Imagens das páginas

the 11th. article, (dead), inftead of (body); in the 12th, and laft article (world to come) inftead of (everlafting).

IT is humbly hoped, that the publication of this will excite fome able pens to correct what is amifs and fupply what is wanting in this well intended Effay to promote the publick-good; and that the candid Reader will there fore forgive its imperfections.

FIN 1 S.

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EDICATION-page, read [Deliverances.] ibid. 1 12, after [Hopes] infert [deriv'd] p. 7. 1. 12, put k for g in thangfgiving]. p. 9. laft 1. read [triumphal]. p. 10. 1. 5, read [victorious]. p. 12. 1. 10. dele [,] p. 16, 1. 14. read [worlds]. p. 21. 1. 34. read [experimentally]. p. 23. l. 19, read [Nations.] p. 24. line 11, put a punctum after [God.] 1. 29, begin the Parenthesis after [life].

p. 20. 1. 22, read [northern], p. 24: 1. 8. dele [Ignat.]. p. 32. 1. 2. read [John xx, xxi.]. p. 33. 1. 33. for [8]; read [viii]. P. 34. l. 17. for ]; put [. p. 36. L. 231 for [21, 22.]* read [xxi. xxii.].

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A BEING poffefs'd of all these faculties, is yet but miferable or imperfect in fome degree or other, unless an orderly harmonious fyftem of life be formed in the due exercise of them all with diffufive Godlike goodness. This is the divine likeness perfective of the divine image. This is that breath of life which God breathed into Adam (in the fpiritual meaning), by which the faculties of his mind, difunited in their exercife, were formed into a living foul as his body formed of Duft, became a tenantable habitation for that foul, whilft the material fign of life appear'd in refpiration or breathing (a fign used by Chrift in giving the Holy-fpirit). This breath of life Adam loft, when expelled from Eden and returned to the Duft whence he was taken, in fpiritual death, by dif-union of his faculties; in natural death, by diffolution of his body.

To render the fyftem of life in the exercise of thefe faculties, perfectly healthful and happy there must be a tri-unity in every clafs of them, and in all the three claffes together.

DISCRIMINATION must be generated of perception, by habitually forming the judgment upon clear perceptions (proportioning the degrees of affent to the degrees of probability in doubtful cases): and operation must proceed from both difcrimination and perception, in conftant orderly harmonious tri-union, never at random,

THE means chofen must be fuch as are fit for the end, and, in that refpect, generated of it and fruition muft proceed from both, namely, from an end capable of fruition, and from the ufe of m fit to obtain the propofed end. Otherwife ful difappointment must follow, endin tinction of the caufal-life, or

in wretched defpair. Hence arifes the neceflity of an habitual constant tri-union in the exercise of the caufal faculties final, medial and fruitive; in order to health and happiness.

IN the moral clafs; knowledge must be generat ed of good inclination-regiminal, and thereby conftitute wisdom in its exercise fubfervient and conformable to goodness: and power-regiminal muft proceed from both, in the habitual exercife of it conformable both to goodness and wisdom.

In the united exercise of all the three claffes: the vital muft freely give the fupreme dominion to the moral, and the middle place to the caufal.

THE natural order of obtaining this perfect fyftematic exercise of all the faculties together in conftant virtuous union; is, by progreffive fteps forming habits, in the manner of exercife, according to divine appointment. This process confifts of seven steps.

THE foundation is laid in fuch a continued exercile of the three moral faculties, as gives them a confirm'd habitual tri-union, Thence the process goes on to a like manner of acquiring a confirm'd habitual tri-union in the exercife of the three caufal or legiflative faculties. Thence, in order, to the tri-union of the three vital or ecutive: to the union of the moral with the , or legitive with loyalty ( é legal vir1 with the vital, or loyalty

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