| Samuel Clarke - 1701 - 416 páginas
..."'()rrjT)Iij( /' many things,, and b?rcj » • '*•'-(* W •* U'i- : ^t_ J^ : T *rt-.«l^-»*»^ 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, faying, Be it far from thee , Lord : this flxall not be unto thee the Jews, and at laft be put to death ; but that on the Third Day he fhould... | |
| John Havett - 1703 - 380 páginas
...Let him deny bimfelf OUR blefled Lord had but a little above told his Difcipks, that he muft go to Jerufalem, and fuffer many things of the Elders, and chief Priefts and Scribes, and be killed, and be raifed again the third Day ; whereupon St. Peter, who was always moft... | |
| 1731 - 522 páginas
...Chrift. Matt. xvi. 21, 22, 23. From that time forth began "Jefus to jhew unto his difciples, how that be muft go unto Jerufalem, and fuffer many things of the Elders and chief priejls and Scribes , and be killed, and be raifed again the third day. fben Peter took him, and began... | |
| Samuel Croxall - 1735 - 530 páginas
...it it faid ; From that, time Mat xvi. forth, began JESUS to Jhew unto his dijci- "' pies, how that he muft go unto Jerufalem, and fuffer many things of the Elders, and Chief Priefts, and Scribes, and he killed, and be raifed again the third day. But this means the Great Council or Sanhedrim.... | |
| William Darrell - 1736 - 398 páginas
...death, and glorious refurfedbion : From that time forth began Je/as to Jhew unto his difciples, how that he muft go unto Jerufalem, and fuffer many things...and be killed, and be raifed again the third day, Matth. xvi. 2 1 . Befides, he pafs'd from the rehearlal of his own fufferings to fliat of his difciples.... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1736 - 376 páginas
...J From that time forth began Jefus to fhew unto his difciples, how that he muft go unto Jenifalem, and fuffer many things of the elders, and chief priefts,...and be killed, and be raifed again the third day. 22 Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, faying, Be it far from thee, Lord : this fhall not... | |
| Daniel Wilcox - 1744 - 462 páginas
...plainly opens this, Matthew xvi. 21. From that time forth began Jefus tojhew unto bis difciples, how that he muft go unto Jerufalem, and fuffer many things...elders, and chief priefts, and fcribes, and be killed, arid be raifed again the third day. And he refumed the difcourfe as often as there was opportunity... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1749 - 470 páginas
...becaufe 'Peter wept bitterly for denying Chrjt. But 'Peter committed a greater Crime, Mat. xvi. 22. And began to rebuke him, faying, Be it far from thee, Lord, this jhall not be unto thee i - which forced Chrift to fay, Get thee behind me, Satan Mr. Catcott has ufed... | |
| John Tillotson - 1757 - 482 páginas
...ap- The firft preaching paffion, that he muft mortlygo up to Je-{j™° e n x ° n rufalem, and there fuffer many things of the elders and chief priefts and fcribes, and at laft be put to death by them; " then faid JESUS unto his difciples, " if any man will come after... | |
| John WITHERSPOON (President of Princeton College.), William Shenstone - 1768 - 342 páginas
...Matth. xvi. 21. F • From that time forth began Jefus to fhew unto his ' difciples, how that he mufl go unto Jerufalem, and ' fuffer many things of the elders, and chief priefts, ' and Scribes, and be killed, and be raifed again the ' third day. xx. 17, 18, 19. And Jefus going ' up to... | |
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