Imagens das páginas

CONSTIPATION--Infrequent evacuation by the bowel,
CONTAGION-Infection by contact.

CONVALESCENCE-The stage of recovery.
COSTIVENESS-Scanty evacuation by the bowel.

CRISIS-A sudden change preceding the termination of a disease.

CUTANEOUS-Belonging to the skin.

CUTICLE-The superficial layer of the skin.

DIABETES-A wasting disease characterized by the passage of large quantities of urine.

DIAGNOSIS-The determination of the nature of a disease. DYSENTERY-Inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

EMOLLIENTS-Substances which soften the part to which they are applied.

ENDEMIC-Diseases are said to be 'endemic' when they appear to be generated in certain fixed localities. ENTERIC FEVER-See TYPHOID.

EPIDEMIC-Diseases are said to be 'epidemic' when they attack large numbers of people simultaneously, and spread over a wide area.

EPIDERMIS The cuticle or superficial layer of the skin. ERUCTATION-Expulsion of wind from the stomach by the


EXANTHEMATA-Disease characterized by a red rash and accompanied by febrile symptoms.

FISTULA-A narrow canal usually produced by an abscess.
FLATULENCE-Wind in the stomach.

GASTRIC Belonging to the stomach.

GERMAN MEASLES-A disease the symptoms of which resemble those of scarlet fever and measles combined. An attack of German measles may ensure a patient against a second attack of itself, but it affords no protection against scarlet fever or measles. It is usually not a serious disease.


HYPERTROPHY-Excessive growth of a part.

HYPOCHONDRIASIS-An affection characterized by morbid
fears, generally concerning the health.
HYPODERMIC-Under the skin.

IDIOSYNCRASY-Peculiarity of constitution.

INFLAMMATION-A condition characterized by heat, pain, redness, and swelling.

INTERMITTENT-Fevers are said to be intermittent when they have recurring cessations of symptoms.

IRIS-The circle surrounding the pupil, which gives colour to the eye.

LARYNX-The vocal organ, or upper part of the wind-pipe. LARYNGOSCOPE -An instrument for examining the larynx. LAXATIVE-A mild purgative.

LUMBAGO-Pain at the lower part of the back.

MUCUS-A clear, almost viscid, fluid, secreted by the lining membrane of the air-passages, alimentary canal, and other internal cavities.

NERVES-Cords connecting the brain and spinal-cord with other parts of the body. They are sensory and motor. The former, when they are stimulated, producing sensation; the latter, motion.


OPHTHALMIC-Belonging to the eye.

OPHTHALMOSCOPE-An instrument for examining the eye. PALSY-Paralysis, or loss of sensation and power of motion, or of either singly.

PAROXYSM-A fit, or violent attack.

PERICARDITIS-Inflammation of the pericardium, or covering membrane of the heart.

PERITONITIS-Inflammation of the peritoneum, a membrane lining the abdomen and partially covering the intestines.

PHARYNX-The upper part of the alimentary canal.
PLETHORA-Fulness of blood.

PLEURISY-Inflammation of the pleura, a membrane covering the lungs and lining the chest.

PROGNOSIS The determination of the consequences of disease.

PULMONARY-Belonging to the lungs.
PURULENT. Of the nature of pus.
Pus-Suppurating matter.

QUINSY-Inflammation of the tonsils.
RELAPSE-A falling back into sickness.

REMITTENT Fevers are said to be remittent when they have recurring abatement of the symptoms.

RETINA-The termination of the nerve of sight at the back of the eye, which, expanding, receives the impressions of objects from without.

RIGOR-A shivering fit.

SALIVATION-Increased flow of saliva.

SCARLATINA-Identical with scarlet-fever. It is a popular error to suppose it to be a milder form of that disease. SCIATICA-Pain in a nerve at the back of the thigh, called the sciatic.

SEQUELA-Derangements of health following as the result of a previous disease.

SHINGLES-A disease characterized by a transitory eruption of vesicles partly encircling the body and generally accompanied by slight constitutional disturbance. STIMULANTS-Agents which call into action vital force, acting both on the heart and nervous system. Their effects appear to be temporary, and to be followed by a certain degree of depression.

STRICTURE-A morbid narrowing of any canal in the body. SYNCOPE-Fainting.

THRUSH-A parasitic disease common to children, and characterized by whitish grey patches like curdled milk in the mouth.

TISSUE-The substance of which organs and other parts of the body are composed.

TONIC-Derived from a Greek word, meaning 'I stretch,' because it was supposed to produce constitutional tone, just as musical tone is produced by the tightening of a harp-string. It differs from a stimulant in its effects, being much more permanent.

TONSILS TWO glandular organs situated at the back of the mouth and on either side of the throat.

TYPHOID FEVER-A fever characterized by the appearance of rose-coloured spots and a tendency to diarrhoea and ulceration of the bowels. This disease is perfectly distinct from the following.

TYPHUS FEVER-A fever characterized by great prostration and a dusky mottled rash, without any ulceration of the bowels. It has sometimes been called "gaol fever" and "brain-fever."

UVULA-A fold of mucous membrane suspended from the back of the hard palate.

VEINS-Vessels which convey the blood back to the heart. VISCERA-Internal organs.

ZYMOTIC-Diseases are said to be 'zymotic' when they are due to some poison acting like a ferment in the system; as, for example, small-pox and scarlatina. They are contagious, and seldom recur in the same person,

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