Imagens das páginas

No. 5, is the annual report and the account current of the treasur er for the same year; ihat marked C with the paper No 6, is the annual port and acco nt curr nt of the eommissioner of the cuy of Tallahassee; hai marked D with the exhisi No. 7, is the executive message of the 4 h instant, together with the report of the auditor respec ing the 'I a:lahassee fund.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

To His Excellency

TALLAHASSEE, Jan. 5th 18.6.


Govern r of Florida.

SIR-I enclose you wo sta ements, one exhibiting the state, condition, and Business of this Bank on Monday, November 3d 1855, and the other o yesterday the 4th in tant.

None of the debts due his institution are considered bad or even doubitul.

Any other information which may be desi ed by yourself or the Legislature will be prm tly given on application.

1 have the honour to be Sir,

Your obedient servant,



Statement exhibi'ing the condition and business of the Central Bank of Florida, on Monday November 2nd 1835.

Cap tal stock paid in


Notes of the Bank in circulation

83, 01

Surplus fu d

10,935 24

Dividens un aid


D.vidend No. 5, due and payable this aay 7,0.9 55

7.170 55

Due to Bank, and Bankers

2557 93

Funds, Pension Agency



122,218 48

39,578 20

[blocks in formation]

Leon County, ss. Before me, the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforesaid. personally appeared Benjamin Chares, President and L.. A. Thompson. Cashier, of the Central Bank of Florida, who being du y swn, doth depse and swear that the above exhibi's a true statement of the condition and business of said Bank on Monday morning, November 2nd 1835, to the best of her know ed, informat on and belief Sworn to before me. this 41 Jan 1836. B. CHAIRES, Pres't. TURBUIT R. BETTON, J. P. 3 L. A. THOMPSON,C'r,

Statement exhibiting the condition and business of the Central

Bank of Fioida, on Monday, January 4th 1856.

Capi al stock paid in

Notes of the Bank in circulation

Surplus fund

Dividends unpaid

Profits since nd November last

[blocks in formation]

No es discound, running to ma urny



10,935 24

514 50

7,534 06

7,816 89


70,540 51

446,0.5 23

103,243 93

110 791 67

Bies of Exc.ang, do a. N. Y and Charleston, &c. 16,198 93

[blocks in formation]

Leon County, ss. Before me, the undersigned, a Jus ice of the Peace, in and for aid county, appeared Benjamin Chaires, President. and Leslie A hompson, Cashier, of the Central Bank of Florida, who being duly sworn, doth d pose and swear that the above statement is a true exhi i of he condition and business of the said Bank on Monday, h 4th day of January inst., to the best of their know edge, information and be ief. Sworn to before me, this 5, Jan 183. B. CE AI ES, President. TURBUTT R BLTON, J. P. L. A. THOMPSON, C'r.


TALLAHASSEE, Jan. 2nd 1836.

Gove nor of Florida:

SIR-In compliance with the 18 h section of its Char'er, I herewith hand you a s atement of the condition of the Union Bank of Florida, sworn o by the cashier-for the purpose of being laid before the Legislative Council,

[blocks in formation]

Statement of the Union Bark of Florida, on Saturday evening,

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UNION BANK OF FLORIDA, Tallahassee, 2nd January, 1836.


Leon County. Perso a ly app ared before me, Robert J Hackley, a Justice of the Peace for the County afer sa d. John Parkhill. Cashier of the Union Bank of Florida, who made a h that the above account is true as stated, to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand and seal, this 4 h day of January, 1836. ROBERT J. HACKLEY, J. P. [SEAL.]


[blocks in formation]
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Governor of Florida:

SIR-The B nk of Pensacola, reports to you, that it has effected the sale of the Bonds issued by i', and end rse by the Territory, to homas Biddle, E.ihu Chauncy, Samuel Jaudin and associa es, a par; and the conditions of payment on the B nds are One Hundred Th usend Dollars down, and the residue in instal en s of On Hundred Thousand Dol ars each, to be paid to the Bank on the completion of ach ten miles Interest of the "Alabama, Florida, and Georgia I ail Road" only to be aid on the instalments, paid to he Bank on the Bonds. The Bank is subject to a perem tory all by the direc ors of the Rail-Road com any, to the amount of the B nds now ssued, bat an understanding is had with that company, had they shall not insis on the payment of he instalments in full, at once; payments shall eart ally mad as the nece sities of the RailRoad company shal reque. Of the 10,0.0 dollars now received on sale of Bonds, th y equire only suffic ent o pay for the preliminary surveys and ex enses; and the amount of Eighteen housand Six Hundred and Sixty- wo Dollars and Fifty Cents has been paid into their hands by the B nk.

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but that

They will require further payments on the completion of the first ten miles of their Road. when the second payment of One Hundred Thou and Do'lars on the Bonds will be received by the Bank. This rule of payments, i is understood, wil be adhered to. On the completion f every ten miles, a c rtain amount equal to te cost of the c mp e ion of that ength of Road will be required of the sokholders

By this harmonious understanding-while the Rail-Road will be progressing as fast as possible-the Bank will always be alle to provide the neces arv funus, and at the same time be enabled to have a its command a capital suffici nt for the purpose of discount and exchange, which will regularly in rease as the Ra.l-Road progresses, and by which it will be enabled with ease and safety,

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constantly to earn the interest on the amount borrowed, until the whole expenditures for th making the ail-Road shall cease.

The board of di ec ors of the Rail Road company have not yet made their first report to the tockholders; bu by the information informally communicated to them we are enabled to state as follows:

Major Graham of the United States Topographical Engineers, by order of the Secretary of War, is detailed to make a survey of the route. He is now engaged in a reconnoissance to fix upon the true line of the Road. As soon as he has determined h: route, the survey of location will commence at Pensacola, and he work will be put under contract immediately. It is expect d to be commenced by the first of February next, and it is expected that it will be completed to Conne, uh County, Alabama, by the epening of the next bu iness season By authentic in oration from respectable planters of that County t is ascerta ned that t n thousand bales of colt n is now raised here, which has to be wagoned forty miles to the Alabama river, and will natural y come to Pensacola by the Rail Road, and will be the first fruits of that en、erprize.

The facts collec ed this season by the Rail-Road company, are sufficient to warrant the convic ion, that their most sanguine calculations will be exceeded by the actual results.

The extreme lowness, so late in the season, of the rivers, almost every year; he consequent highness of provisions and other articles of in erior consumption; the precarious nature of prices of cotton; the heavy charges on the rivers for early fre ghts; the perplexi y and loss to the interior merchant on account of the non-arrival of his goods at the opening of the cotton season, leave no doubt but that the Rail-Road will be used in preference to the rivers, bo h on account of its equal cheapness, and the absolute certainty and safety of transporta ion, for the carriage of a vast amount of merchandize and cotton; to these add the additional and important fact, of its be ng in the direct line of the great mail rou e, and that it will shorten the time of t ansportation of the mal at least two days to New-Orleans, it cannot be otherwise, but that it must transport the mail and a vast number of passengers. From examination; r m reports of intelligent planters and of others hat are wel a quain ed wi h he coun ry, and whose testimony is of weight, it is ascert in d that the country below Columbus in Georgia, and Mon gomery in Alabama, through which and to which the Rail-Road must be made, wil yield from one hundred and six y to wo hundred thou and bales of coton. By the Rail-Road, Pensacola is the nearest port of export to all this region, and mu t draw to i, on account of his cheapness and facility of export from his harbour, h great portion of the co on f this region. The facts stated must prove that the Rail-Road will be very profitable, provided that its construction does not cost too great a sum of money. On this point it is proper to state that the president of the Rail-Road company, is himself an engineer of high reputation. He has examined the country thoroughly; a survey of it was made by his direction, and his opinion is corroborated by that of Mojar M'Neil, another engineer of high reputa ion, that the who'e Road can be finished with al the material for transpo tion for a sum less than 1,500,00 dollars. Major Graham has not ye made his report, but it is understood that his opini n will coincide with he others mentioned. These facts being proved, there can be no doub but that the profits of the Road will exceed eigt per cent, ner annum, over al is expenses.

The Bank being able to earn the interest on the whole amount expended until the completion of the Road;-when he later is finished the harmonious co-operation of the two companies in

the prod.ction of additional capital will be evident. The one being employed in bringing down, and the other in furnishing means to purchase cotton-acting and reaching on each other. furnish both with cons ant employment. Their mutual profits added to the capital of the Bank, every year must, of necessi y, in a ime much short of the eriod when the liabilities of the Bank for the red mption of its Bonds expires, compound it to an extent amply sufficient redeem theni

We assert hat in pursuance of the requisition of the Charter, we have taken measures and sha'l put in operation a Branch at Marianna on or by the first day of January next.

We also, shall by the same date or as soon after as possible, estab'ish a Branch at Appalachico a. We have had previously to this time an agency a' that place, but in compliance with the wishes of a portion of its ci izens, we change it o a B.anch-each of these Branches will have a board of directors, pre-id nt and cashier, e sha.l endeavour to select pruden: men to manage these Branches, so that ourselves as well as the community will be benefited equall,.


We hope at our next report, to give also, the reports of the Rail Road company-showing that the whole sys em is in safe and har,

monious acti n.

Herewith is furnished the statement of the condition of the Bank at this date. We beli ve it to be in good and safe condition. We have no si ce the institution was established to this time made any bad or losses of any kind.




County of Escambia,


Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace, in and for the county a foresaid, Walter Gregory, President of the Bank of Pensacola, and James Catlin, the Cashier thereof, and made oath that the within sta ement of the Bank aforesaid, is true to the best of their knowledge and belie..

Sworn to be o. e me, Dec. 28, 1835 W. GREGORY, President.

Statement exhibiting the condition of the Bank of Pensacola on
December 26th 1835.

To capital stock, Bonds ayable



25,078 57 125,078 57

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