viating from the first copies, the Compiler has had principally in view the important objects which have been stated. In other alterations, it has been his design to adapt the sentiments to the different classes of character which make up every assembly of worshippers, and some of whom cannot, with propriety, be supposed to use expressions which are fitted only to those who have made the highest attainments. It would have been useless, if not impossible, to have noted all the changes which have been made or adopted. He has, therefore, marked as altered, only those hymns in which any change has been made by himself. Hymns which have never appeared before in any collection published in this country, are distinguished by an obelisk. [†] Those with an asterisk (*) affixed to them, are originals, for which the Compiler is principally indebted to his friends. The arrangement in this Collection, it is hoped, will be found to possess some advantages, in admitting of an easy reference, when the first line is remembered, without the intervention of a table, while the subjects are kept sufficiently distinct for the general reader. The copious Index at the end will, probably, be a better guide to the different subjects, than any classification which could have been made. The Compiler has met with too many difficulties in satisfying himself in this undertaking, to permit the expectation that he can have succeeded in satisfying others: But all is in His hands whose praise he seeks." To His blessing he commends the work, with an humble hope it may prove no unacceptable offering to the best interests of that religious Society with which he is connected, and to that cause of pure Christianity which it would be his highest ambition to serve. NEW-YORK, Oст. 3, 1820. PSALMS AND HYMNS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, IN THREE PARTS: I. Of general Prayer and Praise, and for the Introduction and Close of Public Worship. II. For particular Subjects of Discourses. III. For particular Occasions, and for Private and Do mestic Devotion. PART FIRST. 1. с. м. The Lord's day morning. 1 AGAIN the Lord of life and light 2 O what a night was that which wrapp'd 3 This day be grateful homage paid, 4 Ten thousand differing lips shall join 5 Jesus, the friend of human kind, Behold, the tomb its prey restores ! And while his conquering chariot wheels Ascend the lofty skies, Death's iron sceptre lies. 2. с. м. Mrs. Barbauld. God's sovereign dominion. 1 ALMIGHTY GOD! thy powerful word 2 By thee preserved, the whole remains 3 Sun, moon, and stars, thy views fulfil; 4 Thou over all art Lord supreme; 5 To thee, and thee alone, we bow, 6 Accept what now, with faith and love, † Exeter Colt. |