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we should be fo formed, as to require among connected objects a degree of congruity proportioned to the degree of the relation. And upon examination we find this to hold in fact. Where the relation is strong and intimate as betwixt a caufe and its effect, a body and its members, we require that the things be fuited to each other in the ftrictest manner. On the other hand, where the relation is flight, or accidental, as among things jumbled together in the fame place, we demand little or no congruity. The ftrictest propriety is required in behaviour and manner of living; because a man is connected with these by the relation of cause and effect. The fituation of a great houfe ought to be lofty; for the relation betwixt an edifice and the ground it ftands upon, is of the most intimate kind. Its relation to neighbouring hills, rivers, plains, being that of propinquity only, demands but a small share of congruity. Among members of the fame club, the congruity ought to be confiderable, as well as among things placed for fhow in the fame niche. Among passengers in a stage-coach, we require ve


ry little congruity; and lefs ftill at a public fpectacle.

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Congruity is fo nearly allied to beauty, as commonly to be held a fpecies of it. And yet they differ fo effentially, as never to coincide. Beauty, like colour, is placed upon a fingle fubject; congruity upon a plurality. Further, a thing beautiful in itself, may, with relation to other things, produce the strongest sense of incongruity.

Congruity and propriety are commonly reckoned fynonymous terms; and hitherto in opening the subject they are used indifferently. But they are distinguishable; and the precise meaning of each must be afcertained. Congruity is the genus, of which propriety is a fpecies. For we call nothing propriety, but that congruity or fuitableness which ought to fubfift betwixt fenfible beings and their thoughts, words, and actions.

In order to give a full view of this fubject, I fhall trace it through fome of the most confiderable relations. The relation of a part to the whole, being extremely intimate, demands the utmost degree of congruity. For that reason, the slightest devia

tion is difguftful. Every one must be senfible of a grofs incongruity in the Lutrin, a burlesque poem, being closed with a serious and warm panegyric on Lamoignon, one of the King's judges:

Amphora cœpit

Inftitui ; currente rota, cur urceus exit?

No relation affords more examples of congruity and incongruity, than that betwixt a fubject and its ornaments. A literary performance intended merely for amusement, is fufceptible of much ornament, as well as a mufic-room or a play-houfe. In gaiety, the mind hath a peculiar relish for show and decoration. The most gorgeous apparel, however unfuitable to an actor in a regular tragedy, disgufts not at an opera. The truth is, an opera, in its present form, is a mighty fine thing; but as it deviates from nature in its capital circumstances, we look not for any thing natural in those which are acceffory. On the other hand, a ferious and important fubject, admits not much orVOL. II.



nament * nor a fubject that of itself is extremely beautiful. And a fubject that fills the mind with its loftinefs and grandeur, appears beft in a dress altogether plain.

To a perfon of a mean appearance, gorgeous apparel is unfuitable: which, befide the incongruity, has a bad effect; for by contraft it shows the meanness of appearance in the ftrongeft light. Sweetnefs of look and manner, requires fimplicity of drefs joined with the greatest elegance. A ftately and majestic air requires fumptuous apparel, which ought not to be gaudy, or crowded with little ornaments. A woman of confummate beauty can bear to be highly adorned, and yet fhows beft in a plain drefs:

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Needs not the foreign aid of ornament,
But is when unadorn'd, adorn'd the most.
Thomson's Autumn, 208.

Contrary to this rule, the introduction to the third vo→ lume of the Characteristics, is a continued chain of metaphors. Thefe in fuch profufion are too florid for the fubject; and have befide the bad effect of removing our attention from the principal fubject, to fix it upon fplendid trifles.

In judging of the propriety of ornament, we must attend, not only to the nature of the fubject that is to be adorned, but also to the circumstances in which it is placed. The ornaments that are proper for a ball, will appear not altogether fo decent at public worship; and the fame perfon ought to dress differently for a marriage-feast and for a burial.

Nothing is more intimately related to a man, than his fentiments, words, and actions; and therefore we require here the ftrictest conformity. When we find what we thus require, we have a lively sense of propriety when we find the contrary, our sense of impropriety is not lefs lively. Hence the univerfal diltafte of affectation, which confifts in making a fhew of greater delica

cy and refinement than is fuited either to the character or circumstances of the perfon. Nothing hath a worse effect in a story than impropriety of manners. In Corneille's tragedy of Cinna, Emilia, a favourite of Auguftus, receives daily marks of his affection, and is loaded with benefits; yet all the while is laying plots to affaffinate her benefactor,

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