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Wednesday the 20th. This morning the captain dreft himself in fcarlet, in order to pay a vifit to a Devonshire 'fquire, to whom a captain of a ship is a guest of no ordinary confequence, as he is a ftranger and a gentleinan who hath feen a great deal of the world in foreign parts, and knows all the news of the times.

The 'fquire, therefore, was to fend his boat for the captain; but a molt unfortunate accident happened: for, as the wind was extremely rough, and againft the hoy, while this was endeavouring to avail itself of great feamanship, in hawling up against the wind, a fudden fquall carried off fail and yard; or, at lealt, fo difabled them, that they were no longer of any ufe, and unable to reach the fhip: but the captain, from the deck, faw his hopes of venifon difappointed, and was forced either to stay on board his fhip, or to hoist forth his own long-boat, which he could not prevail with himself to think of, tho' the fmell of the venifon had twenty times its attraction. He did, indeed, love his fhip as his wife, and his boats as children, and never willingly trusted the latter, poor things! to the dangers of the feas.

To lay truth, notwithstanding the strict ri gour with which he preferved the dignity of his itation, and the hafty impatience with which be refented any affront to his perfon or orders, difobedience to which he could in no inflance brook in any perfon on board, he was one of the beltnatured fellows alive. He acted the part of a father to his failors: he expreffed great tendernefs for any of them when ill, and never suffered any the leat work of fupererogation to go unrewarded by a glass of gin. He even extended

his humanity, if I may fo call it, to animals, and even his cats and kittens had large fhares in his affections. An intìance of which we faw this evening, when the cat, which had fhewn it could not be drowned, was found fuffocated under a feather-bed in the cabin, upon which oc cafion he expreft a concern which testified great goodness of heart. Nay, he carried his fondnefs even to inanimate objects, of which we have above fet down a pregnant example, in his demonftration of love and tenderness towards his boats and fhip. He fpoke of a ship which he had, commanded formerly, and which was long fince no more, which he had called the Princefs of Brafil, as a widower of a deceased wife. This hip, after having followed the honeft business of carrying goods and paffengers for hire many years, did at laft take to evil courfes and turn privateer, in which fervice, to ufe his own words, the received many dreadful wounds, which he himself had felt, as if they, had been his own.

Thursday. As the wird did not yesterday difcover any purpose of fhifting, and the water in my belly grew troublefome, and rendered me hort breathed; I began a fecond time to have apprehenfions of wanting the affiftance of a trochar, when none was to be found: I therefore concluded to be tapped again, by way of precaution ; and accordingly I this morning fummoned on board a furgeon from a neighbouring parish, one of whom the captain greatly recommended, and who did indeed perform his office with much dexterity. He was, I believe likewife, a man of great judgment and knowledge in the profeffion; but of this I cannot speak with

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perfect certainty; for when he was going to open on the droply at large, and on the particu far degree of the diftemper under which I la boured, I was obliged to ftop him 'fhort, for the wind was changed, and the captain in the utmost hurry to depart, and to defire him, inftead of his opinion, to affift me with his execution.

I was now once more delivered 'from my burthen, which was not indeed fo great as I had apprehended, wanting two quarts of what was let out at the laft operation.

While the furgeon was drawing away my water, the failors were drawing up the anchor; both were finished at the fame time, we unfurled our fails, and foon paffed the Berry-head, which forms the mouth of the bay.

We had not however failed far, when the wind, which had, though with a flow pace, kept us company about fix miles, fuddenly turned about, and offered to conduct us back again: a favour, which, though forely against the grain, we were obliged to accept.

Nothing remarkable happened this day; for as to the firm perfuafion of the captain, that he was under the fpell of witchcraft, I would not repeat it too often, left any one fhould imagine, that he had real faith in witches: but the truth was, his patience, which he had before compared to that of Job, was wore out, though indeed he talked of nothing elfe, and feemed not only to be fatisfied in general of his being tewitched, but actually to have fixed, with good certainty, on the perfon of the witch, whom, if he had lived in the days of Sir Matthew Hale, he would have infallibly indicted, and very poffibly have hanged


for the deteftable fin of witchcraft. But that law, and the whole doctrine that fupported it, are now out of fashion; and witches, as a learned divine once- chose to exprefs himself, are put down by act of parliament. This witch, in the captain's opinion, was no other than Mrs. Humphrys of Ryde, who, as he infinuated, out of anger to me, for not spending more money in her houfe than the could produce any thing to exchange for, or any pretence to charge for, had laid this fpell on his fhip.

Though we were again got near our harbour by three in the afternoon, yet it feemed to require a full hour or more, before we could come to our former place of anchoring, or birth, as the captain called it. On this occafion we exemplified one of the few advantages, which the travellers by water have over the travellers by land. What would the latter often give for the fight of one of those hospitable mansions, where he is affured, that there is good entertainment for man and horfe; and where both may confequently promife themfelves to affuage that hunger which exercife is fo fure to raise in a healthy conftitution.

At their arrival at this manfion, how much happier is the ftate of the horse than that of the mafter? The former is immediately led to his repait, fuch as it is, and whatever it is, he falls to it with appetite. But the latter is in a much worfe fituation. His hunger, however violent, is always in fome degree delicate, and his food must have fome kind of ornament, or as the more ufual phrafe is, of dreffing, to recommend t. Now all dreffing requires time; and therefore, though perhaps, the sheep might be just

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killed before you came to the inn, yet in cutting him up, fetching the joint, which the landlord by miftake faid he had in the house, from the butcher at two miles diftance, and afterwards warming it a little by the fire, two hours at least must be consumed, while hunger, for want of better food, preys all the time on the vitals of the man.

How different was the cafe with us? we car. ried our provifion, our kitchen, and our cook with us, and we were at one and the fame time travelling on our road, and fitting down to a repaft of fifh, with which the greatest table in London can fcarce at any rate be fupplied.

Friday. As we were difappointed of our wind, and obliged to return back the preceding evening, we refolved to extract all the good we could out of our misfortune, and to add confi derably to our fresh ftores of meat and bread, with which we were very indifferently provided when we hurried away yesterday. By the captain's advice we likewife laid in fome ftores of butter, which we falted and potted ourselves, for our ufe at Lisbon, and we had great reafon afterwards to thank him for his advice.

In the afternoon, I perfuaded my wife, whom it was no easy matter for me to force from my fide, to take a walk on fhore, whither the gal lant captain declared he was ready to attend her. Accordingly, the ladies fet out, and left me to enjoy a fweet and comfortable nap after the operation of the preceding day.

Thus we enjoyed our feparate pleasures full three hours, when we met again; and my wife gave the foregoing account of the gentleman, whom I have before compared to Ašylus, and

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