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The Speaker laid before the House a communication from C. Latham Sholes relative to printing.

Read and laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Darling,

The report of the select committee to which was referred the Governor's message, was taken up, when

On motion of Mr. Darling,

The report was unanimously amended, by striking out in the last line of the first page, after the word "from," all to the word "clerk," inclusive, and inserting the words "the peculiar am. biguity of the language used by the Executive."

The question then recurred on the motion of Mr. Palmer, to receive the report and discharge the committee, which was put and agreed to.

Mr. Judson moved that the report be adopted.

Which was determined in the negative.

And the ayes and noes being called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are

Messrs. Capron, Darling, Judson, Olin, Palmer, Parsons, Tripp, Trowbridge, Van Vleet, Walker, and Ellis, (Speaker.)


Those who voted in the negative, are.

Messrs. Bartlett, Crossman, Elmore, Hamilton, Hicks, Hopkins, Hunkins, Long, Manahan, Masters, Mceker, Platt, Price and Thompson-14.

Mr. Darling moved that 300 copies of the message be printed. Mr. Hopkins moved to amend the motion by striking out 300 and inserting 500 in lieu thereof.

Mr. Hunkins moved to amend the amendment by striking out 500, and insert "one copy."

Mr. Hamilton called for a division of the question.

The Speaker decided the question not to be divisable.

The question was then taken on the motion of Mr. Hunkins, to strike out 500, and insert "one copy," and was disagreed to.

The amendment to strike out 300, and insert 500, having been withdrawn, the question recurred upon the original motion, and being put, it passed in the affirmative.

Mr. Elmore offered the following preamble and resolutions, viz:

Whereas, His Excellency the Governor, in his message sent to the House, on Monday last, stated "being informed by your committee that the two Houses are now convened for the pur. pose of holding a special session," and

Whereas, The members of said committee have distinctly said in their places that no such communication has been made to the Governor, and

Whereas, The committee communicated to the Governor, the language used in the following resolution, and nothing more nor less, to wit: that the committee informed the Governor "that quorums of the two Houses have assembled and that they are now ready to receive any communication he may please to make to them." Therefore be it

Resolved, That the statement made by the Governor of his "being informed by your committee that the two Houses are now convened for the purpose of holding a special session," is wholly unwarranted and without excuse.

Resolved, That the message of the Governor be prefaced with the foregoing preamble and resolution.

Mr. Darling moved that the preamble and resolutions be indefinitely postponed, and the question being put, it was determ ined in the affirmative.

And the ayes and noes being called for

Those who voted in the affirmative, are

Messrs. Bartlett, Darling, Hamilton, Hicks, Hopkins, Judson, Olin, Palmer, Thompson, Tripp, Trowbridge, Van Vleet, Walker and Ellis (Speaker.)-14.

Those who voted in the negative, are

Messrs. Crossman, Elmore, Hunkins, Long, Manahan, Masters, Meeker, Platt, Parsons, and Price-10. And then the House adjourned.

Thursday, March 9, 1843.

Mr. Darling offered the following resolution, viz: Resolved, That the hour of meeting of this House each day, shall be at 9 o'clock, A. M. until otherwise ordered,

Which in accordance with a standing rule was ordered to lie over for one day.

Mr. Elmore gave notice of his intention on some future day to ask leave to bring in a bill to legalize certain acts of Lyman Crossman, as a justice of the peace for the county of Sauk.

Mr. Manahan gave notice of his intention on some future day, to ask leave to introduce bills, as follows, viz:

"A bill for the relief of Robert D. Lester, Sheriff of Craw. ford county."

"A bill to exempt from execution the horse, saddle, and bri. dle of a resident physician."

Mr. Hamilton, from the joint committee to which the subject

was referred, made the following report, which was ordered to lie on the table, to wit:

The joint committee appointed to revise the joint rules, re port the rules of the last session, with certain amendments, to


"Strike out all in the first rule to the word "such," in the fourth line, and insert,

“In all cases of disagreement between the two Houses, if ei. ther House shall request a conference and appoint a committee for that purpose, the other House shall appoint a similar committee." And

Add, as an additional section, to be called the 15th,

Sec. 15th. When a bill, resolution, or, memorial, shall have passed either House, which requires the concurrence of the other, it shall be transmitted to said House without the necessity of entering an order on the journal of the House in which it pass. ed; requesting the concurrence of the other House.

Change 15th section to 16th section.

Insert in place of the 16th section, rule the 17th, the follow. ing:

17th. The committee of each House on Territorial expendi tures, on enrolled bills, on Legislative expenditures shall act jointly.

Mr. Hamilton, from the select committee to whom the subject was referred, made the following report, which was adop ted,

The select committee, appointed to revise the rules of the House, beg leave to report, as follows:

Strike out rule 2d, and insert in lieu :

11. Any member may make a call of the House and require absent members to be sent for; but a call of the House cannot be made after the voting has commenced; and the call of the House being ordered and the absentees noted, the doors shall be

closed, and no member permitted to leave the room until the report of the sergeant-at-arms be received, and acted upon, or further proceedings in the call dispened with.

Amend rule 5, by adding thereto the following: " but it shall not be in order for a member to be excused after the House has commenced voting."

Amend rule 10, by inserting in the first line, after the word "speak," the following words," except in his place, nor.” Amend rule 14, by adding thereto the following: "excepting committees of conference."

Amend rule 38, by changing standing committee "on publie expenditures," to committee "on Territorial expenditures," and insert in additon, committee "on Legislative expenditures."

The report of the committee appointed to revise the joint rules, was taken up, and the question being put, it passed in the affirmative.

Ordered, That the Council be acquainted therewith.

Mr. Darling offered the following resolution, which was adopted, viz:

Resolved, That 60 copies of the standing rules of this House, and the joint rules of the two Houses, as now adopted, together with a list of the standing committees, be printed for the use of the members of this House.

Agreeably to notice previously given, and by leave Mr. Plat t introduced bills as follows, to wit:

No. 4, A bill concerning road taxes.

No. 5, A bill concerning justices of the peace.

Which were read a first and second times, and the former referred to the committee on roads, and the latter to the judiciary committee.

Mr. Darling moved that the House resolve itself into the committee of the whole House, on resolution No. 2 from Council, entitled "joint resolution relative to town government," and

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