Imagens das páginas

ble, and after reasonable notice, proceed to sell the same upon such terms as they may deem best for the interest of the Proceeds of county, and contract for the building of a suitable courthouse, ale how applied jail, and such offices as may be necessary at said new county seat, and shall, within six months after such re-location, give notice sigued by the clerk of said court that within thirty days thereafter all the books, offices, and records of said county will be removed to said new town.

if no location

SEC. 5. If at the said second election there should not be a Second elecmajority of all the votes given in favor of any particular place, tion to be held it shall be the duty of the clerk of the county commissioners' is fixed upon court forthwith to advertise for another election, to be held at first elecwithin thirty days thereafter; at which election the votes shall tion be given only for the two places having the highest number of votes at the previous election, and so soon as the result of said election shall be ascertained the county commissioners shall proceed as provided in the fourth section of this act.

SEC. 6. It shall be lawful for the county commissioners of Lots how sold said county to lay off the whole of the land which may be do- and laid off nated for such county seat into town lots, if they think best, or dispose of a part as out-lots of one acre or more, or they may reserve from immediate sale such part of said town or out-lots, or land, until it may be to the interest of the county to sell the same.

SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the county commissioners' Com'rs court court to cause special entries to be made of record of the re- to record result of said elections, and file and preserve said returns and sults of said poll books for inspection.


SEC. 8. If any person shall be of the opinion that illegal Election may votes have been given for the removal or re-location of said be contested seat of justice, it shall be lawful to contest the same by giving fifteen days previous notice, by public advertisement in six of the most public places in the county, stating the names of all persons suspected to have given illegal votes, and also, the name of the magistrate before whom depositions will be taken; and the county commissioners shall open and examine said depositions when setting as a court, and determine whether the result of said election would be changed by the rejection of illegal votes proved to have been given, from whose judgment an appeal may be taken to the circuit court of said county, who shall hear and determine the saine, from whose decision there shall be no further appeal.

APPROVED, February 24th, 1843.

AN ACT in relation to the county seat of Jackson county.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That Samuel T. Russell, of Williamson county, William C. Murphy, of Perry county, and

In force.

Feb. 24, 1843.

Com'rs appointed to reJocate co.


When and

John Cochran, of Union county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to re-locate the county seat of Jackson county.

SEC. 2. Said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall where to meet meet in the town of Brownsville, on the second Monday in August next, or within a reasonable time thereafter, and after being duly sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties, shall proceed to examine such parts of said county as they may think proper, to enable them to locate said county seat for the public good; the commissioners shall make said location as near the centre of said county as an eligible site can be procured, taking into consideration the public interest. The commissioners shall make out and return to the clerk of the county commissioners' court a certificate of the re-location of said county seat, which shall be recorded by the clerk.

Donation to

SEC. 3. If the location of the county seat shall be made on be made if lo- private property, the owner shall be required to donate a tract of cated on pri-land, not less than twenty acres, which shall include the town vate property site selected by said commissioners, and shall convey the same by a good deed to the county of Jackson.

Land to be laid off into

SEC. 4. The county commissioners of Jackson county, as soon as the county seat is located under the provisions of this act, lots and sold shall proceed to lay off into lots and sell so much of the said tract of land as may seem to them best for the interest of said county, which shall be sold at public auction, after having given due notice of the time and place of said sale. The proProceeds of ceeds of the sale to be applied, under the direction of the county commissioners, to the erection of public buildings for said county.

sale how ap


Co. offices to

to co. seat

SEC. 5. After the county scat shall have been located, as be removed provided for in this act, the county officers of Jackson county who are required by law to keep their offices at the county seat, as soon as they can procure suitable places for keeping their offices, shall move the same to the county seat so located.

Public property in Brownsville to be sold

Court house

SEC. 6. On the removal of said county seat, the county commissioners of Jackson county shall give public notice, and proceed to sell to the best bidder all the public property owned by the county in the town of Brownsville, and the proceeds of all such sales shall be applied to the erection of public buildings, under the direction of the county commissioners, at the county seat, when located under the provisions of this act; Provided, that they may retain the jail until they shall think it necessary to build a jail at the county seat when located.

SEC. 7. The county commissioners shall, immediately on the & other pub- location of the county seat, proceed to cause to be erected at lic buildings the county seat, a suitable court house, and other necessary buildings for public uses, which shall be prosecuted with all reasonable diligence.

to be erected

SEC. 8. The commissioners appointed by this act to re-locate

tion to com❜rs

the county seat of Jackson county, shall be allowed a reason-Compensaable compensation for their services, to be paid out of the treasury of Jackson county.

the same to

SEC. 9. If the county seat shall be located on public land, the If located on commissioners shall inform the county commissioners thereof, public land who shall immediately procure the purchase of said land for be purchased the county, upon which they shall cause a town to be laid off, by county and the lots sold, the proceeds of which shall be applied to the erection of public buildings.


SEC. 10. That at an election to be held in the county of Election to Jackson, on the first Monday in August, the judges of said be held for or election in the several precincts shall open a column in their against remopoll books, in which they shall be required to record all the votes of the legal voters of said county, for or against the removal of said county seat, and return the same to the clerk of the county commissioners' court, who shall, in the presence of two justices of the peace, open and examine the same, and if there shall be a majority of the voters in favor of the removal of the said county seat, this act to be in full force and virtue, and if a majority of the voters of said county be opposed to the removal of said county seat, this act to be null and void.

APPROVED, February 24th, 1843.

AN ACT to provide for the permanent location of the county seat of Win- In force, nebago county.

Feb. 25, 1843.


WHEREAS, a majority of the voters of Winnebago county have in pursuance of an act of the Legislature, entitled "an act to re-locate the county seat of Winnebago county," approved March second, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, voted for the permanent location of the county seat of said county at Rockford, in said county; and whereas, doubts have arisen as to the construction of said act; therefore, SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, Co. seat of represented in the General Assembly, That the county seat of Winnebago Winnebago county is, and it is hereby declared to be, perma- ed at Rocknently located and established at Rockford, in said county. ford APPROVED, February 25th, 1843.

co. establish

AN ACT to permanently locate the seat of justice of the county of


In force,

Feb. 28, 1843.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, Com'rs to lorepresented in the General Assembly, That G. W. Harrison, of cate co. seat shua Harper, of Henry county, Leonard of Whiteside , John McDonald, of Jo Daviess county, co. appointed the county of Mercer, be and they are

Jo Daviess C

Andrus, and R.

When and

hereby appointed commissioners to locate the county seat of Whiteside county.

SEC. 2. Said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall where to meet meet at the town of Albany, in said county of Whiteside, on the first Monday of May next, or within thirty days thereafter, and after being duly sworn to locate said county scat at the place which will most conduce to the public good of said county, shall proceed to examine such parts of said county as they may think proper, to enable them [to] locate said county seat for the public good; and when said commissioners, or a maTo make re- jority of them, shall have made such location, they shall make port to com'rs out and return to the clerk of the county commissioners' court court of said of said county, a certificate of such location; which shall be



Co. seat laid

lots & sold

recorded by the clerk of the county commissioners' court in his office; Provided, said commissioners shall in no case locate said county seat at any place where a donation of land of not less than eighty acres upon which to locate said seat of justice can be secured to the county for county purposes.

SEC. 3. If said county seat shall be located at a place where off into town no town has heretofore been laid off, it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of said county, to cause the same to [be] laid off into town lots, and the plat thereof recorded according to law, and shall thereupon proceed to sell at private or public sale such portions of said town lots, and at such times and on such terms as they may deem calculated to produce the greatest amount of money, and be conducive to the best interest of the county.

Com'rs shall

build public buildings

Com'rs may


SEC. 4. The county commissioners of said county shall, as soon as convenient after the location of said county seat, cause to be erected at said county seat a suitable court house and other necessary buildings for public uses, and all the public officers of said county, who by law are required to keep their offices at the county seat, shall, so soon as they can procure suitable places for keeping their offices, remove the same to the county seat so located.

SEC. 5. The commissioners appointed by this act to locate locate c. seat the seat of justice aforesaid, may locate the same at any town at any town already laid out in said county, if in their judgment it is suitaalready laid ble for said county seat; Provided, the proprietors of said town, or persons interested therein, will secure to the county such doDonation in nations as have been heretofore offered by said towns respectively, for the location of the county seat of said county under the act entitled "an act to locate the county seat of Whiteside county, and provide for the election of county officers," approved February 21st, 1839.

such case


SEC. 6. The commissioners appointed by this act to locate the county seat shall each be paid the sum of three dollars. per day out of the county treasury of said county, for each day they may be employed in making said location. APPROVED, February 28th, 1843.

AN ACT permanently to locate the county seat of Woodford county.

In force,

Feb. 28. 1843,

of Woodford

SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That James K. Scott, of Com'rs to loDe Witt county, Joseph L. Sharp, of Fulton county, and John cate co. seat H. Harris, of Tazewell county, be and they are hereby ap-county pointed commissioners, whose duty it shall be to locate a permanent seat of justice in and for the county of Woodford.

SEC. 2. The said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall Com❜rs to meet at the present county seat of said county, on the first meet and proMonday of June, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty- ceed to locate three, who, after being duly sworn by some justice of the peace of Woodford county, faithfully to take into consideration the geographical boundaries of the county, the conve-. nience of the inhabitants, the settlements that are or hereafter may be made, the eligibility of situations, and such other rights as they may think proper, shall proceed to fix upon a place for the permanent location of the county seat for said county of Woodford.

SEC. 3. The said commissioners, or a majority of them, are May locate hereby authorized to locate said county seat in any town now same in any town laid off laid off into lots; Provided, that the proprietor or proprietors thereof shall donate, and with covenants of general warranty to said county of Woodford, lots of an equal value to fifteen hundred dollars in cash.

SEC. 3. If said commissioners shall locate said seat of jus- Donation to tice upon private property not laid out into town lots, they be made if shall ask and receive from the proprietor or proprietors a do- private proplocated on nation in land or money equal to fifteen hundred dollars; if the erty donation be in land the title to be secured by deed to said


SEC. 5. If the county seat shall be located upon public If located on land, the county commissioners of Woodford county shall pro- public land ceed to procure money by loan or otherwise and enter the the same to be entered by the land for said county, upon which said location shall have been county made. Said entry shall not exceed one quarter section.

com'rs court

SEC. 6. When said commissioners, or a majority of them, To make reshall have agreed upon a place for the county seat as herein port to co provided, they shall make report thereof under their hands, of Woodford describing particularly the place so selected to the county county commissioners' court of said county of Woodford, who, at their next term, shall cause the same to be entered upon the records of said court, and the place so selected shall be and remain the permanent seat of justice for said county of Woodford.

[ocr errors]

SEC. 7. The proceeds of all donations granted to said coun Proceeds of ty, under the provisions of this act, shall be faithfully applied donation how applied to the erection of public buildings in said county under the direction of the county commissioners. Said commissioners, are hereby authorized to make conveyances to any person who may become the purchaser of any property sold to raise money for the erection of public buildings in the county in

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