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BEGUN and held at the Council-Chamber, in the City of Detroit, the seventh day of September, in the year of our Lord one ousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, agreeably to an act of id Council for the adjournment of the first session thereof, ap oved the 3d of July, 1828.

At 12 o'clock, M. the following Members of the Council apared and took their seats:

Robert Irwin, Jr.

for the District composed of the coun Henry R. Schoolcraft, ties of Chippewa, Michilimackinac, rown, and Crawford.

John Stockton, for the counties of St. Clair and Macomb.
Thomas J. Drake, for the county of Oakland.

William Brown,

Henry Connor,

Abraham Edwards,

John M'Donell,

Henry Rumsey,



Laurent Durocher,

Wolcott Lawrence, for the counties of Monroe and Lenawe. Charles Noble,

The Throne of Grace was addressed by the Rev. N. M. Wells, On motion of Mr. Lawrence,

Resolved, That a committee of two members be appointed by e President, to inform the Governor of the Territory that a quom of the members of the Legislative Council is assembled at the ouncil-Chamber, and ready to receive such communications as ho ay deem proper to make.

Messrs. Lawrence and Irwin were appointed said committee. Mr. M'Donell gave notice that he would, on Wednesday nex ask leave to bring in a bill to raise a sum of money by Lottery, for the purpose of establishing a free communication by land between the City of Detroit and the village of Monroe, and to amend an act entitled "an act to prevent Private Lotteries."

Mr. Irwin, from the committee appointed to inform the Govern or of the Territory that a quorum of the members of the Council had assembled, &c. reported, that the Governor would communicate with the Council to-morrow, at 12 o'clock.

On motion of Mr. Drake, the Council then adjourned until to morrow, at 11 o'clock, A. M.

TUESDAY, Sept. 8, 1829.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Wells.

Mr. Stephen V. R. Trowbridge, of the county of Oakland, appeared and took his seat.

At 12 o'clock, the following Message was communicated to the Council, by the hands of Mr. R. A. Forsyth:


"Fellow-Citizens of the Legislative Council:

I have heretofore communicated to the Legislative Council such subjects for their consideration, as the public interest appeared to me from time to time, to require. I am not aware that any change has occurred in the condition of the Territory, or any im portant defects been discovered in the operation of the present sys tem of laws, since the last session of the Council, which makes it necessary for me to renew, or add to, the subjects formerly com municated to you. Being well satisfied, that the stability of the laws is essential to the security of private rights, and to the due administration of justice, I doubt the expediency of legislative interposition on every occasion, where evils may, or may be sup posed to exist. Too much legislation must impair the obligation of the laws, by impairing that respect for them, which, in a free country, constitutes the best security for their observance, as well as the most efficient agent in the punishment of their infractions.

The progress of improvement and settlement in our new coun try will occasionally render necessary, the passage of laws, some of them local in their operation, and others, temporary in their dura tion. And the greatest caution cannot at all times, prevent the admission of inexpedient and conflicting provisions, in a system of laws which embraces most of the complicated relations of life. Coming, as you do, from every part of the Territory, and bringing with you the public sentiment upon these and other topics you will be enabled to discover such evils as may exist, and to apply the proper remedy.

The relations subsisting between a Territory and the United

States, while they lessen the burden upon the community, circumscribe the sphere of Executive recommendation, and of Legislative duties. Some of the most important objects of general legislation are either withdrawn from the local legislature, or met by appropriations from the Treasury of the United States. Under these circumstances, and with the conviction already expressed, of the inexpediency of disturbing our present system, it is unnecessary for me to submit for your consideration, a great variety of objects, or to exhibit a view of the general situation of the Territory. That situation is as prosperous, as perhaps any portion of the Union, and its general progress in all the elements of improvement will soon bring before our fellow citizens, the question of a change, from a colonial, to an independent condition. A bill was introduced into the House of Representatives, and passed that body at the last session of Congress, providing for the establishment of a new Territory, west of Lake Michigan, and leaving to the Territory of Michigan, the boundaries fixed by the Act originally organising it. This bill did not pass the Senate, but it is probable the subject may be more successfully prosecuted at the next session of Congress. The opinion of the Legislative Council in favor of this measure has been expressed in their memorial to Congress, and I am not aware that it can injuriously affect our interests. The district of country where the new Territory is proposed to be established, is too extensive, and too remote from the Peninsula of Michigan, to form with it, a constituent and permanent part of the same government. The country upon the St. Joseph, has been offered for sale since your last session, and the result has justified the anticipations of those best acquainted with its climate, soil, and other natural advantages. The influx of population there has been great, and in fact, the migration to the Peninsula generally, during the present has exceeded our annual increase from that source, for seme season, years. The whole country has enjoyed uninterrupted health, md It is difficult to form has been blessed with an abundant harvest.

an estimate, with any accuracy, of the present amount of the population of the Territory. From the sale of the public lands, the progress and increase of the settlements and improvements, and the number of emigrants who arrive among us, it is evident that our numbers have greatly increased, since the last enumeration. As our right of admission into the Union depends upon the amount of our population, it appears to me expedient to provide by law, for taking a census of the inhabitants, that our fellow citizens may be enabled to judge at what time application shall be made to Comgress for that purpose. I shall be much deceived, if such a census does not exhibit a result, which will necessarily bring before the people the consideration of this important question. It is a subject upon which, perhaps, it does not become the Legishuive aud Executive departments of the Territorial governments, to express an opinion. But it is important that the facts, necessary to a


jeternitation of L. should be at all times before the community ; uht via dis ves. I recomment but previce be made for a census. Savait the result if this newsure correspond with the anticigacoas veren exprssed, £ vil den te in the power of the people Maaciy z me reneri mærment ir atnsson into the Union, under ne aws which are furligved at us time aligh privilege. i HARI DE KOMT. 3 de Rosnerianas vice render such a change Festride. IT WIL DE MAL LIi izprecated by the citizens of the

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Mr. Trowbelge sobaitted the Sewing resciatica, which was laid on be talet

Resalcel, Tat the flow) com uitees, appointed at the last session of the Leg siitive Counc, be, and the same are hereby appointed stadige rules ie this sessica; and that they have leave to report ca the coinsund 2 asiness at the last session, and also on suca puasa Bay clase teller tiem oy o'l or otherwise, Vir:

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Compuitce on Urons
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