Imagens das páginas

the part affected indolent, and nervous energy deffroyed, cordial and Aimulating medicines are proper, and opium is prejudicial.


Art. 20. The Relapfe. A Novel. In Two Volumes. 5.s. Lowndes. 1779.


There has, of late, been fuch an uncommon dearth of this kind of food, that, at this time, no doubt, many thousand eager appetites are craving for fomething new, to whom a difh prepared by the author of Indiana Danby will be a delicious morfel.


Art. 21. Thoughts on the Treaty now agitating between Government and the East India Company, fhewing the conceived Defects of the Propofitions drawn up by the Court of Directors; and containing a new Set of Propofitions, perhaps more advantageous to the Public, to the Company, and the oppreffed Inhabitants of Hindoftan. By Archibald Mitchell, late Major of Engineers, be-longing to the Establishment of Fort St. George. 4to. Donaldfon. 1780.

1 s. 6 d. Mr. Mitchell appears to have ftudied his fubject with due attention, and to have difcuffed it with ability and perfpicuity. The points under his confideration are enumerated in the title. He puts the following query, Would it not be proper that the Government or the Company should give 1000l. or fuch other fum as they fhall think adequate, to be paid to the perfon who gives in the best and fhortest draughts of a charter, or articles of partnership, betwixt Government and the Company?'-Should this hint be taken, we think Mr. Mitchell well qualified to put in for the prize; of which his Propofitions, above mentioned, may be taken as a fpecimen, being laid down as the basis of an agreement between Government and the Company.

Art. 22. Heads of an Agreement between Parliament and the East India Company. 8vo. 13 Pages.

These propofitions feem to be laid down on the part of the Company, but we know not on what authority. They are dated Feb. 18, 1780: those prepared by the Court of Directors were given at the Eaft India Houfe, on the 28th of January.

Art. 23 State of the East India Company, with an Examination of the Propofitions now before the Proprietors, confidered as Matter of Account; and Sketch of equitable Terms of an Accommodation between the Public and the Proprietors. 8vo. 1 s. Sewell. 1780.

The calculations, eftimates, and obfervations contained in this compendium of the Company's great and most effential concerns, appear to come from a perfon well informed, and deeply experienced, in regard to a subject which muft, in the highest degree, affect the commercial and eventually the political interefts of this country. The Writer figns himself" An old and faithful Servant of the Com

The Company's Propofitions are added, by way of Appendix to this pamphlet.

pany ;"

pany" and we are ready to conclude, from the contents of his publication, that he has not affumed an imaginary character.


Art. 24. Abftract of the Smugglers, Arreft, Militia, Convicts, House Tax, and other interefting Acts of Parliament paffel in the Sefhons of 1779. 8vo. 1 s. 6 d. Fielding and Walker.

An ufeful and judicious abridgment. The great bulk to which the volume of our acts of parliament is annually fwoln, renders fome publication of this kind almost neceffary. We really believe that the most prolific authors in this country are (with due reverence be it fpoken) Meffrs. the King, Lords, and Commons; and that the fruits of their joint labours, for ten years palt, far exceed, in number and fize, all that the two univerfities have produced in the course of half a century. Is it not then time to abrogate the ancient maxim that "ignorantia legis excufat neminem? What a task does the legiflature impofe on the good fubjects of this realm in expecting that their understanding and memory fhould keep pace with the enormous growth of the ftatute book!

"For who can read fo faft, as they can write?"


Art. 25. The Times; a Comedy. As it is now performing at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. By Mrs. Griffith.

* 1 s. 6d. Fielding and Walker. 1780.

To this comedy is prefixed an advertisement beginning thus:


The favourable reception which the following comedy has met with from a candid and generous Public, calls for my warmest acknowledgments; and though it may be of little confequence to them to know the fource of fo flight an amufement, I think myself bound by truth and gratitude to own, that the first idea of this piece was hinted to me by my ever-refpected and lamented friend Mr. GARRICK, who mentioned GOLDONI's Bourru Bienfaisant, as a sketch that, if adapted to our times and manners, might be rendered pleafing to an English audience. Those who have read the French piece muft judge how far I have profited by GOLDONI's work; but of this I am certain, that had Mr. GARRICK lived to afford me that ~ friendly affistance which he has done on former occafions, my co medy would have been more worthy of the reception with which it has been honoured. I will, however, hope that," with all its im perfections on its head," the fame indulgence which attended its reprefentation, will follow it into the clofet; and that the Reader will allow me the only merit I prefume to claim, that of meaning well,” a Sir William Woodley, the Bourru Bienfaisant, has, we think, been rather more ably delineated by Garrick's own hand, in his little comedy of Bon Ton. His Sir John Trotley and Mrs. Griffith's Sir William Woodley are, in their leading features, extremely fimilar to each other. The additional touches, given to Sir William, rather aggravate than heighten the character: for furely his intention to join his niece to a man thirty years older than herfelf, relishes of abfurdity rather than benevolence. His peevishnefs, and harmlefs love of backgammon, are more pleasant qualities.

As to the Times, they are but faintly coloured in this draught of them. Mrs Griffith views with too much delicacy the faibles of her own fex, and is too little acquainted with the irregularities of the other, to mark them with fufficient force and accuracy. We think, however, that the ftene of the rout is rather too coarfe a picture of the affembly of a woman of fashion; and that the characters of Mr. and Mrs. Bromley are too openly profligate, even to carry on their frauds and impofitions. Lady Mary and Louifa are amiable and tender; and indeed the genius of the Writer feems to delight in touches of fentiment rather than ftrokes of humour.


Art. 26. The Spanish Invafion; or, Defeat of the Invincible Armada; a Poem. With critical Notes, explaining every principal Circumftance of that fingular Enterprize, and the Methods then taken to defend this Nation. To which is prefixed, a new Sketch of the Life of Queen Elizabeth, and an Introduction proper to be read at this important Crifis, which refembles, more than any other Period, the Danger we were in during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth; and the Mode of our Deliverance under the Aufpices of Providence and that glorious Queen. 4to. Macgowan.

I s. 6 d. This tedious chronicle in rhyme has tried our patience to its utmost extent. If Patience, like Charity, covered the multitude of fins, we certainly fhould have few to answer for.

Art. 27. Ode to Britannia (for the Year 1780), occafioned by our late Succeffes. By Robert Alves, A. M. 4to. 6d. Edin burgh. Creech.

Of this Ode we are forry not to speak in the terms, we could wish. Poor Britannia has been fo le-versed and be-oded, that it is no wonder a writer finds it difficult to rife above mediocrity on fuch a threadbare fubject.

Art. 28. Poems fit for a Bishop, which Two Bishops will read An American Prayer. Address to Religion. Saul at Endor, an Ode. Infcription in Memory of the Earl of Chatham. 4to. I s Almon. 1780.

Upon what grounds this Writer flatters, himself that two Bishops. will read his poems, does not, from the poems, themfelves, appear. If the two Bifhops, indeed, were Reviewers, they would then, be compelled to do what muk, otherwise, in all probability, be a matter of choice. So far, however, we may venture to fay, that whọ, ever reads either the American Prayer, or the Address to Religion, will not find much to cenfure.

Art. 29. The Death of Eumenio; a Poem. By John Fawcett. 12mo. 6 d. Leeds printed. Sold by Keith, &c in London. If Mr. Fawcett's poetical talents' bore any proportion, to his ap parent piety, his rivals would be few. He might extort from Envy herfelf that praife, which, at prefent, the most candid indulgence dares not venture to allow him. If, as we have learnt, this is the

* By thread bare, we do not mean to infinuate (what fome poli ticians would have us believe) that Britannia is in rags.


worthy Author's first attempt, in this fpecies of writing, great allow ance is to be made; and on this principle the feverity of criticifm is, on the prefent occafion, with held.

Art. 30. The Sea-Fight; an Elegiac Poem, from Henry to Laura. Founded on an original Correfpondence between the Parties, in the Year 1759. Written at Sea by Charles Shillito. 4to. I s. 6d. DodЛley.

However laudable it may be to devote, as Mr. Shillito has done, the leisure hours which a fea life will fometimes afford, to literary amufements; yet, with refpect to the prefent poem, we are forry to fay it is much too unfinished for publication. Art. 31. A Ride and Walk through Stourbead; a Poem. 4to. 1 s. Rivington. 1780.

This Writer's attempt upon the Mufe of blank verfe will be beft explained by one of his own fimiles:

So has one feen eur-dog eight inches high

Attempt the ftately, arduous greyhound's love.


Art. 32. Authentic Minutes of the Debate in the Irish House of Commons, Dec. 20, 1779, on receiving the Refolutions of the British House of Commons for granting to Ireland a free Trade. To which are added, the Speeches of fome noble Lords, fpoken on the fame Occafion, the Day following. 8vo. 1 s. 6 d. H. Payne, &c. 1780.

It will give pleafure to the English reader, to obferve how grate fully and handfomely the gentlemen of the Irish fenate expreffed themselves, on the conciliatory difpofition manifefted toward them by the British parliament.-Although thefe fpecimens of Hibernian oratory are handed to us on unknown authority, we have no fufpicion of their authenticity; and we hope they contain the true and general fenfe of that nation, in regard to the fubject of BRITANNIA's late fifterly tokens of affection.-Some of our brethren on the other fide the channel may, however, have their own peculiar method of expreffing their fatisfaction:-like Mr. Parnell (for instance), one of the members of their Houfe of Commons, who began his fpeech, on the occafion here alluded to, in the following blunt and honest terms :-' "The highest compliment I can pay to the Engli government, is to fay, that their prefent conduct is the reverie of their former."

MISCELLANEOUS. Art. 33. A State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the Houfe of Commons, by Lieutenant-General Burgoyne, and verified by Evidence; with a Collection of authentic Documents, and an Addition of many Circumftances which were prevented from appearing before the House by the Prorogation of Parliament. Written and collected by HIMSELF; and dedicated to the Officers of the Army he commanded. 4to, 12 s. Boards. mon, 1780.


This is a publication of very confiderable importance, abounding, as the title truly affirms, with authentic documents,' and affording a clear and comprehenfive view of whatever relates to the General's

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conduct, throughout the whole of that memorable and unfortunate expedition, which is the fubject of the large collection of evidence now before us. General Burgoyne writes well; and we have only to lament, as Englishmen, that he was not, finally, as victorious in the field, as he is upon paper. His very interefting flory is, indeed, told in a masterly manner; and the materials of which it is compofed, will be held in great eflimation by the historians who fhall record the events of the unhappy war to which they owe their birth. The work is enriched with a variety of large and expenfive engravings, proper for the illuftration of the military maneuvres,

&c. &c.

Art. 34. The Picture Gallery: Containing near 200 Paintings, by the most diftinguished Ladies in Great Britain. To which are added, critical Strictures upon each Piece. 4to. 3s. Kearfly. Verily this newly invented method of friking off characteristic refemblances, by a ftudied dash of the pencil, liketh me not: it favoureth too much of the paronomafia, or the "conundrum quaint." MARTINUS SCRIBLERUS.

Art. 35. Account of a Debate in Coachmaker's Hall. By Harum Skarum, Efq. 8vo. 1s. Kearly. 1785

'Squire Harum Skarum laughs at the difputants of Coachmaker's Hall. If his readers laugh with him, we fuppofe it is all that he aims at; and if they have no objection to the low, they will here meet with the rifible.

Art. 36. Advice to the Unwary; or, an Abftract of certain Penal Laws now in Force againit Smuggling in general, and the Adulteration of Tea; with Remarks, neceffary to be read by all Perfons, that they may not run themselves into D.fficulties, or incur Penalties. 8vo. 6 d. Robinfon. 1-80.

Such publications as this are of great ufe when judiciously written; as all our ftatutes require a tranflation, or commentary, before common understandings know with certainty how to act under them.

Smugglers are as bad as houfe-breakers; they rob the Public in the first instance, and undermine the fair tradefman in the fecond: and the fly dealers with them, however they may reconcile their doubtful bargains to profeffions of honefty, and perhaps piery, are no better than receivers of ftolen goods, and deferve treatment accordingly.

Art. 37. A Letter to the Right Worshipful William Wynne, LL. D. Chancellor of the Diocese of London. Containing Obfervations on the Facts alleged, the Evidence produced, and the Sentence pronounced by him, in the Confitorial Court of London, on the 6th of December, 1779, in a Cause in which Dr. Hind, the late Rector of St. Anne, Westminster, was the Promoter, and his Carate the Refpondent. By the Rev. Thomas Martyn. 8vo. Almon.

1 5.

Expoftulates, with freedom and energy, but in the most decent and refpectful terms, with Dr. Wynne, on account of the fentence

We mean not here to convey any reflection on the General's Conduct:-"'Tis not in mortals to command fuccefs."

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