A Select Collection of Poems:: With Notes, Biographical and Historical, Volume 4

J. Nichols, 1780

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Página 3 - It would have been a jest some time since, for a man to have asserted that any thing witty could be said in praise of a married state ; or that devotion and virtue were any way necessary to the character of a fine gentleman.
Página 285 - FAIR nymph, ascend to beauty's throne, And rule that radiant world alone : Let favourites take thy lower sphere, Not monarchs are thy rivals here.
Página 309 - To tear it thence I tried in vain, To strive, I quickly found, Was only to increase the pain, And to enlarge the wound. Ah ! much too well, I fear, you know What pain I'm to endure, Since what your eyes alone could do, Your heart alone can cure. And that (grant Heaven I may mistake !) I doubt is doom'd to bear A burden for another's sake, Who ill rewards its care.
Página 17 - Bride's resistless moan, And weeps a loss she slighted when her own : You give us torment, and you give us ease, And vary our afflictions as you please. Is not a heart so kind as yours in pain, To load your friends with cares you only feign ; Your friends in grief, composed yourself, to leave ? But 'tis the only way you'll e'er deceive.
Página 309 - Revenge!" he cries, A fatal shaft he drew. It took its passage through your eyes; And to my heart it flew. ' To tear it thence, I tried in vain! To strive; I quickly found Was only to increase the pain, And to enlarge the wound! Ah! much too well, I fear you know What pain I'm to endure! Since what your Eyes alone could do; Your Heart alone can cure!
Página 125 - Inftrudts the ringlets in what form to lie : Yet leaves fome few, that, not fo clofely preft, Sport in the wind, and wanton from the reft. ; •• Sweet negligence ! by artful ftudy wrought, A graceful error, and a lovely fault. The judgement of the glafs is here unknown ; Here mirrors are fupply'd by ev'ry ftone.
Página 275 - If you would fhun the fneer of every prig, Lay by the little band, and rufty wig: But yet be fure, your proper language know, Nor talk as born within the found of Bow. Speak not the phrafe that Drury-lane affords, Nor from Change-alley fteal a cant of words. Coachmen will criticife your ftyle, nay further, porters will bring it...
Página 239 - Some of his taftelefs contemporaries thought him equally excellent in both ; but one -of his heads is worth a ream of his Pindarics ; I had almoft: fa:d all the Pindaries written in this reign.
Página 69 - Cippus then shakes his garland off, and cries, The wretch you want, I offer to your eyes.
Página 4 - ... fops and young fellows of the value and advantages of learning. He has indeed rescued it out of the hands of pedants and fools, and discovered the true method of making it amiable and lovely to all mankind.

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