A soul so easy as that Englishman's. Why, so didst thou: Orare they spare in diet; Poor miserable wretches, to your death: And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot, [Exeunt. With some suspicion. I will weep for thee; Chearly to sea, the signs of war advance: No king of England, if not king of France. [Exeunt. 20 To mark the full-fraught man, the best endu'd, 15 Putting it straight in expedition. For this revolt of thine, methinks, is like Exe. I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of Richard earl of Cambridge. I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of Henry lord Scroop of Masham. SCENE III. Quickly's House in Eastcheap. Enter Pistol, Nym, Bardolph, Boy, and Quickly. I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of 25 bring thee to Staines. Thomas Grey, knight of Northumberland. Scroop. Our purposes God justly hath discover'd; And I repent my fault, more than my death; Which I beseech your highness to forgive, Pist. No: for my manly heart doth yearn.Bardolph, be blith; -Nym, rouse thy vaulting veins; [dead, Boy, bristle thy courage up; for Falstaff he is Although my body pay the price of it. [duce; 30 And we must yearn therefore. Cam. For me, the gold of France did not se Although I did admit it as a motive, Grey. Never did faithful subjects more rejoice My fault, but not my body, pardon, sovereign. K. Henry. God quit you in his mercy! Hear your sentence. You have conspir'd against our royal person, Bard. Would, I were with him, wheresome'er he is, either in heaven, or in hell! Quick. Nay, sure, he's not in hell; he's in Arthur's bosom, if ever man went to Arthur's bo35 som. 'A made a finer end, and went away, an it had been any chrisom' child; 'a parted even just between twelve and one, e'en at turning o'the tides: for after I saw him fumble with the sheets', and play with flowers, and smile upon his fingers' ends, 401 knew there was but one way; for his nose was as sharp as a pen, and 'a babbled of greenfields.How, now, Sir John? quoth I: what, at, man! be of good cheer. So'a cried cried out- out-God, God, God! three or four times: now I, to comfort him, bid Join'd with an enemy proclaim'd, and from his 45 him 'a should not think of God; Ihop'd, there was coffers no need to trouble himself with such thoughts yet: So'a bade me lay more cloaths on his feet : I put my hand into the bed, and felt them, and they were as cold as any stone; then I felt to his 50 knees, and so upward, and upward, and all was as cold as any stone. Receiv'd the golden earnest of our death; [ter, Nym. They say, he cried out of sack. Quick. Nay, that 'a did not. Complement has in this instance the same sense as in Love's Labour's Lost, Act I. Complements, in the age of Shakspeare, meant the same as accomplishments in the present one. * The king means to say of Scroop, that he was a cautious man, who knew that a specious appearance was deceitful and therefore did not trust the air or look of any man till he had tried him by enquiry and conversation. i. e. refined or sifted from all faults. *i. e. marked by the blot he speaks of in the preceding line. The old quarto has it, crisomb'd child. The chrysom was the white cloth put on the new baptised child. The child itself was also sometimes called a chrysom. • It was a common opinion among the women of our author's time, that nobody died but in the time of ebb; though every day's experience must have confuted such a notion. This indication of approaching death is enumerated by Celsus, Lommius, Hippocrates, and Galen. Poy. Boy. Yes, that 'a did; and said, they were devils) incarnate. Quick. 'A could never abide carnation; 'twas a colour he never lik'd. (Though war, nor no known quarrel, were in But that defences, musters, preparations, Boy. 'A said once, the devil would have him 5 As were a war in expectation. about women. Quick. 'A did in some sort, indeed, handle women: but then he was rheumatic; and talk'd of the whore of Babylon. Therefore, I say, 'tis meet we all go forth, To view the sick and feeble parts of France: No, with no more, than if we heard that England Boy. Do you not remember, 'a saw a flea stick 10 Were busied with a Whitsun morris-dance: upon Bardolph's nose; and 'a said, it was a black soul burning in hell-fire? Bard. Well, the fuel is gone, that maintain'd that fire: that's all the riches I got in his service. For, my good liege, she is so idly king'd, By a vain, giddy, shallow, humorous youth, Nym. Shall we shog? the king will be gone 15 Con. O peace, prince Dauphin! from Southampton. Pist. Come, let's away. My love, give me Look to my chattels, and my moveables: thy lips. You are too much mistaken in this king: Let senses rule'; the word is, Pitch and pay2; 20 How modest in exception', and withal, For oaths are straws, men's faiths are wafer-cakes, And hold-fast is the only dog, my duck; And you shall find, his vanities fore-spent Therefore, caveto be thy counsellor. Covering discretion with a coat of folly; Go, clear thy crystals. - Yoke-fellows in arms, 25 As gardeners do with ordure hide those roots Let us to France! like horse-leeches, my boys; That shall first spring, and be most delicate. To suck, to suck, the very blood to suck. Dan. Well, 'tis not so, my lord high constable, Boy. And that is but unwholesome food, they But though we think it so, it is no matter: say. In cases of defence, 'tis best to weigh Pist. Touch her soft mouth, and march, Nym. I cannot kiss, that is the humour of it; but adieu. And more than carefully it us concerns, It fits us then, to be as provident As fear may teach us, out of late examples 30 The enemy more mighty than he seems, 35 Fr. King. Think we king Harry strong; Wales; 45 Whiles that his mountain sire, on mountain 50 Had twenty years been made. This is a stem Mess. Ambassadors from Henry kingof England 55 Do crave admittance to your majesty. Fr. King. We'll give them present audience.- Dau. My most redoubted father, You see this chase is hotly follow'd, friends. a kingdom, 160 Dau. Turn head, and stop pursuit: for coward dogs suffered before by letting Falstaff run in her debt. 2 1i. e. let prudence govern you. * This caution was a very proper one to Mrs. Quickly, who had were troubled. i. e. how diffident and decent in making objections. Most spend their mouths*, when what they seem to threaten Runs far before them. Good my sovereign, Enter Exeter. For husbands, fathers, and betrothed lovers, Fr. King. From our brother England? [jesty. Unto the crown of France. That you may know, Fr. King. For us, we will consider of this To-morrow shall you bear our full intent Dau. For the Dauphin, I stand here for him; What to him from England? The mighty sender, doth he prize you at. 15 Thus saysmy king: and, if your father's highness In second accent of his ordinance. Pick'd from the worm-holes of long-vanish'd days, 20 Shall chide your trespass, and return your mock Nor from the dust of old oblivion rak'd, He sends you this most memorable line', In every branch truly demonstrative; [Gives the French King a paper. Willing you, overlook this pedigree: Fr. King. Or else what follows? crown Even in your hearts, there will he rake for it : Dau. Say, if my father render fair reply, 25 As matching to his youth and vanity, Exe. He'll make your Paris Louvre shake for it, 35 Fr. King. To-morrow you shall know our mind at full. Exe. Dispatch us with all speed, lest that our Come here himself to question our delay; АСТIII. In motion of no less celerity Than that of thought. Suppose, that you have seen 55 You stand upon the rivaget, and behold Enter Chorus. Chor. THUS with imagin'd wing our swift scene flies, To sounds confus'd: behold the threaden sales, A city on the inconstant billows dancing; The well-appointed king at Hampton pier With silken streamers the young Phœbus fanning. 2 Meaning, this genealogy; this deduction of his lineage. To-chide is to re- * i. e. bark. sound, to echo. your minds follow close after the navy. Or Or past, or not arriv'd to, pith and puissance: back; Tells Harry-that the king doth offer him With linstock now the devilish cannon touches, Follow your spirit: and, upon this charge, Enter Nym, Bardolph, Pistol, and Boy. Bard. On, on, on, on, on! to the breach, to the breach! Nym. Pray thee, corporal', stay; the knocks are 10 too hot; and, for mine own part, I have not a case of lives; the humour of it is too hot, that is the very plain-song of it. Pist. The plain-song is most just: for humours do abound; [Alarums; and chambers go off. 15 Knocks go and come; God's vassals drop and die; And down goes all before him. Still be kind, And eke out our performance with your mind. SCENE I [Alarum.] [Exit. Enter King Henry, Exeter, Bedford, Gloster, and Soldiers, with Scaling Ladders. And sword and shield, In bloody field, Doth win immortal fame. Boy. 'Would I were in an ale-house in London! 20 I would give all my fame for a pot of ale, and K. Henry. Once more unto the breach, dear 25 friends, once more; Or close the wall up with the English dead! safety. Pist. And I: Flu. 'Splood!-Up to the preaches, you ras 30 cals! will you not up to the preaches? Pist. Be merciful, great duke, to men of mould'! Abate thy rage, abate thy manly rage! [chuck! Good bawcock, bate thy rage! use lenity, sweet Nym. These be good humours!-your honour But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Let it pry through the portage of the head, 35 wins bad humours. [Exeunt. As fearfully, as doth a galled rock O'er-hang and jutty his confounded base, Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean. Boy. As young as I anı, I have observ'd these three swashers. I am boy to them all three; but all they three, though they would serve me, could not be man to me; for, indeed, three such anticks Now set the teeth, and stretch the nostril wide; 40 do not amount to a man. For Bardolph, he is Have, in these parts, from morn 'till even fought, 45 whole weapons. For Nym, he hath heard, that And sheath'd their sword for lack of argument*. Dishonour not your mothers; now attest, That those, whom you call'd fathers, did beget you! men of few words are the best men; and theretore he scorns to say his prayers, lest 'a should be thought a coward: but his few bad words are match'd with as few good deeds; for a' never And teach them how to war!-And you, good 50 broke any man's head but his own; and that was Whose limbs were made in England, shew us here against a post, when he was drunk. They will steal any thing, and call it-purchase. Bardolph stole a lute-case; bore it twelve leagues, and sold it for three-halfpence. Nym and Bardolph are 55 sworn brothers in filching; and in Calais they stole a fire-shovel: I knew, by that piece of service, the men would carry coals. They would have The staff to which the match is fixed when ordnance is fired. Portage, open space, from port, a gate. The meaning is, let the eye appear in the head as cannon through the battlements, or embrasures, of a fortification. i, e. his worn or wasted base. 4 i. e. matter, or subject. 'We should read lieutenant. ' i. e, a set of lives, of which, when one is worn out, another may serve. to men of earth. That is, bravest. 2 In Shakspeare's age, to carry coals, implied, to endure affronts, 6 'i. e. 11 me me as familiar with men's pockets, as their gloves or their handkerchiefs: which makes much against my manhood, if I should take from another's pocket, to put into mine; for it is plain pocketing up of wrongs. I must leave them, and seek some 5 by Chrish, do nothing; 'tis shame for us all: so ane: the day is hot, and the weather, and the wars, and the king, and the dukes; it is no time to discourse. The town is beseech'd, and the trumpet calls us to the breach; and we talk, and better service: their villainy goes against my weak stomach, and therefore I must cast it up. [ExitBoy. Re-enter Fluellen, Gower following. Gower. Captain Fluellen, you must cone presently to the mines: the duke of Gloster would 10 Jamy. By the mess, ere theise eyes of mine take God sa' me, 'tis shame to stand still; it is shame, by my hand: and there is throats to be cut, and works to be done; and there ish nothing done, so Chrish sa' me, la, speak with you. Flu. To the mines! Tell you the duke, it is not so good to come to the mines: for, look you, the mines are not according to the disciplines of the themselves to slumber, aile do good service, or aile ligge i the grund for it; or go to death; and aile pay it as valorously as I may, that sal I surely do, that is the breff and the long: Marry, I wad war; the concavities of it is not sufficient; for, 15 full fain heard some question 'tween you tway. look you, th' athversary (you may discuss unto the duke, look you) is digt himselt four yards under the countermines; by Cheshu, I think 'a will plow up all, if there is not peter directions. Flu. Captain Macmorris, I think, look you, under your correction, there is not many of your nation Mac. Of my nation? What ish my nation? ish a Gower. The duke of Gloster, to whom the order 20 villain, and a bastard, and a knave, and a rascal? of the siege is given, is altogether directed by an Flu. It is captain Macmorris, is it not? Flu. By Cheshu, he is an ass, as in the 'orld: 125 will verify as much in his peard: he has no more directions in the true disciplines of the wars, look you, of the Roman disciplines, than is a puppydog. Enter Macmorris, and Captain Jamy. Gower. Here'a comes; and the Scots captain, captain Jamy, with him. What ish my nation? Who talks of my nation? Flu. Look you, if you take the matter otherwise than is meant, captain Macmorris, peradventure, I shall think you do not use me with that affability as in discretion you ought to use me, look you; being as goot a man as yourself, both in the disci plines of wars, and in the derivation of my birth, and in other particularities. Mac. I do not know you so good a man as my30 self: so Chrish save me, I will cut off your head. Gower. Gentlemen, both, you will mistake each other. Flu. Captain Jamy is a marvellous falorous gentleman, that is certain; and of great expedition, and knowledge, in the ancient wars, upon my par-35 ticular knowledge of his directions: by Cheshu, he will maintain his argument as well as any military man in the 'orld, in the disciplines of the pristine wars of the Romans. Jamy. Au! that's a foul fault. [ A parley sounded. Flu. Captain Macmorris, when there is more Jamy. I say, gude-day, captain Fluellen. 40 K. Mac. By Chrish la, tish ill done: the work ish give over, the trumpet sound the retreat. By my 45 This is the latest parle we will admit: hand, I swear, and by my father's soul, the work ish ill done; it ish give over: I would have blowed up the town, so Chrish save me, la, in an hour. O tish ill done, tish ill done; by my hand, tish ill done! Therefore, to our best mercy give yourselves: Flu. Captain Macmorris, I peseech you now, 50 If I begin the battery once again, will you voutsafe me, look you, a few dispu tations with you, as partly touching or concerning the disciplines of the war, the Roman wars, in the way of argument, look you, and friendly communication; partly, to satisfy my opi-55 nion, and partly, for the satisfaction, look you, of my mind, as touching the direction of the military discipline; that is the point. Jamy. It sall be very gud, gud feith, gud cap I will not leave the half-atchiev'd Harfleur, Till in her ashes she lie buried. The gates of mercy shall be all shut up; Enlink'd to waste and desolation? tains bath: and I sall quit you with gud leve, as 60 Do, with his smirch'd complexion, all fell feats I may pick occasion; that sall I, marry. Mac. It is no time to discourse, so Chrish save (What is't to me, when you yourselves are cause, That is, he will blow up all. That is, I shall requite you, answer you. If |