Imagens das páginas

that it was this Richard Shuckburgh, he was ordered to be called to him, and was by him very graciously received. Upon which he went immediately home, armed all his tenants, and the next day attended on him in the field, where he was knighted, and was present at the battle of Edghill."

Mousetrap Dante (No. 10. pp. 154, 155.).-I beg to refer your correspondent to the Visconte Colomb de Batines' Bibliographia Dantesea (Prato, 1845-48. 8vo.), tom. ii. pp. 264, 265., where he will find a list (correct so far as it goes) of the fifteen MSS. of the Comedia, purchased for the Bodleian Library about the year 1822, from the Abbate Matteo Canonici, of Venice.

I have reason for believing that the only MSS. which exist in that collection, in addition to those enumerated in the list, are: 1. Canon Ital. 100. "Compendium Cujusdam Commentarii" (4to paper); and 2. "Codices Canonici Miscellanei 449." fol., vellum (it cannot therefore be this), which contains the complete commentary of Jacopo

dalla Lana.

F. C. B.

Cromwell's Estates (No. 18. p. 277.). - The seignory of Gower is the peninsula which runs out between the bays of Swansea and Carmarthen; and which terminates at Swansea on the S. E. side, and at Longhor on the N. W., and comprises the district which, in common with a part of Scotland, anciently bore the name of Rheged. It is a locality rich in all that can attract the antiquary

and the naturalist.


Mr. Dillwyn's Contributions towards a History of Swansea contains the following references to the Gower property of Cromwell :-"We are informed by the Minute-book of the Common Hall" (at Swansea), "that on May 19. 1648, there came to this towne the truly Honourable Oliver Cromwell, Esq. Lord of this towne, the Seignory of Gower, and Manor of Killay, with the members thereof," &c. "On May 5. 1647, Parliament settled the estates of the Marquis of Worcester, in Gloucestershire and Monmouthshire, on Cromwell; and, by a subsequent order, the estate in Glamorganshire was added to this grant. The conveyance from Parliament to Cromwell is made, not only in the name of his Majesty, but has a portrait of Charles the First at its head."


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Kentish Ballad (No. 16. p. 247.).- The song beginning "When Harold was invaded" has long been a favourite in this county. It is entitled "The Man of Kent," and was composed by Tom Durfey, in the time of Charles the Second. It may be found, with the music, in Chappell's Collection of English Airs. He cites it as being in Pills to purge Melancholy, with Music, 1719, and states that in the Essex Champion, or famous History of Sir Billy of Billericay and his Squire Ricardo, 1690, the song of "The Man of Kent" is mentioned. I have none of these works at hand for immediate reference, but the above note contains all that I have been able to collect on the subject of our popular ballad.

There is another song, much to the same purport, beginning

"When as the Duke of Normandy,
With glistening spear and shield,"

in Evans's Songs, vol. ii. p. 33., printed by him from The Garland of Delight, by Delone, in the Pepys collection at Cambridge-a black-letter volume; and probably the song was by himself.

Your correspondent "F. B." asks for the remainder of the song. In pity to yourself and your readers, I forbear sending you the countless stanzas-numerous enough in the original song, but now, by the additions of successive generations, swelled to a volume. He will find in Chappell's collection all that is worth having, with the assurance, repeated oft enough for the most enthusiastic of our modest countrymen, that

" In Britain's race if one surpass,
A man of Kent is he."

Ryarsh Vicarage.


Bess of Hardwick (No. 18. p. 276.). -The armorial bearings of John Hardwick, of Hardwick, co. Derby, father of Bess, were: Argent, a saltier engrailed, and on a chief blue three roses of the field. M. COMES.

Oxford, March 9. 1850.

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Emerald (No. 14. p. 217.). - Before we puzzle ourselves with the meaning of a thing, it is well to consider whether the authority may not be very loose and inaccurate. This emerald cross, even if it was made of emeralds, might have been in several pieces. But we are told generally, in Phillips's Mineralogy, that "the large emeralds of by various writers, such as that in the Abbey of Richenau, of the weight of 28lbs., and which formerly belonged to Charlemagne, are believed to be either green fluor, or prase. The most magnificent specimen of genuine emeralds was presented to the Church of Loretto by one of the Spanish kings. It consists of a mass of white quartz, thickly implanted with emeralds, more than an inch in diameter."

The note to the above exemplifies what I have just said. It is called emerald, he says, because it is green, from the Greek. I might make a query of this; but it is clearly a mistake of some halflearned or ill-understood informant. The name has nothing to do with green. Emerald, in Italian, smeraldo, is, I dare say, from the Greek smaragdus. It is derived, according to the Oxford Lexicon, from μαίρω, to shine, whence μαρμαρυγή. In looking for this, I find another Greek word, smiris, which is the origin of emery, having the same meaning. It is derived from σμάω, to rub, or make bright. I cannot help suspecting that С. В.

the two radical verbs are connected.

Ancient Motto. - Barnacles. - In reference to

your querist in No. 6., respecting the motto which "some Pope or Emperor caused to be engraven in the centre of his table," and the correspondent in No. 7. who replies to him by a quotation from Horace, I beg to observe that honest Thomas Fuller, in The Holy State, 275. ed. Lond. 1648, tells us, that St. Augustine "had this distich written on his table:"

"Quisquis amat dictis absentem rodere famam,
Hanc mensam indignam noverit esse sibi.

He that doth love on absent friends to jeere,
May hence depart, no room is for him here."

With respect to the Barnacle fowl, it may be an addendum, not uninteresting to your correspondent "W. B. MACCABE," to add to his extract from Giraldus another from Hector Boece, History of Scotland, "imprentit be Thomas Davidson, prenter to the Kyngis nobyll grace [James VI.]." He observes, that the opinion of some, that the "Claik geis growis on treis be the nebbis, is vane," and says he "maid na lytyll lauboure and deligence to serche the treuthe and virite yairof," having "salit throw the seis quhare thir Clakis Clakis ar ar bred," ed," and assures us, that although they were produced in "mony syndry wayis, thay ar bred ay allanerly be nature of the seis." These fowls, he continues, are formed from worms which

are found in wood that has been long immersed in salt water, and he avers that their transformation was "notably provyn in the zier of God 1480 besyde the castell of Petslego, in the sycht of mony pepyll," by a tree which was cast ashore, in which the creatures were seen, partly formed, and some with head, feet, and wings; "bot they had na faderis." Some years afterwards, a tree was thrown on the beach near Dundee, with the same appearances, and a ship broken up at Leith exhibited the same marvel; but he clinches the argument by a "notable example schawin afore our eyne. Maister Alexander Galloway Person, of Kynkell, was with us in thir Illis (the Hebridæ), and be adventure liftet up ane see tangle, hyng and full of mussil schellis," one of which he opened; "bot than he was mair astonist than afore, for he saw na fische in it bot ane perfit schapin foule. This clerk, knawin us richt desirous of sic uncouth thingis, came haistely, and opinit it with all circumstance afore rehersit." So far the venerable "Chanon of Aberdene." The West Highlanders still believe in the barnacle origin of this species of fowl. JAMES LOGAN.

Tureen (No. 16. p. 246.; No. 19. p. 307.).I have seen old-fashioned silver tureens which turned on a pivot attached to the handles, and always concluded that it was to this form that Goldsmith alluded in the line quoted by "G. W." SELEUCUS.

Hudibrastic Couplet (No. 14. p. 211.).-These lines do not occur in the reprint of the Musarum Delicia (Lond. 1817, 8vo. 2 vols.). Lowndes (Bibliogr. Manual) states that they are to be found in the 2nd ed. of the work (London, 1656. 12mo).

F. C. B.

Topography of Foreign Printing Presses (No. 18. p. 277.)-About twelve years ago, Valpy published a vol. of Supplements to Lemprière's Dictionary, by E. H. Barker. One of these contained a complete list of all the foreign towns in which books had been printed, with the Latin names given to them in alphabetical order. W. and N.

Your correspondent "P.H.F." will find in Cotton's Typographical Gazetteer (8vo. Clarendon Press, 1831), every information he will ordinarily require. J. M. S.

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Burnet. In addition to the opinions expressed in favour of or opposed to Burnet's "History," (No. 3. p. 40., and No. 8. p. 120.), I may also refer to Dr. King's Anecdotes: he says,

" I knew Burnet: he was a furious party-man, and easily imposed on by any lying spirit of his own faction: but he was a better pastor than any man who is now seated on the Bishop's bench."

Dryden's chastisement of Burnet-"the noble Buzzard" in his Hind and Panther must be familiar to your readers. It was given as "adequate retaliation" for the Bishop's censure of the immorality of Dryden's plays. Applied to Burnet's Sketches of Characters, Dryden says:

" His praise of foes is venomously nice,
So touch'd, it turns a virtue to a vice."

Scott's note on this passage well merits perusal.
J. H. M.



(From the Latin of Vincent Bourne.)

Newton, the light of each succeeding age,
First learned his letters from a female sage.
But thus far taught--the alphabet once learn'd-
To loftier use those elements he turn'd.

Forced th' unconscious signs, by process rare,
Known quantities with unknown to compare ;
And, by their aid, profound deductions drew
From depths of truth his teacher never knew.
Yet the true authoress of all was she! -
Newton's Principia were his a, b, c.


Prince Madoc (No. 4. p. 56.; No. 18. p. 282.). -In the darkness superinduced by the absence of historical evidence on the Welsh settlement in America, I beg leave to offer a few remarks on some ethnological subjects involved in this question.

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In reference to the specimen of a Welsh-Indian Vocabulary in Catlin's N. A. Indians, which "GOMER opposes to Prof. Elton's proposition on this subject (No. 15. p. 236.), were the instances of similarity to exhibit the influence of opinion, of government, or of commerce, on the language of the tribe, the origin of such words would be as indisputable as that of those introduced by the English into the various countries of the East where they have factories; e.g. governor, council, company. But these and numerous other traces of the Celtic language which have been found in Florida and Darien are not indicative of such im pressions: most of them, from their universality, bespeak themselves to be primitive; and who can assure us that some may not have reached them

before the twelfth century, through "Walsh or strangers," "a race mightier than they and wiser," by whom they may have been instructed in the arts which have excited so much astonishment?

The glass beads, erroneously called Druid's beads, furnish Catlin with another proof of affiliation, which, however, is invalidated by the wellascertained facts of glass-manufactories having, in remotest antiquity, existed in Egypt, and of glass beads having been dispersed by the Phœnicians among the nations which they visited. (See Tassie's Gems, introd.-Here, by the by, are mentioned celebrated emeralds, which have turned out to be only lumps of green glass!

Lhuyd relates that the cross was honoured in N. America before the arrival of the Spaniards, and Sir R. Manley (Turk. Spy, vol. viii.) states that they found crucifixes also. Unfortunately for this hypothesis, it has been shown, by G. Becanus (Hierogl., see Index), Olaus Wormius (De Danicis Monumentis, see Index), M. Ficinus (De Vita cælitus Propaganda, l. iii. c. 18.), and Kircherus (Prodromus Coptus, p. 163.), that in various countries the cross was, before the Christian era, an object of veneration, and symbolled the genius of their religion. In the event of crucifixes having been found (for which, however, Sir R. Manley supplies no authority) we need not be surprised that the Christian topography was so far extended, since the Christianity of China, between the seventh and the thirteenth century, has been invincibly proved; and simultaneously, perhaps, the aborigines of America received the symbol, "Ερως μου ἑσταυρῶται, which is peculiar to the Christian religion.

In conclusion, permit me to cite Southey versus Catlin: "That country," says the author of Madoc, "has now been fully explored; and wherever Madoc may have settled, it is now certain that no Welsh Indians are to be found upon any branches of the Missouri" (Preface, note written in 1815).

Since I wrote the above, I have met with a work, by Mr. George Jones, entitled The History of Ancient America anterior to the Time of Columbus, vol.i.: "The Tyrian Æra." In the second, not yet published, he promise to give "The Introduction of Christianity into the Western Hemisphere by the Apostle St. Thomas." T. Í.

Mistake in Gibbon. - Those of your readers, who are, like myself, occasional verifiers of references, will perhaps thank me for pointing out a false reference, that I have just discovered in one

of Gibbon's notes :

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Havior. The word "havior" is probably of a hybrid character; partly of Anglo-Saxon, and partly of British origin. If so, the first syllable is obvious enough, "half" being generally pronounced as if the liquid were considered an evanescent quantity, "ha'f, heif, hav'," &c., and "iwrch" is the British word for a roe-buck. Dropping the guttural termination, therefore, and writing "ior" instead of "iwrch," we have the significant designation of the animal described by Lord Braybrooke, whose flesh, like that of the capon, may afford a convenient variety among the delicacies of the season, if well cooked according to the recondite mysteries of the gastronomic art. HYPOMAGIRUS.

Trinity College, Oxford, Feb. 14.

N.B. "Heifer" has already been explained as "heif-ker, half-cre," A.-S., "anner," Br.

Haviour, Haver, Hyfr (No. 15. p.230., and No. 17. p. 269.). If I may throw out a question where I cannot give an explanation, I would ask, are we not approaching very near to the word "heifer " (from the Saxon) in these, but especially in the last of the above terms? They seem to me to be identical. The introduction of the sound of y between the sounds of v and ur, is not uncommon in the vernacular or corrupted pronunciation of many words; nay, it is sanctioned by general usage, in "behaviour" from "behave," "Saviour" from "save," &c. If the words are identical, still the history of the appropriation of the one to male animals of the class described, and of the other to females, must be curious and worth investigating. May not the aver and averium, like irreplegibilia and other barbarous law terms, be framed (rather than derived) from one of our English terms, as well as from the French avoir?

G. W.

America known to the Ancients. I have a note of the following references, as illustrating the

passage quoted by "C." (No. 7. p. 107.), and countenancing the idea that the existence of America was at least suspected by the ancients. As I have not had an opportunity of consulting the authorities myself, I cannot tell how far they may affect the point in question; and I fear the references are not as accurate as might be wished, but I shall be truly glad if they prove at all useful: - Diodorus Siculus, Bibl. lib. iv. pp. 299, 300. edit. Rhodoman; Apuleius, De Mund. Oper. vol. ii. p. 122.; Avitus in Senec. Suasor.; Horn, De Origin. Americ. lib. i. c. 10. p. 57.


Error in Meyrick's Ancient Armour (No. 17. p. 266.). - In the second edition of Meyrick's Armour, the error pointed out by Mr. Hudson Turner has not been corrected. The passage is, "Item a gamboised coat with a rough surface of gold embroidered on the nap of the cloth;" and with the note, "Like a thicket."

F. C. B.

Nomade. The last Indian mails brought me the following derivation of the word Nomade, in a letter from a friend, who was, when he wrote, leading a nomade life among the Ryots of Guzerat:


"Camp, Kulpore, Jan. 30. 1850. "The natives use [for their tents] a sort of woollen stuff, about half an inch thick, called 'numbda' By the bye, this word numbda' is said to be the origin of the word nomade, because the nomade tribes used the same material for their tents. When I was at school, I used to learn nomde, from νεμω. MELANION.


A view of the Exhibition of the Works of

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THE COMMITTEE of this Charitable Institution, having frequent applications for assistance from distressed female Musicians, Widows, and relatives of Musicians who have no claim on them, and whose appeals they are most reluctantly compelled to refuse, the funds of this Society being ONLY APPLICABLE TO ITS PROFESSIONAL SUBSCRIBING MEMinvite BERS-fear the advantages are not sufficiently known, and beg to the attention of the Musical Profession to the benefits to be derived from this Society, namely, weekly assistance in sickness, pensions when necessitated. funeral expences, &c.

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R. RICHARDSON on the STUDY of LANGUAGE: an Exposition of Horne Tooke's Diversions of Purley. "The judicious endeavour of a veteran philologist to extend the philosophical study of language by popularising Horne Tooke's 'DiPurley. Dr. Richardson good service to the study

We have received John Petheram's (94. High Holborn) Catologue of Old and New Books, No. 109., being No. 3. for 1850;-from Thomas Cole (15. Great Turnstile, Holborn) his Catalogue of Cheap Books, No. 25.; and from John Russell Smith, (4. Old Compton Street, Soho) Part 2. for 1850 of his Catalogue of Choice, Useful, and Curions Books. We have also received from Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, of 191. Piccadilly, a Catalogue of a Six-Days' Sale of Miscellaneous Books, chiefly Theological and Classical, but comprising also much General Literature, which com- PHOTOGRAPHIC PLEASURES. BY CUTH

mences this day (Saturday).

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Diss. The sanction of the authorities was first duly obtained in the matter to which our correspondent refers. A. G.'s hint will not be lost sight cf.

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NOTES AND QUERIES may be procured of any Bookseller or Newsman if previously ordered. Gentlemen residing in the country, who may find a difficulty in procuring it through any bookseller in the neighbourhood, may be supplied regularly with the stamped edition, by giving their orders direct to the publisher, Mr. GEORGE BELL, 186. Fleet Street, accompanied by a Post Office order, for a quarter (4s. 4d.); a half year (88. 8d.); or one year (178. 4d.) NOTES AND QUERIES may also be procured in Monthly Parts at the end of each month. Part I. price 1s.,

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