Imagens das páginas

Did Egypt's prince, and Rome's, chuse in times past, The janisaries may make Turkes at last.

Of cold Muscovians, and of scorched Mores,
From differing tropickes, now the troupes are great;
That stout Numidian (Scipio's friend) deplores
That long he liv'd, and yet had learn'd too late;
Fierce Saladine, whose fame each story stores,
Whose fatall badge upbraids each mortal's state,
That sultaine, loe, doth lead a tawny trayne,
Who Iuda spoil'd, bragg'd France, and conquer'd

With men whose fame was registred with bloud,
Who from true worth to reach vaine dreames en-
Some women come who had (made milde, grown
A female face, too masculine a minde,
Who though first fram'd to propagate men's brood,
(From nature stray'd) toyl'd to destroy their kinde:
By differing meanes both sexes grace their state,
I scorne men's coynesse, women's stoutnesse hate.
There Ashur's empresse, who disguis'd did raigne,
Till (as by her his syre) slaine by her sonne;
The Scythian queene who scoff'd with high disdaine,
At Cyrus' head, when toss'd within a tunne:
She who by emperours' spoiles did glory gaine,
Zenobia chast, who did no danger shunne:
That which they bragg'd of once, they now bemone,
The Amazons all tremble at this throne.

There quaking squadrons (press'd with feares) con


Who monsters of their sexe, to nature strange,
In warre uot onely violent were seene,
Whil'st spurr'd by hate, ambition, or revenge.
But brigants fierce, and homicides have beene,
Even where most bound to love, when bent to change:
Such when once stray'd in mischiefe's depth they

What thing so bad which they dare not contrive.

With aspects fierce, O what a cruell crew!
Milde nature's horrour, worse then can be deem'd,
Who barbarous, yea, abhominable grew, [deem'd,
And wrought their wreake whom they should have re-
Who with kinde bloud did unkinde hands imbrue,
For vile revenges, monsters mad esteem'd:
Whose rage did reach to such a height of evils,
That humane malice did exceed the Devil's.

There Media's monarch, ruine of the state,
Whose nephewe's saver when for death forth borne,
Had for reward from him, his soune for meat,
And (that his soule might be in pieces torne)
The head was brought while he the rest did eate,
A high disdaine, dissolv'd in bitter scorne:
Who can but thinke what griefe he did conceive,
Sonne's murtherer, mourner, bearer, beere, and


Then he whose part oft Athen's stage did tell,
Who by his brother drest like food did finde,
Whil'st boyling rage (pent up) last high did swell,
And bursted out in a most barbarous kinde;
Though both (not jealous) may inhabite Hell,
Yet vengeance still doth so possesse his minde:
That, if of ease he any thought attaines,
It onely is to see his brother's paines.

Those two so neare (yet farre estrang'd) in bloud, Though Greeks, yet barbarous, quite from nature stray'd,

To make his brother swallow his owne brood,
(So farre that fury of revenge him sway'd)
Of which, the one did dresse (prodigious food)
A childe, his nephew, innocent, betray'd:
Now in one dungeon, they together dwell,
No jealousie nor envy stings in Hell.

Twixt Pandion's daughters, wretched Tereus stands,
Of which the one (by double wrong abus'd)
With tongue restor'd, the vengeance due demands,
For brutish lust, and barbarous rigour us'd,
As having stain'd his stomacke, and her hands,
By him the other is as much accus'd:
A sister kinde, or with all love at strife,
A monstrous mother, an outragious wife.
She grieves, whom long distract'd, strange thoughts
did move,

To venge her brother, or her sonne to slay,
A sister, mother, doubtfull which to prove,
Till tender kindenesse to strong rage gave way,
Proud of men's praise, and of a ladie's love,
Thus even whil'st fortune fawn'd, fates did destroy,
Whil'st his, the boare, he, Atalanta's prey:
"Owhat small bounds abide 'twixt griefe and joy!"

Of queenes accurst, whose names may horrour breed,
There Iuda, Israel, each of them gives one,
The tigris who destroy'd the royall seed,
And even too dearely purchased a throne,
Yet one, preserv'd, did to the state succeed,
And, justly guerdon'd, was her rigour gone :
As from God's favour, from his temple driv'd,
That murtherer's ruine quickly was contriv❜d.
That hatefull Hebrew, queene of Sidon's race,
Who durst attempt a warre against the Lord,
And prophets kill'd, or them farre off did chase,
Yet Baal's temples with abundance stor❜d,
That prostituted trunke, and painted face,
Were head-longs hurl'd, by dogges to be devour'd:
Yet did that judgement but to her remaine,
An earnest penny of eternall paine.
That great enchantresse, magicke's power ore-


Who, then the bull she tam'd, more mad did prove,
Whil'st she (his babes all torne in pieces sowne)
From following her, her father did remove;
What cruell wonder hath like this beene knowne?
One of the sexe most milde, fierce when in love:

No doubt the Divell did rule both heart and hands,
For witchcraft, murther, his by double bands.
From dungeons darke,blacke squadrons part a space,
(That they for ever sentenc'd may returne)
By covenant the Divel's peculiar race,
Who hyr'd by him, against the Heavens did spurne,
And, when detected, dying with disgrace,
(As martyrs) did for their profession burne:
This ominous end presaging more distresse,
They here began their portion to possesse.
She, who at Endor, by her king secur'd,
Long murmuring charmes, a monstrous masse did
Then did attest, protest, curs'd, and conjur'd,
Till she (Hell's slave) her master did command,
And (if not Samuel) one like him procur'd,
To rise and tell all that they did demand,


That witch the honour hath with many such, To live with him whom she did love so much.

Some who, (all magicke's mysteries well known)
For temporall toyes, eternity have lost,
And did but mocke the eyes (false wonders shown)
Like him who would have bought the Holy Ghost;
Their Lord at last with rigour urg'd his owne,
And all that cosening skill too dearely cost,
Their mangled members dasht against the stones,
Whil'st he to search their soules, crush'd all their

Some subtle sorcerers, whom the world commends,
This horrid art to such perfection bring,

That slaves can sell their lords for severall ends,
By magicke's meanes imprison'd in a ring,
Whose owners with their lord (as his deare friends)
May by this pledge advise of every thing:
So that such sprites were entertain'd for spies,
Which told some truth, to purchase trust for lyes.

There some who first (not stray'd from Nature's ground)

Were bent to know what fate's in clouds obscur'd, Whom (when march'd neare) no limits more could bound,

But they would have all what could be procur'd;
And by wrong spies, God's secrets sought to sound,
As (magicke's band) astrologie allur'd;
When in Heaven's garden once allow'd to be,
Who tempted were to the forbidden tree.

Of that base sort a multitude doth swarme,
Which (though not curious) simple, or in want,
Did (when themselves abus'd) abuse, and charme,
Then sprites impure, to practise ill did hant;
Could doe themselves no good, did others harme,
Rais'd divels, and tempests, but could nothing dant:
When damn'd at last, they this advantage gaine,
That with their masters, they are mates in paine.

So many sorts of wicked men design'd,
Worse then the worst, what troupe doe I perceive?
Muse, though thou loath that I should presse my

With passive thoughts, such monsters to conceive,
Yet let the end for such vile soules assign'd,
In every heart a burd'nous horrour leave:
Which is so farre estrang'd from my conceit,
I feare to lessen what I would dilate.

What barbarous traitours, execrable bands
From breasts depth earth-quakes cast up swelling

Vile assasines, who durst with impious hands
Rise up against the Lord's anointed ones,
And all neglect, that Heaven orth Earth commands,
The sword not fear'd, no reverence unto thrones:
Whom so to mischiefe, Satan head-long roules,
That for another's life they give their soules.

O! how they quake with a dejected face, [end,
Who sought (Heaven's horrour) for their soveraigne's
Some (as next kinsmen ayming at his place)
Swift Nature's course impatient to attend,
Some having purchas'd power, by warre or peace,
(All right contemn'd) who would by force ascend:

As troupes who knew not God, this squadron fill, There want not others who did know his will.

There Absolom so absolutely faire,
Who would embosom'd be by proud base arts,
Yet fell himselfe, his father bent to snare,
And lost his whole in stealing others' hearts;
He farre puff'd up, dy'd wavering in the ayre,
The shamefull forme upbraiding vaunted parts:
A growing gallowes, grasping tumide hope,
The winde was hang-man, and his haires the rope.
Ah! must I staine the purenesse of my rymes,
With such as we from mindes should quite seclude?
Damn'd be their memory, unknowne their crymes;
Of acts so ill examples are not good,

And yet have we not seene even in our times,
How th' Earth abus'd, beares a prodigious brood:
Who fayning godlinesse, from God rebell,
And will seeke Heaven even in the depths of Hell.

Up, hypocrite ingrate, who wast entic'd
To kill that king, who did your sect advance,
By strangers lov'd, at home by all despis'd, [France,
From whom when stolne from Pole, one neere stole
Had he not falne even there where they devis'd,
The monstrous massacre! great God what chance?
Else was he urg'd, all dignity put downe,
To quite his kingdome for a naked crowne.

That villaine vile whom all the world abhorr'd,
To kill that king who durst lend Death a dart,
Who oft had scap'd the cannon and the sword,
And banish'd had the authors of base art,
Since not his tooth, why was their state restor❜d?
Who tooke but it, in earnest of the heart:
Blinde zeale, soule's frenzy, now makes many rave;
Can mischiefe merit, or can murther save?

Yet those vile crimes (though with amazement nam'd)

Seeme common slaughters when I them compare,
With that strange treason through the world pro-
Which bragg'd to blow all Britaine in the ayre;
Of this damn'd plot, the Divell may be asham'd,
Which had no patterne, and can have no heire:
Both prince and peeres, it threatning straight t

(Like Neroe's wish) had kill'd all at one blow.

When Stygian states in dungeons darke conspir'd,
All Albian's orethrow, Britaine's utter end,
To be dispatch'd as paper spent when fir'd, [hend,
Which mysticke bragge, when none could compre-
Our Salomon (no doubt by God inspir'd)
Did straight conjecture what he did intend:
Great prince, great poet, all divine, what three?
With whom on Earth was God, if not with thee?

Hell's emissaries with confusion stor❜d,

Whose damn'd devices, none enough can hate,
Though they should be by all the world abhorr'd,
As Nature's scandall, vipers of a state,
Yet are they prais'd of some, yea, and ador'd,
Since by religion justifi'd of late:

Some miracles were fain'd, one true is wrought, That monsters martyrs, murtherers saints are thought.

Who can but burst those moderne times to touch, Whil'st bloudy hearts, and hands, can smooth their breath? [much When some (though Christians) are commended For suffering, no, even for inflicting death? It may indeed be justly said of such, They burne in zeale, worke wonders out of faith, Who fire whole kingdomes for religion's love, 12 And to seeme holy, homicides witt prove.

Next those great men whose fame so glorious flyes,
Who rag'd with fury, or for folly rav'd,
And bended up with pride, or slack't with lyes,
Idolatry, or murther, still conceiv'd,

A dastard troupe stands with dejected eyes,
Whose tainted life, world's shame, Heaven's judg-
ment crav'd:
Heards of such hearts, Hell's hounds, with Eorrour
Who basely wicked, wickedly were base.

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Loe,some whom Fortune like her selfe made blinde,
Who sacred greatnesse did most grosly staine,
Involv'd in vices, and of such a kinde,
That them to taxe, even Gentiles did attaine,
Though not thought sin, nor by no law declin'd,
Whose facts (as filthy) Nature did disdaine:
Who (following sense) from reason did rebell,
Long loath'd on th' Earth still tortar'd in the Hell.

Assyria's king (no king before depriv'd)
(Though others barbarous) first who beastly prov'd,
Who (faint for lust) effeminately liv'd,
Till by despaire to seeme couragious mov'd,
He (when he knew his ruine was contriv'd)
Did with himselfe burne all things which he lov'd:
This act was bad, yet praised for his best,
O who can thinke how hatefull were the rest!

Rome's ugly lord (power hatefull for his sake)
Whose vile desires could never be asswag'd,
Who (Nature's horrour) man to wife did take,
All whole to lust and gluttony engag'd,
Who did profusely feasts prodigious make,
A death disastrous (as his due) presag'd:
He it (though ill) all meanes prepar'd to grace,
Yet (alwaies foule) dy'd in a filthy place.

There stand world's great ones, who vaine joy enjoy'd,
While boundlesse lust still strange desires did breed,
Though gelded keepers jealously convoy'd
A female troupe, for fancy, not for need, [cloy'd,
Vast appetite, weake power, much wish'd, soone
A longing first, straight loathing did succeed:
That sinne so sweet, which nature most desires,
Doth here breed temporall, hence eternall fires.

The infant world great freedome did allow,
To those delights which people did the ground,
At least strict lawes did punish none as now,
For any fault that did not wedlocke wound,
And chastnesse then had beene a foolish vow,
When parents' praise a populous offspring crown'd.
Men then were forc'd with all degrees to wed,
Till some discents more lawfull limits bred.

That which God first in Eden did ordaine,
And with a wonder Christ confirmed too,
By which both sexes fortified remaine,
Two doubled ones, and a contracted two,
That sacred league who ever vow in vaine,
Although they thinke all secret what they doe:
It is a sinne which God so highly hates,
He markes it still with ruines of estates.

Amongst the lewes where God most clearely wrought,
All women deem'd their husbands to deceive,
Straight by the priest to publicke tryall brought,
If guilty dyed, not guilty, did conceive; [thought,
Love and faith wrong'd, this crime so foule was
That when for sinne God would his people leave,
The prophets all adultery did name,

(lust bands dissolv'd) which did divorce with shame.

What raving madnesse doth enflame the minde With curiousnesse, another's course to know? When one the like by lawfull meanes may finde, Why should he seeke to steale what others owe? Which is (when reach'd) not such as was design'd By fond conceit's imaginary show: [woe ends, What (had with care) feare keeps, shame checks, Man wrong'd, God griev'd, damnation last attends.

Though by like law both sexes bounded be,
Yet to the stronger, lesse restraint was showne,
Who (others' wives not touch'd) did else seeme free,
Where for each scape, a woman was orethrowne:
And forward fame (too partiall) as we see, [kuowne:
More damnes them, if suspect, then men when
He, this way stray'd, to some more gallant seemes,
Where her (once stayn'd) the world no more es-


From wives so farre their fellowes to preferre,
The generall judgement diverse reasons move;
If from their honour any way they erre,
Some may them use, though never truely love;
As him her fault, the husband's shames not her,
Whose treacherous part may more pernitious prove:
He but affords, and she receives disgrace,
He but augments, she falsifies the race.

A woman's worth, which Nature deckes, not art,
Opinion values, favour doth procure,
Whose glory is the conquest of a heart,
Which vertue doth, not vanity allure,,
Where beauty, wit, and each respected part,
Are sham'd by her, but honour not a whore:

When false, or faint, men are disgrac'd two wayes, | To force them further who were else their owne,

A woman onely when from fame she strayes.

They who (all burning with voluptuous fires)
Did dandle lust as a delightfull guest,
And (making beauty bawd to base desires)
Did buy their colour so to sell the rest,
Loe, painted, false, or stolne, face, minde, attires,
All is beli'd, and badnesse is their best;
Deare proves the pleasure, bitter is the gaine,
Which black disgrace upbraides with endlesse paine.

There, beautie's goddesse with these dainty Greekes,
Who did endeere the treasure of a face,
And (fond of that which idle fancy seekes)
Would kisse like doves, like ivie did embrace,
Red lippes, white hands, black eyes, curl'd haires,
smooth cheekes,

[grace; Which flattering smiles, and flaming lookes did

That once forc'd favour, but now hatred moves:
Then for Adonis greater griefe she proves.

With daughters two love's Leda weepes in vaine,
(One by base sport transported for a space)
Who kill'd her husband, by her sonne was slaine :
Next, that great beauty which the Greekes would


But by more lustre doe betray a staine,
Troy's fatall plague, the fable of each place,
Much courted once, she now detested stands,
(As kill'd for her) accus'd by murmuring bands.

Lascivious Lais much in Corinth knowne,

Who sold deare pleasure, pretious but by price; That dame of goods ill gain'd for franknesse showne, Whom Rome made goddesse that way never nice, Brave chiefes for whores who thousands have orethrowne,

Though striking hearts with horrour of that vice; Lust breeds á plague of late which all doe loath, As which still shame, death sometime, oft yeelds both.

That pompous queene admir'd so much for state,
When daunting them whose fame did hostes appall,
(World's conquerours conquer'd) who (then both
Made Cesar flie, and Antony to fall, [more great)
Rare courage! rais'd with a declining fate,
Who di'd triumphing, when design'd a thrall;
But for these faults which numbers did confound,
Then aspickes gave, shee feeles a deeper wound.

Rome's wanton dame doth thrust amid'st this throng,

(Soe sparkling lust empoison'd had her heart)
Who from the stewes when exercised long,
Made weary oft, not satisfi'd did part;
Yet match'd with Silius (made the vulgar song)
She forc'd grosse Claudius drowsily to start;
Who though that hee had cause to take her life,
Yet (strangely stupid) asked for his wife.

You who below have forfeited your fame,
And from their God so many doe divorce,
Who scarce can blush, though but a badge of shame,
Loe, what is all that you so much enforce!
A little flash, an extasie, a dreame, [morse:
Which loath'd when done, doth quickly leave re-
What fooles are these who for a fact so foule,
Lose fame and goods, the body and the soule ?

(Things faire when neare, fall foule when once they touch)

More love nor reason, but no favour showne,
Some loos'd just intʼrest urging it too much;
Lot's daughters this, and Tamar's rape hath showne,
locasta, Myrrha, Canace, and such;

Incestuous matches make a monstrous brood,
Loath'd are they now who tainted thus their blood.

O fatall ill, which man-kinde may bemone!
Must things unlawfull most affected be?
All Eden's fruits were freely given save one,
Yet Evah long'd for the forbidden tree,
Man ore all creatures plac'd (as in a throne)
Hath thrall'd himselfe, and in a base degree;
Vaine appetites, and an enormous lust,
Have brought him back more low then to the dust.
The Stygian tyrant nothing can asswage,
When ravishers upbraid th' intended wrong;
There Tereus, Nessus, all shall have their wage;
These guests ingrate, who for the bride did throng:
Then Shechem, Amnon, Tarquin, by lust's rage,
Who were to force infortunately strong;
Euen in this world wrath did all those confound.
Blood quenching lust, death venging honour's wound,

Such faults though great, match'd with more great, seeme lesse,

Those whom to pleasure weaknesse did betray,
They but the law, not nature did transgresse,
The sexe observ'd, in sort did onely stray:
Where some more vile then any can expresse,
Both God and Nature in such horrour have;
That if their sinne were not in scripture seene,
I should not thinke that it had ever beene.

That towne which was consum'd with showers of fire,
Where men first men, then angels striv'd to staine,
Of fearefull type of memorable ire!
Whose bounds still ugly like their sinne remaine,
Of which the world's great ludge shall now enquire,
And for the same appoint some speciall paine:
That fault too foule not fit to be but nam'd,
Let good men thinke that it cannot be dream'd.

Woe now to them who from all bounds did swerve,
And (still intemp'rate) liv'd like abject beasts,
As wholly given their appetites to serve,
Whose pleasure did depend upon their tasts,
And whil'st the poore (for famine faint) did sterve,'
With food super uous rioted in feasts:
With Dives now tormented they remaine,
And envy beggars whom they did disdaine.

That proud Chaldean banquetting in state,
As bragging of God's spoils, puff'd up in heart,
Who drunke in minde, and surfeiting of meat,
To serve his use church-vessels did convert;
Till this was seene his courage to abate, [part:
Lo, thou art weigh'd, found light, thy kingdomes'
Who with his hand whil'st writing thus, did wound,
Must with his whole in judgement quite confound.

He with brave troups who bragg'd Bethulian walls,
Whose breast for bloud, or wine, still raging boil'd,
Drinke forcing his, his sword a number's falls,
Who men of lives, of honour women spoil'd;
He, then when threatning all the world as thralls,
Whil'st most secure, eternally was foil'd ;

By sleep, by drink, by death, thrice senselesse made,
No wonder though a woman stole his head.

This filthy vice enfeebling nature's force,
Though other faults (foule in an high degree)
Make men like beasts, it onely makes them worse,
Since to be drunk beasts not so base can be;
From reason onely madnesse doth divorce
It both from sense, and reason, as we see:
A murtherer but procures the bodie's fall,
Where drunkennesse with it, soule's, fame's, and all.
When sinnes so much were cropt, this budded first,
And who stood safe on seas, by land made sinke,
The father scorn'd, the sonne became accurst,
Death's frighted remnant did for horrour shrinke;
He who was never mov'd with Sodome's worst,
When scap't from flames was all enflam'd with drinke,
And of those two so singular for grace,
Th' one lost a part, the other all his race.

That in this sort which made such men to fall,
Of piety though speciall patterns nam'd,
No doubt it cannot but confound them all,
Who in this kinde have such contentment dream'd,
That (to the same vow'd voluntary thrall)
They brag when fresh, where they should be asham'd,
Such onely when growne worst, least please the
Since then as dead, not able to do evill. [Devill,

Though to be drunke one did no sinne commit,
Yet it is grosse, and ugly every way,
As that which spoils the grace, the strength, the wit,
The feet made stumble, and the tongue to stray;
And where a vertue is, quite smothering it,
Each weakenesse that one hath doth straight betray;
What vice like this, which all ills else includes,
Since sinfull, shamefull, hurting health and goods?

That race of Satan, like himselfe in lyes,

Must then tell truth to him who all things knows,
Of circling fraud who soone the centre tryes,
And doth perceive all their deceiving shows,
Whose promises (like spiders' webs for flyes)
A subtle snare the better sort ore-throws.
Who vainly vaunt amid'st their flying joyes,
That men with oaths, and babes are trap'd with toyes.

O now they spie how ill they play'd their parts,
When they revive abandonding the dust!
Plaine and transparant are their hollow hearts,
Which did delude the world, betraying trust;
Though subtle thought, then simple prove these arts,
Which onely serve to circumvent the just:

Such (ventring soules) base trifles bent to gaine,
Were first to shame, and last expos'd to paine.

As many meane men muster in this band,
By avarice made false, or forc'd by want,
There others are who kingdomes did command,
And save themselves striv'd every thing to daunt;
To rise ambitious, jealous how to stand,
By policy who thousands did supplant,
And all the world imbrac'd within their minde,
Till at the last by some few foots confin'd.

Kings joyn'd with subjects to be judg'd come in;
No deputies in person all compeere, [sinne;
No greatnesse guilds their guilt, no guards guard
No majestie save one breeds reverence here;
For treacherous treaties they in vaine begin,
By blam'd ambassadours themselves to cleare:

Power serves not now to countenance crimes with might,

Nor policy to cloake their course with slight.
That gorgeous king who kill'd Cassander's sonne,
By him prevented onely by one day,
With mutuall feasts, and curtesies begun,
Both faining love, when purpos'd to betray:
These finde withall who have such courses runne,
That generous plainnesse proves the better way;
No men more wretched then some greatest kings,
Both for omitting, and committing things.

They at this time not onely are accus'd,
For all which they directly did affect,
But even for others cannot be excus'd,
Whom they did raise, approve, or not correct;
Save greater torment when not rightly us'd,
Now soveraigne power doth purchase no respect:
"Of high imployments great accounts are crav'd,
And they must render most, who most receiv'd."
Faith (if once broke) doth so displease each minde,
That it not kept (even to an Ethnicke king)
The last in Iuda's throne (his crowne resign'd)
All charg'd with chaines to bondage base did bring;
Who saw his sounes first kill'd, then was made blinde,
What more mishap a heart with griefe could sting?
He wretched was, not that his eyes were reft,
But to see ill that they too long were left.

Pale stand they now, who took God's name in vaine,
And have their soules for trifling ends forsworne;
Who hearts still straight, as simple did disdaine,
Whose wit could glose on vice, and vertue scorne,
Who thund'ring oaths the very ayre did staine;
O how they curse the houre that they were borne!
Such oft the Devill have call'd and God refus'd,
With imprecations, execrations us’d.

Of all these false ones which this time doth try,
With greatest wrath the Lord doth them pursue,
Who (forcing faith) were bold to sell a lye,
Affirming freely what they never knew:
With these vile hirelings which made Nabal dye,
A number more damn'd for this fault I view,
Which witnesses to try, no witnesse needs,
Their guilty conscience large confession breeds.

Troups which for spite durst urge a false complaint,

That tyrants might the saints of God commit,
With palenesse now their faces feare doth paint,
To witnesse wrong who did extend their wit:
Whilst they behold those whom they striv'd to taint,
With angels rank'd (in judging them) to sit :
The great accuser doth against them plead,
Whom once he pleas'd, that he them thence may

Loe, as their bodies, naked are their minds,
(That maske remov'd which did them long disguise)
Whose vows, and oaths, but breath, went with the

Not to secure, given onely to entice,
These nets of fraud, weav'd in so many kinds,
Whence poys'nous snakes did (hid with flowers) sur-

All at an instant now is brought to light,
Which deep dissemblers had wrapt up in night.

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