As rank as any flax-wench, that puts to Who, I do think, is mine, and love as mine, My sovereign mistress clouded so, without Cam. I must believe you, sir; My present vengeance taken; 'Shrew my heart, 5 I do; and will fetch off Bohemia for't: You never spoke what did become you less As deep as that, though true'. Leo. Is whispering nothing? Provided, that when he's remov'd, your highness Is leaning cheek to cheek? is meeting noses? 10 Known and ally'd to yours. Leo. Thou dost advise me, Of laughter with a sigh? (a note infallible Even so as I mine own course have set down: Of breaking honesty :) horsing foot on foot? I'll give no blemish to her honour, none. Skulking in corners? wishing clocks more swift; Cam. My lord, Hours, minutes; the noon, midnight? and all eyes 15 Go then; and with a countenance as clear Blind with the pin and web, but theirs, theirs only, As friendship wears at feasts, keep with Bohemia, That would unseen be wicked? is this nothing? And with your queen: I am his cup-bearer; Account me not your servant. Why, then the world, and all that's in't, is nothing; Cam. Good my lord, be cur'd Of this diseas'd opinion, and betimes; For 'tis most dangerous. Leo. Say, it be; 'tis true. Cam. No, no, my lord. [things, Leo. It is: you lie, you lie : 25 Leo. This is all: Do't, and thou hast the one half of my heart; Cam. I'll do't, my lord. Leo. I will seem friendly, as thou hast advis'd me. [Exit. Cam. O miserable lady!-But, for me, 30 Who, in rebellion with himself, will have Canst with thine eyes at once see good and evil, Cam. Who does infect her? Leo. Why he, that wears her like her medal, Let villainy itself forswear't. I must About his neck, Bohemia :-Who, if I How I am gall'd, -thou might'st be-spice a cup, 45 Pol. What is the news i' the court? But with a ling'ring dram, that should not work 50 With customary compliments; when he, Which shews me mine chang'd too: for I must be A favour, that may strike the dullest nostril Cam. There is a sickness Which puts some of us in distemper; but Of you, that yet are well. A party in this alteration, finding Where I arrive; and my approach be shun'd, 5 Cam. Swear his thought over Is pil'd upon his faith, and will continue Pol. How should this grow? Pol. How! caught of me? Make me not sighted like the basilisk: [better I have looked on thousands, who have sped the 10 The fabrick of his folly; whose foundation By my regard, but kill'd none so. Camillo, As you are certainly a gentleman; thereto Cam. I may not answer. [ledge Cam. I know not but, I am sure, 'tis safer to Pol. A sickness caught of me, and yet I well! 20 And will, by twos and threes, at several posterns, I conjure thee, by all the parts of man, [least Cam. Sir, P'll tell you; Since I am charg'd in honour, and by him That I think honourable: Therefore, mark my counsel; Which must be even as swiftly follow'd, as I mean to utter it; or both yourself and me Pol. On, good Camillo. Cam. I am appointed Him to murder you. Cam. By the king. Pol. For what? Clear them o' the city: For myself, I'll put 25 Ilave utter'd truth: which if you seek to prove, Pol. I do believe thee: 301 saw his heart in his face. Give me thy hand; Still neighbour mine: My ships are ready, and [swears 40 In that be made more bitter. Fear o'er-shades me: 1 Gentle is evidently opposed to simple; alluding to a distinction between the gentry and yeomanry. 2 i. e. to draw, persuade you. The character called the Vice in the old plays, was the tempter to evil. Mam Mam. Not for because Your brows areblacker; yet black brows, they say, Become some women best; so that there be not Too much hair there, but in a semicircle, Or half-moon made with a pen. 2 Lady. Who taught you this? Mam. I learn'd it out of women's faces.-Pray [now, 1 Lady. Blue, my lord. [nose What colour are your eye-brows? Though he does bear some signs of me, yet you 5 Have too much blood in him. Her. What is this? sport? [about her; Leo. Bear the boy hence, he shall not come Away with him :-and let her sport herself With that she's big with; for 'tis Polixenes Mum. Nay, that's a mock: I have seen a lady's 10 Has made thee swell thus. That has been blue, but not her eye-brows. 2 Lady. Hark ye: The queen, your mother, rounds apace: we shall Present our services to a fine new prince, Her. But I'd say, he had not, And, I'll be sworn, you would believe my saying, One of these days; and then you'd wanton with us, 15 Look on her, mark her well; be but about If we would have you. Lady. She is spread of late Into a goodly bulk; Good time encounter her! Her. What wisdom stirs among you? Come sir, now I am for you again: Pray you, sit by us, Mam. Merry, or sad, shall it be? Mam. A sad tale's best for winter : I have one of sprights and goblins. Come on, sit down:-Come on, and do your best Leo. You my lords, To say, she is a goodly lady, and The justice of your hearts will thereto add, 'Tis pity, she's not honest, honourable: Praise her but for this her without-door form, straight 20 (Which, on my faith, deserves high speech) and The shrug, the hum, or ha; these petty brands, 25 Virtue itself: these shrugs, these hums, and ha's, She's an adultress. [at it. 30 Her. Should a villain say so, [softly; Her. Nay, come, sit down; then on. Yon crickets shall not hear it. Her. Come on then, And give't me in mine ear. Enter Leontes, Antigonus, Lords, and others. Leo. Was he met there? his train? Camillo with him? Lord. Behind the tuft of pines I met them; never Saw I men scour so on their way: I ey'd them Even to their ships. Leo. How blest am I In my just censure? in my true opinion?Alack, for lesser knowledge !-how accurs'd, In being so blest!-There may be in the cup A spider steep'd, and one may drink; depart, And yet partake no venom; for his knowledge Is not infected: but if one present The abhor'd ingredient to his eye, make known The most replenish'd villain in the world, Leo. You have mistook, my lady, A federary with her; and one that knows What she should shame to know herself, 45 But with her most vile principal, that she's A bed-swerver, even as bad as those That vulgars give bold'st titles; ay, and privy To this their late escape. How he hath drunk, he cracks his gorge, his sides, 50 Privy to none of this: How will this grieve you, Her. No, by my life, All's true, that is mistrusted:---that talse villain, 55 Leo. No: if I mistake 2 i. e. I am treated as a mere child's baby, a thing pinched out of clouts, a puppet for them to move and actuate as they please, i. e. a confederate. But is here used for except. 60 But that he speaks. Her. There's some ill planet reigns: I must be patient, till the heavens look I am not prone to weeping, as our sex Commonly are; the want of which vain dew, There's not a grain of it, the face to sweeten With thoughts so qualified as your charities [To the Guards. That honourable grief lodg'd here, which burns Worse than tearsdrown: 'Beseech youall, my lords, 5 Upon this ground: and more it would content me Shall best instruct you, measure me; and so The king's will be perform'd! Leo. Shall I be heard? Her. Who is't that goes with me?-'beseech 10 Our forceful instigation? Our prerogative Lord. I had rather you did lack, than I my lord, To have her honour true, than your suspicion; Commune with you of this? but rather follow your highness, My women may be with me; for, you see, Calls not your counsels; but our natural goodness The loss, the gain, the ord'ring on't, is all Ant. And I wish, my liege, There is no cause: when you shall know, your 15 We need no more of your advice: the matter, Has deserv'd prison, then abound intears, [mistress As I come out; this action', I now go on, Is for my better grace.-Adieu, my lord : I never wish'd to see you sorry; now, You had only in your silent judgment try'd it, I trust, I shall. My women,come; you have leave. 20 Without more overture. again. Leo. How could that be? Either thou art most ignorant by age, Or thou wert born a fool. Camillo's flight, Ant. Be certain, what you do, sir; lest your 25 (Which was as gross as ever touch'd conjecture, That lack'd sight only, nought for approbation', 30 (For, in an act of this importance, 'twere Most piteous to be wild) I have dispatch'd in post, Of stuff'd sufficiency: Now, from the oracle Leo. Though I am satisfy'd, and need no more Than what I know, yet shall the oracle 40 Give rest to the minds of others; such as he, Whose ignorant credulity will not You are abus'd, and by some putter-on, Paul. The keeper of the prison,-call to him; Let him have knowledge who I am.-Good lady! 60 You know me, do you not? Action is here applied in the legal sense, for charge or accusation. Meaning, perhaps, I would rid the country of him; condemn him to quit the land. 3 The second folio reads sonnes five. To glib, or to lib, means the same as to geld. Approbation here means proof. Meaning, of abilities more than enough. Keep. [Exit Keeper. 20 Го bear the matter thus; mere weakness, if To make no stain a stain, as passes colouring. Emil. A daughter; and a goodly babe, Paul. I dare be sworn! These dangerous unsafe lunes1 ở' the king; be shrew them! He must be told on't, and he shall: the office Emil. Most worthy madam, Your honour, and your goodness, is so evident, So meet for this great errand: Please your ladyship Acquaint the queen of your most noble offer; Lest she should be deny'd. Paul. Tell her, Emilia, I'll use that tongue I have: if wit flow from it, Atten. My lord? 30 Leo. How does the boy? Atten. He took good rest to-night; 'tis hop'd, His sickness is discharg'd. Leo. To see his nobleness! Conceiving the dishonour of his mother, 35 He straight declin'd, droop'd, took it deeply; Fasten'd and fix'd the shame on't in himself: Threw off his spirit, his appetite, his sleep, And downright languish'd.-Leave me solely: go, [Exit Attendant. 40 See how he fares. -Fye, fye! no thought of him;- 45 Take it on her. Camillo and Polixenes Enter Paulina, with a child. 50 Lord. You must not enter. [to me; Paul. Nay rather, good my lords, be second Fear you his tyrannous passion, more, alas, Than the queen's life? a gracious innocent soul; More free, than he is jealous. 55 Ant. That's enough. [manded Atten. Madam, he hath not slept to-night; comNone should come at him. Paul. Not so hot, good sir. I come to bring him sleep. 'Tis such as you, As boldness from my bosom, let it not be doubted 60 That creep like shadows by him, and do sigh I shall do good. Emil. Now be you blest for it! I'll to the queen: please you, come something nearer. i. e. frenzy, lunacy. At each his needless heavings, such as Nach det hanging you Do come with words as med'cinal as true; |