Imagens das páginas

53 Sem son of Noah.

54 Noah son of Lamekh.

55 Lamekh son of Manusalakh (Methusalah).

56 Manusalakh son of (Enoch, Gen. v. 21).*

57 Idris son of Mahlalel.

58 Mahlalel son of Anwash (Enosh).

59 Anwash son of Shith (Seth). Idris 60 Shith son of Adam.


There are certainly a good many scriptural names in this genealogy, which, as they are differently pronounced, are not immediately recognised; and others, though different in name, represent the same identical person, as in Scripture: for instance, Hud is acknowledged to be the Heber of Scripture; Idris the Enoch of Scripture. But let us examine those names, in order that people interested in the history of the Jews, may know how far they may justly give credit to the claims of the Affghauns to be of Jewish descent.

In number 1 and 38, we meet with the name of Keis, corresponding with the scriptural name of Kish, (p) 1 Samuel ix. 1, 3, x. 11, 21, 2 Samuel xxi. 14, who was the father of Saul, and corresponds with No. 37, and Kish the son of Gibeon, 1 Chronicles viii. 30; Kish the son of Mahli, 1 Chronicles xxiii. 21, who was of the tribe of Levi, so that he cannot be the Keis son of Ais, who was of the tribe of Judah; and Kish the son of Abdi, in 2 Chronicles xxix. 12, is likewise a Levite. Keis, the son of Ais in No. 1, may perhaps be the Kish, son of Shimei, a Benjamite, mentioned in Esther ii. 5; for, (as the sequel of my investigation will prove) there is a dissention among the Affghauns, whether they were of the tribe of Benjamin, or of the tribe of Judah.

In No. 5, Naim may be the same as Nahum, on the Prophet, i. 1; or Naaman pys in Genesis xlvi. 21, i. e. synonymous in name, though not the same person.

In No. 9, Samaan, the same as Simeon, y occurs only of the son of Jacob in the Bible.

In No. 10, Mahlool, a name still existing among the Jews in Toorkestaun, and is the same as Mahlon, Ruth i. 2.

No. 11, Shallum, frequently occurs in the Bible, and in 1 Chron. ii. 40, Shallum is mentioned of the tribe of Judah, and Shállum, in Ezra x. 42, is described as one who took strange wives. Shelah, nb or b in No. 12, occurs in Genesis xxxviii. 5, and 1 Chron. i. 18.

Ishmuel, in No. 23, is Ishmael, Gen. xi. 12, ↳sype pronounced with the Syriac dialect; it is likewise frequently Samuel, Haroon, in the same number, is known to be synonymous with


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Abiah, in No. 26, occurs in 1 Samuel viii. 2, 1 Chron. ii. 24, iii. 10, vii. 8.

Mandool, in No. 33, is a modern name of the Jews in Poland,

מנחם instead of Menahem

* Idris of the Mohammedans, is the Enoch of Genesis v. 21.

Irmiah, in No. 36, is the same name as Jeremiah, .
Talut, in No. 37, a name given to Saul in the Koran.

Reuel, in No. 41, was the name of the father-in-law of Moses; but there is no son of Judah in Scripture thus called.

The names and genealogy from No. 42 to 47, agree with the names of the Patriarchs given in Genesis, and again from No. 53 to the end.

Keis the son of Ameer, who was, as above mentioned, surnamed by Mohammed, Alrasheed, had 5 chlldren, whose names were, Sherbane, Pathane, (from whom I believe the Affghaun name Pathan ought to be derived,) Karakhshate, Mathane, and Koorane; from these five children, 397 divisions of Affghauns are descended. Sherbane, the first son of Keis, is the father of 105 tribes. Pathane of 25 tribes. Karakhshate of 95 tribes. Mathane of 52 tribes. Koorane of 120 tribes.

Sherbane had 2 sons: Sharakhboon and Kharashboon. Sharakhboon had 5 children: Sheerane, Tareen, Miyana, Barej, Or


Sheerane had 4 sons: Dadam, Dawood, Jalwane, and Barbeal. Dadam had 4 sons: Omar, Sydane, Babor, Myane.

Jalwane had 7 sons; 6 of his own, and one adopted. The adopted son was called Banke Kheyl, now a celebrated tribe of Affghauns.

Omar had 7 children, whose tribe is called Shebrane, who are again divided into Kasb, Yakoob, Thakhtan, Muntakhar, Abulfard, Maheem, Hameem.

Baboor had 2 sons: Anjar and Sanjar.

Sanjar had 5 sons: Masood Kheyl, Khorea Kheyl,* Ibraheem Kheyl, Yakoob Kheyl, Ismael Kheyl.

Tareed had 3 sons: Toor, Sefeen, Awdall.

Toor had 4 sons: Malmoone, Kandare, Seke, Baboo.
Malmoone had 2 sons: Haroon and Ali.

Kandare had 5 sons: Mandoo-Szeye. Mangal-Szeye. Nekhbakhtane. Manasse. Tarlase.

Haroon had 9 children; 7 of his own, and 2 adopted sons: NoorSzeye. Malkea-Szeye. Ismael-Szeye. Bado-Szeye. HydarSzeye. Yakoob-Szeye. Aboo Bekr. The adopted were: Karbela. Sayd-Szeye.

Aboo-Bekr had 4 sons: Ahmad. Haykal. Khan. Harya.
Tor had 2 sons: Kok and Baade.

Sefeen had 4 sons: Wadeer. Soleyman Lagh. Jaam. Oonjee.
Awdal had 3 sons: Baruch-Szeye. Popal-Szeye. Aliko-Szeye.
Barej had 2 sons: Dawood Lagh and Husseyn.

Dawood Lagh had 6 sons: Sheikh Sabed. Malhe-Szeye. Badal-Szeye. Jopan. Shakar-Szeye. Sabooke-Szeye.

Husseyn had 5 sons: Bargande. Soobah Szeye. Ishak-Szeye. Mando-Szeye. Dawood-Szeye, (of whom there are many at Cabool).

* Kheyl signifies Power, and father of a tribe.

Kharashboon had 3 sons: Gand. Jamand. Kaan-Szeye.
Gand had 2 sons: Ghora and Sheyke.

Ghora had 5 sons: Dawlatyaar. Khaleel. Manoo-Szeye. Szeerana. Jawkan.

Dawlatyaar had 2 sons: Moomand, (a very wild and independent tribe of Affghauns, between Cabool and Peshawr.) Daood Szeye.

Moomand had 11 sons: Yakoob. Khalaa. Hassan. Malhe. Omar. Mandoo. Mahyaar. Koke. Moosa. Kheyl. Khaleel. Khaleel, son of Ghor, had 9 sons: Ishak Szeye. Baruk Szeye. Taral Szeye. Mattae Szeye. Noor Szeye. Aboo Szeye. Aka Szeye. Salar Szeye. Daood Szeye of Dawlatyaar.

Daood Szeye of Dawlatyaar had 3 sons: Mahmoon. Youssuf. Mandakee.

Sheikha, son of Gand, had 4 sons: Tarkalane. Gighyane. Omar. Youssuf.

Omar, son of Sheikha, had one son called Mandar; and a daughter of Youssuf, the brother of Omar, married Mandar; and on this account the tribe of Mandar is called Youssuf Szeye.*

Of Youssuf Szeye, two branches came: Youssuf Szeye and Mandar.

Of Youssuf 4 sons came: Elias. Ako. Malhi. Ysa, i. e. Jesus or Joshuah.

Mandar had 4 sons: Manoo Szeye. Khetr Szeye. Rajar Szeye. Masoo Szeye.

Manoo, son of Mandar, had 3 sons: Kamaal Szeye. Othman Szeye.

Ama Szeye.


Otham had 4 sons: Sadoo. Aka. Kakna Szeye. Sadoo had 6 sons: Beh Zaad. Khafar. Omar. Meer Amed. Aba Kheil. Mohammed.

Children of Jamand, son of Kharashboon. Kheishke. Nakbe Szeye. Katane Nookhe.

Jamand had 5 sons:
Mohammed Szeye.

Kheishke, son of Jamand, had 6 sons: Shoreane Salmahak. Gaslane. Khareer Szeye. Omar Szeye. Batak Szeye.

Shoreane, son of Kheishke, had 3 sons: Owatoo Szeye. Hussuyn Szeye. Khalaf Szeye.

Toora had 5 sons: Jonoon. Shehabedeen Szeye. Aref Szeye. Ibraheem Szeye. Ashoo Szeye.

Husseyn, son of Shooreane, had 3 sons: Malhi Szeye. Behdeen Szeye. Shanoo Szeye.

Khalaf, son of Shooreane, had 6 sons: Badhawalad. Ysa-Walad. Moosa-Walad. Ali-Walad. Osman-Walad. Mele-Walad. Beebe (Lady) Mattoo had 3 sons: Ghel Szeye. Ibraheem. Servane.

There is however a doubt whether Servane was the son of Lady or Beebe Mattoo.†

* Szeye is a Bushtoo word, and means son; not every one of the Affghaun Tribes have the addition of the word Szeye.

+ It may perhaps be considered tiresome to my readers, and a

Ghel Szeye had 3 sons: Ibrahim. Toolar. Poolar.
Loode had 3 sons: Nease. Seane. Tootane.
Servane had 3 sons: Soone. Serpal. Bulli.

Kharakhshate had 3 sons: Daane. Babe. Mandoo.

Daane had 4 sons: Kakar (still a respectable tribe among the Affghauns). Nahgar. Davee. Paniye.

Kakar had 23 sons; 17 of his own and 6 adopted ones: Taghrak. Jetram. Szibran. Sanghoose. Khaste. Tamar. Yoonas Kheyl. Arboo Kheyl. Jelal Kheyl. Mikrane. Anaj. Waseen. Sargare. Ghanee. Targharee. Moosa Szeye. Maale. Adopted ones were: Joorme. Beedar. Gargaranoo. Formole. Leenar. Taran.

Toorgharak, son of Kakar, had 4 sons: Sanja. Yoonos Kheyl. Salar Kheyl. Soondal.

Sanjar, had 12 sons: Ali Kheyl. Arboo Kheyl. Seerat. Keyvee. Hyrtan Szeye. Othman Kheyl. Awdal, and other five whose names are not mentioned.

Jatram son of Kakar had 2 sons: Aboo-Bekr and Hassane.
Aboo-Bekr, had 2 sons: Elias and Sanatea.

Elias had 4 sons: Adam. Satam. Omar. Hassane.

Sanatea had 3 sons: Youssuf. Kheibe. Ysa.

Ali, son of Saram, had 4 sons: Sadoo-Szeye, from whom the present Ex-Kings of Affghanistaun and Kamran, King of Heraut descend. Meer-Szeye. Ghore. Hydar-Szeye.

Sibrao, son of Kakar, had 4 sons: Shade Szeye. Ango Szeye. Fatimah Szeye. Ato Szeye.

Sankho Szeye, son of Kakar, had 8 sons: Shade Kheyl. Bajoo Kheyl. Ayoob Kheyl. Tajo Szeye. Mando Szeye. Mema Kheyl. Mema Szeye. Sekandar.

Khaste, son of Kakar, had 7 sons.

Damar had 6 sons.

Waseen, son of Kakar, had 7 sons.

Sergane had 8 sons.

Ghane had 9 sons.
Targharee had 10 sons.

Moosa Szeye had 11 sons.

Mane had 12 sons.

want of taste on my part, thus to introduce the whole genealogy of the Affghauns; but considering, that this is the best manner of shewing the origin of a nation, and that a great analogy is observable between the chronicles of the Eastern nations, and those of the Bible, I thought it worth while to insert it; besides, it is to be observed, that as in the Bible the pedigree is sometimes taken from the woman, so it is the case here with Bebee or Lady Mattoo; as is 2 Sam. iii. 39, viii. 16, and in Isaiah vii. 14, which answers the objection of the Jews against the genealogy of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is, that being from the mother, it did not prove that he was of the house of David. Attai was considered a Jew; though his father was an Egyptian; 1 Chronicles ii. 34, 35. The Affghaun Kings who governed in Hindoostaun, were descendants of Bebee Mattoo.

Yonos had 13 sons.
Sam Kheyl had 12 sons.
Aboo Kheyl had 15 sons.
Jelaal Kheyl had 16 sons.
Makrane had 18 sons.
Anaj had 17 sons.


The Affghauns had 23 Kings, who governed Hindoostaun. Eighteen of them are celebrated, and five are obscure. They governed India 123 years. The following are celebrated. Sheer Shah, he governed India from the frontiers of Bengal to Cabool. Isleem Shah. Sultan Balool. Sultan Sekandar. Ibraheem Shah: these governed the whole of Hindoostaun. Sultan Ali. Sultan Shah. Sultan Ahmed Loghane. Sultan Ahmed Adal. Sultan Mahmood. Sultan Secunder, nephew of Sheer Shah. Sultan Ibraheem II. who died a Martyr. Sultan Behador. Sultan Jelal Addeen. Sultan Mohammed. Sultan Ashraf. Ahmed Sultan. of Bebee (Lady) Mattoo.

Feerooz Shah. Sultan Kaloo.
All these have been descendants


The following historical books are said to give an exact account of the Affghauns. Tawareekh Jehaangeer, Tawareekh Nesaame, Harwee, Teskere Darweiza, Majmooa Alansaab.

My doubts about the Affghauns being descendants of the Jews, are these: they have not the Jewish physiognomy; and the tradition of their being the descendants of the Jews is not general. I have already shewn, that some believe them to be the descendants of the Copts. Their genealogy also is confused; and finally, their language does not resemble the Hebrew.


Taken partly from Affghauns themselves, and partly from Elphinstone's Cabool. This language is commonly called Pushtoo.

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Those words to which the asterisk is affixed, are taken from the


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