Independently of all this, Herr Otto Wiener, imitating Hertz's experiments with ordinary light, in 1889 reflected a beam directly back on itself, and, by interposing a very thin collodion film at extraordinarily oblique incidence, succeeded in the difficult experiment of so magnifying by the cosine of inclination the half wave-length, as to get the silver deposited in strata of visible width, and thus to photograph the interference nodes themselves at the places where they were cut by the plane of the film.' Then M. Lippmann, using a thicker film, not put obliquely but normal to the light, obtained the strata within the thickness of the film itself-hundreds of layers; and so, employing incidence light of definite wave-length, was able to produce a stratified deposit, which reflected back at appropriate incidence the same wave-length as produced it; thus reproducing, of course, the definite colour. It is probable that the silver is first shaken out at the ventral segments, but that the strata so formed are thick and blurry. I conjecture that by over-exposure this deposit is nearly all mopped up again, traces being left only at the nodes, where the action is very feeble and takes a long time to occur; but that these residual strata, being fairly sharp and definite, would be likely to give much better effects. And so I suppose that these are what are actually effective in obtaining M. Lippmann's very interesting, though not yet practically useful, result. I now leave the retrospect of what has been done, although many other topics might usefully detain us, and I proceed to glance forward at the progress ahead and at the means we have for effectively grappling with our due share of it. There is a subject which has long been in my mind, and which I determined to bring forward whenever I had a cathedral opportunity of doing so; and now, if ever, is a suitable occasion. It is to call attention to the fact that the further progress of physical science in the somewhat haphazard and amateur fashion in which it has been hitherto pursued in this country is becoming increasingly difficult, and that the quantitative portion especially should be undertaken in a permanent and publicly-supported physical laboratory on a large scale. If such an establishment were likely to weaken the sinews of private enterprise and individual research it should be strenuously opposed; but, in my opinion, it would have the opposite effect, by relieving the private worker of much which he can only undertake with great difficulty, sacrifice, and expense. To illustrate more precisely what I mean, it is sufficient to recall the case of astronomy. The amateur astronomer has much work lying ready to his hand, and he grapples with it manfully. To him is left the striking out of new lines and the guerilla warfare of science. Skirmishing and brilliant cavalry evolutions are his natural field: he should not be called upon to take part in the general infantry advance. It is wasting his energies, and he could not in the long run do it well. What, for instance, would have been the state of astronometry-the nautical almanac department of astronomy-without the consecutive and systematic work of the National Observatory at Greenwich? It may be that some enthusiastic amateurs would have devoted their lives to this routine kind of work, and here at one time and there at another a series of accurate observations would have been kept for several years. Pursued in that way, however, not only would the effort be spasmodic and temporary, but the energy and enthusiasm of those amateurs would have been diverted from the pioneering more suited to them, and would have been cramped in the groove of routine, eminently adapted to a permanent official staff but not wholesome for an individual. Long-continued consecutive observations may be made by a leader of science, as functions may be tabulated by an eminent mathematician; but if the work can be done almost equally well (some would say better) by a professional observer or computator, how great an economy results. Now all this applies equally to physics. The ohm has been determined with 4-figure, perhaps with 5-figure, accuracy; but think of the list of eminent men to whose severe personal labour we owe this result, and ask if the spoil is worth the cost. Perhaps in this case it is, as a specimen of a well-conducted determination. We must have a few specimens, and our leaders must show us the way to do things. But let us not continue to use them for such purposes much longer. The 'Wiedemann's Annalen, vol. xl. 1890. quest of the fifth or sixth decimal is a very legitimate, and may become a very absorbing, quest, but there are plenty of the rank and file who can undertake it if properly generalled and led: not as isolated individuals, but as workers in a National Laboratory under a competent head and a governing committee. By this means work far greater in quantity, and in the long run more exact in quality, can be turned out, by patient and conscientious labour without much genius, by the gradual improvement of instrumental means, by the skill acquired by practice, and by the steady drudgery of routine. Paris has long had one form of such an institution, in the Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers, and has been able to impose the metric system on the civilised world in consequence. It can also point to the classical determinations of Regnault as the fruits of just such a system. Berlin is now starting a similar or a more ambitious scheme for a permanent National Physical Institute. Is it not time that England, who in physical science, I venture to think, may in some sort claim a leading place, should be thinking of starting the same movement? The Meteorological and Magnetic Observatory at Kew (in the inauguration of which this Association took so large a part) is a step; and much useful quantitative work is done there. The new Electric Standardizing Laboratory of the Board of Trade is another and, in some respects perhaps, a still closer approximation to the kind of thing I advocate. But what I want to see is a much larger establishment, erected on the most suitable site, limited by no specialty of aim nor by the demands of the commercial world, furnished with all appropriate appliances, to be amended and added to as time goes on and experience grows, and invested with all the dignity and permanence of a national institution: a Physical Observatory, in fact, precisely comparable to the Greenwich Observatory, and aiming at the very highest quantitative work in all departments of physical science. That the arts would be benefited may be assumed without proof. It is largely the necessity of engineers that has inspired the amount of accuracy in electrical matters already attained. The work and appliances of the mechanical engineer eclipse the present achievements of the physicist in point of accuracy, and it is by the aid of the mechanician and optician that precision even in astronomy has reached so high a stage. There is no reason why physical determinations should be conducted in an amateur fashion, with comparatively imperfect instruments, as at present they mostly are. Discoveries lie along the path of extreme accuracy, and they will turn up in the most unexpected way. The aberration of light would not have been discovered had not Bradley been able to measure to less than 1 part in 10,000; and what a brilliant and momentous discovery it was! He was aiming at the detection of stellar parallax, but the finite velocity of light was a greater discovery than any parallax. This is the type of result which sometimes lurks in the fifth decimal, and which confers upon it an importance beside which the demands of men who wish to serve the taste and the pocket of the British public sink into insignificance. In a National Observatory accuracy should be the one great end: the utmost accuracy in every determination that is decided on and made. Only one thing should be more thought of than the fifth significant figure, and that is the sixth. The consequences flowing from the results may safely be left; such as are not obvious at once will distil themselves out in time. And the great army of outside physicists, assured of the good work being done at headquarters, will (to speak again in astronomical parable) cease from peddling with taking transits or altitudes, and will be free to discover comets, to invent the spectroscope, to watch solar phenomena, to chemically analyse the stars, to devise celestial photography, and to elaborate still more celestial theories; all of which novelties may in their maturity be handed over to the National Observatory, to be henceforth incorporated with, and made part of, its routine life; leaving the advance guard and skirmishers free to explore fresh territory, secure in the knowledge that what they have acquired will be properly surveyed, mapped, and utilised, without further attention from them. As to the practical applications, they may in any case be left to take care of themselves. The instinct of humanity in this direction, and the so-called solid gains associated with practical achievements, will always secure a sufficient number of acute and energetic workers to turn the new territory The into arable land and pasture adapted to the demands of the average man. labour of the agriculturist in rendering soil fertile is, of course, beyond praise; but it is not the work of the pioneer. As Mr. Huxley eloquently put it, when contrasting the application of science with the advance of science itself, speaking of the things of commercial value which the physical philosopher sometimes discovers: Great is the rejoicing of those who are benefited thereby, and, for the moment, science is the Diana of all the craftsmen. But even while the cries of jubilation resound, and this flotsam and jetsam of the tide of investigation is being turned into the wages of workmen and the wealth of capitalists, the crest of the wave of scientific investigation is far away on its course over the illimitable ocean of the unknown.' I have spoken of the work of the National Laboratory as devoted to accuracy. It is hardly necessary to say that the laboratory will be also the natural custodian of our standards, in a state fit for use and for comparison with copies sent to be certified. Else perhaps some day our standard ohm may be buried in a brick wall at Westminster, and no one living may be able to recall precisely where it is. But, in addition to these main functions, there is another, equally important with them, to which I must briefly refer. There are many experiments which cannot possibly be conducted by an individual, because forty or fifty years is not long enough for them. Such are secular experiments on the properties of materials -the elasticity of metals, for instance; the effect of time on molecular arrangement; the influence of long exposure to light, or to heat, or to mechanical vibration, or to other physical agents. Does the permeability of soft iron decay with age, by reason of the gradual cessation of its Ampèrian currents? Do gases cool themselves when adiabatically preserved, by reason of imperfect elasticity or too many degrees of freedom of their molecules? Unlikely, but not impossible. Do thermo-electric properties alter with time? And a multitude of other experiments which appear specially applicable to substances in the solid state-a state which is more complicated, and has been less investigated, than either the liquid or the gaseous: a state in which time and past history play an important part. Upon whichever of these long researches we may decide to enter, a National Laboratory, with permanent traditions and a continuous life, is undoubtedly the only appropriate place. At such a place as Glasgow the exceptional magnitude of a present occupant may indeed inspire sufficient piety in a successor to secure the continuance of what has been there begun; but in most college laboratories, under conditions of migration, interregnum, and a new régime, continuity of investigation is hopeless. I have at any rate said enough to indicate the kind of work for which the establishment of a well-furnished laboratory with fully equipped staff is desirable, and I do not think that we, as a nation, shall be taking our proper share of the highest scientific work of the world until such an institution is started on its career. There is only one evil which, so far as I can see, is to be feared from it if ever it were allowed to impose on outside workers as a central authority, from which infallible dicta were issued, it would be an evil so great that no amount of good work carried on by it could be pleaded as sufficient mitigation. If ever by evil chance such an attitude were attempted, it must rest with the workers of the future to see that they permit no such shackles; for if they are not competent to be independent, and to contemn the voice of authority speaking as mere authority, if their only safeguard lies in the absence of necessity for struggle and effort, they cannot long hope to escape from the futility which surely awaits them in other directions. I am thus led to take a wider range, and, leaving temporary and special considerations, to speak of a topic which is as yet beyond the pale of scientific orthodoxy, and which I might, perhaps more wisely, leave lying by the roadside. I will, however, take the risk of introducing a rather ill-favoured and disreputable looking stranger to your consideration, in the belief-I might say, in the assured conviction --that he is not all scamp, and that his present condition is as much due to our long-continued neglect as to any inherent incapacity for improvement in the subject. I wish, however, strenuously to guard against its being supposed that this Association, in its corporate capacity, lends its countenance to, or looks with any favour on, the outcast. What I have to say-and after all it will not be much must rest on my own responsibility. I should be very sorry for any adventitious weight to attach to my observations on forbidden topics from the accident of their being delivered from this chair. At the same time not only do I claim the right to express myself concerning matters on which I have worked, but I conceive it to be a duty, from which, if I shrank, I should shrink from no higher motive than simple cowardice, though I know them to be topics on which it is quite impossible, as well as undesirable, for everyone to think alike. It is but a platitude to say that our clear and conscious aim should always be truth, and that no lower or meaner standard should ever be allowed to obtrude itself before us. Our ancestors fought hard and suffered much for the privilege of free and open inquiry, for the right of conducting investigation untrammelled by prejudice and foregone conclusions, and they were ready to examine into any phenomenon which presented itself. This attitude of mind is perhaps necessarily less prominent now, when so much knowledge has been gained, and when the labours of many individuals may be rightly directed entirely to its systematisation and to the study of its inner ramifications; but it would be a great pity if a too absorbed attention to what has already been acquired, and to the fringe of territory lying immediately adjacent thereto, were to end in our losing the power of raising our eyes and receiving evidence of a totally fresh kind, of perceiving the existence of regions into which the same processes of inquiry as had proved so fruitful might be extended, with results at present incalculable and perhaps wholly unexpected. I myself think that the ordinary processes of observation and experiment are establishing the existence of such a region; that in fact they have already established the truth of some phenomena not at present contemplated by science, and to which the orthodox man shuts his ears. For instance, there is the question whether it has or has not been established by direct experiment that a method of communication exists between mind and mind irrespective of the ordinary channels of consciousness and the known organs of sense, and if so, what is the process? It can hardly be through some unknown sense organ, but it may be by some direct physical influence on the ether, or it may be in some still more subtle manner. Of the process I as yet know nothing. Further investigation is wanted. No one can expect others to accept his word for an entirely new fact, except as establishing a prima facie case for investigation. But I am only now taking this as an instance of what I mean; whether it be a truth or a fiction, I doubt if one of the recognised scientific societies would receive a paper on the subject. What I wish is to signalise a danger-which I believe to be actual and serious-that investigation in this and cognate subjects may be checked and hampered by active hostility to these researches on the part of the majority of scientific men, and a determined opposition to the reception or discussion of evidence. That individuals should decline to consider such matters is natural enough; they may be otherwise occupied and interested. Everybody is by no means bound to investigate everything; though, indeed, it is customary in most fields of knowledge for those who have kept aloof from a particular inquiry to defer in moderation to those who have conducted it, without feeling themselves called upon to express an opinion. But it is not of the action of individuals that I wish to speak, it is of the attitude to be adopted by scientific bodies in their corporate capacity; and for a corporate body of men of science, inheritors of the hard-won tradition of free and fearless inquiry into the facts of nature untrammelled by prejudice, for any such body to decline to receive evidence laboriously attained and discreetly and inoffensively presented by observers of accepted competency in other branches, would be, if ever actually done and persisted in, a terrible throwing away of their prerogative, and an imitation of the errors of a school of thought against which the struggle was at one time severe. In the early days of the Copernican theory, Galileo for some years refrained from teaching it, though fully believing its truth, because he considered that he had better get more fully settled in his recent University chair before evoking the storm of academic controversy which the abandonment of the Ptolemaic system would arouse. The same thing literally is going on to-day. I know of men who hesitate to avow interest in these new investigations (I do not mean credence the time is too early for avowing credence in any but the most rudimentary and definitely ascertained facts-but hesitate to avow interest) until they have settled down more securely and made a name for themselves in other lines. Caution and slow progress are extremely necessary; fear of avowing interest or of examining into unorthodox facts is, I venture to say, not in accordance with the highest traditions of the scientific attitude. We are, I suppose, to some extent afraid of each other, but we are still more afraid of ourselves. We have great respect for the opinions of our elders and superiors; we find the matter distasteful to them, so we are silent. We have, moreover, a righteous mistrust of our own powers and knowledge; we perceive that it is a wide region extending into several already cultivated branches of science, that a many-sided and highly-trained mind is necessary adequately to cope with all its ramifications, that in the absence of strict inquiry imposture has been rampant in some portions of it for centuries, and that unless we are preternaturally careful we may get led into quagmires if we venture on it at all. Now let me be more definite, and try to state what this field is, the exploration of which is regarded as so dangerous. I might call it the borderland of physics and psychology. I might call it the connection between life and energy; or the connection between mind and matter. It is an intermediate region, bounded on the north by psychology, on the south by physics, on the east by physiology, and on the west by pathology and medicine. An occasional psychologist has groped down into it and become a metaphysician. An occasional physicist has wandered up into it and lost his base, to the horror of his quondam brethren. Biologists mostly look at it askance, or deny its existence. A few medical practitioners, after long maintenance of a similar attitude, have begun to annex a portion of its western frontier. The whole region seems to be inhabited mainly by savages, many of them, so far as we can judge from a distance, given to gross superstition. It may, for all I know, have been hastily traversed and rudely surveyed by a few clear-eyed travellers; but their legends concerning it are not very credible, certainly are not believed. Why not leave it to the metaphysicians? I say it has been left to them long enough. They have explored it usually with insufficient equipment. The physical knowledge of the great philosophers has been necessarily scanty; and though the ideas which we owe to their genius may ultimately be of the greatest service to us as physicists, still their methods are not our methods. They may be said to have floated a balloon over the region with a looking-glass attached, in which they have caught queer and fragmentary glimpses. They may have seen more than we give them credit for, but they appear to have guessed far more than they saw. Our method is different. We prefer to creep slowly from our base of physical knowledge, to engineer carefully as we go, establishing forts, making roads, and thoroughly exploring the country; making a progress very slow, but very lasting. The psychologists from their side may meet us. I hope they will; but one or other of us ought to begin. A vulnerable spot on our side seems to be the connection between life and energy. The conservation of energy has been so long established as to have become a commonplace. The relation of life to energy is not understood. Life is not energy, and the death of an animal affects the amount of energy no whit; yet a live animal exerts control over energy which a dead one cannot. Life is a guiding or directing principle, disturbing to the physical world but not yet given a place in the scheme of physics. The transfer of energy is accounted for by the performance of work; the guidance of energy needs no work, but demands force only. What is force? and how can living beings exert it in the way they do? As automata, operated on by preceding conditions-that is, by the past-say the materialists. Are we so sure that they are not controlled by the future too? In other words, that the |