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the mean minimum 39.2, the absolute maximum 99, the absolute minimum 14 below zero, the mean annual precipitation 34.5 inches, the average number of clear days annually 83, partly cloudy 126, cloudy 156.

Rochester has always been free from overwhelming calamities. The worst two disasters, financially, in its history, in neither of which was a single life lost, were the great flood of 17 March 1865, when much of the city was under water for two days, doing a million dollars' worth of damage, and the fire of 26 Feb. 1904, which devastated a large portion of the dry goods district and inflicted a loss of $3,000,000. Rochester has a well-equipped electric street car system, with 103 miles of track, besides the lines that run to surrounding villages in every direction. There are two telephone systems in the city, one owned by a foreign corporation, the other a home enterprise, which, though new, is very successful.

History. In 1789 a saw-mill and a grist-mill were built on the west bank of the river by Ebenezer Allan- commonly called "Indian Allan," from his life-long association with the savages who received, as compensation for the work, from Phelps and Gorham, the owners of the land, 100 acres surrounding those pioneer structures. Though no settlement was made at the time, that tract became the nucleus of the future city. In 1803 it was bought by Col. Nathaniel Rochester, Col. William Fitzhugh, and Maj. Charles Carroll, all of Maryland, for $17.50 an acre. Some scattered dwellings were built in the vicinity within the next few years, but no house was erected in what was then called Rochester, after the first-named proprietor, till 1812, when a log cabin was built on the spot that has ever since been known as the Four Corners. Other residences soon went up, in one of which the first white child was born, 2 Dec. 1814. Settlers from the New England States came pouring in and when the first census was taken in December 1815, the population was shown to be 331.

In 1817 it was incorporated as a village, under the name of Rochesterville, but in 1822 the title was changed to Rochester. In 1823 the size of the village was augmented by taking in a part of the town of Brighton, on the east side of the river, and subsequent additions have so increased the area that it now embraces 11,365 acres, with 325 miles of open streets, 126 miles of which are improved, with 230 miles of sewers. It was incorporated as a city in 1834, the first mayor being Jonathan Child. Rochester was the birthplace of modern Spiritualism, the famous Fox sisters having given here, in 1849, the first manifestations of mysterious rappings, which speedily became known as the "Rochester Knockings."

During slavery times Rochester was one of the centres of the Abolition movement and one of the principal stations of the "underground railroad. It was the home of Frederick Douglass, the celebrated negro orator, and was the place in which William H. Seward (q.v.), in 1858, uttered, in a public address, his memorable phrase in speaking of the struggle between freedom and slavery as an "irrepressible conflict between opposing and enduring forces."

Population. In 1900, Rochester ranked 24 in the list of cities in the United States. The VOL. 18- 5

population in 1820 was 1,502; (1825) 5.273; (1834) 12,252; (1880) 89,363; (1890) 133,896; (1900) 162,608; (1910) 218,149. This shows an increase between 1890 and 1900 of 21 per cent, and between 1900 and 1910 of 34 per cent. Bibliography-Bragdon,

Notable Men of

and Vicinity (1902); Ward,
Churches of Rochester' (1871); Peck, 'Land-
marks of Monroe County) (1895); Parsons,
History of Rochester Presbytery) (1889);
Mathews, Fire Service of Rochester' (1888);
Parker, Rochester, a Story Historical' (1884);
Peck, History of Rochester) (1884); O'Reilly,
Sketches of Rochester) (1838); Peck, History
of the Police Department of Rochester) (1903);
Union and Advertiser Year Book (1888-1903);
Annual Reports of the Rochester Chamber of
Commerce (1888-1903).


Author of 'The History of Rochester.)

Rochester, Pa., borough in Beaver County; at the junction of the Ohio and Beaver rivers, and on the branches of the Pennsylvania railroad; about 25 miles northwest of Pittsburg. It is connected by electric lines with Beaver, Beaver Falls, New Brighton, and other nearby places. A bridge across Beaver River connects the borough with Bridgewater. Also one across the Ohio connects the town with Monaca. It is in the coal and oil region, and in the vicinity are deposits of fire-clay and building-stone quarries. The chief manufactures are flour, lumber, brick, glass ware, foundry products, mining tools, structural iron, and oil well supplies. The principal public buildings are the churches, schools, and Masonic Temple. Pop. (1910) 5,903.

Rochester Theological Seminary, founded at Rochester in 1850 by the New York Baptist Union for Ministerial Education. As early as 1847 an attempt was made to remove Madison (now Colgate) University from Hamilton to Rochester, but this was opposed by the Baptists of Hamilton and legal obstacles were found, so that the plan was abandoned. The University of Rochester_(q.v.) was established at the same time by the Baptists, and for a time the two institutions occupied the same buildings, but there has never been any organic connection between the university and the seminary, the latter being essentially a professional school. The regular course is three years; instruction is given in the departments of Hebrew language and literature (Old Testament), theology, church history, New Testament, homiletics and pastoral theology, elocution, English Bible, and Christian ethics. Graduation from college or preparation in Greek sufficient for the study of the Greek Testament is required for admission; formerly there was an English course for those who had no classical training; this was abandoned in 1889-90. in 1852 a German department was organized; the course is literary as well as theological, and covers six years. The seminary was at first without endowment, and at the end of 10 years had only $75,000; in 1910 the productive funds amounted to $1,691,000. The library is one of value, including the whole collection of Neander, the German church historian, and numbering 37,500 volumes. The total number of students including the German department was 167 in 1910.

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Roch'et, the name given a lawn or lace garment, somewhat like the surplice in shape, but with close-fitting sleeves, worn by bishops, abbots, prelates, and other ecclesiastical dignitaries. Rochette, Désiré Raoul, dã-zē-ra rä-ool rō-shět, French archæologist: b. Saint-Armand, France, 9 March 1790; d. Paris, France, 3 July 1854. He was educated at Bourges, removed to Paris in 1811, in 1815 became assistant professor to Guizot, whom he afterward succeeded in the chair of history at the Sorbonne In 1826 he became professor of archæology at Paris, and in 1838 was elected permanent secretary of the Academy of Fine Arts. He gained a wide reputation for learning, was popular as a lecturer, and enjoyed high favor after the Restoration. Besides his unfinished history of ancient art he wrote 'Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmerien' (1822); Tableau des Catacombs du Rome (1837); 'Lettres archéologiques sur la Peinture des Grecs' (1840); Mémoire sur l'Acropole d'Athènes' (1845); 'Mémoires d'Archéologie comparée, Asiatique, Grecque, et Etrusque (incomplete, 1848); etc.

Rock-Bass. See BASS.

Rock Crystal. See QUARTZ.

Rock Dove, or Rock Pigeon. See PIGEON. Rock Drills. The steam or rock drill is known to-day as an American invention and its inception dates back to the excavation of the Hoosac Tunnel in Massachusetts. This enterprise was fathered during its period of construction by the State of Massachusetts and was beset with enormous difficulties. To commence the excavation of a tunnel five miles long through hard rock, and to do the drilling by hand, was an audacious proposition.. Still this was undertaken by the State of Massachusetts. In those days of inexperience, many methods of excavation were proposed and tried. Machines were built, tested and condemned. Among the inventors, the man who schemed the machine which in general features embodied the requirements of a perforator for making holes for blasting, was Mr. Fowle, of Boston. He constructed the first machine in which the drill used was made the extension of the piston rod of a reciprocating steam engine, which was moved forward toward the rock as the drilling advanced. The drill had a slow rotary as well as a reciprocating motion to insure the boring of a round hole. With this beginning, machines were improved in details, but operated without notable economy. The drills were heavy and could be used practically only when mounted on heavy carriages running on wheels on a track. They were much too heavy for mine or quarry work, although a few were used for such purposes.

Later came a demand for a lighter machine, and the Little Giant and Eclipse machines, both built by the Ingersoll-Rand Company, of New York, were found useful. The Little Giant was operated by a positive motion valve, and the Eclipse by a piston valve. With the introduction of light drills came various improvements which were found to be invaluable as the scope for the use of the rock drill enlarged. In fact, almost a new drill was made when the

machines were applied on a large scale in New York city for outside excavation at a tunnel under 42d street and under Hell Gate, and also in the hard ore mines of Lake Superior.

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As soon as the rock drill attained a reasonable state of perfection, its improvement was immediately manifested to the world at large. It has often been called the advance agent of claim to that title than any other mechanical civilization, and it undoubtedly has a better ing is dependent on its use, and problems which invention of recent date. All modern engineerrendered easy. Its influence on mining, quarrywould be impracticable without this machine are ing, railroading and navigation has been felt all over the world. The rock drill has developed the mines of South Africa; and such modern engineering feats as the Hoosac and Mount Saint Gothard Tunnels, Hell Gate, Niagara Tunnel, the tunnel under Bergen Hill and the Palisades, the Croton aqueduct and the Chicago drainage canal were carried to success by rock drills. The work done by the rock drill may be said to be from 60 to 150 lineal feet of hole drilled per day of 10 hours in ordinary stone, including shifting and setting up of the drill, cleaning holes, etc. In tests and special cases the figures have been largely exceeded, sometimes as much as 400 lineal feet being made. Records of 24 inches per minute are not unfavorable rock, but 70 feet per day of 10 hours common, all, of course, for down holes in in granite, including moving and setting up, averages a fair working basis. The cost of drilling in this way may be stated to vary from 22 to 13 cents per lineal foot, according to local conditions. From four to five cents per foot of hole drilled may be taken as the working figure for general calculations, and this includes all expenses. Compared with hand methods, the cost of which runs from 25 to 70 cents per foot, with an average of 40 to 65 cents per foot of hole in hard rock, this shows that a given amount of drilling may be accomplished by the rock drill for from 1 to 1/12 the cost of doing it by hand. There are two distinct methods of machine drilling, one the auger drill, which bores the rock, and the other the percussion drill, such as the Little Giant or Eclipse, working by direct impact, that is, by striking repeatedly in the same spot and by simply bruising or chipping away the rock. Experience has proved that a reciprocating drill operates with the greatest economy and efficiency. The following are improvements made in the rock drill as used to-day.

Commencing with the cylinder of the drill, the method of using long bolts to hold the top and bottom heads in place with an elastic or spring buffer, whereby the blow (struck accidentally upon either head by the piston) is absorbed, may be placed first. The method of gripping the steel and the chuck by means of the "U" bolt and chuck key stands second. The device of flanged and rotating bar dropped through the ratchet box marked a great advance in the art. The use of the taper throttle was also a very neat device for preventing leakage and providing a graduated admission of the working fluid. In passing from the cylinder to its mounting the most important achievement was in the very simple device of mounting the drill on the horizontal arm attached to a vertical column, which in turn was


mounted to a block and jacked in place by two screws, one on either end of the block. A kindred invention was the universal joint applied to the legs of a tripod.

The requirements of a perfect rock drill are numerous, but it should first of all be simple in construction and strong in every part. The parts as far as possible should be so arranged that any broken or worn portion may be easily removed and a new part substituted, causing the least possible delay in the work. The drill should occupy but little space and should be light enough for easily handling. The mountings on which it is set for different kinds of work should be easily put up and easily removed, insuring a great range of adjustability, It must, of course, be economical in its use of the driving fluid and must put down a hole in the shortest possible time.

Surface and Underground Work.- Surface work includes that class of excavation which occurs in open air, and underground operations include such borings as are underground. Surface drilling may be applied for opening up canals, for quarrying purposes, for opening up ways for railroads and similar undertakings. Such work may necessitate the use of tripod, column and shaft bar, quarrying machines, channelers, gadders and the like. Underground work necessitates the use of rock drills and compressed air machinery for purposes of sinking shafts, opening mines, etc. In shaft sinking and tunnel work, as in driving headings and enlarging, it has been found that the column, is the best means of mounting rock drills. These columns are simply round, extra heavy, wrought steel tubes with a suitable claw-foot or rosette on one end and either one or two clamping or jack screws on the other. Stoping bars and tripods are also extensively used for special features.

becoming a more important feature owing to the increasing depth of ocean and lake-going vessels demanding deeper channels for harbors and rivers. A barge, scow or float fitted with a suitable frame to support the drill guides, drill, boilers and other auxiliary apparatus, is usually employed in submarine excavation. The barge is towed into place and anchored by means of cables, anchor chains or spuds, or a combination of these methods, depending upon the rise and fall of the tide, or the currents to be encountered. The form of framework depends largely upon the system used to feed the drills down, as the hole is cut into the rock. The height of the frame and the length of feed depend on the rise of tide and the depth of water over the rock and the depth to which the hole is to be drilled.

Various styles of mountings are employed in submarine excavation work. The drills used for such operations are generally of the heaviest type, as the work to be done is always severe and difficult. EDWARD F. SCHAEFER, M.M.E.,

Ingersoll-Rand Company, New York.

Rock Excavating Machinery. In quarrying the most important machines are the channeler, the gadder, rock drill, air compressor, etc. To meet the varying requirements of different classes of work four styles of track channelers are manufactured.

Upright Channeler. This consists of a truck mounted on four flanged wheels running on a track. Upon this truck is carried a boiler, (in the steam driven machine) or a reheater (in the air driven channeler) together with a powerful chopping engine mounted at one side on a frame of great strength. At the end of the piston rod of this engine are connected cutting steels which are driven against the rock by steam or air power in the engine cylinder.

Swing Back Track Channelers. In machines of this type, the frame carrying the cutting engine swings on a hinge joint, giving an angular adjustment up to 45 degrees from the vertical in the bare machine, or 15 degrees in the outfit carrying the boiler or reheater. In addition to this movement the cutting engine swings in the plane of the frame, with an angular range up to 45 degrees either side of the vertical.

Submarine Work.- Submarine or subaqueous rock excavation is essential for converting shallow rivers and harbors into navigable waterways. The conditions under which submarine rock excavation must be done are difficult to the last degree, calling for special apparatus of unusual strength and endurance. This character of work is nearly always carried on where tides, currents, winds and storms are present in a varying degree, and these elements are practical obstacles to rapid and economical work. But add to these troubles deep water, Under Cutting Chambers consist of a heavy irregular bottom covered over with mud, sand carried on steel axles running in babbitted boxes. frame of cast iron mounted on four wheels, and other shifting material, which fills in al-At either end of the frame is a special guide most as fast as removed, and the undertaking is seen to be extremely difficult. In the early days, the usual method was to lower explosives to the surface of the rock and attempt fracturing by surface blasting. Later a form of drop bore was introduced by means of which holes were drilled and charges inserted as is at present done. Still another form consisted of a very heavy cast iron bar tipped with a sharp steel point, which was raised and allowed to drop. In operation the sharp point strikes the rock and is supposed to break off a certain amount with each blow. This system is used to some extent abroad, even to-day, but in America it has been abandoned entirely for the more progressive method of drilling a hole and inserting the charge of explosive the same as is done in rock excavation on land.

The removal of submarine rock is daily

shell provided with a swinging adjustment in both horizontal and vertical planes by means of which all angular conditions may be met, and cuts carried clear into the corners. The shells are hung very low, thus giving the least possible offset in cutting. The use of the two shells permits the channeler to work close to the wall and adapts the machine to deposits of any angle or dip.

The bar channeler consists of a carriage supporting the cutting engine mounted on two parallel bars along which it is moved automatically by means of a three cylinder engine actuating a traveling feet nut. The engine is automatically reversed at each end of the travel; or the stops may be set at any intermediate point.

The quarry bar consists essentially of the

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