Imagens das páginas

school should counteract it,-which I think would hardly be the case, except in some districts in the more populous cities."

Mr. F. A. ADAMS, of New Jersey, says:

"I do not hesitate to express the conviction that there is no agency which society can exert, through

moral influence for the rising generation as the steady training of the young in the best schools." "In reply to the specific inquiry, in your circu

according to my wishes. The many kind and voluntary testimonials given, years afterwards, by persons who remembered that they were once my wayward pupils, are among the pleasantest and most cheering incidents of my life. So uniform have been the results, when I have had a fair trial and time enough, that I have unhesitatingly adopted the government, capable of exerting so great a the motto, Never despair. Parents and teachers are apt to look for too speedy results from the labors of the latter. The moral nature, like the intellectual and physical, is long and slow in reach-lar, what proportion of our youth would probably, ing the full maturity of its strength. I was told, a few years since, by a gentleman who knew the history of nearly all my pupils for the first five years of my labor, that not one of them had ever brought reproach upon himself, or mortification upon friends, by a bad life. I cannot now look over the whole list of my pupils, and find one, who had been with me long enough to receive a decided impression, whose life is not honorable and useful. I find them in all the learned professions, and in the various mechanical arts. I find my female pupils scattered as teachers through half the States of the Union, and as the wives and assistants of Christian missionaries, in every quarter of the globe.

"So far, therefore, as my own experience goes, so far as my knowledge of the experience of others extends, so far as the statistics of crime throw any light on the subject, I should confidently expect that ninety-nine in a hundred, and I think even more, with such means of education as you have supposed, and with such divine favor as we are authorized to expect, would become good members of society, the supporters of order, and law, and truth, and justice, and all righteousness."

The Rev. JACOB ABBOTT, of New York, a teach er of great celebrity, experience and skill, and whose well-earned reputation has extended itself over both hemispheres, says:

If all our schools were under the charge of teachers possessing what I regard as the right intellectual and moral qualifications, and if all the children of the community were brought under the influence of these schools for ten months in the year, I think that the work for training up the whole community to intelligence and virtue would soon be accomplished, as completely as any human end can be obtained by human means."

under the advantages of schooling pre-supposed in the circular, fail of fulfilling honorably their social and moral obligations in society, I would say that, in the course of my experience, for ten years, in teaching between three hundred, and four hundred children, mostly boys, I have been acquainted with not more than two pupils in regard to whom I should not feel a cheerful and strong confidence in the success of the proposed experiment. In regard to these two cases, I should not despair," &c.

Mr. E. A. ANDREWS, of Connecticut, after an experience of more than half a century, in both city and country schools, fully concurs in these views, and expresses the strongest anxiety for the adoption of such measures, on the part of the community, as shall lead to their realization. He observes:

"It cannot be that the millions of intelligent men, found in this and in other Christian countries, can much longer permit their feelings to be enlist ed, and the resources of the communities to which they belong to be employed, in promoting objects of far inferior value; while the advantages of a good system of general education are, în so great a degree, overlooked. If, as I fully believe, it is in the power of the people of any State, by means so simple as your question supposes, and so completely in their own power as these obviously are, so to change the whole face of society in a single generation that scarcely one or two per cent. of really incorrigible members shall be found in it, it cannot be that so great a good will continue to be neglected, and the means for its attainment unemployed."

Mr. ROGER S. HOWARD, of Vermont, after filteen years experience as a teacher, says:

"Judging from what I have seen, and do know, if the conditions you have mentioned were strictly complied with:-if the attendance of the scholars "If all the children of this land were under the could be as universal, constant and long-continued charge of such teachers, for six hours in the day, as you have stated, if the teachers were men of and ten months in the year, and were to continue those high intellectual and moral qualities,-apt to under these influences for the usual period of in- teach and devoted to their work, and favored with struction in schools, I do not see why the result that blessing which the Word and Providence of would not be that, in two generations, substantially God teach us always to expect on our honest, earthe whole population would be trained up to vir- nest and well-directed efforts in so good a cause.— tue, to habits of integrity, fidelity in duty, justice, on these conditions, and under these circumstantemperance, and mutual good-will. It seems to ces, I do not hesitate to express the opinion that me this effect would take place in all cases, except the failures, need not be,-would not be,—one per where extremely unfavorable influences out of cent. Else, what is the meaning of that explicit

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suffer the present state of things to go on, bearing, as it does, thousands, and hundreds of thousands, of helpless children, in our country, to hopeless and irretrievable ruin!"

It would indeed be difficult to add any thing to

Miss CATHERINE E. BEECHER, a lady of the highest order of talents, who has been engaged with signal success and usefulness for the last fifteen the force of this eloquent and searching appeal, or years as a teacher in Connecticut and Ohio, whose to enhance the weight of the testimony here adpupils have come from every State in the Union, duced in demonstration of the power and efficacy and who has had charge at different periods of not of sound, well conducted, well sustained elementaless than one thousand teachers, after adverting to ry education. We would gladly follow Mr. Mann the conditions proposed in the inquiry, and the na-in his clear and concise exposition of the perfect ture of the education which should be conferred, practicability of such a system as is here indicasays:

ted, without demanding any unreasonable or burdensome sacrifice at the hands of the community. But our limits will not permit—at least on the pre

sent occasion-and we must confine ourselves to one more extract from the conclusion of this admirable report, aud leave the subject to the earnest consideration and reflection of our readers:

"With these preliminaries, which I hope will be carefully pondered, and borne in mind as indispensable, I will now suppose that it could be so arran ged that, in a given place, containing from ten to fifteen thousand inhabitants, in any part of our country where I ever resided, all the children at the age of four shall be placed, six hours a day, for "In concluding this Report, I shall not attempt twelve years, under the care of teachers having the to heighten the effect of the evidence and the arsame views that I have, and having received that gument which have been submitted, by any effort course of training for their office that any state in to describe the blessedness of that state of society, this Union can secure to the teachers of its chil- which the universal application of this reformatory dren. Let it be so arranged that all these children agency would usher in. Such an endeavor would shall remain till sixteen under these teachers, and be vain. He who would do this must first behold also that they shall spend their lives in this city, the scenes, and be thrilled by the joys, he would and I have no hesitation in saying,-I do not be- delineate; he must borrow the language of the lieve that one, no, not a single one, would fail of Paradise he would describe. And, tnore than this; proving a respectable and prosperous member of he must be able to depict the depth and fierceness society; nay, more; I believe every one would, at of the pains which have been inflicted, by the crimes the close of life, find admission into the world of of mankind, not only upon the guilty perpetrators endless peace and love. 1 say this solemnly, de-themselves, but upon the inuocent circles of their liberately, and with the full belief that I am upheld families and friends;-the terrors of the conscienceby such imperfect experimental trials as I have made, or seen made by others; but, more than this, that I am sustained by the authority of Heaven, which sets forth this grand palladium, of education, Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.'

"This sacred maxim surely presents the Divine imprimatur to the doctrine that all children can be trained up in the way they should go, and that, when so trained, they will not depart from it. Nor does it imply that education alone will secure eternal life, without supernatural assistance; but it points to the true method of securing this indispensable aid.

stricken malefactor; the sorrow and shame of children bemoaning a parent's guilt; the madness of the mother at the ruin of her child; the agony which brings down a father's gray hairs with sorrow to the grave; the pangs of fraternal and sisterly affection, to which a stain upon a brother's or a sister's name is a dark spot upon the sun of life, which spreads and deepens until it eclipses all the light of existence-all the varied cries of this mingled wail of distress, which have been heard in all lands and at all times, from the death of Abel to the present hour,-all these, he must have power to describe who would describe the blessedness of a deliverance from them.

"In this view of the case, I can command no "There is one consideration, however, which I language strong enough to express my infinite long cannot forbear to introduce, because it appeals alike ings that my countrymen, who, as legislators, have to all those various, and oftentimes conflicting classthe control of the institutions, the laws, and the es of men, who are endeavoring, in so many dif wealth, of our physically prosperous nation, should ferent ways, to ameliorate the condition of manbe brought to see that they now have in their hands kind. Will not a moment's reflection convince them the power of securing to every child in the coming all, that, so far as human instrumentality is concerngeneration a life of virtue and usefulness here, and ed, Education encompasses, pervades, and overan eternity of perfected bliss hereafter. How then rules all their efforts; grants them whatever trican I express, or imagine, the awful responsib. lityumphs they may achieve, and sets bounds to their which rests upon them, and which hereafter hey successes which they cannot overpass? Why does must bear before the great Judge of nations, if they the advocate of Temperance, every time he returns


upon his circuit of beneficence, find his way again moniously and resistlessly onward. Whether, thereblocked up with the prostrate victims of inebria- fore, he is struggling, on the one hand, to emancition? Why so long, in both hemispheres, have the pate society from the thraldom of some particular divinest appeals of the advocate of Peace been enormity, which to him seems more flagitions than drowned by the din of mustering squadrons and the all the rest; or whether, on the other hand, he is clarion of war? Why do our Moral Reform soci- striving to endue his age with some special virtue, eties and our Home Mission societies call annually in no way can he pursue his own peculiar aim, so for more money and laborers, wherewith to enter directly and so speedily, as by preparing a generathe ever-enlarging fields, as they open before them, tion of men, ninety-nine in every one hundred of of licentiousness and of irreligion? Why do those whom-even of the first subjects submitted to the rich and powerful associations, formed for evangel- experiment-shall be trained to do justly, to love izing the heathen world, see the very ships, which mercy, and to walk humbly with God.' And howcarry out the Gospel and its heralds, freighted also ever a portion of my fellow-mortals, or myself, with idols made in Christian lands, for those hea- may feel, in regard to the highest religions concernthens to buy, and to worship as true gods; and ments of the soul, I trust there are none, who beladen with a liquid poison, too, which sinks its vic-lieve that such an education as is here contemplatims to such a depth of debasement as to make ted would be an obstacle, and not an aid, to the recommon heathenism enviable? Why is it that the ception of divine truth. I trust there are none who political parties into which our country is divided, would not readily adopt the language of Mr. Page, persist, year after year, in solemnly and unceas- in his letter above cited, where he says, I am fulingly charging each other with heinous and pre- ly of the opinion that the right of expectation of a meditated offences against the fundamental princi- religious character would be increased very much ples of our government and the highest welfare of in proportion to the excellence of the training given, the people?-charges which, if true, must brand since God never ordains means which He does not the accused with infamy; if untrue, the accusers. intend to bless."" So far as the members of any one of these various parties are lovers of truth, of righteousness, and of peace, let them be asked, what is the reason why they accomplish so little, and why so much ever remains to be done? and they will answer, and answer truly, that they do not fail through lack of reason or of authority, but because of blindness of mind or perversity of heart in those whom they address. The admonitions of history, the precepts of the Gospel, the attributes of Deity, are all on their side; but they are not heard, because they speak to adders' ears; they are not felt, because their words of fire fall upon stony hearts. not, therefore, better or more arguments that they need, but men capable of appreciating argument. Their eloquence is sufficiently electric and powerful, were it not for the flintiness of the hearts that glance off its lightnings. They want men whose intellects are not blind to the most radiant truths; whose consciences are not as the nether mill-stone; whose prejudices have not become fossilized. The merits of the divinest cause may be all cancelled by the demerits of the hearers; as the innocence of Christ was no better than guilt, at the unholy tribunal of Pilate.

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It is

But, in universal education, 'every follower of God and friend of human kind' will find the only sure means of carrying forward that particular reform to which he is devoted. In whatever department of philanthropy he may be engaged, he will find that department to be only a segment of the great circle of beneficence, of which Universal Education is the centre and circumference; and that it is only when these segments are fitly joined together, that the wheel of Progress can move har

Prospect Hill, Va., Sept. 1848.


In the great and noisy city,
By the waters of the Seine,
Where across her hundred bridges
Paris pours a living train;
Far beneath the gloomy shadow
Of high arches overhead,
Humid, dark, repulsive, sombre,

Stands the mansion for the dead!

Onward rolls the sparkling water,

Gaily as if Father Time
Ne'er had seen it red with slaughter,
In the Carnival of crime,-
Onward by a stately palace,

And by gardens fair and green,
Where, of old, the jewelled chalice
Met the kisses of a Queen :

S. S. R.

When the bright though transient moments,
Bubbles bursting as they rise,-
Still went by, a magic circle

Of recurring fantasies:
And o'er all there sat in splendor

She whose beauty from afar
Flashed above the faint horizon,
Like the joyous morning star!t

* The Dead House of Paris. See Galignani's Guide. + Burke's description of the Dauphiness.

But there is a massive prison

Built upon the river-side,

From whose vaults have vainly risen
Lamentations to the tide :
And within its dusky portals,
Passed this yet heroic Queen,
To retrace her footsteps never
Till she seeks the guillotine!

Seine in all thy tortuous courses,
From the purple vine-clad steep,
Down by Rouen's grim cathedral,
To the billows of the deep,
Never has thy face reflected
Aught so terrible to see,
As the sullen architecture
Of the Conciergerie !

Dark La Morgue hath had its tenants,
When in panoply arrayed,

Death unfurled his horrid pennants
O'er each bloody barricade:
There to-day a corse is carried,
Slowly through the moving crowd,
By the world all unregarded,
Wrapped in neither sheet nor shroud!

As the light reveals the features To some idler of the throng, Soft he says a pater-noster,

Moves with rapid step along,While above the wasted body Bends a weeping child to trace But the perishing resemblance To an aged father's face.

When Apollo's steeds are driven
Frantic through the eastern sky,
Here affection's tears are given,
O'er a form too fair to die,
Fondly still the mourner lingers,
When the sun at even calm
Falls aslant upon the turrets
Of majestic Notre Dame !

'Tis perhaps some youthful maiden From thy sunny banks, Garonne ! With a thousand graces laden,

Who no thought of care has known, And her life's brief, gentle morningEver from its earliest ray Home's sequestered paths adorningKindled into perfect day.

Oft when rung the solemn vesper
Out проп the drowsy air,
She had walked in meek devotion
To repeat her simple prayer;
And with tearful sadness kneeling,
In the chapel hushed and dim,
Upward had her glance ascended
To the radiant seraphim!

Now she lies in stony silence,
Stretched upon the brazen bier;
Of her kindred, none to offer
E'en the tribute of a tear,

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Thou honeysuckle of the hathorne hedge,
Vouchsafe in Cupid's cup my heart to pledge,
My heart's dear bloud, sweet Cis, is thy carouse,
With all the ale in Gammer Gubbins' house.

I say no more-affairs call me away,

My father's horse for provender doth stay,

Be thou the Lady Cresset-light to me,

Sir Trolly Lolly will I be to thee;

Written in haste-farewell my cowslip sweet,
Pray lets a-Sunday at the ale-house meet.
Burton's Anat. of Melancholy.

Transcendentalism is the spiritual cognoscence of psycological irrefragability, connected with concutient ademption of incoluminent spirituality and etherialized contention of subsultory concretion.

Who has robbed the ocean cave,

To tinge thy lips with coral hue? Who from India's distant wave

To thee those pearly treasures drew ? Who from yonder orient sky

Stole the morning of thine eye ?-Shaw.

The Italian writers possess, in the highest de-an alderman of the town of Cambridge, England, gree, the art of inflating an idea, or frothing up a a few years ago:-"Whereas a multiplicity of sentiment; one is tempted to ask them a similar damages are frequently occurred by damages of question to that put by the negress to the French outrageous accidents by fire, we whose names are woman, in the days of hoop petticoats, "Pray madam, is all that yourself?"-Madame De Staël.

In your commerce with the great,-you should endeavor, if the person be of great abilities, to make him satisfied with you; when he is possessed of none, to make him satisfied with himself.


Her streaming eyes assail my very soul
And shake my best resolves.-Lee.

But this swift business

I must uneasy makė, lest too light winning
Make the prize light.-The Tempest.

I came exposed to all your charms,
'Gainst which the first half hour

I had no will to take up arms

And in the next-no power.-Katherine Philips.

underwritten, have thought proper that the necessity of an engine ought by us for the better preventing of which, by the accidents of Almighty God, may unto us happen, to make a rate to gather benevolence for better propagating such good in



The son of Bacchus pleads thy power,
As to the glass he still repairs,
Pretends but to remove thy cares,
Snatch from thy shade one gay and smiling hour,
And drown thy kingdom in a purple shower.
Anne, Countess of Winchelsea.

Their courtship was carried on in poetry. Alas! many an enamored pair have courted in poetry, and after marriage lived in prose.—John Foster.

And engage the untainted honor of English knighthood to unfurl the streaming red-cross, or to

"Why don't you wear your ring, my dear?" said rear the horrid standard of those fatal guly draga gentleman to his daughter.

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Because, papa, it hurts me when anybody squeezes my hand."

"What business have you to have your hand squeezed ?”

"Certainly not-but still you know, papa, one would like to keep it in squeezable order.”

An Irish gentleman, resident in Canada, when he saw his sons drinking champaigne, would exclaim, “Ah, my boys, there goes an acre of land, trees and all."-Sir Francis Bond Head's Emigrant.

Through fields of death, to whirl the rapid ear,
And blaze amid the thunder of the war.-Lee.


Nor great Achilles, whose tempestuous sword
Laid Troy in ashes.-Lee.

How frequently do we see zealous people, become exasperated in a discussion, in defending their own interests, when at the moment they conscientiously believe themselves contending only for the interests of truth, and long retain the same conviction.-Pascal.



That strange impression which will occasionally come with unexpected suddenness on the mind, that the scene now passing, and in which we share, is one, which in the very place and in the very words, with the same persons and with the same feelings, we had accurately rehearsed, we know not where, before.-Baron Smith.

Voulez-vous qu'on dise du bien de vous! n'en dites point.-Pascal.

May we consider each night as the tomb of the departed day, and seriously leaning over it, read the inscription written by conscience of its character and exit.-John Foster.

And summ'd the actyonns of the daie
Eche night before I slept.-Chatterton.

The finery of Nature's robes makes but a small part of her wardrobe; she hath her ordinary wear, and even when she putteth on her mantle of the richest green, she trims it sparingly, and that for the most part with a loose lacery of unobtrusive The following advertisement was drawn up by jasmine and vine-weed. And the Nature, that bids

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