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The Old English Testers.

No. III.




THE PLEASANT CONCEITES OF OLD Laugh not to see so plaine a man in print; HOBSON THE MERRY LONDONER, FULL The shadows homely, yet ther's something OF HUMOROUS DISCOURSES AND WITMERIMENTS. WHEREAT

Witnes the bagg he wears (though seeming QUICKEST WITTES MAY LAUGH, AND

poore) THE WISER SORT TAKE PLEASURE. The fertile mother of a thousand more : PRINTED AT LONDON FOR IOHN He was a thriueing man through lawfull WRIGHT, AND ARE TO BEE SOLD AT

gaine, HIS SHOPPE NEERE CHRIST CHURCH And wealthy grew by warrantable paine. GATE, 1607. 4to. containing 44 pages. Then laugh at them that spend, not them It has been no uncommon thing

to Like thriueing sonnes of such a thrifty

yt gather, confound old Hobson the merry

father. Londoner, with old Hobson the Cambridge carrier, who, though a He died immensely rich, leaving great personage in bis day, would large estates in the neighbourhood of long since have been forgotten * but Cambridge, and dividing his profor Milton's epitaphs t on him, which, perty among his children and grandas well as the proverb related in the children, apparently with great imSpectator, and originating more in partiality, and, it seems that, unlike his craftiness than caprice, are too most hoarders of wealth, he had diswell known to be here repeated. Of tributed liberally to some of them Hobson the carrier, whose name, by during his life, “ And because I have the way, was Thomas, there is a very already provided sufficiently for my rare portrait by Payne, published daughter Dorothy the wife of Sir soon after his death, in 1630-1, un- Simon Clarke Knt. & Bart. and der which are the following lines: also for Elizabeth the wife of Tho

* Not so at Cambridge: when we wrote thus, we had ourselves forgotten the conduit in the market-place, which was originally erected by Hobson, at his sole charges, in 1614, and to maintain which he bequeathed seven lays of pasture ground.

+ Warton, in his edition of the minor poems of Milton, mentions a copy of verses on the same subject in manuscript, among archbishop Sancroft's transcripts of poetry, at Oxford. They are anonymous, and as follow :

Upon Hobson the Carrier.
Heere lies old Hobson among his betters,
A man not learned, yett a man of letters :
His carriage is well knowne: oft hath he gone
On an embassage twixt father and sonne.
In Cambridge few (to his praise bee it spoken)
But may remember him by some good token.
From hence to London rode he day by day,
Till, death benighting him, he lost his way.
Noe wonder is it, that he thus is gone,
Since all men know he long was drawing on.
His teame was of the best ; nor would he haue
Bin mir'd in any way, but in the graue.
And heerc he sticks, still like to stand
Vntill some angell lend his helping hand.
Thus rest in peace, thou euer-toyling swaine,

And supreme waggoner, next to Charles's waine.
# The superscription to the plate is “Mr. Hobson. obijt año 1630. vixit annos 86."
It has been badiy copied for the illustrators of Granger and Milton.
Dec. 1823.


mas Parker, Esq. and have given them old traditional poetry, entitled A large portions, whereby my estate is Crowne Garland of Golden Roses, gamuch less than heretofore it was, I thered out of England's Royal Garden. do therefore &c."

Being the Liues and strange fortunes The « merry

Londoner" was Wils of many great personages of this land. liam Hobson, a haberdasher of small Šet forth in many pleasant new songs wares, living in the Poultry, where and sonetts neuer before imprinted. his father, who followed the same oc. London, by G. Eld, &c. 1612. 12mo. cupation, lived and died before him; He dedicates his collection of Hobit appearing from Stow's Survey, that son's jests to Sir William Stone, they were both buried in St. Mildred's Knight, mercer to the queene's most church, the elder in 1559, the son in excellent majesty ; supposing him not 1581, and where costly monuments to have altogether forgotten the merry were erected to their memories. Londoner, to whom he is indebted

There lived (says the collector of his for the materials of his pamphlet, Conceites) in the citty of London a merry and, therefore, not doubting but the cittizen named old Hobson, dwelling at the knight will like well of the labour, lower end of Cheapside, in the Poultry, as

and besides the honest recreation well knowne thorough this part of England which it affordeth, apply what his as a sargeant knows the counter-gate. He worship maketh choyse of, unto his was a homely plaine man, most commonly own private pleasure-meaning, we wearing a buttond cap close to his eares, a short gowne girt hard about his midle and tricks and utter the same jokes, pass

suppose, that he may play the same a paire of slippers ypon his feete, of an ancient fashion. As for his wealth, it was

ing them for specimens of his own answerable to the better sort of our citti- wit and ingenuity. zens, but of so mery a disposition, that his

We learn from the details of Hobequal therein is hardly to be found. son's merry pranks, that the first

London merchants (for haberdashers The collector and publisher of the were merchant-adventurers in those volume now before us, was RICHARD days, as well as their betters in the Johnson, a very popular writer in present,) appeared in person at the the reign of James I, and to whom country fairs, those of Bristol and we are indebted for that marvellously Sturbidge being continually alluded entertaining book, The Seven Cham- to: that they were regularly attended pions of Christendom. Besides this, to church by their apprentices, who he wrote The Pleasant Walkes of More- are accused of following them to the fields, London, 1607, 4to. A Remem- door and then slipping away to the tabrance of the Honors due to the Life vern: # that they were not over-atand Death of Robert, Earle of Salis- tentive to the cleanliness of their perbury, London, 1612, 4to. and an un- sons; but, however careless "the commonly rare and curious volume of good citizens might be in that parti

* See the whole will, in No. X. of " A Collection of divers curious historical Pieces," appended to Peck's Memoirs of Oliver Cromwell, Lond. 1740, 4to.

† Stow's Survey of London, by A. Munday, Lond. 1618, 4to. p. 480.

# The London apprentices were not the best regulated persons in those days. In the year 1590 they, in company with other riotous fellows, called in a proclamation “ masterlesse men, were guilty of a great outrage in Lincoln's Inn, which they assaulted, broke into, and then spoyled divers chambers in the said house. The commotion occasioned by this breach of the peace was considered of sufficient importance to occasion a proclamation from the Queen and her privy council, commanding that every apprentice in the parishes of St. Dunstan's, St. Bride's, St. Andrew's Holborn, St. Giles's, St. Martin's, the Strand, and St. Clement's, should be within his master's house, by nine o'clock at night, for six days subsequent to the date of the proclamation, which is given at Ely-place, Sept. 24, 1590, and was printed on a large broadside in order to be stuck up in the most public places of the city. The punishment was imprisonment on the part of the apprentice, and for the master a summons before the alderman or deputy, or before the justice of the peace, then and there to answer for contempt of her majesty's express commandment.

§ Vpon a time maister Hobson going to my Lord Maiors to dinner, amongst the liuery of his company, and being waited on by one of his prentices, the said prentice spied a louse creeping vpon the side of his gowne, and tooke it off. Maister Hobson espying him to doe some thing in secret, asked what it was ? the fellow being ashamed, was loath to tell

cular, it seems their wives made ample amends in attention to their own, for maister Hobson's wife delighted in braue apparell, wore silke stockings, would seldom goe out of doores without her man before her, and once, when she lay sicke in her bed, could eate nothing but caudles made of muskadine.

We will now, as usual with us, give our readers a few of Mr. Hob son's merriments, which are mighty dull specimens of city wit, although they are curious enough as illustrative of ancient manners:

How maister Hobson hung out a lanterne and candle light.


In the beginning of Queene Elizabeath's raigne, when the order of hanging out lanterne and candle light first of all was brought vp, the bedell of the warde where Maister Hobson dwelt, in a darke euening crieng vp and downe," Hang out your lantornes! Hang out your lantornes!" vsing no other words; wherevpon Maister Hobson tooke an empty lantorne, and according to the beadles call hung it out. This flout, by the Lord Maior was taken in ill part, and for the same offence was sent to the counter, but being released, the next night following, the beadle thinking to amend his call, cried out with a loud voice, "Hang out your lantorne and candle!" Maister Hobson here-vpon hung out a lantorne and candle vnlighted, as the beadle againe commanded, where vpon he was sent againe to the counter; but the next night the beadle being better aduised, cryed, "Hang out your lantorne and candle light!

Hang out your lantorne and candle light!" which Maister Hobson at last did, to his

great commendations; which cry of lanthorne and candlight is in right manner vsed to this day.


This is but a poor conceit at the best, nor can one very well understand how a tradesman of reputation and riches should be twice sent to the counter for bantering with the parish beadle. Another of his pranks on the citizens is not much better: Hobson invited the Livery of his Company to a light banquet at the greatest tauerne in all London," and when the citizens came, which they all did, clad in their richest dresses, "they found each one a cup of wine and a manchet of bread on his trencher," the room, however, being lighted up with five hundred candles! One would imagine that this was no very sure way of conciliating a hungry alderman and his brethren; but the joke took so well, that Hobson wanting a little ready money soon after, borrowed 150l. for two years without interest from his hall, he having, as Mr. Johnson expressly informs us, "gained such love of his companie, by this merry jest." There is another tale told of him, which gives some idea of his shrewdness, and good sense. Having two thousand pounds worth of French matches on his hands (no very marketable commodity with a haberdasher of small wares, but they had

him, but being importuned by his maister, said it was a louse. Oh! (qd maister Hobson) this is good lucke, for it showeth me to be a man, for this kind of vermine chiefly breedeth on mankind, and therevpon gaue fiue shillings to his man for his labour-Sign D. 1. Sir Hugh Evans, if we remember, in the Merry Wives of Windsor, says the louse" is a familiar beast to man, and signifies love." Quære whether luck would not be a better reading than love?

The custom of hanging out lanthorns, before lamps were in use, was earlier than queen Elizabeth's reign. In the very rare volume generally known under the title of Arnolde's Chronicle, or the Customes of London, printed probably at Antwerp soon after 1502, under the head of "The charge of the queste of warmot in every warde," we read, among other articles to be enquired of—" Also yf ther be ony man that hangith not out a lanterne with a candel breñyng therin acording to the mayrs crye. "so that the order was one of much earlier date than Johnson supposes. In a book of which we have already given an account (in our first number) is the following story illustrative of this subject:

"A company of merry gallants, comming in a winter night late from a tauerne, to increase that mirth in the streetes (as they went along) which the wine had begotten in them before, fell to taking downe of lathornes that their hung out. And one of them being nibling to vntie the cord at which a sconce hung, a seruant of the house by chance suddenly opened the doore, and tooke him at his worke, roughly asking him what he meant to doe there? Nothing, sir, saies the other, but to snufe your candle." Jests to make you merie. London, 1607, 4to. page 6. If the Variorum edition of Shakspeare be not already voluminous enough, this note may be added to Mr. Steevens's remarks on one of Falstaff's speeches to Bardolph, in the third scene of Act III. First Part of King Henry IV.

been consigned to him from his factor in France) he applied to Queen Elizabeth for a patent, giving him the exclusive sale of that article, and kneeling down in her Majesty's presence, urged his suit with great humility.

"The Queene perceauing for what intent he came, and considering the great benefit that would come by such a grant, and meaning to giue it to some gentleman near vnto her, as a recompence for his seruice, said vnto Maister Hobson, "My friend (sayd the Queene), bee content, for thou shalt not haue thy pattent sealed, nor will I giue thee thy request."Maister Hobson, hearing the Queenes denial, said "I most hartely thanke your maiesty; both I and all mine are bound to thanke and pray for your highnes ;" and so, making lowe obeysance, went his way. At these his words, the Queene much maruailed, and when he had gone a little from her, she caused him to be sent for backe againe, whome when he was returned, the Queene asked, if he did well understand what answer her grace did giue him? "Yes, truely:" saide Maister Hobson. "What said I?" (quoth the Queene) "Marry! your Grace bad me be content, for I should not haue my desire, nor my pattent sealed.' Why did you then (qd the Queene) giue me such great thanks ?" Because (said Maister Hobson) Your grace gaue mee so soone an answere, without either longer sute or losse of time, the which would haue bene to my very much harme and great hindrance, for I haue at home a mighty charge of househould, to which I am bound in duety to looke diligently, and to maintaine carefully."


It is hardly necessary to continue the story in the circumstantial detail of the pamphlet: the queen was pleased with the good sense of old Hobson, gave orders that he should have his patent sealed, "whereby in short time hee had quicke saile of his commodity of matches, to his heart's content, and his welthe's great en

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Of a begers answear to Maister Hobson.

A poore begger man, that was foule, blacke and loathsome to behould, came on a time to Maister Hobson as he walked in Moore feelds, and asked something of him for an almes: to whom Maister Hobson said, "I prethee, good fellow, get thee from me, for thou lookst as thou camst lately out of hell. The poore begger man perceuing hee would giue him nothing, answered forsooth, "Sir you say true, for I came lately out of Hell." "In

deed, why didst not thou tarry there still?" quoth Maister Hobson. "Nay, Sir," quoth the begger, “there is no roome for such begerr men as I am, for all is kept This wity answere caused Maister Hobson for such gentlemen cittizens as you be." to giue the poore man a teaster. How maister Hobson was a Iudge betwixt two Women.

There dwelled not farre from maister Hobson two very ancient women, the youngest of them both, was aboue threescore yeares of age, and vppon a time, sitting at the tauerne together, they grew at varience which of them should be the youngest (as women indeede desier to bee accoumpted younger then they be) in such manner that they layd a good supper of the valew of twenty shillings, for the truth thereof; and maister Hobson they agreed vpon to bee their judge of the difference. So, after maister Hobson had knowledge thereof, the one came to him, and as a present gaue him a very faire pidgion pye, worth some fiue shillings, desiering him to passe the vardet of her side. Within a while after, the other came, and gaue maister Hobson a very faire grayhound, which kind of dogges he much delighted in, praying him likewise to be fauorable on her side. Wherefore hee gaue iudgment that the woman that gaue him the grayhound was the yonger, and so she woun the supper of twenty shillings: which she [the first] perceiuing, came to him, and sayd "Sir, I gave you a pidgion pie, and you promised the verdit should goe on my side." To whome maister Hobson said;

Of a truth, good woman, there came a grayhound into my house, and eate vp the pidgion pye, and so by that meanes I quite forgot thee.

How Maister Hobson found out the pye stealer.

In Christmas holy dayes, when Ma. Hobson's wife had many pyes in the ouen, one of his seruats had stole one of them out; and at the tauerne had merilie eate it. It fortuned the same day, some of his frieds dined with him, and one of the best Pyes were missing, the stealer whereof, at after dinner, he found out in this maner. He caled all his seruants in friendly sort together into the hall, and caused each of them to drinke one to another both wine, ale and beare, till they were al drunke: then caused hee a table to be furnished with very good cheare, whereat hee likewise pleased them. Being set altogether, he said, "Why sit you not downe, fellowes ?" "We be set allready; quoth they. "Nay," quoth Maister Hobson, "he that stole the pye is not set yet." Yes, that I doe! (quoth he that stole it,) by which meanes he knew what was become of the pye: for the poore fellow, being drunke, could not keepe his owne secretts.

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Horo maister Hobson answered a Popish


In the rainge of Queene Mary, when this land was blinded with superstition, there was a Popish frier that made an oration in the Charter-house-yard, where many formes were placed full of people, to here the same oration; amoungst which number sat maister Hobson. Which fryer much extolling him that was then Pope of Rome, comparing him to saint Peter, for in degree he names him aboue all ye holy fathers in time past, as doctors, marters, prophets; yea, and aboue more then prophets, John Baptist: "then in what high place," sayd the frier, "shall we place this good man? what place I say is fit for him? or where shall he sit?" Master Hobson hearing him speake so prophanly and sitting amongst the audience, starts vp and sayd, "If thou can'st find no other, euen set him here in my place, for I am weary:" and so went his way.

How Maister Hobson said he was not at


On a time that Maister Hobson vpon some ocation came to Master Fleetewood's

house to speake with him, (being then
new chosen recorder of London) and asked
one of his men if he were within, and he
said he was not at home. But Maister
Hobson perceuing that his master bad
him say so, and that he was within, not
being willing (at that time) to be spoken
withall, for that time, dissembling the
matter, he went his way. Within a few
dayes after, it was Maister Fleetewood's
chaunse to come to Maister Hobson's, and
knocking at the dore, asked if he were
knowing how he was denyed Master Fleet-
within! Maister Hobson hearing and
wood's speach before time, spake himselfe
aloud, and said, hee was not at home.
Then said Maister Fleetewood, "What,
Maister Hobson, thinke you that I knowe
Hobson answered and sayd;
not your voyce?" where-vnto Maister
Maister Fleetewood, am I quit with you:
for when I came to speake with you, Í be-
leeued your man that said, you were not
at home, and now you will not beleeue
mine owne selfe." And this was the mery
conference betwixt these two merry gentle-



No. VII.

THE passion of love, in Spain, was always associated with dangers and mysteries-and the spirit of chivalry deemed that a lover could hardly be acceptable until he had made his title good by deeds of heroism-by long and weary watchings-or by acts of extravagant devotion. The prize seemed worthless that was won without toil and difficulty. In the southern provinces, even to the time of Charles III. a youth was not admitted to the common privileges of his standing, until he had watched over his arms, and had been solemnly invested with the right to bear them. He was compelled to pass the night in the vigil of prayer-in a solitary chapel-his unconsecrated weapons hanging near. When the day dawned, they received the sacerdotal blessing, and, from that moment, he was allowed to take his nightly rounds (rondar), and to watch over and protect the dwelling of his beloved.


Zagaleja de lo verde graciosita en el mirar, quédate á Dios, alma mia que me voy de este lugar.

Yo me voy con mi ganado zagala, de aqueste ejido, ya no verásme en el prado entre las yerbas tendido : desde agora me despido de mis pasados placeres : mis musicas y tañeres tornarse han en suspirar.

Shepherdess of early spring-tide,
With thy look of innocence;
God be with thee, gentle maiden!
For I wend me far from hence.

With my flocks I quit for ever
These sweet vales, fair maid! Alas
Thou wilt see me slumbering never
'Midst the flowers, and on the grass.
Time from all these joys shall sever
Which made time so gayly pass.
Music's charm and song's endeavour
Cease-sighs break where gladness was.

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