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augmentation to our wealth, in a single year, of $1,000,000. When we reflect that the great majority of them are ablebodied men and women, accustomed to hard and persevering labor, many to different branches of mechanics, etc., and nearly all possessed of various amounts of capital, the estimated value of each to our State, which we have given, will appear far below the reality. If we estimate each one at $500, we have the large amount of $5,000,000 added to our wealth in a single year, from foreign immigration alone. We must not forget that numbers of foreigners arrived by way of New Orleans, and entered our State on the Mississippi border; besides, great numbers arrived at the lake ports by way of Canada. From the quarterly reports, it would appear that the number of emigrants arriving at New York this year will equal, if not surpass, that of 1854. As we have now lines of steamboats, connecting with the Liverpool steamships at Quebec, there will no doubt be a very large increase this year from that source also.

The following extract from the Report of the Railroad Commissioners of the State of New York, to the Legislature, is à propos :

"The husbandman of Germany may harvest one crop on his native soil, migrate, plant and harvest another within a year, from his prairie farm beyond the Mississippi, meanwhile transferring himself and his family over onefourth of the circumference of the globe.

"The immigration has heretofore been mostly from the crowded fields and cities of Western Europe. In addition to this, we now have a massive migration of the Scandinavian race—not of the pauper and enfeebled classes, but of almost entire communities. with vigor, wealth, and intellect, and with peculiar susceptibilities for assimilation with American habits, seeking a new home, where it can

reproduce its civilization. As the promised land to the Israelite, so seems to them the boundless West, with its genial climate, its fertile soil, and its ready access to the markets of the world."

There is no reason to suppose that the future census of the now uninhabited portions of Wisconsin will not show the same ratio of increase as its past settlement has; and, should such be the case, Wisconsin will, ten years hence, contain a population of over 1,800,000. Its aggregate increase of population, to the present time, from all sources, shows a relative advance far greater than that of any of the Western States. The statistics of emigration show that persons migrating usually seek a similar climate to the one they leave: hence it is that the population of Wisconsin is chiefly composed of immigrants from New England, New York, the northern portions of Pennsylvania and Ohio, and from Great Britain, Germany, and the northern States of Europe; and it is but reasonable to suppose that a large majority of the migrating population of these States and countries will seek a home in Wisconsin.

Should our railroad companies pursue the enlightened and liberal policy of the Illinois Central Railroad, in the management of the grant of public lands recently donated to them by Congress, we shall see a rapid increase of settlements and towns along their route in the northern part of the State, hitherto unsettled and neglected.

But the number of inhabitants in Wisconsin does not exhibit their relative strength and power. Our population are nearly all in the prime of life. You rarely meet a woman past fifty years of age; still more rarely as old a man; and large numbers are too young to have had many children. The Milwaukee American says: ."It is a fact, noticed and remarked by nearly every Eastern visitor

to the West, that no small amount of the business of the West and Northwest is conducted by young men. Go where you will, in every city, town, and village, you will find more youthful countenances, elongated with the cares and anxieties of business pursuits, than those unacquainted with the peculiar circumstances attaching to western life and enterprise could be made to believe. Youth and energy are found conducting and managing our railroads. and our banking institutions. Beardless youngsters are seen behind the desks their desks - of our counting houses, and in our manufactories, mixed up with our commerce, and, in short, taking active parts in every field of business enterprise. A year's experience as a clerk, or an agent for others, gives him an insight into the modus operandi of 'making money,' and his wits are set in motion, and his industrious ingenuity brought to hear in his own behalf, and he desires to 'go into business for himself.' Frequently with a small capital, oftener with none, he engages in some branch of traffic, and in a few years is 'well to do in the world.' Such is the history of many of the young merchants and business men in our State, and we do not believe that a more enterprising, intelligent, and thorough-going business community can be found than that of Wisconsin. Youth, energy, and a laudable ambition to rise in the world, are characteristic elements of the West: they have made her what she now is, and give glorious promise of her future."

In one of our village or town hotels, crowded with moneyed boarders-the merchants, bankers, and chief mechanics of the place - two-thirds of them will be found to be between twenty-five and thirty years of age; their wives, of course, still younger. Our population of 1,000,000 are equal in industrial capacity to at least twice that number either in Europe or in the Atlantic States.

The question is asked by thousands of persons in the older States, What are the natural capabilities and advantages of Wisconsin, which have swelled her population to so large a number, and increased her resources at a rate so far beyond those of any of the new States in so short a time? Our answers to all these inquiries will be arranged under a variety of heads, and we will endeavor to satisfy those desirous of emigrating to, or investing capital in, the West, that the State of Wisconsin presents superior advantages in climate, agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, to those of any State in the Union. Here, no one in health, who is willing to work, need be in want; if the means do not present themselves in one section they do in another. In fact, our wide domain is waiting for those who will come and avail themselves of its proffered wealth and independence.

The most important points in which the climate of Wisconsin differs from that of the Atlantic States may be briefly enumerated as follows:

1st. In its almost entire immunity from spring frosts and summer droughts.

2d. In its salubrity and comparative dryness.

3d. In the uniformity of the temperature of its winters. 4th. In adaptation to the growth of all kinds of grain and other crops.

Wisconsin is universally conceded to be the healthiest of all the Western States. No consideration is, perhaps, more important to those seeking a country suitable for residence and enterprise, than the character of its climate. Health is the first, and comfort the next great object, in selecting a permanent abode. Tested by these qualities, Wisconsin presents prominent inducements. Its atmosphere is drier, more transparent and bracing than those of the other States on the same parallel. Its whole area

is remarkably free from fevers and ague, which are the scourge of Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and part of Iowa.

The latitude of the State is between 42° and 46° 58′, and thus, from geographical position, is not liable to objections existing either north or south. It is a settled fact, that no nation has ever arrived at, or for any period maintained greatness or wealth, unless, in the changes of climate in that nation, winter be found to exist. The latitude of Philadelphia is about 40° north; yet, from position, the vicissitudes of climate are greater than with us. There the winter is somewhat shorter, and apparently concentrated; yet its changes are destructive to comfort and health. New York is liable to similar but greater objections. With every change of wind there the temperature changes - this arises from the contiguity and antagonism of large bodies of land and water—and can never be averted. Our position, approximating the centre of the continent, exempts us from these changes; and this blessing is manifested in general good health and a corresponding physical development. We have no epidemics; no endemics; miasmatic affections, with their countless ills, are unknown here; and the lustre of the languid eye is restored, and the paleness of the faded cheek disappears when brought into our midst.

In spring no late frosts occur; the whole country is clothed, as by magic, in robes of the greenest verdure, and a thousand varieties of wild flowers enamel the hill-sides and prairies. It is one of the loveliest sights in the world to walk out on the prairie as the morning sun, rising behind a distant swell of the plain, glitters upon myriads of dew drops. All nature

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