supposed to have been the author's intention-to show that the innocence of the country is a poetical fiction. They have forgotten the title of their pièce, and all their principal characters are Parisians. An Opera called the Twin Sisters, represented at the Opera Comique, has been well received.


THE ENGLISH OPERA HOUSE. on looking down from the stairs, This little theatre, which used to upon the arcade itself, and upon the have a lofty, chilled, cathedral look, ladies who promenade its walks, we has, during the long holiday which must confess that it struck us as lookthe Lord Chamberlain and the win- ing too much a work of lath and ter theatres permit it to enjoy, un- plaister. A few shrubs would matedergone a complete alteration, and rially improve the effect; but the sahas, at last, put on a warm and come loon, we take it, is not a place very fortable appearance, which is cer- favourable to evergreens." tainly meeting the seekers of pleasure The theatre opened with a new half-way. The old tall pale blue melodrame, called the Swing Bridge, empty staring boxes have been so which carries its plot in its name. managed, as to come out cozey, A lover, a villain, a lady, an honest glowing, and furnished little apart- old man, and a comical attendant : ments. A rich drapery goes round a start, and a stamp which makes the the front of the first circle, which dust fly out of the russet bootma reduces the height of the dress boxes, black eye glaring through snaky and gives a solid and finished ap- curls,-a falling bridge—and yirtue pearance to the audience part of the rewarded. These make a melodrame house. The chandeliers are all new all the stage over: and these were and splendid, particularly the rich the foundation of the Swing Bridge. mass of light hung drops over the The architect was no Mr. Rennie, pit, which shed a dazzling lustre for the work was carried away by the over the whole internal part of the rapid current of public opinion in a theatre. The decorations have, un- few nights. Keeley played pretty well, doubtedly, been managed with in- but we rather fear he is not destined finite skill and taste, and do great to immortalize himself as a comic credit, not only to the manager who actor. He carries the simple a little directed them, but also to that rapid too far. Bartley and Cooke were architect of playhouses and plays, hearts of oak :-- indeed, Bartley has Mr. Beazley, who, as our readers all the solid worth and strength, and may recollect, did the inside of Drury growth of that brave tree; and, like Lane Theatre, “ Is He Jealous?" the celebrated Glendower-oak, we The house at Birmingham, and doubt not were he a hollow one “ Gretna Green.” The public are (which we are sure he is not) but a much indebted to this gentleman for reasonable party might sit comforthis performances both before and be ably in his interior. We like to look hind the curtain ; for, like Mr. Ast- at a spanking English actor of his ley's fracing ponies, his merits ap- girth. pear not only on the stage, but When the Swing Bridge ceased to through the pit.

swing, the audience were amused The saloon, which generally un- with the revival of several of the dergoes some fanciful change for the light two-act dramas, for the lively season, being a Chinese temple one representation of which this house is summer, and an odorous shrubbery so justly celebrated. Gretna Green, another (we used to sigh at seeing which exhibits Wrench and Miss such a mortality among the laurels Kelly as two servants mutually deand myrtles !)-has taken upon itself ceiving each other with mock nobithis year, the shape and character of lity, and splendidly proving that a trellis-work arcade. We certainly “ fine feathers do not make fine think it the least successful plan birds," is one of the cleverest little which has yet been adopted. There farces alive. Wrench is a very upper are three or four walks fenced out servant-trespassing inside his maswith trellis work, over which no ter’s garments (though the dreadleaves are entwined, and which there- fully striped trowsers were not much fore have the nakedest effect ima- like the jean lodgings of a Lord) and ginable. The lamps being a-la-Vaux- aping under a straw hat all the insohall scarcely mend the matter-and, lence of fashion. His bad English

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