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condition by fin, before it closes with Chrift. 3. A firm perfwafion that there is no other of falvation, but by Chrift alone, way

4. A clear knowledge that Chrift is able to fave to the uttermoft, all that come to God by him; and willing to fave, and ready to receive fuch as do own him for the true Meffias, and unfeignedly give up themselves unto him.

5. An earnest defire, a real thirfting after an Intereft in this Saviour.

6. An actual giving up the foul to Christ, de pending on him wholly and alone for pardon and life, firmly trufting in him to be justified, fancti fied, and everlaftingly faved by him.

This is the foul truly and really united unto Chrift. And being by Faith and Love thus joyned to the Lord. (as the Apoftle fpeaks, 1 Cor. 6.17.) is one Spirit, i. e. is governed by one and the felf-fame Spirit. The Scripture fets forth this admirable spiritual union by these four earthly refemblances.

By the union

1. of the Husband and Wife, Eph.5.23. The husband is the head of the wife, even as Chrift is the head of the Church: and he is the Saviour of the body.

2. Of the Head and Members Eph.1.22,23. Hath put all things under his feet, and given him to be bead over all things to the Church, which is his body.

3. of the ftones in the building,with the foundation whereon they reft and are built, Eph.2.22. In whom you alfo are builded together, for an habitation of God through the Spirit, 1 Cor.3.11.

4. Of the Vine and the Branches, John 15.5. I am the Vine, ye are the Branches.

So that when we do willingly betroth our - felves to Chrift, and confent to take him for our Lord and Husband, and to be his loyall spouse when we are willing to be in fubje&tion to him, and to be ruled by him, as the members of the body are by the head: when we depend, and reft and rely on him alone for our falvation, as the ftones reft on the foundation: Laftly, when we derive Grace and Holineffe from him, as the branches derive juice, vertue, and fap from the root and ftock, and do bring forth fruits in him, and to him; then is there a real, and fpiritual union wrought between Christ and our foules.

Thus much concerning the Nature of faving Faith: The Conclufions I fhall lay down concerning it, are these ;

1. Though Chrift hath paid down a fufficient price on the Croffe, for the ranfoming and buying in of loft and undone finners, yet we are not juftified and abfolved from the guilt of our fins, till we do actually clofe with him by Faith. 2. True faving Faith, is not a strong perfwasion,


that all a mans fins are pardoned by Chrift's Merits, and that he is in Geds Favour, and in a good ftate and condition: For 'tis evident many of Gods dear fervants are exercised with doubts, and feares concerning themselves; and many Graceleffe wretches, that never felt the barden of fin, nor ever made much Conscience of walking holily, are most confident of their own good condition: Therefore this confident, ungrounded perfwafion cannot be true Faith; for then, hardnefe of heart, would make the beft Faith; and he that could prefume most, and be moft fecure, and free from doubts, would be the trueft believer. For a man to be confident of his good condition, while he lies under the power and reign of fin, is the groffeft unbelief in the world: 'Tis to believe the flat contrary to what God hath revealed in the Word, 1 Cor. 6.9. Know ye not (faith the Apostle) that the unrighteous fhall not inherit the Kingdome of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicatours, nor Idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themfelves with mankind, ner thieves, nor covetous,nor drunkards,nor revilers, nor extortioners,fhall inherit the Kingdom of God. Therefore a confident refting on Chrift for falvation, (if it be not a refting according to the Word) will not ferve the turn.

3. Fiducially, and favingly to believe on Chrift, is not an act of mans power,but wrought in the foul by the Spirit of God; who doth




effectually enlighten perfwade and draw the heart, and affift, and enable the foul, to give up it self unto Chrift. Beg therefore the affiftance of this bleffed Spirit, whom God hath promifed to give to them that ask him, Luke 11 9. And in the aid of his Grace, give up thy felf unfeignedly unto Chrift, to be juftified, fanctified, and everlaftingly faved by him.

4. A true believer may fear, and be in doubt, that he hath not given up himself to Chrift unfeignedly, and this fear may proceed from the abundance of his love to Chrift, and earnest defire to be affur'd of an intereft in him, which makes him think he can never be certain enough of him; Love is follicitous, and full of fears, left it should miffe the person beloved.

5. They that truly clofe with Chrift, do take him for their Lord, as well as for their Saviour. None come to Chrift by Faith, and savingly believe on him, but they cleave to him by love alfo, and live to him by obedience. True Faith on Chrift, will beget love to Chrift, and love will bring forth obedience.

6. The fureft mark of true believing in Chrift, is a new and holy life. 'Tis the property of Faith to purifie the heart, and fo to work a change in the life and converfation. Dost thou make Confcience therefore of all Chrift's commands? And art thou careful to refrain thy feet from every evil way? Who ever is in Christ, is a


new Creature, 2 Cor. 5. 17. Hath the love of Chrift fhed abroad in his heart, and that love con ftraines him to yeeld fincere obedience: Hath the Spirit of Chrift, Rom 8.9. not only to comfort him, but to counsel and direct him, to lead him in the paths of truth and holineffe, and to uphold him from taking any defperate and irrecoverable falls, either in matter of judgment or practist, These are the Conclufions.

I come now in the third place, to the Mo tives and Encouragements to believe in Christ. 1. Confider for thy encouragement, how able Chrift is to fave thee. There is more merit in the Son of God, to obtain our pardon, than there is guilt of fin in us, to merit condemnati on. For the perfon fuffering, being (as to his God-head) infinite, and the merit and value of his fufferings depending on the dignity and worth of his perfon, the fatisfaction made, muft needs be infinite, and fo abundantly fufficient.

2. Confider his willingness and readinesse to accept to mercy all poor humbled finners, that come unto him: He never rejected any man that came unto him, and acknowledged him for the true Meffias, and unfeignedly gave up felf to be faved by him.


His willingneffe to fave finners, cannot but appear to thee, if thou confidereft these three t things. 1. His gracious words before he came into the world. The Prophet in the perfon of Chrift,

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