Imagens das páginas

LEU-CO'SI-A,(11) an island in the Tyrrhene sea.
LEU-CO-SYR'I-1, (4) a people of Asia Minor.
LEU-COTH'O-E, or LEU-CO THE-A, the wife of

Athamas changed into a sea deity.
LEUC TRA, a village of Boeotia.
LEUC TRUM, a town of Laconia.
LEU'CUS, a friend of Ulysses.
LEU-CY-A'NI-AS, a river of Peloponnesus.
LE-VINUS, See Lavinus.

LEU-TYCH I-DES, a king of Sparta.
LEX-O'VI-I, (4) a people of Gaul.

LI-BA NI-US, a noted sophist of Antioch.
LIB'A-NUS, a mountain of Syria.
LIB-EN-TINA, a surname of Venus.
LIBER, a surname of Bacchus.

LIB'E-RA, (20) a name of Proserpine.

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LI-GYR'GUM, a mountain of Arcadia.
LI-LE'A, a town of Achaia.
LIL-Y-BAUM, a promontory of Sicily.
LI-ME'a, a river of Lusitania.
LI-ME NI-A, a town of Cyprus.

LIM NE, a town of the Thracian Chersonesus,
LIM-NE'UM, a temple of Diana at Limnæ.
LIM-NA-TIDI-A, a festival in honour of Diana.
LIM-NIA-CE, the daughter of the Ganges.
LIM-NI-O'TA, the people of Limnæ.
LIM-NO'NI-A, one of the Nereides.
LIMON, a place of Campania.
LI-MO'NUM, a town of Gaul.
LIM-Y'RA, a town of Lycia.
LIN-CA'SI-I, (4) a people of Gaul.

LIB-E-RA LI-A, festivals held in honour of LIN'DUS, a city of Rhodes.

LIN DUM, a colony of Britain; now Lincoln.


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LIN'GO-NES, a people of Gaul.

LIN-TER NA PALUS, a lake of Campania.
LIN-TER NUM, a town of Campania.
LINUS, the most ancient poet of Greece.
LIO-DES, a suitor of Penelope.

LIPA-RA, the largest of the Ionian isles.
LIP'A-RIS, a river of Cilicia.
LIPH LUM, a town of the Equi.

LIB-O-PHŒE-NICES, people who dwelt near LIP-O-DO'RUS, a Greek settler in Asia


LIBRI, (4) a people of Gaul.

LI-BUR NA, a town of Dalmatia.

LI-BUR NI-A, a country of Illyricum.
LI-BUR'NI-DES, an island in the Adriatic.

LI-BURNUM MA'RE, the sea which borders on

the coast of Liburnia.

LI-BUR NUS, a mountain of Campania.
LIBS, the south-west wind.
LIB'Y-A, a name of Africa.

LIB'Y-CUM MA'RE, part of the Mediterranean.
LIB'Y-CUS, and LI-BYS'TIS, epithets of Africa.
LI'BYS, a sailor mentioned in Ovid.
LI-BYS 'SA, a river of Bithynia.
LICA-TES, a people of Vindelicia.
LICHA, a city near Lycia.

LI-CHA'DES, Small islands near Cæneum.
LI CHAS, a servant of Hercules

LICHES, an Arcadian, who found the bones

of Orestes.

LI-CIN'I-A, the wife of C. Gracchus.

LI-CIN'I-US, a tribune of the people.

LI-QUEN TI-A, a river of Gaul.
LIR-CAUS, a fountain near Nemæa.
LI-RIO-PE, one of the Oceanides.
LIRIS, a river of Campania.
LI-SIN I-AS, a town of Thessaly.
LIS'SON, a river of Sicily.
LIS'sus, a town of Macedonia.
LISTA, a town of the Sabines.
LITA-BRUM, a town of Spain.
LIT'A-NA, a wood of Gaul.

LI-TAV'I-CUS, one of the Ædui, who sent

troops to Cæsar.

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LIV-1-NE 1-US, a friend of Pompey.
LI-VILLA, a daughter of Drusus.

LI-CINUS, a freedman of Augustus, raised LI'vI-US, (Lívy, Eng.) a celebrated Roman

from the rank of a barber to the dignity of a senator.

LI-CYM'NI-US, a son of Electryon.
LI'DE, (18) a mountain of Caria.

LI-GA RI-US, a Roman proconsul of Africa.
LI-GE'A, one of the Nereides.

LIGER, a Rutulian killed by Æneas.
LIGER, or LIG'E-RIS, a large river of Gaul;

now the Loire.

LIG'O-RAS, an officer of Antiochus.
LIG'U-RES, the inhabitants of Liguria.
LI-GU RI-A, a country on the west of Italy.
LIG-U-RINUS, a beautiful youth mentioned
by Horace.

LIGUS, (18) an Alpine woman.

LI-GUS TI-CUM MA'RE, the gulf of Genoa.
LIG'Y-ES, a people of Asia.


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LON-DINUM, (LONDON, Eng.) the capital of | LU'NA, (7) the Moon: daughter of Hyperion


LON-GA-RE NUS, a man who seduced Fausta. LON-GIM A-NUS, a surname of Artaxerxes.

LON-GINUS, a celebrated Greek philosopher

and critic of Athens.

LON-GO-BAR DI, a nation of Germany.
LON CU-LA, a town of Latium.
LON-GUNTI-CA, a city of Spain.

and Terra.

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This word is so little interwoven with our language, that it ought to have its true Latin accent on the penultimate syllable. But wherever the antepenultimate accent is adopted in verse, as in Shakspeare's Julius Caesar,

LON GUS, a Roman consul; also a Greek where Antony says,

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Lo'us, or A'o-us, a river of Macedonia.
LU'A, (7) a goddess at Rome.

LU CA, a city of Etruria.

LU'CA-GUS, (20) a friend of Turnus.
LU-CA'NI, (3) a people of Italy.

LU-CA NI-A, a country of Italy.

LU-CA NI-US, a centurion in Cæsar's army. LU-CA NUS, (LUCAN, Eng.) a celebrated poet

of Rome, born at Corduba, in Spain. LU-CA'RI-A, or LU-CE'RI-A, festivals at Rome. LUC-CE'I-US, a Roman historian. LUCE-RES, a body of horse, composed of

Roman knights.

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You all did see that on the Lupercal

I thrice presented him a kingly crownwe ought to preserve it -Mr. Barry, the actor, who was informed by some scholar of the Latin pronunciation of this word, adopted it in this place, and pronounced it Luper'cal, which grated every ear that heard him. LU-PER-CA'LI-A, a festival at Rome in honour

of Pan.

LU-PER CI, (3) priests at the Lupercalia.
LU-PER CUS, a grammarian of the reign of

LU'PI-AS, or LU'PI-A, a town of Germany.
Lu'PUs, a general under Severus.
LU-SI-TA'NI-A, part of ancient Spain; now

LUS TRI-CUS, a Roman poet.
LU-SO'NES, a people of Spain.

LU-TA'TI-US, a Roman, who closed the temple of Janus, when peace was proclaimed with Carthage.

LU-TE RI-US, a general of the Gauls.
LU-TE TI-A, (10) a town of Belgic Gaul.
LU-TO'RI-US, a Roman knight.
LY-E'Us, a surname of Bacchus.
LY'BAS, a companion of Ulysses.
LYB'Y-A, or LY-BIS'SA, a village of Bithynia.
LYC ́A-BAS, an Etrurian, changed into a


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LU-CINA, a goddess, daughter of Jupiter and LY-CA'UM, a place in Attica, where Aristotle

Juno, presiding over childbirth.

Lu'cI-A, a daughter of Cato.

Labbe cries out loudly against those who accent this word on the penultimate, which, as a Latin word, ought to have the accent on the antepenultimate syllable. If once, says he, we break through rules, why should we not pronounce Ammia, Anastatia, Cecilia, Leocadia, Natalia, &c. with the accent on the penultimate, likewise? -This ought to be a warning against our pronouncing the West India island St. Lucia as we sometimes hear

it-St. Luci'a.

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taught philosophy.

LY-CA'US, a mountain of Arcadia.
LY-CAM'BES, the father of Neobule.
LY-CA'ON, the first king of Arcadia.
LYC-A-O'NI-A, a country of Asia.
LY'CAS, a priest of Apollo.
LY-CAS'TE, an ancient town of Crete.
LY-CAS TUM, a town of Cappadocia.
LY-CAS'TUS, a son of Minos I.
LY'CE, (8) one of the Amazons.
Ly'CES, a town of Macedonia.
LY-CEUM, see Lycæum.

LYCH-NIDUS, a city and lake in Illyricum.
LYC'I-A, (10) a country of Asia Minor.
LYC'I-DAS, a Centaur, killed by the Lapithæ.
LY-CIM NA, a town of Peloponnesus.
LY-CIM NI-A, a slave, mother of Helenor.
LY-CIS CUs, an Athenian archon.
Lyc'I-Us, (10) a son of Hercules.
LYC-O-ME'DES, (20) a king of Scyros.
LY'CON, a philosopher of Troas.
Ly-co'NE, (8) a city of Thrace.
LYCO-PHRON, a son of Periander, king of


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LY-CO-RE'A, a town of Phocis.
LY-CO-REUS, the founder of Lycorea.
LY-CO'RI-AS, one of the attendants of the
nymph Cyrene.

LY-CO'RIS, one of the mistresses of Marc


LY-COR MAS, a river of Etolia.
LY-COR TAS, the father of Polybius.
LYC-O-SURA, a city in Arcadia.
LYCTUS, a town of Crete.

LY-CUR GI-DES, annual days of solemnity, held in honour of Lycurgus.

LY-CUR'GUS, a celebrated lawgiver of Sparta.
LY'cus, a king of Boeotia.

LY'DE, (8) the wife of the poet Antimachus.
LYD'I-A, a large kingdom of Asia Minor.
LYD'I-AS, a river of Macedonia.
LYD'I-US, a name of the river Tiber.
LY'DUS, a king of Mæonia.

LYG'DA-MIS, or LYG'DA-MUS, a Cimmerian general.

LYG'I-1, (4) a nation of Germany.
LY-GO-DES MA, a surname of Diana.
LY GUS, see Ligus.

LY-MIRE, a town of Lycia.
LY MAX, a river of Arcadia.

LYN-CES TA, a noble family of Macedon.
LYN-CES TES, a son of Amyntas.

LYN-CES TI-US, a river of Macedonia.

LYN-CE US, one of the Argonauts.

LYN'CEUS, the husband of Hypermnestra.

LYN-CIDES, a courtier of Cepheus.

of Scythia.

LYR'CA, a people of Scythia.


MA'CE, a people of Arabia Felix.
MA'CAR, a son of Criasius.

MA-CA RI-A, a daughter of Hercules and

MAC A-RIS, an ancient name of Crete.
MA-CED'NUS, a son of Lycaon.
MAC'E-DO, a son of Osiris.

MAC-E-DO NI-A, a celebrated country, situated

between Thrace, Epirus, and Greece. MAC-E-DON I-CUs, (30) a surname of Metellus. MA-CELLA, a town of Sicily.

MACER E-MYLI-US, a Latin poet of Verona.
MA-CHA RA, a river of Africa.
MA-CHAN'I-DAS, a governor of Sparta.
MA-CHA ON, a celebrated physician of Mes-


MACRA, a river flowing from the Apennines. MAC-RI-A NUS, an Egyptian of obscure birth, who rose to be a general.

MA-CRINUS, (M.) a Roman emperor.
MA'CRO, a favourite of Tiberius.
MA-CRO BI-1, (4) a people of Æthiopia.
MA-CRO BI-US, a Latin writer.

MAC'RO-CHIR, a Greek name of Artaxerxes.
MA-CRONES, a nation of Pontus.

MAC-TO'RI-UM, a town of Sicily.

MAC-U-LO'NUS, a rich and miserly Roman. MA-DAU RA, a town on the borders of Nu


MA-DES'TES, a town of Thrace.

MA-DETES, a general of Darius.

LYN'CUS, LYN-CEUs, or LYNX, a cruel king MA-DU-A'TE-NI, a people of Thrace.

LYR-CE US, a mountain of Arcadia.

LYR-CE'A, a town of Peloponnesus.


a king of Caunus.

LYR-NES SUS, a city of Cilicia.

LY-SAN DER, a celebrated Spartan general.
LY-SAN DRA, a daughter of Ptolemy.
LY-SA NI-AS, a tetrarch of Abilene.
LY'SE, (8) a daughter of Thespius.
LY-SIA-DES, an Athenian archon.
LYS-I-A-NAS SA, one of the Nereides.
LY-SI ́A-NAX, a king of Iturea.
LYS'I-AS, (11) a celebrated orator.
LYS'I-CLES, an Athenian officer.
LY-SID'I-CE, a daughter of Pelops.
LY-SIM A-CHE, a daughter of Priam.

LYS-1-MA CHI-A, a city of Thrace.

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LY-SIM A-CHUS, a celebrated general of Alex-MA'O-NIS, an epithet given to Omphale.


LYS-I-ME LI-A, a marsh near Syracuse. LY-SINO-E, (8) a city of Asia.

LY-SIP PE, a daughter of Proetus.

LY-SIP'PUS, a famous statuary of Sicyon.
LY'SIS, a Pythagorean philosopher.
LY-SIS TRA-TUS, an Athenian parasite.
LY-SITH O-US, a son of Priam.
Ly'so, a friend of Cicero.
LYS TRA, a town of Laconia.
LY-TEA, a daughter of Hyacinthus.
LY-ZA NI-AS, a king of Chalcis.

MA-O'TE, a people of Sarmatia.

ME-O'TIS PA'LUS, a large lake; now the sea of Azoph.

MESI-A SYLVA, (11) a wood in Etruria.
MA'VI-A, an immodest woman.

ME'VI-US, an inferior poet of the Augustan

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MAG-ON-TI A-CUM, a city of Germany; now MAN-TI-NE'US, the father of Ocalea.

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MAN TI-US, (10) a son of Melampus.

MAN TO, a daughter of the prophet Tiresias.
MAN TU-A, a town of Italy.
Mer-MAR-A-CAN'DA, a town of Sogdiana.
MAR A-THA, a village of Arcadia.
MAR'A-THON, a village of Attica, famed for a

MA-JES TAS, a goddess of the Romans.
MA-JOR CA, a large island in the Mediter-

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MAL'HO, OF MA'THO, a Carthaginian general.
MA LI-A, a city of Phthiotis.
MALI-I, (4) a people of Mesopotamia.
MALIS, a servant maid of Omphale.
MAL LE-A, or MAL'LI-A, see Malia.
MAL'LI-US, a Roman consul.

MAL-LO-PHO'RA, a surname of Ceres.
MALLOS, a town of Cilicia.

MAL' THI-NUS, a name used by Horace.
MA-MA'US, a river of Peloponnesus.
MA-MER CUS, a tyrant of Catana.
MA-MER THES, a Corinthian, who killed his


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victory gained by the Athenians over the Persians.

Roman historian.

MAR'A-THOS, a town of Phoenicia.
MAR-CELLA, a daughter of Octavia.
MAR-CEL-LI NUS AM-MI-A'NUS, a celebrated
MAR-CELLUS, a famous Roman general.
MAR'CI-A, (10) the wife of Regulus.
MAR-CI-A'NA, a sister of the emperor Trajan.
MAR-CI-A-NOP'O-LIS, the capital of Lower

Moesia, in Greece.

MAR-CI-A NUS, (10) a Roman emperor.

MAR CI-US SA-BINUS, the progenitor of the Marcian family at Rome.

MAR-CO-MAN NI, a people of Germany.
MARCUS, a name common to many Romans.
MAR'DI, (3) a people of Persia.

MAR DI-A, a place in Thrace.
MAR-DO'NI-US, a general of Xerxes.
MAR DUS, a river of Media.
MAR-E-O'TIS, a lake in Egypt.

MAR-GINI-A, and MAR-GI-A'NI-A, a town

near the river Oxus.

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MAR MA-CUS, the father of Pythagoras.
MAR-MA-REN'SES, a people of Lycia.
MAR-MAR'I-CA, a part of Libya.

MAR-MAR'I-DE, the inhabitants of Marmarica.
MAR-MA'RI-ON, a town of Euboea.

MA'RO, (1) see Virgilius.

MAR-O-BOD'U-I, (3) a nation of Germany.
MA'RON, a high-priest of Apollo in Africa.
MAR-O-NE'A, a city of the Cicones.
MAR-PE'SI-A, (10) a queen of the Amazons.
MAR-PES'SA, a daughter of the Evenus.
MAR-PE SUS, a town of Mysia.
MAR RES, a king of Egypt.

MAR-RU-CI NI, a people of Picenum.

MAR-RU VI-UM, or MAR-RU BI-UM, a place in
Italy; now San Benedetto.

MARS, the god of war.
MAR'SA-LA, a town of Sicily.

[ocr errors]

MAR-SE US, a Roman ridiculed by Horace.
MAR'SE, (8) a daughter of Thespius.
MAR'SI, (3) a nation of Germany.
MAR-SIG NI, (3) a people of Germany.
MAR-SY'A-BA, a town of Arabia.
MAR'SY-AS, a celebrated piper.

MARTHA, a prophetess of Syria.
MARTI-A, (10) a daughter of Cato.

MAR-TI-A LIS, (MAR'TI-AL, Eng.) a poet of
Rome, born at Bilbilis, in Spain.

MAR-TI-A NUS, see Marcianus.
MAR-TI NA, a female herbalist.

MAR-TIN-I-A NUs, an officer of Rome.

MAXIMUS, a native of Spain, who proclaimed himself emperor of Rome.

MAZ'A-CA, a city of Cappadocia.

MA-ZA CES, a Persian governor of Memphis.
MA-ZE US, a satrap of Cilicia.

MA-ZA RES, a satrap of Media.
MAZ'E-RAS, a river of Hyrcania.
MA-ZI CES and MA-ZY'GES, a people of Libya.
ME-CHA NE-US, a surname of Jupiter.
ME-CENAS, or MECE NAS, a celebrated,
learned, Roman knight.

ME-CIS'TE-US, a son of Echius.

MEC RI-DA, the wife of Lysimachus.
ME-DEA, a noted magician, daughter of
Eetes, king of Colchis.

ME-DES-I-CAS'TE, (8) a daughter of Priam.
MEDI-A, (7) a large country of Asia.
MEDI-AS, a tyrant of Mysia.

MEDI-CUS, a prince of Larissa.

ME-DI-O-LA NUM, the capital of Isubria; now


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MED-O-BITH Y-NI, a people of Thrace.

MARTI-US, (10) a surname of Jupiter in ME-DOB'RI-GA, a town of Lusitania.


MA-RUL LUS, a tribune of the people.
MAS-E-SYL'I-I, (4) a people of Libya.
MAS-I-NIS'SA, an African prince.

MASSA, an informer at the court of Domitian.
MAS'SA-GA, a town of India.
MAS-SAGE-TE, a people of Scythia.
MAS-SA'NA, (7) see Messana.

MAS-SA'NI, (3) a nation of India.

MAS'SI-CUS, a mountain of Campania.
MAS-SILI-A, (7) a town of Gaul.
MAS-SY LA, a part of Mauritania.
MA-SURI-US, a Roman knight.
MATHO, a parasite of Domitian.
MA-TI-ENI, a people near Armenia.
MA-TINUS, a mountain of Apulia.
MA-TIS CO, a town of the Ædui.
MA-TRA LI-A, a festival at Rome.
MA-TRO NA, a river of Gaul.

MAT-RO-NA LI-A, festivals at Rome.
MAT-TI A-CI, (3) a nation of Germany.
MA-TUTA, a deity among the Romans.
MA'VORS, a name of Mars.

MA-VOR TI-A, (10) an epithet applied to all

warlike nations.

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MAU RUS, a governor of Syene.
MAU-RU SI-A, the same as Mauritania.
MAU-RU ́SI-I, (4) (11) the people of Maurusia.
MAU-SO'LUS, a king of Caria.

MAX-EN TI-US, (10) a Roman emperor.
MAX-IM-I-A NUS, a noted Roman general.
MAX-I-MIL-I-A'NA, a vestal virgin.

ME DON, the first archon who was invested
with regal authority at Athens.

ME-DON'TI-AS, (10) the mistress of Alcibiades.
MED-UL-LI ́NA, a Roman virgin.
MED-U-A'NA, a river of Gaul.
ME DUS, a river of Media.

ME-DU'SA, one of the Gorgons.

ME-GAB'I-ZI, priests in Diana's temple at

MEG-A-BY ZUS, a noble Persian, commander
of an army under Darius.

ME-GA'CLES, an Athenian archon.

ME-GACLI-DES, a peripatetic philosopher.
ME-GARA, one of the Furies.

ME-GA LE, the Greek name for Cybele.
ME-GA LE-AS, a Corinthian, who was seized
for his treachery to Philip, and destroyed himself, to
escape punishment.

MEG-A-LE SI-A, (11) games in honour of

ME-GA LI-A, an island of Campania.
MEG-A-LOP'O-LIS, a town of Arcadia.
MEG-A-ME'DE, (8) the wife of Thestius.
MEG-A-NIRA, the wife of Celeus.
MEG-A-PEN THES, a son of Menelaus.
MEG A-RA, a princess of Thebes; also a city

of Achaia.

Gouldman, and Holyoke, by adopting the antepenultimate I have in this word followed Labbe, Ainsworth, accent, in opposition to Lempriere, who accents the penultimate syllable.

MEG'A-REUS, a son of Apollo.

when a noun substantive; but Ainsworth marks it as a
Labbe pronounces this word in four syllables,
trisyllable, when a proper name; and in my opinion
incorrectly.[Ainsworth is right. See Ovid Met, x. 606.
-Edit.]-See Idomeneus.

MEGA-RIS, a small country of Achaia.
ME-GAR SUS, a town of Sicily.

MAX-I-MINUS, (MAX'I-MIN, Eng.) a cruel ME-GAS THE-NES, a Greek historian.

tyrant of Rome.

MEGES, one of Helen's suitors.

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